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His Supplication (A. S) in Bidding Farewell to the Month of Ramaz''aan 

part 1 

O Allah, O He who desires no repaymen! He who shows no remorse at bestowa! He who rewards not His servant tit for ta! Thy kindness is a new beginning, Thy pardon gratuitous bounty, 155 Thy punishment justice, Thy decree a choice for the best If Thou bestowest, Thou stainest not Thy bestowal with obligation, and if Thou withholdest, Thou withholdest not in transgression. Thou showest gratitude to him who thanks Thee, while Thou hast inspired him to thank Thee. Thou rewardest him who praises Thee, while though Thou hast taught him Thy praise. Thou coverest him whom, if Thou willed, Thou wouldst expose, and Thou art generous toward him from whom, if Thou willed, Thou wouldst withhold. Both are worthy of Thy exposure and withholding, but Thou hast founded Thy acts upon gratuitous bounty, channeled Thy power into forbearance, received him who disobeyed Thee with clemency, and disregarded him who intended wrongdoing against himself. Thou awaitest their turning back without haste and refrainest from rushing them toward repentance, so that the perisher among them may not perish because of Thee and the wretched may not be wretched through Thy favor, but only after Thy prolonged excusing him and successive arguments against him, as an act of generosity through Thy pardon, O Generous, and an act of kindliness through Thy tenderness, O Clemen! It is Thou who hast opened for Thy servants a door to Thy pardon, which Thou hast named 'repentance'. Thou hast placed upon that door a pointer from Thy revelation, lest they stray from it: Thou hast said (blessed are Thy names) , (Repent toward Allah with unswerving repentanc! It may be that Thy Lord will acquit you of your evil deeds and will admit you into gardens beneath which rivers flow, (upon the day when Allah will not degrade the Prophet and those who have faith along with him, their light running before them and of their right hands, and they say: 'Our Lord, complete for us our light, and forgive u! Surely Thou art powerful over everything. ) 156 What is the excuse of him who remains heedless of entering that house after the opening of the door and the setting up of the pointer? It is Thou who hast raised the price against Thyself to the advantage of Thy servants, desiring their profit in their trade with Thee, their triumph through reaching Thee and their increase on account of Thee, for Thou hast said (blessed is Thy Name and high art Thou exalted) , (whoso brings a good deed shall have ten the like of it, and those brings an evil deed shall only be recompensed the like of it). 157 Thou hast said, (The likeness of those who expend their wealth in the way of Allah is as the likeness of a grain of corn that sprouts seven ears, in every ear a hundred grains; so Allah multiplies unto whom He wills). 158 Thou hast said: (Who is he that will lend to Allah a good loan, and He will multiply it for him manifold? ) 159 And Thou hast sent down in the QURAN similar verses on the multiplying of good deeds. It is Thou who hast pointed them through Thy speech from Thy Unseen and Thy encouragement in which lies their good fortune toward that which - hadst Thou covered it from them - their eyes would not have perceived, their ears would not have heard, and their imaginations would not have grasped, for Thou hast said, (Remember Me, and I will remember you be thankful to Me, and be you not thankless towards M! ) 160 Thou hast said, (If you are thankful, surely I will increase you, but if you are thankless, My chastisement is surely terrible) ; 161 And Thou hast said, (Supplicate Me, and I will respond to you; surely those who wax too proud to worship Me shall enter GAHENNAM utterly abject). Hence Thou hast named supplicating Thee 'worship' and refraining from it 'waxing proud', and Thou hast threatened that the refraining from it would yield entrance into GAHENNAM in utterLY abject. 162 So they remember Thee for Thy kindness, they thank Thee for Thy bounty, they supplicate Thee by Thy command, and they donate for Thee in order to seek Thy increase; in all this lies their deliverance from Thy wrath and their triumph through Thy good pleasure. Were any creature himself to direct another creature to the like of that to which Thou Thyself hast directed Thy servants, he would be described by beneficence qualified by kindness, and praised by every tongue. So to Thee belongs praise as long as there is found a way to praise Thee and as long as there remains for praising words by which Thou may be praised and meanings which may be spent in prais! O He who shows Himself praiseworthy to His servants through beneficence and bounty, flooding them with kindness and graciousness How much Thy favor has been spread about among us, Thy kindness lavished upon us, and Thy goodness singled out for u! THOU HAST GUIDED US TO Thy religion which Thou hast chosen, Thy creed with which Thou art pleased, and Thy path which Thou hast made smooth, and Thou hast shown us proximity to Thee and arrival at Thy generosit! O Allah, among the choicest of those duties and the most special of those obligations Thou hast appointed the month of Ramadan, which Thou hast singled out from other months, chosen from among all periods and eras, and preferred over all times of the year through the QURAN and the Light which Thou sent down within it, the faith which Thou multiplied by means of it, the fasting which Thou obligated therein, the standing in prayer which Thou encouraged at its time, and the Night of Decree which Thou magnified therein, the night which is better than a thousand months. 163 Through it Thou hast preferred us over the other communities and through its excellence Thou hast chosen us to the exclusion of the people of the creeds. We fasted by Thy command in its daylight, we stood in prayer with Thy help in its night, presenting ourselves by its fasting and its standing to the mercy which Thou hast held up before us, and we found through it the means to Thy reward. And Thou art full of what is sought from Thee, munificent with what is asked of Thy bounty, and near to him who strives for Thy nearness. This month stood among us in a standing place of praise, accompanied us with the companionship of one approved, and profited us with the most excellent profit of the world's creatures. Then it parted from us at the completion of its time, the end of its term, and the fulfillment of its number. So we bid farewell to it with the farewell of one whose parting pains us, whose leaving fills us with gloom and loneliness, and to whom we have come to owe a safeguarded claim, an observed inviolability, a discharged right. We say: Peace be upon thee, O greatest month of Alla! O festival of His friend! Peace be upon thee, O most noble of accompanying time! O best of months in days and hour! Peace be upon thee, month in which expectations come near and good works are scattered abou! 

part 2

 Peace be upon thee, comrade who is great in worth when found and who torments through absence when lost, anticipated friend whose parting gives pai! Peace be upon thee, familiar who brought comfort in coming, thus making happy, who left loneliness in going, thus giving anguis! Peace be upon thee, neighbor in whom hearts became tender and sins became fe! Peace be upon thee, helper who aided against SATAN, companion who made easy the paths of good-doin! Peace be upon thee - How many became freedmen of Allah within the! How happy those who observed the respect due to the! Peace be upon thee - How many the sins thou erase! How many the kinds of faults thou covered ove! Peace be upon thee - How drawn out wert thou for the sinner! How awesome wert thou in the hearts of the faithfu! Peace be upon thee, month with which no days compet! Peace be upon thee, month which is peace in all affair! Peace be upon thee, thou whose companionship is not disliked, thou whose friendly mixing is not blame! Peace be upon thee, just as thou hast entered upon us with blessings and cleansed us of the defilement of offense! Peace be upon thee - Thou art not bid farewell in annoyance nor is thy fasting left in wearines! Peace be upon thee, object of seeking before thy time, object of sorrow before thy passin! Peace be upon thee - How much evil was turned away from us through the! How much good flowed upon us because of the! Peace be upon thee and upon the Night of Decree which is better than a thousand month! 164 Peace be upon thee - How much we craved thee yesterda! How intensely we shall yearn for thee tomorro! Peace be upon thee and upon thy bounty which has now been made unlawful to us and upon thy blessings gone by which have now been stripped away from u! O Allah, we are the people of this month, Through it Thou hast ennobled us and given us success because of Thy kindness, while the wretched are ignorant of its time. Made unlawful to them is its bounty because of their wretchedness. Thou art the patron of the knowledge of it by which Thou hast preferred us, and its prescribed practices to which Thou hast guided us. We have undertaken, through Thy giving success, its fasting and its standing in prayer, but with shortcomings, and we have performed little of much. O Allah, so to Thee belongs praise, in admission of evil doing and confession of negligence, and to Thee belongs remorse firmly knitted in our hearts seeking of pardon sincerely uttered by our tongues. Reward us, in spite of the neglect that befell us in this month, with a reward through which we may reach the bounty desired from it and win the varieties of its craved store! Make incumbent upon us Thy pardon for our falling short of Thy right in this month and make our lives which lie before us reach the coming month of Ramada! Once Thou hast made us reach it, help us perform the worship of which Thou art worthy, cause us to undertake the obedience which Thou deservest, and grant us righteous works that we may fulfill Thy right in these two months of the months of time. 165 O Allah, as for the small and large sins which we have committed in this our month, the misdeeds into which we have fallen, and the offenses which we have earned purposefully or in forgetfulness, wronging ourselves thereby or violating the respect due to others, bless Muhammad and his Household, cover us over with Thy covering, pardon us through Thy pardoning place us not before the eyes of the gloaters because of that, stretch not toward us the tongues of the defamers, and employ us in that which will alleviate and expiate whatever Thou disapprovest from us within it through Thy clemency which does not run out, and Thy bounty which does not diminis! O Allah, bless Muhammad and his Household, redress our being afflicted by our month, 166 bless us in this day of our festival and our fast-breaking, make it one of the best of days that have passed over us, the greatest in attracting Thy pardon, and the most effacing toward sins, and forgive us our sins, both the concealed and the publi! O Allah, with the passing of this month make us pass forth from our offenses, with its departure make us depart from our evil deeds, and appoint us thereby among its most felicitous people, the most plentiful of them in portion, and the fullest of them in shar! O Allah, when any person observes this month as it should be observed, safeguards its inviolability as it should be safeguarded, attends to its bounds as they should be attended to fears its misdeeds as they should be feared, or seeks nearness to Thee with any act of nearness-seeking which makes incumbent upon him Thy good pleasure give to us the like [of that]167 from Thy wealth bestow it upon us in multiples through Thy bounty, for Thy bounty does not diminish, Thy treasuries do not decrease but overflow, the mines of Thy beneficence are not exhausted, and Thy bestowal is the bestowal full of deligh! O Allah, bless Muhammad and his Household and write for us the like of the wages of him who fasted in it or worshiped Thee within it until the Day of Resurrectio! O Allah, we repent to Thee in our day of fast-breaking, which Thou hast appointed for the faithful a festival and a joy and for the people of Thy creed a time of assembly and gathering, from every misdeed we did, 

 ill work we sent ahead, or evil thought we secretly conceived, the repentance of one who does not harbor a return to sin and who afterwards will not go back to offense, an unswerving repentance rid of doubt and wavering. So accept from us, be pleased with us, and fix us within i! O Allah, provide us with fear of the threatened punishment and yearning for the promised reward, so that we may find the pleasure of that for which we supplicate Thee the sorrow of that from which we seek sanctuary in The! And place us with Thee among the repenters, those upon whom Thou hast made Thy love obligatory and from whom Thou hast accepted the return to obeying The! 168 O Most Just of the jus! O Allah, show forbearance toward our fathers and our mothers and all the people of our religion, those who have gone and those who will pass by, until the Day of Resurrectio! O Allah, bless our prophet Muhammad and his Household, as Thou hast blessed Thy angels brought nigh, bless him and his Household, as Thou hast blessed Thy prophets sent out, bless him and his Household, as Thou hast blessed Thy righteous servants - and better than that, O Lord of the world! - a blessing whose benediction will reach us, whose benefit will attain to us, and through which our supplication may be grante! Thou art the most generous of those who are beseeched, the most sufficient of those in whom confidence is had, the most bestowing of those from whom bounty is asked, and Thou art powerful over everythin! 169 

His Supplication (A. S) on the Day of Fast-Breaking and… 

His Supplication (A. S) on the Day of Fast-Breaking and on Friday When he finished his prayer, He would stand in place, face the QIBLA, and say: O He who has mercy upon him toward whom the servants show no merc! He who accepts him whom the cities will not accep! He who looks not down upon those who have need of Hi! He who disappoints not those who implore Hi! He who slaps not the brow of the people of boldness toward Him with rejectio! O He who collects the little that is given to Him and shows gratitude for the paltry that is done for Hi! O He who shows gratitude for the small and rewards with the grea! O He who comes close to him who comes close to Hi! O He who invites to Himself him who turns his back on Hi! O He who changes not favor and rushes not to vengeanc! 170 O He who causes the good deed to bear fruit so that He may make it grow, and overlooks the evil deed so that He may efface i! Hopes turn back with needs fulfilled short of the extent of Thy generosity, the cups of requests fill up with the overflow of Thy munificence, and attributes fill apart without reaching Thy description. For to Thee belongs the highest highness above everything high, and the most glorious majesty beyond every majesty Everything majestic before Thee is small, everything eminent beside Thy eminence vil! Those who reach other than Thee are disappointed, those who present themselves to other than Thee have lost, those who stay with other than Thee have perished, and those who retreat - except those who retreat to Thy bounty - are desolat! Thy door is open to the beseechers, Thy munificence free to the askers, Thy help near to the help-seeker! The expectant are not disappointed by Thee, those who present themselves despair not of Thy bestowal, the forgiveness-seekers become not wretched through Thy vengeanc! Thy provision is spread among those who disobey Thee, Thy clemency presents itself to those hostile toward Thee, Thy habit is beneficence toward the evildoers, and Thy wont is to spare the transgressors, so much so that Thy lack of haste deludes them from returning, and Thy disregard bars them from desistin! Thou actest without haste toward them so that they will come back to Thy command and Thou disregardest them, confident in the permanence of Thy kingdom, so Thou sealest him who is worthy of it with felicity, and Thou abandonest him who is worthy of it to wretchednes! All of them come home to Thy decree, their affairs revert to Thy command; Thy authority grows not feeble through their drawn out term, Thy proof is not refuted by the failure to hurry after them. Thy argument is established, never refuted, Thy authority fixed, never removed. Permanent woe belongs to him who inclines away from Thee, forsaking disappointment to him who is disappointed by Thee, and the most wretched wretchedness to him who is deluded about The! How much he will move about in Thy chastisemen! How long he will frequent Thy punishmen! How far his utmost end from relie! How he will despair of an easy exi! (All of this) as justice from Thy decree (Thou art not unjust in i! ) , and equity from Thy judgment (Thou dost not act wrongfully against hi! ). Thou supported the arguments, tested the excuses, began with threats, showed gentleness with encouragement, struck similitudes, made long the respite, delayed, while Thou art able to hurry, and acted without haste, while Thou art full of quick accomplishmen! NOT BECAUSE OF incapacity is Thy slowness, feebleness Thy giving respite, heedlessness Thy showing restraint, dissemblance Thy waitin! BUT THAT Thy argument be more conclusive, Thy generosity more perfect, Thy beneficence more exhaustive, Thy favor more complet! All of this has been and always was, is and ever will be. Thy argument is greater than that its totality be described, Thy glory more elevated than that it be limited in its core, Thy favor more abundant than that its entirety be counted, Thy beneficence more abundant than that thanks be given for its least amoun! Speechlessness has made me fall short of praising Thee, restraint has made me powerless to glorify Thee, and the most I can do is admit to inability, not out of desire, my God, but out of incapacity. So here I am: I repair to Thee by coming forward, and I ask from Thee good support So bless Muhammad and his Household, hear my whispered words, grant my supplication, seal not my day with disappointment, slap not my brow by rejecting my request, and make noble my coming from Thee and my going back to The! Surely Thou art not constrained by what Thou desirest, nor incapable of what Thou art aske! Thou art powerful over everything, 171 and 'There is no force and no strength save in Allah, the All-high, the All-mighty! 172 

His Supplication (A. S) on the Day of "A'RAFA"173 

part 1

 Praise belongs to Allah, Lord of the world! 174 O Allah, to Thee belongs prais! Originator of the heavens and the eart! Possessor of majesty and munificenc! Lord of lord! Object of worship of every worshipe! Creator of every creatur! Inheritor of all thing! 175 (There is nothing like Him) , 176 knowledge of nothing escapes Him, 177 He encompasses everything, 178 and He is watchful over everything. 179 Thou art Allah, there is no god but Thou, the Unique, the Alone, the Single, the Isolated. Thou art Allah, there is no god but Thou, the Generous, the Generously Bestowing, the All-mighty, the Mightily Exalted, the Magnificent, the Magnificently Magnified. Thou art Allah, there is no god but Thou, the All-high, the Sublimely High, the Strong in prowess Thou art Allah, there is no god but Thou, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate, the All-knowing, the All-wise. Thou art Allah, there is no god but Thou, the All-hearing, the All-seeing, the Eternal, the All-aware. Thou art Allah, there is no god but Thou, the Generous, the Most Generous, the Everlasting, the Most Everlasting. Thou art Allah, there is no god but Thou, the First before every one, the Last after every number. Thou art Allah, there is no god but Thou, the Close in His highness, the High in His closeness. Thou art Allah, there is no god but Thou, Possessor of radiance and glory, magnificence and praise. Thou art Allah, there is no god but Thou. Thou hast brought forth the things without root, formed what Thou hast formed without exemplar, and riginated the originated things without imitation. It is Thou who hast ordained each thing with an ordination, 180 eased each thing with an easing, 181 and governed everything below Thyself with a governing. 182 It is Thou whom no associate helps with Thy creation and no vizier aids in Thy command. Thou hast no witness and no equal. It is Thou who willed, and what Thou willed was unfailing, who decreed, and what Thou decreed was just, who decided, and what Thou decided was fair. IT IS THOU whom place does not contain, before whose authority no authority stands up, and whom no proof or explication can thwart. IT IS THOU who hast counted everything in numbers, 183 appointed for everything a term, and ordained everything with an ordination. IT IS THOU before whose selfness imaginations fall short, before whose HOWNESS understandings have no incapacity, and the place of whose WHERENESS eyes perceive not. 184 IT IS THOU who hast no bounds, lest Thou be bounded, who art not exemplified, lest Thou be found, who dost not beget, lest Thou be begotten. 185 IT IS THOU with whom there is no opposite, lest it contend with Thee, who hast no equal, lest it vie with Thee, who hast no rival, lest it resist Thee. IT IS THOU who art He who began, devised, brought forth, originated, and made well all that He made. Glory be to The! How majestic is Thy statio! How high Thy place among the place!. How cleanly Thy Separator cleaves with the trut! 186 Glory be to The! The Gentle - how gentle Thou ar! The Clement - how clement Thou ar! The Wise - how knowing Thou ar! Glory be to The! The King - how invincible Thou ar! The Munificent - how full of plenty Thou ar! The Elevated how - elevated Thou ar! Possessor of radiance and glory, magnificence and prais! Glory be to The! Thou hast stretched forth Thy hand with good things, and from Thee guidance has come to be known, so he who begs from Thee religion or this world will find Thee. Glory be to The! Whatever passes in Thy knowledge is subjected to Thee, all below Thy Throne are humbled before Thy mightiness, and every one of Thy creatures follows Thee in submission. Glory be to The! Thou art not sensed, nor touched, nor felt, nor beguiled, nor held back, nor challenged, nor kept up with, nor resisted, nor deceived, nor circumvented. Glory be to The! Thy path is smooth ground, Thy command right guidance, and Thou art a living, eternal refuge. Glory be to The! Thy word is decisive, Thy decree unfailing, Thy will resolute. Glory be to The! None can reject Thy wish, none can change Thy words. 187 Glory be to The! , Out-dazzling in signs, Creator of the heavens, Author of the spirit! To Thee belongs praise, a praise that will be permanent with Thy permanenc! To Thee belongs praise, a praise everlasting through Thy favo! To Thee belongs praise, a praise that will parallel Thy benefactio! To Thee belongs praise, a praise that will increase Thy good pleasur! To Thee belongs praise, a praise along with the praise of every praiser and a thanksgiving before which falls short the thanksgiving of every thanks-giver; a praise which is suitable for none but Thee and through which nearness is sought to none but Thee; a praise which will make permanent the first [bounty] and call forth the permanence of the last; a praise which will multiply through recurrence of times and 

 increase through successive doublings; a praise which the guardians will not be able to number and which exceeds what the writers number in Thy Book; 188 a praise which will counterbalance Thy glorious Throne and equal Thy elevated Footstool; a praise whose reward with Thee will be complete and whose recompense will comprise every recompense; a praise whose outward conforms to its inward, and whose inward conforms to correct intention; a praise with whose like no creature has praised Thee and whose excellence none knows but Thou; a praise in which he who strives to multiply Thy praise will be helped and he who draws the bow to the utmost in fulfilling it will be confirmed; a praise which will gather all the praise which Thou hast created and tie together all which Thou wilt afterwards create; a praise than which no praise is nearer to Thy word and than which none is greater from any who praise Thee; a praise whose fullness will obligate increase through Thy generosity and to which Thou wilt join increase after increase as graciousness from Thee; a praise that will befit the generosity of Thy face and meet the might of Thy majest! My Lord, bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad, the distinguished, the chosen, the honored, the brought nigh, with the most excellent of Thy blessings, benedict him with the most complete of Thy benedictions, and have mercy upon him with the most enjoyable of Thy mercie! My Lord, bless Muhammad and his Household with a fruitful blessing, more fruitful than which there is no blessin! 

