The Life of Imam Ali Al - Hadi
The Lfe of Imam Ali Al - Hadi
A comprehensive and detailed biography and analysis of the life of our tenth Imam, Ali bin Muhammad al-Hadi [a]. Important notice: Important notice: Important Notice about This Text: The Ahlul Bayt DILP team wishes to inform the reader of some important points regarding this digitized text, which represents the English translation of a work originally written in Arabic.
Commentary on Prayer
This text explains in detail the meaning of Worship and Intention, as well as how different stages of worship are acquired. He then goes on to explain the different actions of Prayer in detail, such as the first Takbir, the recitation of the Suras
Survey into the Lives of the Infallible Imams
This text provides a good analysis of the lives of the Infallible Imams while presenting the different methods, struggles, and circumstances of each Imam and how they may have acted similarly or differently. However they have all acted as Allah (SWT) desired of them and that if each of the Imam were in the same position as the other Imams, they would’ve behaved similarly.
Anecdotes of The Ahlul Bayt
This text is a compilation of incidents, narrations and teachings from the lives of the 14 infallibles which help us in living our lives in total accordance with the laws of Islam. In this collection, Ayatullah Mutahhari only used reports that he found credible and which came from reliable sources.
Self building: An Islamic guide for spiritual migration towards God
An Islamic guide for Spiritual Migration towards GodA detailed description of special deeds as performed by God's most devoted sincere servants during their lives, the self- restraint and asceticism practiced by them during these worships, and the spiritual purification achieved by them. Original Persian title: Khud Sazi wa Tahzib wa Tazkiyeh Nafs.
Summary of Rulings
The English translation of the Risalatul Fiqh (text of Islamic Laws) of Grand Ayatullah Nasir Makarem Shirazi, with a helpful addition of a glossary of Arabic terms appended at the end for the benefit of non-Arabic speakers.