🏳 From Hussain’s (PBUH) Ashura to the Reappearance of Mahdi (PBUH)
🔆 There are three categories of mourners…
First category: Although they do not abandon mourning and attend mourning sessions, they commit any sin which its conditions are fulfilled! Perception of such person of the uprising of Imam Hussein (PBUH) is incomplete.
Second category: Their hearts are pure and they mourn sincerely, but they do not know the purposes of mourning properly.
Third category: Those who know fair and useful points about Ashura and have linked their lives to Imam Hussein's (PBUH) goals, they are closer to the truth and seeking it. Their mourning is more effective.
🔆Also, the awaiting people…
The first category are the people who sin and commit mistakes, but because they are naturally searching for true peace, they await for the government of Imam Mahdi (PBUH).
The second category are those who are not sinful, but they have a very superficial view on the issue of awaiting. They weep over the separation, they also pray for the Reappearance and they try to satisfy Imam Mahdi (PBUH). Most of the Shias and Imam's lovers do this way.
The third category are those who fight against hegemony to their bones in addition to trying to improve themselves and others, like Ashuraic, which this kind of spirit is easily found among 313 people.
❓And now it is me and these three categories…
✅ The English Official Channel of Masaf Institute