part 2

 Bless him with a growing blessing, more growing than which there is no blessin! And bless him with a pleasing blessing, beyond which there is no blessin! My Lord, bless Muhammad and his Household with a blessing which will please him and increase his good pleasur! Bless him with a blessing which will please Thee and increase Thy good pleasure toward hi! And bless him with a blessing through other than which Thou wilt not be pleased for him, and for which Thou seest no one else worth! My Lord, bless Muhammad and his Household with a blessing which will pass beyond Thy good pleasure, be continuous in its continuity through Thy subsistence, and never be spent, just as Thy words will never be spen! 189 My Lord, bless Muhammad and his Household with a blessing which will tie together the blessings of Thy angels, Thy prophets, Thy messengers, and those who obey Thee, comprise the blessings of Thy servants, JINN or mankind, and those worthy of Thy response, and bring together the blessings of every one of the kinds of Thy creatures which Thou hast sown and authore! My Lord, bless Muhammad and his Household with a blessing which will encompass every blessing, bygone and ne! Bless him and his Household with a blessing which is pleasing to Thee and everyone below Thee and will bring forth with all that a blessing with which Thou wilt multiply those blessings and increase them through the recurrence of days with an increasing in multiples which none can count but Tho! My Lord, bless the best of his Household, those whom Thou hast chosen for Thy command, appointed the treasurers of Thy knowledge, the guardians of Thy religion, Thy vicegerents in Thy earth, and Thy arguments against Thy servants, purified from uncleanness and defilement through a purification by Thy desire,190 and made the mediation to Thee191 and the road to Thy Garde! My Lord, bless Muhammad and his Household with a blessing which makes plentiful Thy gifts and generosity, perfects for them Thy bestowals and awards, and fills out their share of Thy kindly acts and benefit! My Lord, bless him and his Household with a blessing whose first has no term, whose term has no limit, and whose last has no utmost en! My Lord, bless them to the weight of Thy Throne and all below it, the amount that fills the heavens and all above them, the number of Thy earths and all below and between them, a blessing that will bring them near to Thee in proximity, please Thee and them, and be joined to its likes foreve! O Allah, surely Thou hast confirmed Thy religion in all times with an Imam whom Thou hast set up as a guidepost to Thy servants and a lighthouse in Thy lands, after his cord has been joined to Thy cor! Thou hast appointed him the means to Thy good pleasure, made obeying him obligatory, cautioned against disobeying him, AND COMMANDED following his commands, abandoning his prohibitions, and that no forward-goer go ahead of him or back-keeper keep back from hi! 192 So he is the preservation of the shelter-seekers, the cave of the faithful, the handhold of the adherents, and the radiance of the world! O Allah, so inspire Thy guardian193 to give thanks for that in which Thou hast favored him, inspire us with the like concerning him, grant him an authority from Thee to help him, 194 open for him an easy opening, 195 aid him with Thy mightiest pillar, brace up his back, 196 strengthen his arm, 197 guard him with Thy eye, defend him with Thy safeguarding, help him with Thy angels, and assist him with Thy most victorious troop! 198 Through him establish Thy Book, Thy bounds, Thy laws, and the norms of Thy Messenger's SUNNA (Thy blessings, O Allah, be upon him and his Household) , bring to life the guideposts of Thy religion, deadened by the wrongdoers, burnish the rust of injustice from Thy way, sift the adversity from Thy road, eliminate those who deviate from Thy path, and erase those who seek crookedness in Thy straightnes! Make his side mild toward Thy friends, stretch forth his hand over Thy enemies, give us his clemency, his mercy, his tenderness, his sympathy, and MAKE US his hearers and obeyers, strivers toward his good pleasure, assistants in helping him and defending him, and brought near through that to Thee and Thy Messenger (Thy blessings, O Allah, be upon him and his Household). O Allah, and bless the friends (of the Imams) , the confessors of their station, the keepers to their course, the pursuers of their tracks, the clingers to their handhold, the adherents to their guardianship, 199 the followers of their Imamate, the submitters to their command, the strivers to obey them, the awaiters of their days, the directors of their eyes toward them, with blessings blessed, pure, growing, fresh, and fragran! Give them and their spirits peace, bring together their affair in reverential fear, set right their situations, turn toward them, Surely Those art Ever-turning, All-compassionate200 and the Best of forgivers, and place us with them in the Abode of Peace201, through Thy mercy, O Most Merciful of the mercifu! O Allah, this is the Day of' A'rafa, a day which Thou hast made noble, given honor, and magnified. Within it Thou hast spread Thy mercy, showed kindness through Thy pardon, and made plentiful Thy giving, and by it Thou hast been bounteous toward Thy servants. O Allah, I am Thy servant whom Thou favored before creating him and after creating him. Thou madest him one of those whom Thou guided to Thy religion, gavest success in fulfilling Thy right, preserved through Thy cord, included within Thy party, and directed aright to befriend Thy friends and show enmity to Thine enemies. Then Thou commanded him, but he did not follow Thy commands, Thou restricted Him, but he did not heed Thy restrictions, Thou prohibited him from disobedience toward Thee, but he broke Thy command by doing what Thou hadst prohibited, 

 not in contention with Thee, nor to display pride toward Thee; on the contrary, he was helped in that by Thy enemy and his enemy. So he went ahead with it knowing Thy threat, hoping for Thy pardon, and relying upon Thy forbearance, though he was the most obligated of Thy servants - given Thy kindness toward him - not to do so. Here I am, then, before Thee, despised, lowly, humble, abject, fearful, confessing the dreadful sins with which I am burdened and the great offenses that I have committed, seeking sanctuary in Thy forgiveness, asking shelter in Thy mercy, and certain that no sanctuary-giver will give me sanctuary from Thee and no withholder will hold me back from Thee. 

part 3 

So act kindly toward me, just as Thou actest kindly by Thy shielding him who commits sins, be munificent toward me, just as Thou art munificent by pardoning him who throws himself before Thee, and show kindness to me, just as it is nothing great for Thee to show kindness by forgiving him who expectantly hopes in The! Appoint for me in this day an allotment through which I may attain a share of Thy good pleasure, and send me not back destitute of that with which Thy worshipers return from among Thy servant! Though I have not forwarded the righteous deeds which they have forwarded, I have forwarded the profession of Thy Unity and the negation from Thee of opposites, rivals, and likenesses, I have come to Thee by the gateways by which Thou hast commanded that people come, and I have sought nearness to Thee through that without seeking nearness through which none gains nearness to Thee. Then I followed all this with repeated turning toward Thee, lowliness and abasement before Thee, opinion of Thee, and trust in what is with Thee; and to that I coupled hope in Thee, since the one who hopes in Thee is seldom disappointe! I asked Thee with the asking of one vile, lowly, pitiful, poor, fearful, seeking sanctuary; all that in fear and pleading seeking refuge and asking shelter, not presumptuous through the pride of the proud, nor exalting myself with the boldness of the obedient, nor presumptuous of the intercession of the interceders. FOR I AM STILL the least of the least and the lowliest of the lowly, like a dust mote or les! O He who does not hurry the evildoers nor restrain those living in eas! 202 O He who shows kindness through releasing the stumblers and gratuitous bounty through respiting the offender! I am the evildoer, the confessor, the offender, the stumble! I am he who was audacious toward Thee as one insolen! I am he who disobeyed Thee with forethough! I am he who hid myself from Thy servants and blatantly showed myself to The! 203 I am he who was awed by Thy servants and felt secure from The! I am he who dreaded not Thy penalty and feared not Thy severit! I am the offender against himsel! I am the hostage to his own afflictio! I am short in sham! I am long in sufferin! By the right of him whom Thou hast distinguished among Thy creation and by him whom Thou hast chosen for Thysel! By the right of him whom Thou hast selected from among Thy creatures and by him whom Thou hast picked for Thy tas! By the right of him the obeying of whom Thou hast joined to obeying Thee, and by him the disobeying of whom Thou hast made like disobeying The! And by the right of him whose friendship Thou hast bound to Thy friendship and by him whose enmity Thou hast linked to Thine enmit! Shield me in this day of mine, by that through which Thou shieldest him who prays fervently to Thee while disavowing and him who seeks refuge in Thy forgiveness while repentin! Attend to me with that through which Thou attendest to the people of obedience toward Thee, proximity to Thee, and rank with The! Single me out, as Thou singlest him out who fulfills Thy covenant, fatigues himself for Thy sake alone, and exerts himself in Thy good pleasur! TAKE ME NOT TO TASK FOR my neglect in respect to Thee, my transgressing the limit in Thy bounds, and stepping outside Thy ordinance! Draw me not on little by little by granting me a respite, 204 like the drawing on little by little of him who withholds from me the good he has by not sharing with Thee in letting favor down upon m! AROUSE ME FROM the sleep of the heedless, the slumber of the prodigal, and the dozing of the forsake! Take my heart to that in which Thou hast employed the devout, enthralled the worshipers, and rescued the remis! Give me refuge from that which will keep me far from Thee, come between me and my share from Thee, and bar me from that which I strive for in The! Make easy for me the road of good deeds toward Thee; racing to them from where Thou hast commanded, and coveting them as Thou desires! Efface me not along with those whom Thou effacest for thinking lightly of what Thou hast promise! Destroy me not with those whom Thou destroyest for exposing themselves to Thy hat! Annihilate me not among those whom Thou annihilatest for deviating from Thy road! Deliver me from the floods of trial, save me from the gullets of affliction, and grant me sanctuary from being seized by respit! 205 Come between me and the enemy who misguides me, the caprice which ruins me, and the failing which overcomes m! Turn not away from me with the turning away in wrath from one with whom Thou art not please! Let me not lose heart in expecting from Thee, lest I be overcome by despair of Thy merc! Grant me not that which I cannot endure, lest Thou weighest me down with the surplus of Thy love which Thou loadest upon m! Send me not from Thy hand, the sending of him who possesses no good, toward whom Thou hast no need, and who turns not back [to Thee! Cast me not with the casting of him who has fallen from the eye of Thy regard and been wrapped in degradation from The! Rather take my hand [and save me] from the falling of the stumblers, the disquiet of the deviators, the slip of those deluded, and the plight of the perisher! Release me from that with which Thou hast afflicted the ranks of Thy servants and handmaids and make me reach the utmost degrees of him about whom Thou art concerned, towards whom Thou showest favor, and with whom Thou art pleased, so that Thou lettest him live as one praiseworthy and takest him to Thee as one felicitou! Collar me with the collar of abstaining from that which 

 makes good deeds fail and takes away blessing! Impart to my heart restraint before ugly works of evil and disgraceful misdeed! Divert me not by that which I cannot reach except through Thee from doing that which alone makes Thee pleased with m! 206 Root out from my heart the love of this vile world, which keeps from everything which is with Thee, bars from seeking the mediation to Thee, 207 and distracts from striving for nearness to The! Embellish for me solitude in prayer whispered to Thee by night and by da! Give me a preservation which will bring me close to dread of Thee, cut me off from committing things made unlawful by Thee, and spare me from captivation by dreadful sin! 

part 4 

Give me purification from the defilement of disobedience, take away from me the filth of offenses, dress me in the dress of Thy well-being, cloak me in the cloak of Thy release, wrap me in Thy ample favors, and clothe me in Thy bounty and Thy graciousness Strengthen me with Thy giving success and Thy pointing the right way, help me toward righteous intention, pleasing words, and approved works, and entrust me not to my force and my strength in place of Thy force and Thy strengt! Degrade me not on the day Thou raisest me up to meet Thee, disgrace me not before Thy friends, make me not forget remembering Thee, take not away from me thanking Thee, but enjoin it upon me in states of inattention when the ignorant are heedless of Thy boons, and inspire me to laud what Thou hast done for me and confess to what Thou hast conferred upon m! Place my beseeching Thee above the beseeching of the beseechers and my praise of Thee above the praise of the praiser! Abandon me not with my neediness for Thee, destroy me not for what I have done for Thee, 208 and slap not my brow with that with which Thou slappest the brow of those who contend with Thee, for I am submitted to Thee. I know that the argument is Thine, and that Thou art closest to bounty, most accustomed to beneficence, worthy of reverent fear, and worthy of forgiveness,209 that Thou art closer to pardoning than to punishing, and that Thou art nearer to covering over than to making notoriou! Let me live an agreeable life that will tie together what I want and reach what I love while I not bring what Thou dislikest and not commit what Thou hast prohibited; and make me die the death of him whose light runs before him and on his right han! 210 Abase me before Thyself and exalt me before Thy creatures, lower me when I am alone with Thee and raise me among Thy servants, free me from need for him who has no need of me and increase me in neediness and poverty toward The! Give me refuge from the gloating of enemies, the arrival of affliction, lowliness and suffering Shield me in what Thou seest from me, the shielding of him who would have power over violence had he no clemency, and would seize for misdeeds had he no lack of hast! When Thou desirest for a people a trial or an evil, deliver me from it, for I seek Thy shelter; and since Thou hast not stood me in the station of disgrace in this world of Thine, stand me not in such a station in the next world of Thin! Couple for me the beginnings of Thy kindnesses with their ends and the ancient of Thy benefits with the freshly rise! Prolong not my term with a prolonging through which my heart will harde! 211 Strike me not with a striking that will take away my radianc! 212 Visit me not with a meanness that will diminish my worth or a deficiency that will keep my rank unknow! Frighten me not with a fright by which I will despair or a terror through which I will dread, BUT MAKE ME stand in awe of Thy threat, take precautions against Thy leaving no excuses213 and Thy warning, and tremble at the recitation of Thy verse! Fill my night with life by keeping me awake therein for worshiping Thee, solitude with vigil for Thee, exclusive devotion to reliance upon Thee, setting my needs before Thee, and imploring that Thou wilt set my neck free from the Fire and grant me sanctuary from Thy chastisement, within which its inhabitants dwel! Leave me not blindly wandering in my insolence214 or inattentive in my perplexity for a time, 215 MAKE ME NOT an admonition to him who takes admonishment, a punishment exemplary for him who takes heed, a trial for him who observes, devise not against me along with those against whom Thou devisest, replace me not with another, change not my name, 216 transform not my body, 217 appoint me not a mockery for Thy creatures, a laughing-stock for Thyself, a follower of anything but Thy good pleasure, a menial servant for anything but avenging The! LET ME FIND the coolness of Thy pardon and the sweetness of Thy mercy, Thy repose, Thy ease, and the garden of Thy blis! 218 Let me taste, through some of Thy boundless plenty, the flavor of being free for what Thou lovest and striving in what brings about proximity with Thee and to Thee, and give me a gift from among Thy gift! Make my commerce profitable219 and my return without loss, 220 fill me with fear of Thy station, make me yearn for the meeting with Thee, and allow me to repent with an unswerving repentance along with which Thou lettest no sins remain, small or large, and leavest no wrongs, open or secre! Root out rancor toward the faithful from my breast, 221 bend my heart toward the humble, be toward me as Thou art toward the righteous, adorn me with the adornment of the god-fearing, appoint for me a goodly report222 among those yet to come and a growing remembrance among the later folk, and take me to the plain of those who came firs! 223 Complete the lavishness of Thy favor upon me, clothe me in its repeated generosities, fill my hand with Thy benefits, drive Thy generous gifts to me, make me the neighbor of the best of Thy friends in the Gardens which Thou hast adorned for Thy chosen, and wrap me in Thy noble presents in the stations prepared for Thy beloved! APPOINT FOR ME a resting place with Thee where I may seek haven in serenity, and a resort to which I may revert and rest my eyes, weigh not against me my dreadful misdeeds, destroy me not on the day the secrets are tried, 224 eliminate from me every doubt and uncertainty, appoint for me a way in the truth from every mercy, make plentiful for me the portions of gifts from Thy granting of awards, and fill out for me the shares of beneficence from Thy bestowal of bount! Make my heart trust in what is with Thee and my concern free for what is Thine, employ me in that in which Thou employest Thy pure friends, drench my heart with Thy obedience when intellects are distracted, and COMBINE WITHIN ME independence continence, ease, release, health, plenty, tranquility, and well-bein! Make not fail my good deeds through my disobedience that stains them or my private times of worship through the instigations of Thy tria! Safeguard my face from asking from anyone in the world, and drive me far from begging for that which is with the ungodly Make me not an aid to the wrongdoers, nor their hand and helper in erasing Thy Boo! Defend me whence I know not with a defense through which Thou protectest m! Open toward me the gates of Thy repentance, Thy mercy, Thy clemency, and Thy boundless provisio! Surely I am one of those who beseech The! And complete Thy favor toward m! 

