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Characteristics of Shiite Belief about Mahdi and Questions Arose from this Belief 

Mahdi the Twelfth Successor of the Prophet (S)


What has been analyzed until now in this book about “great universal peacemaker” and “revolutionary programs of Mahdi” was in two parts, one part in a general rational form and another part in a general Islamic form; but belief of Shiites which is being fed from the school of Ahl al-Bayt of Prophet (S) has some characteristics which will be studied in this chapter; these characteristics are: 

1) Shiites believe that Mahdi is the twelfth successor of Prophet (S) and son of Imam Hassan Askari (as) ; His name is “Muhammad”, his Kunya (honorific) is “Abolghasem” and his Laqabs are “Mahdi”, “Sahib Al-Zaman” and “al-Qa’im”. 

2) “Mahdi” is alive now and according to the fact that he was born in the year 255 after Hijrah, now he is more than thousand years old. 

3) “Mahdi” is hidden from the eyes while he is alive; which means, while he has a natural life but lives in this world unknown. 

But other Islamic sects - except some of them - believe that he will born in End of Days, although he is from the dynasty of prophet; therefore, they don’t consider an age with this long occultation for him; albeit, few Sunnis also consider him as son of Imam Hassan Askari (as). 

Anyway, special belief of Shiites arise three questions: 

First Question 

It is the famous question 

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of “longevity” which has been introduced from the past that how is it possible for a human to live this much longer, while we have never seen that a person’s age exceeds one hundred to one hundred and twenty years! How this old age can be proper to maximum ages, which we see around us? 

Second Question 

It is about the philosophy of this long occultation that why Imam and leader of Islamic society should be absent this much time, what is the secret of this matter? 

Third Question 

Which has close relation with the second question - although it is separated from that - is about the philosophy of existence of Imam (as) during the occultation; when the leader has no connection with his followers and the people of the world cannot see him and gain benefits of his leadership then which role can be considered for him? And in other words, during this time, his life is a personal and private life not social and in the position of a leader! 

First, it is necessary here to mention the evidences of Shiites about these triple beliefs. 

Then we can see that how is it possible to answer the above triple questions. 

At the beginning, it should be considered that rational reason can never point a specific person about this matter, but the results of these reasons are always general. 

Narratives of Sunnis about Mahdi are usually general; they only talk about “a person from the dynasty of prophet with laghab of Mahdi and the name of Muhammad (like 

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the name of prophet of Islam) ”; except some narratives which quote all characteristics of his father or forefathers and is compatible with Shiites belief, like the two following narratives: 

1) “Sheikh Suleiman al-Qunduzi”, who is one of Sunni scholars, quotes in famous book of “Yanabi al-Muwadda” from the book “Fara'id al-Simtayn” from Ibn Abbas that a Jewish man went to Prophet (S) and asked many questions and after hearing the answers, the light of belief shined in his heart and became Muslim; including: 

“Who is your successor? Because any prophet should have a successor, as our prophet Moses (as) placed Joshua as his successor”. 

Prophet (S) answered this question: 

انّ وصیّی علیّ بن ابی طالب و بعده سبطای الحسن و الحسین تتلوه تسعة ائمّة من صلب الحسین 

My successor is Ali ibn Abi Talib and after him my grandsons Hassan and Hussein and after Hussein, nine Imams from his generation 

Jewish man asked Prophet (S) to say their names; Prophet (S) said: 

When Hussein dies his one Ali; and when Ali dies his son Muhammad; and when Muhammad dies his son Ja’far, and when Ja’far dies his son Musa, and when Musa dies his son Ali, and When Ali dies his son Muhammad, and when Muhammad dies his son Ali, and when Ali dies his son Hassan and when Hassan dies his son Muhammad al-Mahdi al-Hujjah will be his successor; they are twelve persons (my successors) … 

Then he asked from the condition of their death and martyrdom and Prophet (S) said after some explanations: 

و انّ الثّانی عشر 

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من ولدی یغیب حتّی لا یری، و یأتی علی امّتی بزمن لایبقی من الاسلام الّا اسمه؛ و لایبقی من القرآن الّا رسمه فحینئذ یأذن الله تبارک و تعالی له بالخروج فیظهر الله الاسلام به و یجدّده... 

