Society and History
Society and history
This text authored by Martyr Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari serves to present the Islamic approach to society and history. The author combined these two areas of study as the discussion of the problems that deal with society and history are closely related and this analysis reveals Islam’s profoundness in dealing with various issues.
Western civilization through Muslim eyes
The Author in the book highlights and answers some of the vital questions like: What is the position of Islam today, what is its task and what role should it and could it be playing in helping mankind out of the morass into which the divisive materialism of East and West threaten to plunge us one and all?
the life of imam hasan askari
To the pioneer of the human intellect,
To the establisher of human civilization,
To him who has filled the world with virtues and knowledge,
To the imam and teacher Ja’far as-Sadiq,
I offer humbly and reverently to his highness this effort about his grandson Imam Abu Muhammad al-Hasan al- Askari (a. s. ) who had raised the banner of truth and justice in the world of Islam, and I hope it will be accepted.
The Raince of he Secrets of Prayer
In this text, Muhsin Qara'ati explains in detail the meaning of Worship and Intention, as well as how different stages of worship are acquired. He then goes on to explain the different actions of Prayer in detail, such as the first Takbir, and the recitation of the Suras. The author explains each step throughly, outlining its importance and our understanding of the action.