 Surely Thou art the best of those who show favo! Place the rest of my life in the Haj and the U'mra seeking Thy face, O Lord of the world! And may Allah bless Muhammad and his Household, the good, the pure, and peace be upon him and them always and forever 

His Supplication (A. S) on the Day of Sacrifice225 and on Friday 

part 1

 O Allah, this is a blessed and fortunate day, within which the Muslims are gathered in the quarters of Thy earth. Among them are present the asker, the seeker, the beseecher, the fearful, while Thou art looking upon their needs So ask Thee by Thy munificence and generosity - and easy upon Thee is what I ask The! - that Thou blessest Muhammad and his Household. And I ask Thee, O Allah, our Lord - for Thine is the kingdom and Thine is the praise; there is no god but Thou, the Clement, the Generous, the All-loving, the All-kind, Possessor of majesty and munificence, Originator of the heavens and the earth - whenever Thou apportionest among Thy faithful servants good, well-being, blessing, guidance, works in obedience to Thee, or good through which Thou art kind to them by guiding them to Thee, or raisest them up a degree with Thee, or givest them the good of this world or the next, that Thou givest me amply my share and allotment of it. And I ask Thee, O Allah - for Thine is the kingdom and the praise; there is no god but Thou - that Thou blessest Muhammad, Thy servant and Thy messenger, Thy beloved and Thy selected friend, Thy chosen from among Thy creation, and the Household of Muhammad, the pious, the pure, the chosen, with a blessing no one has strength to count but Thou, that Thou associatest us with the most righteous of Thy faithful servants who supplicate Thee today — O Lord of the world! - and that Thou forgivest us and the! Surely Thou art powerful over everything. 226 O Allah, toward Thee I aim with my need and before Thee I set my poverty, my neediness, my misery, for I have more trust in Thy forgiveness and Thy mercy than in my own works. Thy forgiveness and Thy mercy are vaster than my sins. So bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad, and attend to the accomplishment of every need of mine through Thy power over it, its easiness for Thee, my poverty toward Thee, and Thy freedom from need for m! I WILL COME UPON no good whatsoever unless through Thee, no one other than Thou will turn any evil away from me, and I have hope in none but Thee for my affair in the next world and in this world. O Allah, if anyone has ever arranged, made ready, prepared, and drawn himself up to be received by a creature in hope of his support and awards, and in seeking to attain to him and his prize. then today toward Thee, my Master, is my arrangement, my making ready, my preparation, and my drawing up, in hope of Thy pardon and support and in seeking to attain to Thee and Thy prize. O Allah, so bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad, and disappoint not my hope in that toda! O He who is not troubled by those who ask and diminished by those who attain their desir! I come not before Thee trusting in a righteous work I have sent ahead, nor in the intercession of any creature in whom I have hope, except the intercession of Muhammad and the Folk of his House (upon him and upon them be Thy peace). I come to Thee admitting sin and evil doing toward myself. I come to Thee hoping for Thy abounding pardon through which Thou hast pardoned the offenders, while their long persistence in dreadful sin did not prevent Thee from returning toward them with mercy and forgivenes! He whose mercy is wide and whose pardon is aboundin! O All-might! O All-might! O All-generou! O All-generou! Bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad, return toward me through Thy mercy, be tender toward me through Thy bounty, and spread out Thy forgiveness upon m! O Allah, this station belongs to Thy vicegerents, Thy chosen, while the places of Thy trusted ones in the elevated degree which Thou hast singled out for them have been forcibly strippe! 227 But Thou art the Ordainer of that - Thy command is not overcome, the inevitable in Thy governing is not oversteppe! However Thou willest and whenever Thou willes! In that which Thou knowest best, Thou art not accused for Thy creation or Thy wil! Then Thy selected friends, Thy vicegerents, were overcome, vanquished, forcibly stripped; they see Thy decree replaced, Thy Book discarded, Thy obligations distorted from the aims of Thy laws, and the SUNNA of Thy Prophet abandone! part 2 O Allah, CURSE THEIR ENEMIES among those of old and the later folk, and all those pleased with their acts, and their adherents and follower! O Allah bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad (surely Thou art All-O Allah,laudable, All-glorious) like Thy blessing, benedictions, and salutations upon Thy chosen Abraham and the people of Abraha! O Allah, and hasten for them relief, ease, help, strengthening, and confirmatio! make me one of the people who profess Thy Unity, have faith in Thee, and attest to Thy Messenger and the Imams toward whom Thou hast enjoined obedience, and one of those through whom and at whose hands this takes plac! 228 Amen, Lord of the world! O Allah, nothing repels Thy wrath but Thy clemency, nothing repels Thy displeasure but Thy pardon, nothing grants sanctuary from Thy punishment but Thy mercy, and nothing will deliver me from Thee except pleading to Thee before Thee, 229 so bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad, and give us on Thy part, my God, relief by means of the power through which Thou bringest the dead servants to life and 

 revivest the dead lands. 230 Destroy me not through gloom, my God, before Thou respondest to me and givest me the knowledge of Thy response to my supplicatio! Let me taste the flavor of well-being to the end of my ter! And let not my enemy gloat over me, place not my neck in his power, and give him not authority over m! My God, if Thou raisest me up, who is there to push me down? If Thou pushest me down, who is there to raise me up? If Thou honourest me, who is there to humiliate me? If Thou humiliatest me, who is there to honor me? If Thou chastisest me, who is there to have mercy upon me? If Thou destroyest me, who is there to stand up for Thy servant against or ask Thee about his affair? But I know that there is no wrong in Thy decree and no hurry in Thy vengeance. He alone hurries who fears to miss, and only the weak needs to wrong. But Thou art exalted, my God, high indeed above all tha! O Allah, bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad, make me not the target of affliction nor the object of Thy vengeance, respite me, comfort me, release me from my stumble, and afflict me not with an affliction in the wake of an affliction, for Thou hast seen my frailty, the paucity of my stratagems, and my pleading to The! I seek refuge in Thee today, my God, from Thy wrath, so bless Muhammad and his Household and give me refug! I seek sanctuary in Thee today from Thy displeasure, so bless Muhammad and his Household, and give me sanctuar! I ask Thee security from Thy chastisement, so bless Muhammad and his Household, and give me securit! I seek guidance from Thee, so bless Muhammad and his Household and guide m! I seek help from Thee, so bless Muhammad and his Household and help m! I ask Thee for mercy, so bless Muhammad and his Household and have mercy upon m! I seek sufficiency from Thee, so bless Muhammad and his Household and suffice m! I seek provision from Thee, so bless Muhammad and his Household and provide for m! I seek assistance from Thee, so bless Muhammad and his Household and assist m! I pray forgiveness for my past sins, so bless Muhammad and his Household and forgive me. I ask Thee to preserve me from sin, so bless Muhammad and his Household and preserve me, for I will not return to anything Thou dislikest from me, if Thou willest tha! My Lor! My Lor! O All-lovin! O All-kin! O Possessor of majesty and munificenc! Bless Muhammad and his Household, and grant me everything that I ask from Thee, seek from Thee, and beseech from The! Will it, ordain it, decree it, and accomplish i! Give me good in that of it which Thou decrees! Bless me in that, be gratuitously bountiful toward me through it, make me happy in that of it which Thou givest to me, and increase me in Thy bounty and the plenty of what is with Thee, for Thou art Boundless, Generou! And link that to the good and the bliss of the next world, O Most Merciful of the mercifu! THEN YOU SUPPLICATE AS SEEMS PROPER TO YOU AND YOU CALL DOWN BLESSINGS ON Muhammad AND HIS HOUSEHOLD ONE THOUSAND TIMES. THIS IS WHAT HE USED TO DO (UPON HIM BE PEACE) 

His Supplication (A. S) in Repelling the Trickery of Enemies and Driving away their Severity

 My God, Thou guided me but I diverted myself, Thou admonished me but my heart became hardened, Thou tried me graciously but I disobeyed. Then, when Thou caused me to know it, I came to know that from which Thou hadst turned [me] away, so I prayed forgiveness and Thou released, and I returned and Thou covered over. So Thine, my God, is the prais! I plunged into the valleys of destruction and settled in the ravines of ruin, exposing myself to Thy chastisements and the descent of Thy punishment! My mediation with Thee is the profession of Unity, my way of coming to Thee that I associate nothing with Thee, nor do I take along with Thee a god; I have fled to Thee with my soul - in Thee is the place of flight for the evildoer, the place of escape for him who has squandered the share of his soul and seeks asylum. How many an enemy has unsheathed the sword of his enmity toward me, honed the cutting edge of his knife for me, sharpened the tip of his blade for me, mixed his killing potions for me, pointed toward me his straight-flying arrows, not allowed the eye of his watchfulness to sleep toward me, and secretly thought of visiting me with something hateful and making me gulp down the bitter water of his bil! So Thou looked, my God, at my weakness in bearing oppressive burdens, my inability to gain victory over him who aims to war against me, and my being alone before the great numbers of him who is hostile toward me and lies in wait for me with an affliction about which I have not thought. Thou set out at once to help me and Thou braced up my bac! Thou blunted for me his blade, made him, after a great multitude, solitary, raised up my heel over him, and turned back upon him what he had pointed straight. So Thou sent him back, his rage not calmed, his burning thirst not quenche! Biting his fingers, he turned his back in flight, his columns having been of no use. How many an oppressor has oppressed me with his tricks, set up for me the net of his snares, appointed over me the inspection of his regard, and lay in ambush for me, the lying in ambush of a predator for its game, waiting to take advantage of its prey, while he showed me the smile of the flatterer and looked at me with the intensity of fur! So when Thou saw, my God, (blessed art Thou and high exalted) the depravity of his secret thoughts and the ugliness of what he harbored, Thou threw him on his head into his own pitfall and dumped him into the hole of his own digging. So he was brought down low, after his overbearing, by the nooses of his own snare, wherein he had thought he would see me; and what came down upon his courtyard - had it not been for Thy mercy - was on the point of coming down upon m! How many an envier has choked upon me in his agony, fumed over me in his rage, cut me with the edge of his tongue, showed malice toward me by accusing me of his own faults, made my good repute the target of his shots, collared me with his own constant defects, showed malice toward me with his trickery, and aimed at me with his trick! So I called upon Thee, my God, seeking aid from Thee, trusting in the speed of Thy response, knowing that he who seeks heaven in the shadow of Thy win will not be mistreated, and he who seeks asylum in the stronghold of Thy victory will not be frightened. So Thou fortified me against his severity through Thy power. | How many a cloud of detested things Thou hast dispelled from me, a cloud of favor Thou hast made rain down upon me, a stream of mercy Thou hast let flow, a well-being in which Thou hast clothed me, an eye of mishap Thou hast blinded, and a wrap of distress Thou hast remove! How many a good opinion Thou hast verified, a destitution Thou hast redressed, an infirmity Thou hast restored to health, and a misery Thou hast transforme! All of that was favor and graciousness from Thee, and in all of it I was occupied with acts of disobeying Thee. My evil doing did not hinder Thee from completing Thy beneficence, nor was I stopped from committing acts displeasing to Thee. Thou art not questioned as to what Thou dos! 231 Thou wert asked, and Thou bestowed. Thou wert not asked, and Thou began. Thy bounty was requested, and Thou didst not skimp. Thou refused, my Master, everything but beneficence, kindness, graciousness, and favor, and I refused everything but plunging into what Thou hast made unlawful, transgressing Thy bounds, and paying no heed to Thy threa! So Thine is the praise, my God, the All-powerful who is not overcome, and the Possessor of patient waiting who does not hurr! This is the station of one who confesses to lavishness of favors, counters them with shortcomings, and bears witness to his own negligence. O Allah, so I seek nearness to Thee through the elevated rank of Muhammad and the radiant degree of A'LI, and I turn to Thee through them so that Thou wilt give me refuge from the evil of [so and so], 232 for that will not constrain Thee in Thy wealth, nor trouble Thee in Thy power, and Thou art powerful over everythin! 233 So give me, my God, by Thy mercy and Thy lasting bestowal of success, that which I may take as a ladder with which 

 to climb to Thy good pleasure and be secure from Thy punishment, O Most merciful of the mercifu! 

His Supplication (A. S) in Fear

 O Allah, Thou created me without fault, nurtured me when small, and provided me with sufficiency. O Allah, I found in the Book which Thou sent down and through which Thou gave good news to Thy servants, that Thou said, (O My servants who have been prodigal against yourselves, do not despair of Allah's mercy, surely Allah forgives all sins) , 234 but there has gone ahead from me what Thou knowest (and of which Thou knowest more than I)! O the shame of what Thy Book has counted against m! 235 Were it not for the places where I expectantly hope for Thy pardon, which enfolds all things, I would have thrown myself down [in despair! Were anyone able to flee from his Lord, I would be the most obligated to flee from The! But not a secret in earth and heaven is concealed from Thee, except that Thou bringest it. 236 Thou sufficest as a recompense! Thou sufficest as a reckone! 237 O Allah, surely Thou wouldst seek me if I flee and catch me if I run. So here I am before Thee, abject, lowly, abased. If Thou chastisest me, I am worthy of that, and it would be, my Lord, an act of justice from Thee. But if Thou pardonest me, anciently has Thy pardon enfolded me and Thy well-being garmented m! So I ask Thee, O Allah, by Thy names stored in Thy treasury238 and Thy splendor masked by the veil! If Thou hast no mercy upon this anxious soul and these uneasy, decaying bones - he cannot endure the heat of Thy sun, so how can he endure the heat of Thy Fire? He cannot endure the sound of Thy thunder, so how can he endure the sound of Thy wrath? So have mercy upon me, O Allah, for I am a vile man and my worth is little. Chastising me will not add the weight of a dust mote to Thy kingdom. Were chastising me something that would add to Thy kingdom, I would ask Thee for patience to bear it and would love for it to belong to Thee; but Thy authority, my God, is mightier, and Thy kingdom more lasting, than that the obedience of the obeyers should increase it or the disobedience of the sinners diminish i! So have mercy upon me, O Most Merciful of the merciful Show me forbearance, O Possessor of majesty and munificenc! And turn toward me, Surely Thou art Ever-turning, All-Compassionat! 239 

His Supplication (A. S) in Pleading and Abasement

 My God, I praise Thee - and Thou art worthy of praise - for Thy benefaction toward me, the lavishness of Thy favors toward me, and Thy plentiful bestowal upon me, and for showing bounty toward me through Thy mercy and lavishing Thy favor upon me. Thou hast done well toward me and I am incapable of thanking Thee. Were it not for Thy beneficence toward me and the lavishness of Thy favors upon me, I would not have reached the taking of my share nor would my soul have been set right, but Thou began with beneficence toward me, provided me sufficiency in all my affairs, turned away from me the toil of affliction, and held back from me the feared decree. My God, how many a toilsome affliction which Thou hast turned away from m! How many a lavish favor with which Thou hast gladdened my ey! How many a generous benefaction of Thine which is present with m! It is Thou who responded to my supplication at the time of distress, released me from my slip in stumbling, and took my enemies to task for doing wrong to me. a miser when I asked of Thee My God, I did not find Thee nor a withholder when I desired from Thee. No, I found Thee a hearer of my supplication and a bestower of my requests; I found Thy favors toward me lavish in my every situation in my every time. So Thou art praised by me and Thy benefaction honored. My soul, my tongue, and my intelligence praise Thee, a praise that reaches fulfillment and the reality of thanksgiving, a praise that attains to Thy good pleasure with me - so deliver me from Thy displeasur! O my cave when the ways thwart m! O He who releases me from my stumbl! Were it not for Thy covering my shameful defects, I would be one of the disgraced. O my confirmer through hel! Were it not for Thy helping me, I would be one of the overcom! O He before whom kings place the yoke of lowliness around their necks, fearing His penaltie! O worthy of reverent fea! O He to whom belong the names most beautifu! 240 I ask Thee to pardon me and to forgive me, for I am not innocent that I should offer excuses, nor a possessor of strength that I should gain victory, nor have I any place of flight that I should fle! I ask Thee to release me from my stumbles, and before Thee I disavow my sins, which have laid me waste, encompassed me, and destroyed m! I flee from them to Thee, my Lord, turning repentantly, so turn toward me, seeking refuge, so grant me refuge, asking sanctuary, so abandon me not, requesting, so deprive me not, holding fast, so leave me not, supplicating, so send me not back disappointe! I have supplicated Thee, my Lord, as one miserable, abased, apprehensive, fearful, quaking, poor, driven to have recourse to The! I complain to Thee, my God, of my soul - which is too weak to hurry to that which Thou hast promised Thy friends or to avoid that against which Thou hast cautioned Thy enemies - and of the multitude of my concerns, and of my soul's confusing thoughts. My God, Thou hast not disgraced me through my secret thoughts or destroyed me because of my misdeed! I call upon Thee, and Thou respondest, even if I am slow when Thou callest upon me. I ask Thee everything I want of my needs, and I deposit with Thee my secret wherever I may be. I supplicate no one besides Thee, and I hope for no one other than Thee. At Thy servic! At Thy servic! Thou hearest him who complains to The! Thou receivest him who has confidence in The! Thou savest him who holds fast to The! Thou givest relief to him who seeks shelter in The! My God, so deprive me not of the good of the last world and the first because of the paucity of my thanksgiving and forgive me the sins of mine which Thou knowes! If Thou chastisest, I am the wrongdoer, the neglecter, the negligent, the sinner, the derelict, the sluggard, the heedless of the share of my soul and if Thou forgivest - Thou art the Most Merciful of the mercifu! 

