Lohoof Sighs of Sorrow
Lohoof (Sighs of Sorrow)
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful All praise belongs to God, and his greetings and salutations be upon His Prophet Muhammad and his Household, the best and the purest creatures (p. b. u. h. ). The tragedy of Ashura has been a shock to the souls and consciences of human beings, and raised the emotions of the Muslims to expand their social activities. In that event the emotions and reasons of people were injured. The tears and mourning run through their faces; the hearts were drowning towards the place of martyrdom of the sons and househoulds of the holy Prophet and divine messenger. The love and affection of the Muslims, all those who trusted in the message of their grandfather, the holy Muhammad, were directed toward them; and caused the people to come nearer to each other. This terrible tragedy has always injured the souls of the pure human beings during the history, which will never recover. By the passage of time, more dimensions of the calamity become apparent. And, at the same time, the divine virtues and characteristics of the martyred innocent persons becomes more apparent to the generations and communities more and more. The Muslims reminded of the meaningful word of their holy Prophet who said, "Hussain is from me, and I am from Hussai! " This valuable tradition was a witness about the beginning and continuation of the pure religion of Islam. It began with the divine message brought by the holy Prophet, and continued by the terrible martyrdom of Imam Hussain (p. b. u. h. ). By that great sacrifice of the holy Imam, his household, and his prominent companions, he guaranteed the future survival of Islam.
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Nous vous proposons dans ce fascicule la traduction de la partie "introduction" du livret <<Tears for Karbala >> publié par notre Jamàt de Londres. L’original de "Tears for Karbala" (Des larmes pour Karbala) contient douze Madjàlissé Houssein (as) que nous sommes entrain de traduire et préparer pour publication future. Mais saisissant l’occasion de Moharramoul Haràm 97, nous avons tenu à vous offrir cette introduction, spécialement à nos enfants et à nos jeunes pour qu’ils puissent assimiler pleinement le climat spirituel et l’environnement géo-politique de l’époque ayant abouti au Grand Sacrifice de Karbala par Imàm Houssein (as). Allah (swt) a agréé le sacrifice du Prophète Ismàîl en épargnant sa vie et en le remplaçant par un bélier apporté de Djannat par l’Ange Gabriel, mais Il a dit au Prophète Ibràhim que cet agrément est conditionné par Un Sacrifice Suprême à venir Coran (37:107-108-109) < wa fadaynàhou bizibhîne ‘azîm. wa taraknà ‘alayhi fîl àkhirîne. salàmoun ‘alà ibràhim. > = "Et Nous le rançonnâmes d’une énorme immolation. Et c’est à lui que Nous laissâme la postérité. Paix sur Abraham " Le Prophète Mohammad (saw) est le seul prophète dans la lignée du Prophète Ismàîl, et c’est son petit fils bien-aimé, notre troisième Imàm Houssein ibné ‘Ali (as) qui s’est acquitté de cette rançon, afin de sauver l’Islàm de l’anéantissement, en accomplissant ce Sacrifice Suprême en offrant à Allàh (swt) sa vie, ses biens et la vie de ses enfants et de ses compagnons dans le desert de Karbala.