My twelfth child will be occulted and won’t be seen and the time will come for my followers that nothing remains from Islam but its name and nothing remains from Qur’an but its text; at this time, almighty God will give him the permission to rise and appears and renews Islam by him… 

The Jewish man says some poems after accepting Islam that includes the names of the successors of prophet and he says about the last one of them: 

آخرهم یسقی الظّماء و هو الامام المنتظر1 

The last one of them waters those who are thirsty (of truth and justice) and he is the expected Imam! 

Again in that book, it is quoted from “Amir ibn Wathilah”, who is the last one of the prophet’s companions who died, from Ali (as) that Prophet (S) said: 

یا علی انت وصیّی، حربک حربی، وسلمک سلمی، وانت الامام و ابوالائمة احدی عشر الذّین هم المطهّرون المعصومون و منهم المهدی الذّی یملأ الارض قسطاً و عدلاً. 2 

Ali you are my successor, your battle is my battle, and your peace is my peace; and you are Imam and father of eleven Imams who are all infallible and pure; and he is “Mahdi” from them who fills the earth with justice. 

But there are many narratives from Ahl al-Bayt about Mahdi (as) and the fact that he 

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is the eleventh son of Ali (as) and the ninth son of Imam Hussein and the inseparable son of Imam Hassan Askari that mentioning all of them takes too much time and it is out of the plan of our book which is based upon briefness; therefore, we mention a list of them and refer you to the book “Muntakhab al-Athar fi Ahwal al-Imam al-Thani Ashar” (a translation-like version of this book called “Promise of Pace and Security” has been also published from the same author) for more information. 

Narratives about the father and forefathers of Mahdi (as) have been quoted in this book, which are mostly from Ahl al-Bayt including: 

91 narratives about the fact that Imams and leaders of twelve persons and the first one of them is Ali (as) and the last of them is Mahdi (as). 

And 94 narratives are quoted about that the last one of Imams is Mahdi (as). 

And 107 narratives about that Imams are twelve persons and nine of them are from the sons of Hussein (as) and the ninth person is “al-Qa’im”. 

And 50 hadith about the names of all twelve leaders that the last of them is Mahdi and in this way, followers of this school specify Mahdi (as) with all his characteristics based upon the above several evidences. 

But it is also necessary to mention that there are many ahadith in reliable and famous Sunni hadith resources about the twelve Imams and caliphs (generally) and as we said before, no logical interpretation can be found for 

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these narratives except by accepting the Shiites’ belief. 

In some of these ahadith like hadith of “Sahih al-Bukhari” and “Sahih al-Tirmidhi” اثنی عشر امیرا4 (twelve emirs) , and in “Sahih Muslim” اثنی عشر خلیفه4 (twelve caliphs) and in Sahih of Abu Dawood also اثنی عشر خلیفه5 and in “Musnad Ahmad” اثنی عشر خلیفه are mentioned in tens of ways. 

Is it possible to deny this much of ahadith from famous books! 

Should we complete the twelve caliphs by adding Umayyad caliphs like Muawiyah, Yazid and Abd al-Malik, or by adding Abbasid caliphs like Harun, Al-Ma'mun and Al-Mutawakkil to the first four caliphs! 

1. Yanabi al-Muwadda, page 440. 

2. The same document, page 85 (printed in Istanbul). 

3. Sahih al-Bukhari, page 175 (printed in Egypt) and Sahih al-Tirmidhi, vol. 2, page 45 (printed in Delhi). 

4. Sahih Muslim, vol. 2, page 191 (printed in Egypt). 

5. Sahih of Abu Dawood, vol. 2, Book of Mahdi, page 207 (printed in Egypt). 

Who are these twelve caliphs whom prophet has named and has praised? 