His Supplication (A. S) in Imploring Allah (exalted is He (O Allah, from whom nothing is concealed in earth or heaven

 How should what Thou hast created, my God, be concealed from Thee? How shouldst Thou not number what Thou hast made? How should what Thou governest be absent from Thee? How should one who has no life except through Thy provision have the ability to flee from Thee? How should one who has no road except in Thy kingdom escape from Thee? Glory be to The! He among Thy creatures who fears Thee most knows Thee best, 241 he among them most bent in humility is most active in obeying Thee, and he among them whom Thou providest while he worships another, is most contemptible before The! Glory be to The! He who associates others with Thee and denies Thy messenger diminishes not Thy authority. He who dislikes Thy decree cannot reject Thy command. He who denies Thy power keeps himself not away from Thee. He who worships other than Thee escapes Thee not. He who dislikes meeting Thee will not be given endless life in this world. Glory be to The! How mighty is Thy station, overpowering Thy authority, intense Thy strength, penetrating Thy comman! Glory be to The! Thou hast decreed death for all Thy creatures, both him who professes Thy Unity and him who disbelieves in Thee; each one will taste death,242 each one will come home to Thee. Blessed art Thou and high exalte! There is no god but Thou Thou alone, who hast no associate. I have faith in Thee, I attest to Thy messengers, I accept Thy Book, I disbelieve in every object of worship other than Thee, I am quit of anyone who worships anothe! O Allah, I rise in the morning and enter the evening making little of my good works, confessing my sins, admitting my offenses; I am abased because of my prodigality against myself. My works have destroyed me, my caprice has ruined me, my passions have deprived me. SO I ASK THEE, MY MASTER, THE ASKING OF HIM whose soul is diverted by his drawn out expectations, whose body is heedless because of the stillness of his veins, 243 whose heart is entranced by the multitude of favors done for him, whose reflection is little concerning that to which he is coming home; THE ASKING OF HIM WHOM false expectation has overcome, caprice has entranced, and this world has mastered, and over whom death has cast its shadow; THE ASKING OF HIM WHO makes much of his sins and confesses his offense; the asking of him who has no Lord but Thou, no friend besides Thee, no one to deliver him from Thee, and no asylum from Thee except in Thee. 244 My God, I ask Thee by Thy right incumbent upon all Thy creatures, by Thy mighty name with which Thou commanded Thy messenger to glorify Thee, and by the majesty of Thy generous face, which ages not, nor changes, nor alters, nor passes away, that Thou blessest Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad, that Thou freest me from need for all things through worshiping Thee, that Thou distractest my soul from this world through fear of Thee, and that Thou turnest me back toward Thy abundant generosity through Thy mercy To Thee I flee, Thee I fear, from Thee I seek aid, in Thee I hope, Thee I supplicate, in Thee I seek asylum, in Thee I trust, from Thee I ask help, in Thee I have faith, in Thee I have placed my confidence, and upon Thy munificence and Thy generosity I rely. 

His Supplication (A. S) in Abasing himself before Allah (Mighty and Majestic is He (My Lord, my sins have silenced me, and

 my words have been cut off. I have no argument, for I am the prisoner of my own affliction, the hostage to my works, the frequenter of my own offense, the confused in my intended way, the thwarted. I have brought myself to a halt in the halting place of the abased sinners, the halting place of the wretched and insolent, those who think lightly of Thy promise. Glory be to The! What insolence I have insolently shown toward The! What delusion with which I have deluded mysel! My Master, have mercy on my falling flat on my face the slipping of my foot, grant me my ignorance through Thy clemency, and my evil doing through Thy beneficence, for I admit my sin and I confess my offense: Here are my hand and my forelock I am resigned to retaliation against my soul, Have mercy on my white hair, the depletion of my days, the nearing of my term, my frailty, my misery, and the paucity of my stratagems My Master, and have mercy upon me when my trace is cut off from this world, my mention is effaced among the creatures, and I join the forgotten, like the forgotten ones My Master, and have mercy upon me at the change of my form and state when my body decays, my limbs are scattered, and my joints are dismembered O my heedlessness toward what was wanted from me My Master, have mercy upon me at my mustering and uprising and on that day, appoint my standing place with Thy friends, my place of emergence with Thy beloveds, and my dwelling in Thy neighborhood O Lord of the world! 

His Supplication (A. S) for the Removal of Worries

 O Reliever of worr! O Remover of grie! O Merciful in this world and the next and Compassionate in bot! Bless Muhammad and his Household, relieve my worry, and remove my grief O One, O Unique, O Eternal Refug! O He who has not begotten, nor has been begotten, and equal to Him is not any on! 245 Preserve me, purify me, and take away my afflictio! HERE YOU SHOULD RECITE THE THRONE VERSE (2: 255) , THE TWO SURAS OF TAKING REFUGE (113-114) , AND UNITY (112). THEN SAY: O Allah, I ask Thee with the asking of him whose neediness is intense, whose strength is frail, whose sins are many, THE ASKING OF ONE WHO finds no helper in his neediness, no strengthener in his frailty, no forgiver of his sin other than Thee, O Possessor of majesty and munificence I ask of Thee a work through which Thou wilt love him who works it and a certainty by which Thou wilt profit him who is certain with the truth of certainty concerning the execution of Thy comman! O Allah, bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad, take my soul while it is firm in sincerity, cut off my need for this world, make my desire for what is with Thee become a yearning to meet Thee, and give me true confidence in The! I ask of Thee the good of the writ that has been made and I seek refuge with Thee from the evil of the writ that has been made. 246 I ASK OF THEE the fear of The worshipers, the worship of those humbly fearful of Thee, the certainty of those who have confidence in Thee, and the confidence of those who have faith in Thee. O Allah, make my desire in my asking like the desire of Thy friends in their asking, and my fear like the fear of Thy friend! Employ me in Thy good pleasure through works in which I will not leave aside anything of Thy religion fearing any of Thy creature! O Allah, this my need, so make my desire for it great, within it make manifest my excuse, through it instill me with my argument, and by means of it make well my body O Allah, some rise in the morning having trust or hope in other than Thee. I rise in the morning, and Thou art my trust and my hope in all affairs, so decree for me those which are best in outcome and deliver me from misguiding trials, O Most Merciful of the mercifu! And Allah bless our chief, Muhammad the Messenger of Allah, the chosen, and his Household, the pur! One of His Glorification that is, of Zayn Al-A'abideen (A. S (Glory be to The! , O Allah, and I beg Thy loving car! Glory be to The! , O Allah, and high art Thou exalte! Glory be to The! , O Allah, and might is Thy loinclot! 247 Glory be to The! , O Allah, and mightiness is Thy cloa! Glory be to The! , O Allah, and magnificence is Thy authorit! Glory be to The! , All-Might! How mighty Thou ar! Glory be to The! Thou art glorified in the highes! 248 Thou hearest and seest what is under the soi! 249 Glory be to The! Thou art witness over every whispered conversatio! 250 Glory be to The! , the place where every complaint is put dow! Glory be to The! , present in every assembl! Glory be to The! , object of great hope! Glory be to The! Thou seest what is at the lowest depth of the wate! Glory be to The! Thou hearest the breaths of the fish in the lowest depths of the ocean! Glory be to The! Thou knowest the weight of the heaven! Glory be to The! Thou knowest the weight of the earths Glory be to The! Thou knowest the weight of the sun and the moo! Glory be to The! Thou knowest the weight of the darkness and the ligh! Glory be to The! Thou knowest the weight of the shadow and the ai! Glory be to The! Thou knowest the weight of the wind, how many times it is greater than the weight of a dust mot! Glory be to The! , All-holy, All-holy, All-hol! Glory be to The! I wonder how any who knows Thee could fear Thee no! Glory be to The! , O Allah, and Thine is the prais! Glory be to Allah, the All-high, the All-Might! AL-ZUHRI related from SAE'ED BIN AL-MUSAYYAB. 251 He said: The people were not going out of Mecca until A'LI BIN al Husayn, the chief of the worshipers (upon him be peace) went out. So he went out, and they went out with him. He stopped in one of the way stations and prayed two rak'as. Then he glorified Allah - I mean with this glorification - during his prostration. There was no tree and no clod of earth that did not glorify along with him, so we were frightened. He raised his head. He said: O Sa'id, are you frightened? I said: Yes, O son of the Messenger of Alla! He said: This is the greatest glorification. It was related to me by my father from his grandfather from the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his Household). No sins remain with this. When Allah (majestic is His majesty) created Gabriel, He inspired him with this glorification. It is Allah's greatest name. 

A Supplication and Magnification by him (A. S)

 Praise belongs to Allah, who disclosed Himself to hearts through mightiness, veiled Himself from eyes through might, and exercises power over the things through power Eyes are not firm enough to see Him and imaginations reach not the core of His mightiness. He displays His overwhelming power in mightiness and magnificence, robes Himself in might, goodness, and majesty, is far removed from imperfection through comeliness and beauty, assumes His glory in pride and splendor, puts on His majesty through glory and boons, and has chosen for Himself light and radiance. He is a Creator who has no equal, a Unique who has no rival, a One who has no opposite, an Eternal Refuge who has no match, a God who has no second, an Initiator who has no partner, a Provider who has no helper. He is the First without disappearance, the Everlasting without annihilation, the Standing without difficulty, the Security-giver without end, the Originator without term, the Maker without anything, the Lord without partner, the Initiator without discomfort, the Accomplisher without incapacity. He has no bound in space and no limit in time; He ever was, He ever is, He ever will be the same, endlessly. He is Allah, the Living, the Self-subsistent, the Everlasting, the Eternal, the All-powerful, the All-wise. My God, Thy little slave is in Thy courtyard, Thy beggar is in Thy courtyard, Thy poor one is in Thy courtyar! (THREE TIMES) My God, before Thee tremble the pious tremblers, to Thee devote themselves the lamenters, in fear of Thee, in hope of The! O Allah of Truth, have mercy upon the supplication of those who cry for hel! Pardon the sins of the heedles! And increase beneficence toward those who keep turning [to Thee] on the Day they arrive before Thee, O Generous Alla! 

His Supplication in Mentioning the Household of Muhammad (Peace be upon them (O Allah, 

O He who singled out Muhammad and his Household for honor, showed favour toward them with messengerhood, specified them for the mediation, 252 So appointed them the heirs to the prophets, sealed with them the executors and the Imams, taught them the knowledge of what has been and what remains to be, and made the hearts of the people incline toward the! Bless Muhammad and his Household, the pure, and act toward us with that of which Thou art worthy in religion, in this world, and in the next worl! Thou art powerful over everything. 253 

His Supplication (A. S) in Calling down Blessings upon Adam

 (A. S (O Allah, as for Adam, the marvel of Thy creation, the first made of clay to confess Thy Lordship, the beginning of Thy argument against Thy servants and creatures, the guide to seeking sanctuary in Thy pardon from Thy punishment, the opener of the paths of repentance toward Thee, the giver of the creatures access to knowledge of Thee, the one concerning whom Thou hast conveyed Thy good pleasure through Thy kindness and Thy mercy toward him, the one who turned back and did not persist in disobeying Thee, the forerunner among the self-abasers, who shaved his head in Thy sacred precinct, and among the seekers of access to Thy pardon, through obedience after disobedience, and the father of the prophets, who were made to suffer for Thy sake and who strove more than all the earth's inhabitants in obeying Thee - bless him, Thou - O All-merciful - Thy angels and the inhabitants of Thy heavens and Thy earth, just as he magnified Thy inviolable commands and guided us upon the path of Thy good pleasure, O Most Merciful of the mercifu! 

His Supplication (A. S) in Distress and Seeking Release 

My God, let not my enemy gloat over me and torment not my dear kinsman or friend through m! My God, of Thy glances, give me one glance, and thereby remove from me that by which Thou hast afflicted me and return me to the best of Thy customs with m! Respond to my supplication and the supplication of him who devotes his supplication sincerely to Thee, for my power has become frail, my stratagems few, my situation severe, and I despair of what is with Thy creatures, so nothing remains for me but hope in The! My God, surely Thy power to remove that in which I dwell is like Thy power in that with which Thou hast afflicted m! And surely the remembrance of Thy acts of kindliness comforts me and hope in Thy showing favour and Thy bounty strengthens me, for I have not been without Thy favour ever since Thou created me. And Thou, my God, art my place of flight, my asylum, my protector, my defender, the loving toward me, the compassionate, and the guarantor of my provision. In Thy decree lay what has settled upon me and in Thy knowledge that to which I have come home. So, my Patron and Master, place within that which Thou hast ordained, decreed, and made unavoidable for me, my well-being and that wherein lies my soundness and my deliverance from that in which I a! I hope for none to repel this other than Thee, and I rely in it only upon Thee. O Possessor of majesty and munificence, be with my best opinion of The! 254 Have mercy upon my frailty and the paucity of my stratagems, remove my distress, grant my supplication, ease me from my stumble, and show kindness to me in that and to everyone who supplicates The! My Master, Thou hast commanded me to supplicate and undertaken to respond, 255 and Thy promise is the truth in which there is no failing, nor any change. 256 So bless Muhammad, Thy prophet and servant, and the pure, the Folk of his House, and help me, surely Thou art the help of him who has no help and the stronghold of him who has no stronghold, while I am the distressed the response to whom and the removal of evil from whom Thou hast made obligator! 257 So respond to me, remove my concern, relieve my gloom, return my state to the best it has been, and repay me not according to what I deserve, but according to Thy mercy which embracest all things, 258 O Possessor of majesty and munificenc! Bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad, hear, and respond, O All-might! 

His Supplication (A. S) against that which he Feared and Dreaded 259 

My God, nothing repels Thy wrath but Thy clemency, nothing delivers from Thy punishment but Thy pardon, nothing rescues from Thee but Thy mercy and pleading to The! 260 So give me, my God, relief by means of the power through which Thou bringest the dead lands to life and revivest the spirits of the servant! 261 Destroy me not, and give me the knowledge of Thy response, my Lor! Raise me up and push me not down,, help me, provide for me, and release me from every bligh! My Lord, if Thou raisest me up, who will push me down? If Thou pushest me down, who Will raise me up? But I know, my God, that there is no wrong in Thy decree, and no hurry in Thy vengeance. He alone hurries who fears to miss, and only the weak needs to wrong. But Thou art exalted, my Master, high indeed above all tha! My Lord, make me not the target of affliction nor the object of Thy vengeance, respite me, comfort me, release me from my stumble, and send not affliction after me, for Thou hast seen my frailty, and the paucity of my stratagems. So give me patience, for I, my Lord, am weak, and I plead to Thee, my Lor! I seek refuge in Thee from Thee, so give me refug! 262 I seek sanctuary in Thee from every affliction, so grant me sanctuar! I cover myself through Thee, so cover me, my Master, from what I fear and drea! Thou art the All-mighty, mightier than every mighty thin! Through Thee, through Thee, through Thee, I cover myself. O Allah (TEN TIMES) , Bless Muhammad and his Household, the good, the pur!


 His Supplication (A. S) in Abasing himself (A. S)

 My Master, my Maste! Thou art the Master and I the servan! Has anyone mercy upon the servant but the master? My Master, my Maste! Thou art the Exalted and I the abase! Has anyone mercy upon the abased but the exalted? My Master, my Maste! Thou art the Creator and I the creatur! Has anyone mercy upon the creature but the creator? My Master, My Maste! Thou art the Giver and I the aske! Has anyone mercy upon the asker but the giver? My Master, My Maste! Thou art the Helper and I the seeker of hel! Has anyone mercy upon the seeker of help but the helper? My Master, My Maste! Thou art the Subsistent and I the perishin! Has anyone mercy upon the perishing but the subsistent? My Master, My Maste! Thou art the Everlasting and I the vanishin! Has anyone mercy upon the vanishing but the everlasting? My Master, My Maste! Thou art the Living and I the dea! Has anyone mercy upon the dead but the living? My Master, My Maste! Thou art the Strong and I the wea! Has anyone mercy upon the weak but the strong? My Master, My Maste! Thou art the Rich and I the poo! Has anyone mercy upon the poor but the rich? My Master, My Maste! Thou art the Great and I the smal! Has anyone mercy upon the small but the great? My Master, My Maste! Thou art the Owner and I the o. wnedl Has anyone mercy upon the owned but the owner? 

The Supplication for Sunday 

In the Name of Allah, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate In the name of Allah, from whom I hope for nothing but bounty, and from whom I fear nothing but justice I rely only upon His word, and I cling only to His cord In Thee I seek sanctuary — O Possessor of pardon and good pleasure - from wrong and enmity, from the changes of time and the recurrence of sorrows, from the striking of mishaps and from the expiration of my term before preparation and readiness. From Thee I seek guidance to that wherein is righteousness and being set right. From Thee I seek help in that which is linked to success and favorable response. Thee I beseech for the garment of well-being and its completion and for the covering of health and its permanence. I seek refuge in Thee, my Lord, from the goadings of the SATANs, and I seek protection in Thy sovereignty from the injustice of the sovereigns. So accept my past prayers and fasting and make my tomorrow and what is after better than my present hour and my toda! Exalt me in my clan and my people and protect me in my waking and my sleepin! For Thou art Allah, the Best Guardian, and Thou art the Most Merciful of the merciful. 263 O Allah, I am quit before Thee on this day of mine and on all Sundays that follow it of associating others with Thee and of heresy, and I devote my supplication sincerely to Thee, addressing myself to Thy response. So bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad, the best of Thy creation, the summoner to Thy truth, exalt me with Thy exaltation, which is never made to suffer loss, protect me with Thy eye, which never sleeps, and seal my affair by cutting me off from everything but Thee and my life with forgivenes! Surely Thou art the All-forgiving, the All-compassionat! 

The Supplication for Monday 

In the Name of Allah, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate Praise belongs to Allah, who allowed none to witness when He created the heavens and the earth, and who took no helper when He authored the spirit! He has no associate in Divinity and no support in Unity. Tongues fall silent before the limit of describing Him, intellects fail before the core of knowing Him, tyrants fall low in awe of Him, faces are humbled in fear of Him, 264 and everything mighty yields to His mightines! So to Thee belongs praise, again and again, well-measured, continually, methodicall! And may His blessings be upon His Messenger endlessly, His salutation everlastingly, eternall! O Allah, make the beginning of this day of mine righteousness, its middle prosperity, and its end succes!. I seek refuge in Thee from a day whose beginning is fright, whose middle is anxiety, and whose end is pai! O Allah, I pray forgiveness from Thee for every vow I have vowed, every promise I have promised, and every pledge I have pledged and then failed to keep for Thee. I ask Thee concerning the complaints of Thy servants against me: If there is a servant from among Thy servants or a handmaid from among Thy handmaids, who has against me a complaint because I have wronged him in respect to himself, his reputation, his property, his wife or his child, or because evil words I have spoken about him in his absence, an imposition upon him through inclination, caprice, scorn, zeal, false show, bigotry, whether he be absent or present, alive or dead, such that my hand has fallen short and my capacity has been too narrow to make restitution to him or to annul my obligation to him, I ask Thee, O He who owns all objects of need - which are granted by His will and hasten to His desire - that Thou blessest Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad, makest [the one I have wronged] satisfied with me in the manner that Thou willest, and givest me mercy from The! Forgiveness decreases Thee not and giving injures Thee not, O Most Merciful of the mercifu! O Allah, give me on every Monday two favours from Thee: the felicity to obey Thee at its beginning and the favour of Thy forgiveness at its en! O He who is Allah and none other than whom grants forgiveness for sin! 

