One Hundred And Fifty Lessons for Life
Contents of this book
In the name of God, the Beneficient, the Merciful
Our greatest treasures of knowledge after the divine book, the holy quran, are the practices of the prophet (s. a. w. a. ) and the valuable traditions of the household of the prophet (s. a). These are the weighty things available to us after the demise of the prophet (s. a. w. a. ). Adherence to them prevents man from misguidance and error.
Unfortunately, these traditions which are an ocean of sciences and knowledge are not well known yet. There are many traditions which in one short phrase speak volumes in terms of useful lessons that can solve the problems of today�s man in many different areas of life.
This book is a selection of these traditions together with a translation and a brief description. It all started with the Friday weekly interpretation discussion meetings of the Assembly
of Religion and Science in the Imam Husain Masjid, Tehran. A tradition was selected and everybody practised it throughout the week as a lesson and many boys and girls also memorized it. The traditions were so well received that it was decided to publish them. This small book serves as a sample of Islam�s attributes for those who want to know Islam better through a short study. What is even more important in appreciating their worth is the practicing of these programs in our lives. So let us pray to God for success in understanding these traditions and then for being able to act on them.
Qum, Naaser Makarim Shirazi, 1976