 The Supplication for Tuesday 

In the Name of Allah, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate Praise belongs to Allah - and praise is His right, since He deserves it - abundant prais! I seek refuge in Him from the evil of my soul, (for surely the soul commands to evil except as my Lord has mrecy). 265 I seek refuge in Him from the evil of SATAN who adds sins to my sin. I seek protection with Him from every wicked tyrant, unjust sovereign, and conquering enemy. O Allah, place me among Thy troops, for Thy troops - they are the victors, 266 place me in Thy party, for Thy party - they are the ones who prosper, 267 and place me among Thy friends, for Thy friends - no fear shall be upon them, nor shall they sorrow. 268 O Allah, set right for me my religion, for it is the preserving tie of my affair, set right for me my hereafter, for it is the abode of my permanent lodging and to it I flee from the neighborhood of the vil! Make life an increase for me in every good and death an ease for me from every evi! O Allah, bless Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets and the completion of the number of the envoys, his Household, the good, the pure, and his Companions, the distinguished, and give me on the Tuesday three things: Leave no sin for me unless Thou forgivest it, no grief unless Thou takest it away, and no enemy unless Thou repellest hi! By means of 'in the name of Allah', the best of the Names, in the name of Allah, Lord of earth and heaven, I seek to repulse every hateful thing, the first of which is His anger, and I seek to attract every lovable thing, the first of which is His good pleasur! So seal me with forgiveness from Thee, O Patron of beneficenc! 

The Supplication for Wednesday

 In the Name of Allah, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate Praise belongs to Allah, who appointed the night to be a garment, and sleep for a rest, and day He appointed for a risin! 269 To Thee belongs praise, for Thou roused me from my sleep, - and hadst Thou willed, Thou wouldst have made it everlasting - an everlasting praise that will never be cut off and whose number the creatures will never coun! O Allah, to Thee belongs praise, for Thou created, then proportioned, ordained and decreed, gave death and bestowed life, made sick and healed, made well and afflicted, sat upon the Throne and encompassed the Kingdo! 270 I supplicate Thee with the supplication of one whose mediation is weak, whose stratagems have been cut off, whose term has drawn near, whose expectation from this world has shrunk, whose neediness for Thy mercy has intensified, whose remorse for his neglect has become great, whose slips and stumbles have become many, and whose repentance is devoted sincerely to Thy face. So bless Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets, and his Household, the good, the pure. provide me with the intercession of Muhammad (Allah bless him and his Household) and deprive me not of his companionshi! Surely Thou art the Most Merciful of the mercifu! 271 O Allah, decree for me on Wednesday four things: Induce me to be strong in obedience to Thee, to be joyful in worshiping Thee, to be desirous of Thy reward, and to abstain from that which would make incumbent upon me Thy painful punishmen! Thou art Gentle to whom Thou wil! 

The Supplication for Thursday

 In the Name of Allah, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate Praise belongs to Allah, who has taken away the shadowy night by His power and brought the sight-giving day through His mercy. He has clothed me in its brightness and given me its favour. O Allah, just as Thou hast spared me for this day, so also spare me for its likes, bless the prophet Muhammad and his Household, torment me not in it and in other nights and days by allowing me to commit unlawful acts and to clothe myself in sins; provide me with its good, the good of all within it, and the good of everything after it; and turn away from me its evil, the evil of all within it, and the evil of everything after i!. O Allah, by the protective compact of Islam, I seek mediation with The! by the inviolability of the Qur'an, I rely upon The! By Muhammad the chosen (Allah bless him and his Household) , I seek intercession with Thee So recognize my protective compact by which I hope my need will be granted, O Most Merciful of the mercifu! O Allah, decree for me on Thursday five things which none embraces but Thy generosity and none supports but Thy favours: health through which I may have the strength to obey Thee, worship by which I may deserve Thy plentiful reward, plenty in my state through lawful provision, and that Thou makest me secure in the places of fear through Thy security, and placest me in Thy fortress against the striking of worries and sorrow! Bless Muhammad and his Household, and make my seeking his mediation as an intercessor give profit on the Day of Resurrectio! Surely Thou art the Most Merciful of the mercifu! 272 

The Supplication for Friday

 In the Name of Allah, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate Praise belongs to Allah, the First before the bringing forth and the giving of life, and the Last after the annihilation of all things, the All-knowing who forgets not him who remembers Him, 273 decreases not him who thanks Him, 274 disappoints not him who supplicates Him, and cuts not off the hope of him who hopes in Hi! O Allah, I call Thee to witness - and Thou art sufficient witness - and I call to witness all Thy angels, the inhabitants of Thy heavens, the bearers of Thy Throne, Thy prophets and Thy messengers whom Thou hast sent out, and the various kinds of creatures Thou hast brought forth, that I bear witness that Thou art Allah; there is no god but Thou, Thou alone, who hast no associate nor any equal, and Thy word has no failing, nor any change;275 and that Muhammad (Allah bless him and his Household) is Thy servant and Thy messenger; he delivered to the servants that with which Thou charged him, he struggled for Allah as is His due, 276 he gave the good news of the truth of reward, and he warned of the veracity of punishment. O Allah, make me firm in Thy religion as long as Thou keepest me alive, make not my heart to swerve after Thou hast guided me, and give me mercy from Thee, surely Thou art the Giver. 277 Bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad, make me one of his followers and his partisans, muster me in his band, and give me the success of accomplishing the obligatory observance of Friday, performing the acts of obedience which Thou has made incumbent upon me within it, and (receiving) the bestowal which Thou hast apportioned for its people on the Day of Recompens! Surely Thou art Might wis! 278 

The Supplication for Saturday

 In the Name of Allah, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate 'In the name of Allah', the word of those who hold fast to Him, the speech of those who seek His protection I seek refuge in Allah (high exalted is He) from the injustice of the unjust, the trickery of the enviers, and the oppression of the wrongdoers, and I praise Him beyond the praise of the praiser! O Allah, Thou art the One without partner, and the King without having been made sovereign; no one opposes Thee in Thy decree and no one contests Thee in Thy kingdom I ask Thee to bless Muhammad and his Household, Thy servant and Thy messenger, inspire me with a thanksgiving for Thy favours which will take me to the utmost limit of Thy good pleasure, help me through the gentleness of Thy solicitude to obey Thee, hold fast to worshiping Thee, and deserve Thy reward, have mercy upon me, bar me from acts of disobedience toward Thee as long as Thou keepest me alive, give me success in what profits me as long as Thou sparest me, expand my breast through Thy Book, lessen my burden through its recitation, bestow upon me health in my religion and my soul, estrange not my intimates from me, and complete Thy beneficence in what is left of my lifetime, just as Thou hast shown beneficence in that of it which has passe! O Most Merciful of the mercifu! 

The Whispered Prayer of the Repenters 

In the Name of Allah, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate My God, offenses have clothed me in the garment of my lowliness, separation from Thee has wrapped me in the clothing of my miser! My dreadful crimes have deadened my heart, so bring it to life by a repentance from The! O my hope and my ai! O my wish and my wan! By Thy might, I find no one but Thee to forgive my sins and I see none but Thee to mend my brokennes! I have subjected myself to Thee in repeated turning, I have humbled myself to Thee in abasement. If Thou castest me out from Thy door, in whom shall I take shelter? If Thou repellest me from Thy side, in whom shall I seek refuge? O my grief at my ignominy and disgrac! O my sorrow at my evil works and what I have committe! I ask Thee, O Forgiver of great sins, O Mender of broken bones, to overlook my ruinous misdeeds and cover my disgraceful secret thought! At the witnessing place of the Resurrection, empty me not of the coolness of Thy pardon and forgiveness, and strip me not of Thy beautiful forbearance and coverin! My God, let the cloud of Thy mercy cast its shadow upon my sins and send the billow of Thy clemency flowing over my fault! My God, Does the runaway servant go back but to His master? Or does any anyone grant sanctuary to him form His angert but He? My God, if remorse for sins is a repentance, 279 I - by Thy might - am one of the remorsefu! If praying forgiveness for offenses is an alleviation, I am one of those who pray forgivenes! To Thee I return that Thou may be well please! My God, through Thy power over me, turn toward me, through Thy clemency toward me, pardon me, and through Thy knowledge of me, be gentle toward m! My God, Thou art He who hast opened a door to Thy pardon and named it 'repentance', for Thou said, (Repent to Allah with unswerving repentance). 280 What is the excuse of him who remains heedless of entering the door after its opening? My God, though the sins of Thy servant are ugly, Thy pardon is beautiful. My God I am not the first to have disobeyed Thee, and Thou turned toward him, or to have sought to attain Thy favour, and Thou wert munificent toward him. O Responder to the distresse! O Remover of injur! O Great in goodnes! O Knower of everything secre! O Beautiful through covering ove! I seek Thy munificence and Thy generosity to intercede with Thee, I seek Thy side and Thy showing mercy to mediate with Thee, so grant my supplication, disappoint not my hope in Thee, accept my repentance, and hide my offense, through Thy kindness and mercy! O Most Merciful of the merciful 

The Whispered Prayer of the Complainers

 In the Name of Allah, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate My God, to Thee I complain of a soul commanding to evil, 281 rushing to offenses, eager to disobey Thee, and exposing itself to Thy anger. It takes me on the roads of disasters, it makes me the easiest of perishers before Thee; many its pretexts, drawn out its expectations; when evil touches it, it is anxious, when good touches it, grudging; 282 inclining to sport and diversion, full of heedlessness and inattention, it hurries me to misdeeds and makes me delay repentance. My God, I complain to Thee of an enemy who misguides me and a satan who leads me astray. He has filled my breast with tempting thoughts, and his suggestions have encompassed my heart. He supports caprice against me, embellishes for me the love of this world, and separates me from obedience and proximit! My God, to Thee I complain of a heart that is hard, turned this way and that by tempting thoughts, clothed in rust and the seal, 283 and of an eye too indifferent to weep in fear of Thee and eagerly seeking that which gladdens i! My God, there is no force and no strength except in Thy power, and no deliverance for me from the detested things of this world save through Thy preservation. So I ask Thee by Thy far-reaching wisdom and Thy penetrating will not to let me expose myself to other than Thy munificence and not to turn me into a target for trial! Be for me a helper against enemies, a coverer of shameful things and faults, a protector against afflictions, a preserver against acts of disobedienc! By Thy clemency and mercy, O Most Merciful of the mercifu! 

The Whispered Prayer of the Fearful

 In the Name of Allah, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate My God, what thinkest Thou? Wilt Thou chastise me after my faith in Thee, drive me far away after my love for Thee, deprive me while I hope for Thy mercy and forgiveness, forsake me while I seek sanctuary in Thy pardon? How could Thy generous face disappoint me?! Would that I knew - Did my mother bear me for wretchedness? Did she nurture me for suffering? Would then that she had not borne me and had not nurtured m! Would that I had knowledge - Hast Thou appointed me one of the people of felicity? Hast Thou singled me out for Thy nearness and neighborhood? Then would my eyes be gladdened, and in that my soul reach serenity. My God, dost Thou blacken faces which fall down in prostration before Thy mightiness? Dost Thou strike dumb tongues which speak in laudation of Thy glory and majesty? Dost Thou seal hearts which harbor Thy love? Dost Thou deafen ears which take pleasure in hearing Thy remembrance according to Thy will? Dost Thou manacle hands which expectations have raised to Thee in hope of Thy clemency? Dost Thou punish bodies which worked to obey Thee until they grew thin in struggling for Thee? Dost Thou chastise legs which ran to worship Thee? My God, lock not toward those who profess Thy Unity the doors of Thy mercy, and veil not those who yearn for Thee from looking upon the vision of Thy beaut! My God, a soul which Thou hast exalted by its professing Thy Unity - how wilt Thou humiliate him by leaving him? My God, a heart which has been knotted by its love for Thy - how wilt Thou burn it in the heat of Thy fires? My God, give me sanctuary from Thy painful wrath and Thy mighty ange! O All-loving, O All-kin! O Compassionate, O Mercifu! O Compeller, O Subdue! O All-forgiver, O All-coverin! Deliver me through Thy mercy from the chastisement of the Fire and the disgrace of shame when the good are set apart from the evil, forms are transformed, terrors terrify, the good-doers are brought near, the evildoers taken far, (and every soul paid what it has earned, and they shall not be wronge! ) 284 

The Whispered Prayer of the Hopeful

 In the Name of Allah, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate O He who gives to a servant who asks from Him, takes him to his wish when he expectantly hopes for what is with Him, brings him near and close when he approaches Him, covers over his sin and cloaks it when he shows it openly, and satisfies and suffices him when he has confidence in Hi! My God, who is the one who has come before Thee seeking hospitality, and whom Thou hast not received hospitably? Who is the one who has dismounted at Thy door hoping for magnanimity, and to whom Thou hast not shown it? Is it good that I come back from Thy door, turned away in disappointment, while I know of no patron qualified by beneficence but Thee? How should I have hope in other than Thee, when the good - all of it - is in Thy hand? 285 How should I expect from others, when Thine are the creation and the command? 286 Should I cut off my hope for Thee, when Thou hast shown me of Thy bounty that for which I have not asked? Wouldst Thou make me have need for my like? But I hold fast to Thy cor! O He through whose mercy the strivers reach felicity and through whose vengeance the seekers of forgiveness are not made wretche! How should I forget Thee, while Thou never ceasest remembering me? How should I be diverted from Thee while Thou art my constant watcher? My God, I have fastened my hand to the skirt of Thy generosity, I have stretched forth my expectation toward reaching Thy gifts, so render me pure through the purest profession of Thy Unity, and appoint me one of Thy choice servant! O He who is the asylum of every fleer, the hope of every seeke! O Best Object of hop! O Most Generous Object of supplicatio! O He who does not reject His asker or disappoint the expectan! O He whose door is open to His supplicators and whose veil is lifted for those who hope in Hi! I ask Thee by Thy generosity to show kindness toward me through Thy gifts, with that which will gladden my eye, through hope in Thee, with that which will give serenity to my soul, and through certainty with that which will make easy for me the afflictions of this world and lift from my insight the veils of blindnes! By Thy mercy, O Most Merciful of the mercifu! The Whispered Prayer of the Beseechers In the Name of Allah, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate My God, though my stores for traveling to Thee are few, my confidence in Thee has given me a good opinion. 287 Though my sin has made me fear Thy punishment, my hope has let me feel secure from Thy vengeance. Though my misdeed has exposed me to Thy penalty, my excellent trust has apprised me of Thy reward. Though heedlessness has put to sleep my readiness to meet Thee, knowledge has awakened me to Thy generosity and boons. Though excessive disobedience and rebellion have estranged me from Thee, the glad tidings of forgiveness and good pleasure have made me feel intimate with Thee. I ask Thee by the splendors of Thy face and the lights of Thy holiness, and I implore Thee by the tenderness of Thy mercy and the gentleness of Thy goodness, to verify my opinion in expecting Thy great generosity and Thy beautiful favour, through nearness to Thee, and proximity with Thee, enjoyment of gazing upon The! Here am I, addressing myself to the breezes of Thy freshness and tenderness, having recourse to the rain of Thy generosity and gentleness, fleeing from Thy displeasure to Thy good pleasure and from Thee to Thee, 288 hoping for the best of what is with Thee, relying upon Thy gifts, utterly poor toward Thy guardin! My God, Thy bounty which Thou hast begun - complete i! Thy generosity which Thou hast given me - strip it not awa! Thy cover over me through Thy clemency - tear it not awa! My ugly acts which Thou hast come to know - forgive the! My God, I seek intercession from Thee with Thee, and I seek sanctuary in Thee from The! I have come to Thee craving Thy beneficence, desiring Thy kindness, seeking water from the deluge of Thy graciousness, begging rain from the clouds of Thy bounty, requesting Thy good pleasure, going straight to Thy side, arriving at the watering-place of Thy support, seeking exalted good things from Thy quarter, reaching for the presence of Thy beauty, wanting Thy face, knocking at Thy door, abasing myself before Thy mightiness and majest! So act toward me with the forgiveness and mercy of which Thou art worth! Act not toward me with the chastisement and vengeance of which I am worth! By Thy mercy, O Most Merciful of the mercifu! 

The Whispered Prayer of the Thankful

 In the Name of Allah, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate My God, the uninterrupted flow of Thy graciousness hast distracted me from thanking The! The flood of Thy bounty has rendered me incapable of counting Thy praise! The succession of Thy kind acts has diverted me from mentioning Thee in laudatio! The continuous rush of Thy benefits has thwarted me from spreading the news of Thy gentle favour! This is the station of him who confesses to the lavishness of favours, meets them with shortcomings, and witnesses to his own disregard and negligence. Thou art the Clement, the Compassionate, the Good, the Generous, who does not disappoint those who aim for Him, nor cast out from His courtyard those who expect from Hi! In Thy yard are put down the saddlebags of the hopeful and in Thy plain stand the hopes of the help-seeker! So meet not our hopes by disappointing and disheartening and clothe us not in the shirt of despair and despondenc! My God, my thanksgiving is small before Thy great boons, and my praise and news-spreading shrink beside Thy generosity toward m! Thy favours have wrapped me in the robes of the lights of faith, and the gentlenesses of Thy goodness have let down over me delicate curtains of migh! Thy kindnesses have collared me with collars not to be moved and adorned me with neck-rings not to be broke! Thy boons are abundant - my tongue is too weak to count the! Thy favours are many - my understanding falls short of grasping them, not to speak of exhausting the! So how can I achieve thanksgiving? For my thanking Thee requires thanksgiving. Whenever I say, 'To Thee belongs prais! ', it becomes thereby incumbent upon me to say, 'To Thee belongs praise! My God, as Thou hast fed us through Thy gentleness and nurtured us through Thy benefaction, so also complete for us lavish favours, repel from us detested acts of vengeance, and of the shares of the two abodes, give us their most elevated and their greatest, both the immediate and the deferre! To Thee belongs praise for Thy good trial and the lavishness of Thy favours, a praise conforming to Thy good pleasure and attracting Thy great goodness and magnanimity. O All-mighty, O All-generou! By Thy mercy, O Most Merciful of the mercifu! 

The Whispered Prayer of the Obedient Toward Allah 

In the Name of Allah, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate O Allah, inspire us to obey Thee, turn us aside from disobeying Thee, make it easy for us to reach the seeking of Thy good pleasure which we wish, set us down in the midst of Thy Gardens, dispel from our insights the clouds of misgiving, uncover from our hearts the wrappings of doubt and the veil, make falsehood vanish from our innermost minds, and fix the truth in our secret thoughts, for doubts and opinions fertilize temptations and muddy the purity of gifts and kindnesse! O Allah, carry us in the ships of Thy deliverance, give us to enjoy the pleasure of whispered prayer to Thee, make us drink at the pools of Thy love, let us taste the sweetness of Thy affection and nearness, allow us to struggle in Thee, 289 preoccupy us with obeying Thee, and purify our intentions in devoting works to Thee, for we exist through Thee and belong to Thee, and we have no one to mediate with Thee but The! My God, place me among the chosen, the good, join me to the righteous, the pious, the first to reach generous gifts, the swift to come upon good things, the workers of the A'ABIDEENg acts of righteousness, the strivers after elevated degree! Thou art powerful over everything290 and disposed to respon! By Thy mercy, O Most Merciful of the mercifu! 

The Whispered Prayer of the Devotees

 In the Name of Allah, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate Glory be to The! How narrow are the paths for him whom Thou hast not guide! , How plain the truth for him whom Thou hast guided on his wa! My God, so make us travel on the roads that arrive at Thee and set us into motion on the paths nearest to reaching The! Make near for us the far, and make easy for us the hard and difficul! Join us to Thy servants, those who hurry to Thee swiftly, knock constantly at Thy door, and worship Thee by night and by day, while they remain apprehensive in awe of The! Thou hast purified their drinking places, taken them to the objects of their desire, granted their requests, accomplished their wishes through Thy bounty, filled their minds with Thy love, and quenched their thirst with Thy pure drink. Through Thee have they reached the pleasure of whispered prayer to Thee, and in Thee have they achieved their furthest goals. O He who comes toward those who come toward Him and grants gifts and bestows bounty upon them through tendernes! He is compassionate and clement toward those heedless of His remembrance and loving and tender in drawing them to His doo! I ask Thee to place me among those of them who have the fullest share from Thee, the highest station with Thee, the most plentiful portion of Thy love, and the most excellent allotment of Thy knowledge, for my aspiration has been cut off from everything but Thee and my desire has turned toward Thee alone. Thou art my object, none other; to Thee alone belongs my waking and my sleeplessness. Meeting Thee is the gladness of my eye, joining Thee the wish of my soul. Toward Thee is my yearning, in love for Thee my passionate longing, in inclining toward Thee my fervent craving. Thy good pleasure is the aim I seek, vision of Thee my need, Thy neighborhood my request, nearness to Thee the utmost object of my asking. In whispered prayer to Thee I End my repose and my ease. With Thee lies the remedy of my illness, the cure for my burning thirst, the coolness of my ardour, the removal of my distress. Be my intimate in my loneliness, the releaser of my stumble, the forgiver of my slip, the accepter of my repentance, the responder to my supplication, the patron of preserving me from sin, the one who frees me from my neediness Cut me not off from Thee and keep me not far from Thee O my bliss and my garden O my this world and my hereafter O Most Merciful of the mercifull 

The Whispered Prayer of the Lovers

 In the Name of Allah, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate My God, who can have tasted the sweetness of Thy love, then wanted another in place of Thee? Who can have become intimate with Thy nearness, then sought removal from Thee? My God, place us with him whom Thou hast chosen for Thy nearness and Thy friendship, purified through Thy affection and Thy love, given yearning for the meeting with Thee, made pleased with Thy decree, granted gazing upon thy face, shown the favour of Thy good pleasure, given refuge from separation from Thee and Thy loathing, settled in a sure sitting place in Thy neighborhood, singled out for true knowledge of Thee, made worthy for worship of Thee, whose heart Thou hast captivated with Thy will, whom Thou hast picked for contemplating Thee, whose look Thou hast made empty for Thee, whose breast Thou hast freed for Thy love, whom Thou hast made desirous of what is with Thee, inspired with Thy remembrance, allotted thanksgiving to Thee, occupied with obeying Thee, turned into one of Thy righteous creatures, chosen for whispered prayer to Thee, and from whom Thou hast cut off all things which cut him off from The! O Allah, place us among those whose habit is rejoicing in Thee and yearning for Thee, whose time is spent in sighing and moanin! Their foreheads are bowed down before Thy mightiness, their eyes wakeful in Thy service, their tears flowing in dread of Thee, their hearts fixed upon Thy love, their cores shaken with awe of Thee. O He, the lights of whose holiness induce wonder in the eyes of His lovers, the glories of whose face arouse the longing of the hearts of His knower! O Furthest Wish of the hearts of the yearner! O Utmost Limit of the hopes of the lover! I ask from Thee love for Thee, love for those who love Thee, love for every work which will join me to Thy nearness, and that Thou makest Thyself more beloved to me than anything other than Thee and makest my love for Thee lead to Thy good pleasure, and my yearning for Thee protect against disobeying The! Oblige me by allowing me to gaze upon Thee, gaze upon me with the eye of affection and tenderness, turn not Thy face away from me, and make me one of the people of happiness with Thee and favored positio! O Responder, O Most Merciful of the mercifu! 

The Whispered Prayer of those Asking for Mediation 

In the Name of Allah, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate My God, I have no mediation with Thee but the tender acts of Thy clemency, nor any way to come to Thee but the gentle favours of Thy mercy and the intercession of Thy Prophet, the prophet of mercy, who rescued the community from confusion. Make these two my tie to attaining Thy forgiveness and let them take me to triumph through Thy good pleasur! My hope has dismounted in the sacred precinct of Thy generosity, my craving has alighted in the courtyard of Thy munificence. So actualize my expectation from Thee, seal my works with good, and place me among Thy selected friends, those whom Thou hast set down in the midst of Thy Garden, and settled in the abode of Thy honor, whose eyes Thou hast gladdened by gazing upon Thee on the day of meeting Thee, and whom Thou hast made heirs to the sure stations in Thy neighborhoo! O He none more generous than whom is reached by the reachers and none more merciful than whom is found by the aimer! O Best of those with whom the lonely are alone, O Tenderest of those with whom outcasts seelt have! Toward the expanse of Thy pardon have I extended my hand, upon the skirt of Thy generosity have I fastened my gras! Show me no deprivation and afflict me not with disappointment and los! O Hearer of supplication! O Most Merciful of the mercifu! 

The Whispered Prayer of the Utterly Poor

 In the Name of Allah, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate My God, nothing will mend my fracture but Thy gentleness and loving care, free me of my poverty but Thy affection and beneficence, still my fright but Thy security, exalt my abasement but Thy sovereignty, take me to my hope but Thy bounty, remedy my lack but Thy graciousness, accomplish my need other than Thou, relieve my distress other than Thy mercy, remove my injury other than Thy clemency, cool my burning thirst but reaching Thee, quench my ardour but meeting Thee, damp my yearning but gazing upon Thy face, settle my settling place without closeness to Thee, allay my worry but Thy repose, cure my illness but Thy medicine, eliminate my grief but Thy nearness, heal my wound but Thy forgiveness, remove the rust on my heart but Thy pardon, banish the confusing thoughts from my breast but Thy command O Utmost Hope of the hoper! O Ultimate Demand of the askers O Furthest Request of the requester! O Highest Desire of the desirers O Patron of the righteous O Security of the fearful O Responder to the supplication of the distressed O Storehouse of the destitute O Treasure of the pitiful O Help of the help-seekers O Accomplisher of the needs of the poor and the miserable O Most Generous of the most generous O Most Merciful of the merciful To Thee is my humble subjection and request, to Thee my pleading and imploring I ASK THEE to let me attain the repose of Thy good pleasure, and to make constant toward me the favours of Thy kindness HERE AM I, standing before the gate of Thy generosity, opening myself up to the breezes of Thy goodness, holding fast to Thy strong cord, clinging to Thy firm handl! My God, have mercy upon Thy lowly slave of silent tongue and few good works, obligate him through Thy plentiful graciousness, shelter him under Thy plentS xus shad! O Generous, O Beautiful, O Most Merciful of the mercifu! 

 The Whispered Prayer of the Knowers 

In the Name of Allah, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate My God, tongues fall short of attaining praise of Thee proper to Thy majesty, intellects are incapable of grasping the core of Thy beauty, eyes fail before gazing upon the glories of Thy face, and Thou hast assigned to Thy creatures no way to know Thee save incapacity to know Thee My God, place us among those within the gardens of the trees of yearning for Thee taken firm root and the assemblies of whose hearts seized by the ardour of Thy lov! They seek shelter in the nests of meditation, feed upon the gardens of nearness and disclosure, drink from the pools of love with the cup of gentle favour, and enter into the watering-places of warm affection. The covering has been lifted from their eyes, 291 the darkness of disquiet has been dispelled from their beliefs and their innermost minds, the contention of doubt has been negated from their hearts and their secret thoughts, their breasts have expanded through the verification of true knowledge, their aspirations have ascended through precedent good fortune in renunciation, their drinking is sweet from the spring of devotion to good works, their secret thoughts are delicious in the sitting-place of intimacy, their minds are secure in the place of terror, their souls are serene through the return to the Lord of lords, 292 their spirits have reached certitude through triumph and prosperity, their eyes have been gladdened through gazing upon their Beloved, their settling place has been settled through reaching the request and attaining the expectation, and their commerce has profited through the sale of this world for the next My God, how agreeable for hearts are the thoughts inspiring Thy remembrance, how sweet traveling to Thee through imagination upon the roads of the unseen worlds, how pleasant the taste of Thy love, how delightful the drink of Thy nearnes! So give us refuge from Thy casting out and Thy sending far, and place us among the most elect of Thy knowers, the most righteous of Thy servants, the most truthful of Thy obeyers, the most sincere of Thy worshiper! O All-mighty, O Majestic, O Generous, O Endowe! By Thy mercy and kindness, O Most Merciful of the mercifu! 

The Whispered Prayer of the Rememberers

 In the Name of Allah, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate My God, were it not incumbent to accept Thy command, I would declare Thee far too exalted for me to remember Thee, for I remember Thee in my measure, not in Thy measure, and my scope can hardly reach the point where I may be a locus for calling Thee hol! Among Thy greatest favours to us is the running of Thy remembrance across our tongues and Thy permission to us to supplicate Thee, declare Thee exalted, and call Thee hol! My God, inspire with Thy remembrance alone and in assemblies, by night and day, publicly and secretly, in prosperity and adversit! Make us intimate with silent remembrance, employ us in purified works and effort pleasing to Thee, and reward us with the full balanc! My God, love-mad hearts are enraptured by Thee, disparate intellects are brought together by knowing Thee, 293 hearts find no serenity except in remembering Thee, souls End no rest except in seeing Thee. Thou art the glorified in every place, the worshiped at every time, the found at every moment, the called by every tongue, the magnified in every hear! I pray forgiveness from Thee for every pleasure but remembering Thee, every ease but intimacy with Thee, every happiness but nearness to Thee, every occupation but obeying The! My God, Thou hast said - and Thy word is true - (O you who have faith, remember Allah with much remembrance and glorify Him at dasan and in the evenin! ) 294 Thou hast said - and Thy word is true - Remember Me, and I will remember yo! Thou hast commanded us to remember Thee, 295 and promised us that Thou wilt remember us thereby, in order to ennoble, respect, and honor us. Here we are, remembering Thee as Thou hast commanded u! So accomplish what Thou hast promised, O Rememberer of the rememberer! O Most Merciful of the mercifu! 

The Whispered Prayer of those who Hold Fast

 In the Name of Allah, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate O Allah, O Shelter of the shelter-seeker! O Refuge of the refuge-seeker! O Deliverer of the perishin! O Preserver of the pitifu! O Merciful toward the miserabl! O Responder to the distresse! O Treasure of the utterly poor O Mender of the broke! O Haven of the cut of! O Helper of the abase! O Granter of sanctuary to the fearfu! O Aider of the trouble! O Fortress of the refugee! If I seek not refuge in Thy might, in whom shall I seek refuge? If I seek not shelter in Thy power, in whom shall I seek shelter? Sins have made me seek asylum in laying hold on the skirts of Thy pardon, offenses have compelled me to beg the opening of the doors of Thy forgiveness, evil doing has summoned me to dismount in the courtyard of Thy might, fear of Thy vengeance has prompted me to cling to the handhold of Thy tendernes! It is not right for him who holds fast to Thy cord to be abandoned, nor proper for him who seeks the sanctuary of Thy might to be surrendered or disregarded. My God, empty us not of Thy defending, strip us not of Thy guarding, and protect us from the roads of destruction, for we are in Thy eye and under Thy win! I ask Thee by those whom Thou hast singled out, Thy angels and the righteous among Thy creatures, to assign over us a protector through which Thou wilt deliver us from destructions, turn aside from us blights, and hide us from the striking of great afflictions, to send down upon us some of Thy tranquility, to wrap our faces in the lights of love for Thee, to give us haven in Thy strong pillar, 296 and to gather us under the wings of Thy preservatio! By Thy clemency and Thy mercy,! O Most Merciful of the merciful 

The Whispered Prayer of the Abstainers

 In the Name of Allah, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate My God, Thou hast settled us in an abode which has dug for us pits of deception, and Thou hast fastened us by the hands of death in the snares of that abode's treacher! In Thee we seek asylum from the tricks of its guile, and to Thee we hold fast, lest we be deluded by the glitter of its ornament! It destroys its pursuers and ruins its settlers, it is stuffed with blights and loaded with calamities. My God, induce us to renounce it and keep us safe from it by Thy giving success and Thy preservation from sin. Strip from us the robes of opposing Thee, attend to our affairs through Thy good sufficiency, amplify our increase from the boundless plenty of Thy mercy, be liberal in our gifts from the overflow of Thy grants, plant in our hearts the trees of Thy love, complete for us the lights of Thy knowledge, give us to taste the sweetness of Thy pardon and the pleasure of Thy forgiveness, gladden our eyes on the day of meeting Thee with the vision of Thee, dislodge the love of this world from our spirits, just as Thou hast done for the righteous, Thy selected friends, and for the pious, those whom Thou hast singled ou! O Most Merciful of the merciful, O Most Generous of the most generou! 


1- 60 

[1] 53: 31 [2] 21: 23 [3] Allusion to 89: 15: As for man, whenever his Lord tries him, and honors him, and favors him… [4] 25: 46 [5] The interworld (BARZAKH) is the abode in which a person dwells between death and the Day of Resurrection. [6] The Witnesses, mentioned in 11: 20 and 40: 54, are the angels, prophets, IMAMs, and faithful whom ALLAH appoints to give witness concerning the deeds of men at the Resurrection. [7] 45: 21 [8] 44: 41 [9] E'LLEEYOON, mentioned in 83: 18 and 19, and deriving from a root meaning 'high' or 'exalted', is said to be the highest level of paradise, or a book in paradise wherein the deeds of the righteous are recorded. [10] 83: 20-21. [11] Cf. 75: 7. [12] Cf. 3: 106. [13] Several QURANIC verses mention the fact that ALLAH has subjected everything in the heavens and the earth to mankind, e. g. , 14: 33, 16: 12, 31: 20, 45: 13. [14] Cf. 2: 286: Our Lord, charge us not with a load such as Thou DIDST lay upon before us. [15] 2: 286 [16] Allusion to such passages as 2: 286: ALLAH charges no soul to its capacity. [17] Allusion to 9: 33 and 61: 9: It is He who has sent His messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth, that he may uplift it above every religion, though the idolaters be averse. [18] As SAYYID A'LIKHAN points out, there is an allusion here to the HADEETH of 'mediation' (WASILA) according to one version of which the Prophet said: 'Mediation is a degree with ALLAH in the Garden, and there is no degree higher than it, so pray to ALLAH to give me the mediation' (AHMAD III, 83) the fact that this is what the IMAM has in mind is confirmed by his reference to 'intercession' in verse 25 (on the relationship between these two, Cf. note 172). [19] On the Prophet's intercession, Cf. PADWICK, Muslim Devotions, pp. 37 ff. and Encyclopedia of Islam (old edition) , SHAFAA'H. The commentator points out here that the Prophet's intercession—alluded to in the QURAN as his 'praiseworthy station' (17: 79) —will be of several types, including the raising of those who are already in paradise to higher degrees. Hence there is no contradiction between the sinlessness of the IMAMs on the one hand and the Prophet's interceding for them on the other. [20] Cf. 25: 70: On Resurrection Day— ALLAH will change the evil deeds [of those who repent, have faith, and do righteous works] into good deeds. [21] The bearers of the Throne are said to be four angels, one on each corner of the Throne, who will be sided by four more on the Day of Resurrection. Hence the QURAN says: Upon that day eight shall bear above the Throne of by thy Lord (69: 17). On the various kinds of angels, see S. MURATA, 'The Angels,' in S. H. NASR (ed. ) , Islamic Spiritually. Foundations, NEW YORK, 1987, pp. 324-44. [22] Cf. 81: 20 [23] The veils meant here are those referred to in the HADEETH often quoted in SUNNI sources: 'ALLAH has seventy '—or 'seventy thousand '—' veils of light and darkness; were they to be removed, the glories of His face would incinerate everything perceived by the creatures' eyes '. SHI-A'H sources add several parallel HADEETH from the Prophet and the IMAMs (see BIH'AR AL-ANWAR v, 39-47, BAB AL-H’UJUB WAS-SURAADIQAAT) where mention is made of ALLAH's 'splendor masked by the veils' [24] Cf. 17: 85 [25] Cf. 69: 17 [26] Cf. 80: 16 [27] i. e. , the scribes and writers who record peoples' deeds in this world Cf. 82: 11. [28] The two angels, mentioned in many HADEETHs who question the dead on the first night in the grave. [29] An angel who, according to some HADEETHs is the first to enter the grave with the dead person, telling him to write out his deeds on his shroud with his saliva as ink and his finger as pen. [30] A house in the celestial spheres mentioned in 52: 4 and located directly above the KA'BA. [31] The angel in charge of the Fire. [32] The angel in charge of paradise. [33] 66: 6. [34] 13: 24. [35] 69: 30. [36] Cf. 16: 85 [37] 50: 21; the driver and witness are also angles. [38] 35: 29 [39] 59: 10 [40] The QURAN often mentions ALLAH's scheming and devising, usually in answer to the trickery and deception of the evildoers. For example: They are scheming and I am scheming. So respite the unbelievers; delay with them for a time (86: 15) ; They devised and ALLAH devised, and ALLAH is the best of devisers (3: 54). [41] ALLAH's protecting the servant from Himself is for Him to guard him against His wrath, 'Guidance to ALLAH' is guidance to His mercy, while being taken 'far from Him' is to be subjected to wrath. Cf. the introduction. [42] 10: 67 [43] 17: 12 [44] Allusion to 47: 31: We shall assuredly try you until We know those of you who struggle and are steadfast, and try your records. [45] 53: 31 [46] Allusion to 6: 96: He splits the sky into dawn. [47] Cf. above, 3. 18. [48] Allusion to Satan's words in the QURAN (7: 17): I shall come on them from before them and from behind them, from their right and their left hands; Thou wilt not find most of them thankful. [49] 2: 207 [50] 3: 26 [51] The term 'caprice' denotes any desire that is opposed to the truth or turns man away from the divine guidance. Who is further astray than he who follows his own caprice without guidance from ALLAH? 28: 50. Obey not him whose heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance, so that he follows his own caprice (18: 28). ALLAH addresses the prophet DAWOOD with the command: Judge among men by the truth, and follow not caprice (38: 26) [52] Reference to 12: 53: Surely the soul of man commands to evil, except inasmuch as my Lord has mercy. [53] Allusion to 30: 54: ALLAH is He who created you of frailty. [54] 77: 20 [55] Reference to 27: 62: He who responds to the distressed when he supplicates Him, and removes the evil. [56] Allusion to the principle enunciated in the well-know HADEETH: ' ALLAH's mercy precedes His wrath', a constant theme of the, SAH'EEFA as pointed out in the introduction. [57] Allusion to such QURANIC verses as Whosoever does evil or wrongs himself, and then prays ALLAH's forgiveness, he shall find ALLAH is All-forgiving, All-compassionate (4: 110). [58] Reference to such QURANIC verses as Supplicate Me and I will respond to you (40: 60) , and When My servant ask from Me, I am near: I respond to the supplication of the supplicator when he supplicates Me (2: 186) [59] Cf. the HADEETH mentioned in the introduction: 'When one of you supplicates, he should not say: "O ALLAH, forgive me. if Thou wilt", but he should be firm in his asking and make his desire great, for what ALLAH gives is nothing great for Him' (Muslim, D'IKR 8). [60] 74: 56 

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 [61] 3: 26 [62] Reference to such QURANIC verses as: O people, you are the poor toward ALLAH, and He is without need, praiseworthy (35: 15). [63] A case can be made for translating the word Z'ALIM (wrongdoer) in the context of the present supplication as 'oppressor' or 'tyrant', especially if we read the text as expressing the IMAM's relationships with the UMAYYAD authorities. However, the word Z'ULM along with its derivatives is an important and frequently used term in the QURAN, and only the QURANIC context can provide us with a reliable insight into the way the word must have been understood by ZAYN AL-A’ABIDEEN and his contemporaries In the QURAN. it is obvious that terms like 'oppression' and 'tyranny', with their narrow political connotations, cannot begin to do justice to the wide range of meanings included in the primary QURANIC significance, since oppression is merely one of many forms of human 'wrongdoing', an English term which is sufficiently vague and concrete to render the QURANIC idea rather closely. According to the QURAN, the basic meaning of ZULM is to deny the reality of ALLAH and the truth of His revelation and then to transgress the bounds, limits, laws, and statutes He has set down. This QURANIC concept can clearly be perceived in such typical verses as the following: Who does greater wrong than he who bars ALLAH's places of worship, so that His Name be not rehearsed in them, and strives to destroy them? (2: 114) Who does greater wrong than he who conceals a testimony received from ALLAH? (2: 140) Whosoever transgresses the bounds of ALLAH—those are the wrongdoers (2: 229) ; And the unbelievers—they are the wrongdoers (2: 254) Whoso judges not according to what ALLAH has sent down—they are the wrongdoers (5: 45) Who does greater wrong than he who forges against ALLAH a lie, or cries lies to His signs? (7: 37, 10: 17) Who does greater wrong than he who, being reminded of the signs of his Lord, turns away from them? (18: 57, 32: 22) None denies Our signs but the wrongdoers (29: 49) Do not associate others with ALLAH; to associate others with ALLAH is a mighty wrong (31: 13) And whoso repents not, those—they are the wrongdoers (49: 11) Whoso trespasses the bounds of ALLAH has done wrong to himself (65: 1). In most of the cases in which the IMAM employs the term in the SAH'EEFA, the QURANIC context is clear, and this is sufficient reason to maintain consistency of translation in the present supplication, where 'oppression' might also be a valid translation. The term Z'ULM is often used as the opposite of A'DL or 'justice'. [64] Some editions read YUHAADIRANI for YUHAASIRANI. The translation then becomes: 'and overcome me in my rights ' [65] Allusion to such QURANIC verses as: We shall surely destroy the wrongdoers (14: 13) ; We have prepared for the wrongdoers a painful chastisement (25: 37) [66] Again reference 27: 62: He who responds to the distressed when he supplicates Him, and remove the evil. [67] A believer who cannot perform the obligatory acts of worship because of illness is credited with them in any case. The commentator cites a number of HADEETHs to this effect, e. g.: 'When the believer becomes sick, ALLAH says to the angle charged with him: 'Write for him what you used to write when he was healthy". [68] 40: 7 [69] 3: 26 [70] The terms 'wretchedness' (SHIQA) and 'felicity' (SAA'ADA) refer to heaven and hell, not to the misery or happiness of this world. [71] 3: 26. [72] Reference to the principle enunciated in 2: 264: O believers, void not your freewill offerings with obligations and harm, as one who expends of his substance to show off to men and believes not in ALLAH and the Last Day. [73] i. e. , 'Being gentle'. The expression is employed in 15: 88 and 26: 215. [74] That is, the return to ALLAH, alluded to with verbs from the same root in many QURANIC verses, such as He originates creation, then He makes it return (10: 4). The word MAA'AD becomes a standard term in Islamic thought for 'eschatology' and discussion of affairs having to do with the next world. [75] Allusion to 78: 21-23: Behold, GEHENNAM has become an ambush, for the insolent a resort, therein to tarry for ages… [76] Here is the word 'guardianship' (WILAAYA) probably does no have a technical sense (on which, see note 219) , but is employed in a more general sense as in the title to Supplication 5. [77] 2: 201. [78] Cf. 11 56: There is no creature that crawls, but He takes it by the forelock. [79] This sentence goes back to a prophetic saying (AHMAD, 1,391 and 402). [80] Allusion to 2: 197: Take provision, but the best provision is reverent fear. [81] 3: 26 [82] 6: 122 [83] i. e. , unaffected by my own good pleasure or wrath in a given situation. [84] That is, the lesser pilgrimage to Mecca, made outside of the season of the HAJ. [85] 22: 3, [86] 11: 56 [87] This passage can be read in two ways: in the more general interpretation, the 'us' in 'ennobled us' and 'made incumbent upon us' refers to all Muslims, while in the more Specific interpretation, it refers to the IMAMs. In the first case, the rights are those which all Muslims have in relationship to other Muslims, as explained, for example, in the IMAM's 'Treatise on Rights'. In the second case, the rights are those of the IMAMs in respect to other Muslims. The commentator quotes among others the Prophet's HADEETH of 'seven rights' (see the introduction to the 'Treatise on Rights') to illustrate the first interpretation. If we read it in the second way, then 'the rights of the IMAMs are obvious, since all the rights which ALLAH has made obligatory upon the creatures for the Messenger of ALLAH are also obligatory for the IMAMs. Sufficient proof of this is provided by the QURANIC verse: Obey ALLAH, obey the Messenger and those in authority among you (4: 59) ' (SAYYID A'LIKHAN). [88] Cf. 25: 70: On Resurrection Day— ALLAH will change the evil deeds [of those who repent, have faith, and do righteous works] into good deeds. [89] 45: 22 [90] 7: 151 [91] One is tempted to translate SHAHAWAT as 'lusts', but the QURANIC context shows that the objects of desire in themselves are not necessarily negative; the QURAN blames only the fact that man allows himself to be occupied by them in lieu of ALLAH. For example, Decked out fair to men is the love of passions—women, children heaped-up heaps of gold and silver, horses of marks, cattle, and tillage. That is the enjoyment of the present life; but ALLAH—with Him is the fairest resort (3: 14) , ARBERRY translates the term here as 'lusts', PICKTHALL as 'joys'. [92] Cf. 12. 10 [93] These four lines refer to 2: 186 and 40: 60 [94] 2: 201 [95] That is, those who recognize the IMAMATE of ZAYN AL-A'ABIDEEN and the other IMAMs. Cf. 47. 64. [96] SAYYID A'LIKHAN explains the expression as meaning: 'Give them LUTF (gracefulness, gentleness, subtlety) in their MAKR (guile, stratagem) so that their enemy will not become aware of their guile, for then it will be too subtle and fine to be perceived by the intellect and the understanding; so the meaning is that ALLAH should inspire them with careful watchfulness and excellence of artful stratagems. ' He suggests that the text may also be interpreted to mean: Be kind and gentle to them in relation to the guile of their enemy, so that his guile will not harm them. [97] 8: 57 

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 [98] The commentator devotes a long discussion to the word MIH'AAL, which occurs in the QURANIC name of ALLAH, SHADEEID AL-MIH'AAL (13: 13). it may signify, among others, cunning, guile, stratagem, planning, managing, power, strength, dispute, enmity, punishment, vengeance, chastisement. [99] This victory of a small army of Muslims over a much larger contingent of unbelievers took place in the year 2/623. Many accounts are given of how the angels also took part in the fighting, and it is said to be in reference to BADR that ALLAH says in the QURAN, When thy Lord was revealing to the angles: 'I am with you, so strengthen the faithful, I shall cast terror into the hearts of the unbelievers' (8: 12). [100] 51: 22-3 [101] 40: 60 [102] 9: 104, 42: 25 [103] 42: 25 [104] 2: 222 [105] Allusion to the well-known prophetic saying: 'Remorse is a repentance' (BIN MAJA, ZUHD 30/ AHMAD 376, 423; VI, 264) , [106] 2: 128 [107] There is probably an allusion here to 3: 103: You were upon the brink of a pit of Fire, and He rescued you from it. [108] 3: 26. [109] Reference to the QURANIC account of IBLEES, in which IBLEES asks from ALLAH and is given permission to try to lead His servants astray until the Day of Resurrection (7: 14-18, 15: 36-43, 38: 79-86). [110] Reference to 59: 16: Like Satan, when he said to man, 'Disbeliev! ' Then, when he disbelieved, he said: 'Surely I am quit of you. Surely I fear ALLAH, the Lord of the worlds. ' [111] Reference to 32: 7: He originated the creation of man out of clay, then He fashioned his progeny of an extraction of mean water, then He shaped him and breathed His spirit into him. [112] Reference to a number of QURANIC passages, especially 23: 12-14: We created man out of an extraction of clay, then We set him, a drop, in a receptacle secure, then We created of the drop a clot, then We created of the clot a tissue, then We created of the tissue bones, then We garmented the bones with flesh; thereafter We produced him as another creature. [113] As the commentators point out, this 'placing' is connected to tee QURANIC doctrine of the transformation of evil deeds into good deeds, e. g.: Whosoever does that shall meet the price of sin…save him who repents, has faith, and does righteous works—those, ALLAH will change their evil deeds into good deeds (25: 68-70). [114] This is part of a HADEETH; Cf. Lane/ Arabic-English Lexicon, s. v. IBQAAA. [115] 3: 26, [116] 3: 26, [117] Allusion to 4: 59: O you who have faith, Obey ALLAH, obey the Messenger and those in authority among yo! (4: 59) [118] 112 [119] Allusion to 25: 40 [120] Literally, those who 'deviate' from the right way. [121] 2: 285 [122] The commentator suggests that the expression TASH-KURU 'for which Thou showest gratitude', which is found in most texts, means QABALTAHU, ' which Thou acceptest'. He adds that another ancient text has SHUKIR-TAH, 'for which Thou are thanked', and that this is clearer and more appropriate in the context. [123] Allusion to such QURANIC verses as Whoso brings a good deed shall have ten the like of it; Whoso brings an evil deed shall only be recompensed the like of it; they shall not be wronged. Cf. 40: 40. [124] Allusion to 2: 222: Truly ALLAH loves those who repent. [125] The Persian translators read this as meaning, 'pardon me in spite of my wrongdoing against myself', and MOHANI's English translation agrees: 'Pardon my soul despite its having worked to its own hurt. ' However, this suggests a different reading. Hence I follow the interpretation of SAYYID A'LIKHAN' who explains the text as follows: 'The soul is pledged to fulfill the covenant which it has made with ALLAH. This covenant for which it is held accountable when it is sent down into this world, is that it must return to ALLAH safe from His displeasure, having observed His commandments and avoided stepping outside His paths which He established through the tongue of the Messenger of ALLAH. If the soul fulfills its covenant, it emerges from the ties or its pledge and its recompense is multiplied, just as ALLAH has Said: Whoso fulfills his covenant made with ALLAH, ALLAH will give him a mighty wage (48: 10). But if he breaks the covenant and commits that which has been prohibited, he remains a pledge to his words, just as ALLAH has said: Every soul shall be a pledge for what it has earned (74: 38). Hence in this verse the IMAM asks his Lord to be kind to him by releasing his soul from its pledge and giving it to him. ' [126] Reference to several QURANIC names for the people of paradise. The Companions of the Right Hand are mentioned in 56: 27, 38, 90, 91, and 74: 39; the Secure in 27: 89,34: 37, etc. ; the Triumphant in 9: 20, 23: 111, 59: 20; the righteous in 2: 130, 12: 101, etc. [127] Allusion to 4: 174: We have sent down to you a manifest light. [128] Allusion to 5: 48: We have sent down to thee the Book with the truth, confirming the Book that was before it, and guarding over it. [129] There are allusions here to several QURANIC verses, including 4: 174, 5: 48, and 39: 23. [130] The QURAN calls itself a 'separator' in 2: 185, 3: 4, and 25: 1 [131] Allusion to the title given to itself by the QURAN, the Arabic recitation 12: 2, 20: 113, et al). To 'make plain' (IA'-RAB) also means to express in Arabic' [132] Cf. 41: 3 A book whose signs have been distinguished as an Arabic QURAN for a people having knowledge. [133] Cf. 76: 23 Surely We have sent down the QURAN on thee, a sending down. [134] Cf. 14: 1: A Book We have sent down to thee that you mayest bring forth mankind from the shadow to the light by the leave of their Lord; Cf. see also 57: 9, 65: 11. [135] For the name 'healing', Cf. 10: 57 and 17: 82. [136] Cf. 57: 25 [137] According to SAYYID A'LIKHAN, by 'witnesses' the IMAM means either those who bear witness to ALLAH's Unity and to the prophets, since the QURAN is their greatest proof, or the Prophet and his Household, who are — according to the SHI-A'H interpretation — the Witnesses referred to in the verse: Thus We appointed you a midmost nation that you might be witnesses to the people, and that the Messenger might be a witness to you (2: 143). [138] Here the prayer's specific reference to the IMAM's own situation leads the commentators to suggest altering the text when it is recited. SAYYID A'LIKHAN suggests that the words should end with hum (them) instead of NA (us) to translate into: 'Thou madest his executors the heirs of its Knowledge as interpreters Thou preferred them over him who is ignorant of its knowledge and Thou gavest them strength to lift them above…'. [139] Allusion to 20: 130: Proclaim thy Lord's praise…in the watches of the night, and the ends of the day. [140] Allusion to 59: 21: If We had sent down this QURAN upon a mountain, thou wouldst have seen it humbled, split asunder out of the fear of ALLAH. [141] Allusion to two QURANIC verses: They shall be secure from terror on that day (27: 80) and The Greatest Terror shall not grieve them (21: 103). [142] Allusion to 8: 6: As though they were being driven into death with their eyes open and 50: 21: And death's agony comes in truth…And every soul will come, with it a driver and a witness. [143] 5: 26-7 [144] Allusion to 17: 13: And every man—We have fastened to him the bird of omen upon his neck. [145] Cf. 3: 106. 

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[146] The 'mediation' is mentioned in 5: 35: O you who have faith, fear ALLAH and seek the mediation to Him. 'Mediation' may mean simply the means of access to ALLAH, defined in terms of any work of obedience or pious act. But most commentators point out the verse's connection to a well-known saying of the Prophet concerning 'mediation' as the highest station of Paradise, and this in turn is normally defined as the permission ALLAH will give to the Prophet at the Resurrection to intercede for his community. The Prophet said: 'When you hear the MUEZZIN, repeat what he says, then call down blessings upon me. If someone calls down a blessing upon me, ALLAH will call down ten upon him. Then ask that I be given the mediation, for it is a station in the Garden suited only for one of ALLAH's servants, and I hope to be that one. If anyone asks that I be given the mediation, my intercession for him will become lawful' (Muslim/ SALAT 11; TIRMID'I, MANAAQIB 1; ABU DAWOOD, SALAT 36; AHMAD 11, 168, 265; 111 83). PADWICK discusses the connection between mediation and intercession in Muslim Devotions CH. 2, 'The Prayer of Mediation'. On the mediation of the IMAMs see note 217. [147] Allusion to the 'Pool of Abundance in Paradise, which, according to several HADEETH, is the meaning of the 'Abundances' which ALLAH gave to the Prophet as mentioned in 108: 1. [148] Allusion to 36: And the moon—We have determined it by mansions, till it returns like an aged palm-bough. [149] 2: 185 [150] 97: 4-5 [151] SAYYID A'LIKHAN offers four interpretations for this last clause, three given by earlier commentators and the fourth his own: (a) so that the acts of obedience and nearness- seeking of the angels will be less than ours; (b) so that none of the recording angels will bring the record of our sins except that they be less than the kinds of obedience and sort of nearness-seeking that we bring; (c) so that none of the angels will bring the works of the servants except that they be less than the kinds of obedience and sort of nearness- seeking that we bring; (d) so that none of the angels will bring our good works except that they be less than the good works that we ourselves bring. In support of the last reading he cites a HADEETH from one of the IMAMs "The angle only writes down what it hears, but ALLAH has said: Remember thy Lord in thyself, in pleading and fear (7: 205). So none knows the reward of the remembrance in the person's self except ALLAH ' He concludes that the best interpretation is to say that the passage includes all four of these meanings. [152] 23: 11 [153] 23: 60 [154] 23: 61 [155] In other words, Thou are kind without the servants having done anything to deserve it. Cf. 12: 3. [156] 66: 8 [157] 6: 160 [158] 2: 261. [159] 2: 245 [160] 2: 152 [161] 14: 7 [162] 40: 60 [163] 97: 3 [164] 97: 3 [165] That is, the RAMAZ''AN of the year that has just passed and that of the coming year. [166] That is, we have been afflicted by the hardship of having to fast. This interpretation follows SAYYID A'LIKHAN's reading, the Persian translators interpret the sentence to mean: 'our being afflicted by grief at the passing of our month', a reading which SAYYID A'LIKHAN rejects. [167] i. e. , that good pleasure and mercy. [168] Allusion to QURANIC verses such as Truly ALLAH loves the repenters (2: 222) and ALLAH is He who accepts repentance from His servants (9: 104; Cf. 42: 25). [169] 3: 26 [170] Allusion to 8: 53: ALLAH would never charge his favor that he conferred on a people until they changed what was within themselves. [171] 3: 26 [172] An oft-repeated formula found in many HADEETHs. [173] The ninth of D'UL-HIJJA, the last day of the HAJ, when the pilgrims occupy themselves with prayer at Mount A'RAFA. Cf. IMAM HUSAYN's long supplication for the day, translated in CHITTICK, A SHI-A'H Anthology, pp. 93-113. [174] 1: 2 [175] Cf. 15: 21-23: Naught is there, but its treasuries are with Us, and We send it not down but in a known measure…It is We who give life, and make to die, and it is We who are the inheritors. [176] 42: 11 [177] Reference to 10: 61: Not so much as the weight of an ant in earth or heaven escapes thy Lord… [178] 41: 54 [179] 33: 52 [180] Reference to 25: 2 He created everything, then He ordained it with an ordination. [181] Allusion to 80: 20: He created him [man], and determined him, then the way eased for him. [182] Perhaps an allusion to 32: 5 He governs the affair from the heaven to the earth. [183] Reference to 72: 28: He has counted everything in numbers. [184] The terms 'HOWNESS' and 'WHERENESS' are found already in HADEETH attributed to the Prophet in SHI-A'H sources, as well as to some of the IMAMs (Cf. CHITTICK, A SHI-A'H Anthology, index under A'YNEEYAH and KAYFIYYAH. The term 'selfness' (ZATIYYA) is certainly more rare. Lane in his Lexicon points out that it is a post-classical term used in philosophy, but in the present context it has no such philosophical sense and seems to be a coinage built on the analogy of the other two terms. [185] Reference to SURA 112. [186] The 'Separator' is the QURAN. There is an allusion here to 15: 9 Therefore cleave [O MUHAMMAD] by means of that which thou are commanded [i. e. , the QURANIC injunctions], and turn away from the idolaters. [187] Reference to 6: 115. [188] The guardians or writers are the recording angels. The 'book' mentioned here is referred to in such verses as: The Book shall be set in place; and Thou wilt see the sinners fearful at what is in it, and saying: 'Alas for u! How is it with this Book, that it leaves nothing behind, small or great, but it has numbered it? (18: 49). ' [189] Allusion to 18: 109: Say: 'If the sea were ink for the words of my Lord, the sea would be spent before the words of my Lord are spent'. [190] Reference to 33: 35: Folk of the House, ALLAH only desires to put away from you uncleanness and to purify you. [191] Muslims hold that 'mediation' will be given to the Prophet (see note 172) , while SHI-A'H tradition adds that it will also belong to the IMAMs. Cf. the chapter in MAJLISI's BIH'AR AL-ANWAR 'The Mediation, and the station of the Prophet and the Folk of his House which will become manifest at the Resurrection' (VII, 326-40). Among relevant sayings quoted in both SHI-A'H and SUNNI sources is that of A'LI: 'In the Garden there are two pearls within the Throne, one of them white and the other yellow. In each there are 70,000 rooms whose gates and cups come from a single root. The white is the Mediation which belongs to MUHAMMAD and his Household, while the yellow belongs to IBRAHEEM and his household' (commentary on 5: 35: TABARSI, MAJMA AL-BAYAAN, MAYBUDI, KASHF AL-ASRAR). [192] Cf. Supplication 1: They cannot keep back from that to which He has sent them forward, nor can they go forward to that from which He has kept them back. [193] The 'Friend' or WALI is the IMAM, who, in keeping with the various meanings of the root, is 'friend' of ALLAH, 'guardian' of the people under his care, and 'authority' in all matters of religious teaching. His function, known as WILAYA (or WALAYA) and derived from the same Arabic root, is discussed in most books on SHI'iSM, in the present text the word is mentioned, not always in the technical sense. 

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[194] Allusion to 17: 80: And say [O MUHAMMAD]: '…grant me authority from Thee to help me. ' [195] Cf. 48: 1: Surely We have given a manifest opening. [196] Cf. Moses' supplication in 20: 31 Appoint for me of my folk a familiar, HAROON, my brother; by him brace up my back. [197] Like the previous clause, this is allusion to the story of Moses and HAROON in the QURAN, and more specifically, to ALLAH's words to Moses: We will strengthen thy arm by means of your brother (28: 35). [198] Cf. 37: 173: Our troops—they are the victors. [199] WILAYA—which may be translated as friendship, authority, guardianship, rule—is the of office of function of the 'Friend' or WALI, mentioned above in note 219. [200] 2: 128 [201] Cf. 10: 25: And ALLAH summons to the Abode of peace. Cf. also 6: 127 [202] This may be allusion to 17: 16. [203] Allusion to 4: 108: They hide themselves from men, but hide themselves not from ALLAH. [204] Allusion to 7: 182: We will draw them on little by little from whence they know not; and I grant them respite—surely My guile id firm. IMAM JA'FAR AS-SADIQ says: 'When ALLAH desires good for a servant who commits a sin, He causes the sin to be followed by a punishment so that he remembers to ask forgiveness. But when He desires evil for a servant who commits a sin, He causes the sin to be followed by a favor so that he forgets to ask forgiveness and persists in the sin. This id indicated by ALLAH's words: We will draw them on little by little from whence they know not. ' (SAYYID A'LIKHAN) [205] Cf. note 231. [206] In other words: Do not allow me to become diverted from the worship and obedience which please Thee by my seeking after the things of this world, which come only through Thee. [207] The 'mediation' is mentioned in 5: 35: O you who have faith, fear ALLAH and seek the mediation to Him. 'Mediation' may mean simply the means of access to ALLAH, defined in terms of any work of obedience or pious act. But most commentators point out the verse's connection to a well-known saying of the Prophet concerning 'mediation' as the highest station of Paradise, and this in turn is normally defined as the permission ALLAH will give to the Prophet at the Resurrection to intercede for his community. The Prophet said: 'When you hear the MUEZZIN, repeat what he says, then call down blessings upon me. If someone calls down a blessing upon me, ALLAH will call down ten upon him. Then ask that I be given the mediation, for it is a station in the Garden suited only for one of ALLAH's servants, and I hope to be that one. If anyone asks that I be given the mediation, my intercession for him will become lawful' (Muslim/ SALAT 11; TIRMID'I, MANAAQIB 1; ABU DAWOOD, SALAT 36; AHMAD 11, 168, 265; 111 83). PADWICK discusses the connection between mediation and intercession in Muslim Devotions CH. 2, 'The Prayer of Mediation'. On the mediation of the IMAMs see note 217. [208] The commentator suggests that this is an allusion to the principle enunciated in 18: 103-104: Say: 'Shall we tell you who will be the losers in their works? Those whose striving goes a stray in the present life, while they think they are working good deeds'. [209] 75: 56. [210] Reference to 66: 8: Upon the day when ALLAH will not degrade the Prophet and those who believe with him, their light running before them, and on their right hands. [211] Allusion to 19: 75: Say: ' Whoever is in error, let the All-merciful prolong his term for hi! …' [212] The 'radiance' of the IMAM. [213] Cf. the following HADEETH: 'ALLAH has left no excuse for him who has reached sixty or seventy years of age. ALLAH has left him no excuse, no excuse! ' (AHMAD 11,275). See also Lane, Arabic-English Lexicon, s. v. I'D'AAR [214] Reference to 7: 186: Whomsoever ALLAH leads astray, no guide has he; He leaves them in their insolence blindly wandering. [215] Reference to 23: 54: So leave them in their perplexity for a time. [216] The commentator offers three possible interpretations: remove not my name from the register of the felicitous, writing it in the register of the wretched; change my name not for the worse, after it had been an elevated name; change not the name by which Thou hadst named us before (alluding to the QURANIC verse: He named you Muslims aforetime and in this [22: 78]). The meaning thus becomes: Name me not an unbeliever after Thou hast named me a Muslim. [217] The commentator explains this to mean: Transform it not through an affliction in this world or through making it ugly in the next. [218] Reference to 56: 88-9: Then if he be of those brought high to the Throne, there shall be repose and ease, and a garden of bliss. [219] Allusion to 2: 16: Those are they who have bought error at the price of guidance, and their commerce has not profited them. [220] Reference to 79: 6-12: Upon the day when the first blast shivers,…They shall say: ' What, are we being restored as we were before? —That then is a return with los! ' [221] Allusion to 15: 47: We shall root out all rancor that is in their breasts (Cf. 7: 43) [222] 26: 84, part of a prayer of IBRAAHEEM. [223] The commentator sees this as a reference to the first Muslims, as in 9: 100: And the foremost, the first, who are the Emigrants and the helpers, and those who followed them in good-doing—ALLAH will be well-pleased with them…; He has prepared for them gardens…the 'plain' of the first is the place where they are brought together at the Resurrection, [224] 86: 9 [225] That is the tenth of ZUL-HIJJA, which marks the end of the HAJ and is one of the two major festivals (along with the feast of fast-breaking) celebrated universally throughout the Islamic world. [226] 3: 26 [227] By 'this station' is meant the leading of the prayer of Friday and of the Day of Sacrifice. The latter of these prayers is obligatory according to the SHI-A'HS, in contrast to the SUNNI. ZAYN AL-A’ABIDEEN alludes to the SHI-A'H view that the IMAMs are the rightful leaders of these payers for all Islam, not the UMAYYAD caliphs and their representatives. In explaining the meaning of this passage, SAYYID A'LIKHAN quotes a HADEETH from JA'-FAR AS-SADIQ: 'Both festivals of the Muslims, that of fast-breaking and that of Sacrifice, renew the sorrow of the Household of MUHAMMAD, for they see therein their right in the hands of others. ' [228] i. e. , those who actually put the profession of Unity, faith, and attestation into practice. [229] Allusion to the Prophet's supplication quoted in the introduction: 'I seek refuge in Thy good pleasure from Thy displeasure and in Thy pardon from Thy punishment. I seek refuge in Thee from Thee. ' [230] Allusion to 43: 11: [We] sent down out of heaven water in measure; and We revived thereby a land that was dead; even so you shall be brought forth [on the Day of Resurrection]. [231] Allusion to 21: 23: He is not questioned as to what He does, but they shall be questioned. [232] For 'so and so' the supplicant should supply words appropriate to his own situation. [233] 3: 26 [234] 39: 53 [235] This is the Boot of Records on the Day of Judgment, mentioned, for example, in 18: 49: And the Book shall be set in place; and thou wilt see the sinners fearful at what is in it, saying: 'Alas for u! How is it with this Book, that it leaves nothing behind, small or great, but it has counted it? ' Cf. 17: 13-14. [236] Allusion to such QURANIC verses as: Not so much as the weight of an ant in heaven and earth escapes from Him, neither is aught smaller that that, or greater, but it is in a Manifest Book (34: 3). [237] Allusion to 4: 6, 33: 39: ALLAH suffices as a reckoner. [238] Cf. the following sentence from a supplication of the Prophet: 'I ask Thee by every one of Thy names by which Thou hast named Thyself, which Thou hast taught to one of Thy creatures, which Thou hast sent down in Thy Book, or which Thou hast kept to Thyself in the knowledge of the Unseen' (AHMAD 1, 391, 402). [239] 2: 128 [240] 20: 8 

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[241] Allusion to 35: 28: Only those of His servants fear ALLAH who have knowledge. [242] Reference to 29: 17: Every soul shall taste death, then unto Us you shall be returned. [243] The commentator suggests that the Stillness of his veins' alludes to the health of his body, which in turn brings about comfort and ease, making him heedless of ALLAH and the next world. [244] Allusion to the Prophet's supplication quoted in the introduction: 'I seek refuge in Thy good pleasure from Thy displeasure and in Thy pardon from Thy punishment. I seek refuge in Thee from Thee. ' [245] SURA 112 [246] Allusion to such verses as 8: 68: Had it not been for a prior writ from ALLAH, there had been afflicted you, for what you took, a dreadful chastisement. [247] This verse and the following allude to the well-known HADEETH QUDSI: 'Might is My loincloth and mightiness My cloak. if anyone contends with Me in either of these, I will cast him into GEHENNAM' Cf. W. GRAHAM, Divine Word and Prophetic Word, pp. 162-3 [248] This is probably an allusion to the Highest Assembly, the angels mentioned in 37: 8 and 38: 69 [249] Cf. 20: 6. [250] Cf. 9: 78: Know they not that ALLAH knows their secret and their whispered conversation, and that ALLAH knows the things unseen? See also 43: 80, 58: 7. [251] BIN SHIHAB AZ-ZUHRI (d. 124/742) was a well known jurist and traditionist and, as mentioned in the introduction, is credited with being the first to call the IMAM by the title 'ZAYN AL-A'ABIDEEN'. SAE'ED BIN AL-MUSAYYAB (d. 94/712-713) , one of the seven jurists' of MADEENA, was known as the 'Chief of the Followers' SAYYID AT-TABEEN) ) , that is, those who followed the generation of the Prophet's Companions. [252] Muslims hold that 'mediation' will be given to the Prophet (see note 172) , while SHI-A'H tradition adds that it will also belong to the IMAMs. Cf. the chapter in MAJLISI's BIH'AR AL-ANWAR 'The Mediation, and the station of the Prophet and the Folk of his House which will become manifest at the Resurrection' (VII, 326-40). Among relevant sayings quoted in both SHI-A'H and SUNNI sources is that of A'LI: 'In the Garden there are two pearls within the Throne, one of them white and the other yellow. In each there are 70,000 rooms whose gates and cups come from a single root. The white is the Mediation which belongs to MUHAMMAD and his Household, while the yellow belongs to IBRAHEEM and his household' (commentary on 5: 35: TABARSI, MAJMA AL-BAYAAN, MAYBUDI, KASHF AL-ASRAR). [253] 3: 26 [254] Allusion to the HADEETH QUDSI, 'I am with My servant's opinion of Me'; in some versions, there occurs the phrase, 'So let him think about Me what he will' Cf. W. GRAHAM, Divine Word, pp. 127-130). [255] Again reference to 40: 60: Supplicate Me and I will respond to you. [256] Allusion to QURANIC verses such as: Surely ALLAH will not fail in His promise (13: 31) , and There is no change for the words of ALLAH (10: 64). [257] Allusion to 27: 62. [258] 7: 156 [259] The first passage of this supplication seems to be a slightly altered passage mentioned in supplication 48 which reads: O ALLAH, nothing repels Thy wrath but Thy clemency, nothing repels Thy displeasure but Thy pardon, nothing grants sanctuary from Thy punishment but Thy mercy, and nothing will deliver me from Thee except pleading to Thee before Thee, so bless MUHAMMAD and the Household of MUHAMMAD, and give us on Thy part, my God, relief by means of the power through which Thou bringest the dead servants to life and revivest the dead lands. [260] Allusion to the Prophet's supplication quoted in the introduction: 'I seek refuge in Thy good pleasure from Thy displeasure and in Thy pardon from Thy punishment. I seek refuge in Thee from Thee. ' [261] Allusion to 43: 11: [We] sent down out of heaven water in measure; and We revived thereby a land that was dead; even so you shall be brought forth [on the Day of Resurrection]. [262] Allusion to the Prophet's supplication quoted in the introduction: 'I seek refuge in Thy good pleasure from Thy displeasure and in Thy pardon from Thy punishment. I seek refuge in Thee from Thee. ' [263] 12: 64 [264] Allusion to 20: 111: Faces shall be humbled unto the Living, the Subsistent. [265] 12: 53 [266] 37: 173 [267] 58: 22 [268] 10: 62 [269] 25: 47 [270] There are a number of QURANIC allusions in this passage, including: He created, then proportioned (87: 2) , and He sat upon the Throne (7: 54 etc). [271] 7: 151 [272] Ibid, [273] Allusion to such verses as: They forgot ALLAH, so He forgot them (9: 67) ; Today We forget you, just as you forgot the meeting on this your Day (45: 34; Cf. 7: 51). [274] Allusion to 14: 7: If you are thankful, surely I will increase you, but if you are thankless, My chastisement is surely terrible. [275] Allusion to QURANIC verses such as: Surely ALLAH will not fail in His promise (13: 31) , and There is no change for the words of ALLAH (10: 64). [276] Reference to 22: 78: Struggle for ALLAH as is His du! [277] 3: 8 [278] 2: 129 [279] Allusion to the well-known prophetic saying: 'Remorse is a repentance' (BIN MAJA, ZUHD 30/ AHMAD 376, 423; VI, 264). [280] 66: 8 [281] Reference to 12: 53 [282] Allusion to 70: 19-21: Surely man was fretful, when evil touches him, anxious, when good visits him, grudging. [283] Allusion to the QURANIC verse: No indeed, but what they were earning has rusted upon the hearts (83: 14) , as well as to the several instances where the QURAN refers to the sealing of the unbelievers' hearts, e. g. ALLAH has set a seal on their hearts, so they know not (9: 93) , [284] 3: 25 [285] Allusion to a Well known formula found in many HADEETHs, in one version, the Prophet say in supplication: 'The good—all of it—is in Thy hands, and evil does not return to Thee' Muslim, MUSAAFIREEN 201; NASAAA-I, IFTITAH' 17). [286] Allusion to 7: 54: Verily His are the creation and the command. [287] Allusion to the HADEETH QUDSI, 'I am with My servant's opinion of Me'; in some versions, there occurs the phrase, 'So let him think about Me what he will' Cf. W. GRAHAM, Divine Word, pp. 127-130). [288] Allusion to the Prophet's supplication quoted in the introduction: 'I seek refuge in Thy good pleasure from Thy displeasure and in Thy pardon from Thy punishment. I seek refuge in Thee from Thee. ' [289] Allusion to 29: 69 [290] 3: 26 [291] Allusion to the clarity of version that the soul experiences at death: Thou wast heedless of this; therefore We have now removed from thee thy covering, and so thy sight today is piercing (50: 22) [292] Allusion to 29: 28: O soul serene, return to thy Lord, well-pleased, well-pleasin! [293] Allusion to 13: 28: In remembering ALLAH, find serenity the hearts of those who have faith and do righteous deeds. [294] 33: 41 [295] 2: 152 [296] Allusion to the words of Lot in 11: 80: Would that I had power against you, or might take shelter in a strong pilla! 

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