This is the question that - except the follower of Ahl al-Bayt who believe in twelve Imams - should find an answer for that; because no fair person can consider Umayyad and Abbasid caliphs - who deviated the Islamic government from its way and performed any kind of crime, oppression, transformation and distortion of concepts of Islam - as the successors of prophet and competent of being praised.

Triple Important Questions

The Secret of Longevity 

Introducing the Criticism: We said that others criticize the belief of Shiites about Mahdi from the past that: If he is the son of Imam Hassan Askari and was born in the 

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year 255 after Hijrah from his mother Narjis and is still alive then he is more than thousand years old now, while: 

Neither our daily observations show us people with this old age! 

Nor today’s science accepts that! 

Nor it has historical example! 

Study and Research: 

We agree the criticizers in this matter that normal and ordinary ages which we usually see are not more than one-hundred years, and rarely reaches one-hundred and twenty years, and in out time, people who have reached one-hundred and fifty or sixty are considered as exceptions in the world. 1 

But it is not possible to suffice to these matters for a scientific discussion and research about the matter of the longevity and the following matter should be considered and we see that: 

Does normal life have a constant limit? What does today’s physiology say about that? 

Is there any way of increasing the lifetime? 

Were there exceptional people who were different with normal humans in physical, spiritual, body parts, different senses and other general characteristics? 

Does history really remember people with ages older than what we can see today? 

And above all, it should be considered that who are these criticizers and what is their understanding from different religious issues? 

Does Normal Life have a Constant Limit? 

A small batter has limited lifetime; for example it works for 24 hours continuously; then its power ends. 

For instance, a light bulb works for one thousand hours and then it dies. 

Maybe an automobile works for 20 years. 

Also, other human produces has approximate specific lifetime and average limit; albeit, if user 

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uses them in good conditions then they work more and if they are used in bad conditions then they work less than the specified amount. 

We have also different kinds of lifetime in nature; there are particle inside atoms, which live for only one-thousandth of a second and sometimes “one-hundred millionth” of a second, but in change the age of the earth is estimated to five thousand million years! 

Now we should see that whether the lifetime of living creatures in nature is like the lifetime of our industrial products or not. For example, human lives about 80 years; a dove lives about 5 years; an insect about some months; a plain tree lives about 150 years and a flower shrub about 6 months. 

In the past, a group of scientist believed in a system of normal lifetime in living creatures. For example: 

Pavlov believed that normal lifetime of human is 100 years. 

Metchnikoff believed that normal lifetime of human is 150 to 160 years. 

Kaufland, German physician, believed that normal lifetime of human is 200 years. 

Pflüger, famous physiologist, believed that normal lifetime of human is 600 years. 

And finally Bacon, English philosopher and scientist increased the number and said it is about 1000 years. 

But this belief has been denied by today’s physiologists and the issue of constant limit of normal lifetime of human is invalidated. 

According to Professor Smith, Columbia University: “As the sound barrier broke and moving equipments appeared with ultrasonic speed, some day the barrier of human lifetime will break and it goes beyond whatever 

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we saw until now! ” 

The living evidence which is possible to introduce for proving this belief is the experiments that a group of scientists have performed on different plants or animals in laboratories and they was successful in increasing the lifetime of a living creature in conditions of laboratory up to “twelve times” more. 

For example, an experiment which is performed on a plant with the lifetime of only two weeks shows that it is possible to keep it up to six months. 

If assumable, such increment is possible on human lifetime then there will be humans with more than hundred years of age. 

Another experiment has been performed on a fruit fly, which has a very short lifetime, and they were successful in increasing its lifetime up to “nine-hundred times”! 

If assumable, this amazing and extraordinary increment becomes practical on human lifetime then a person lives more than seventy thousand years! 

Albeit, most of us neither wish for such tiresome age nor accept it even for free, until the poet says: 

من از دو روزه عمر آمدم بجان، ای خضر - چه می‌کنی تو که یک عمرجاودان داری 

I am tried of these two days of life, O Khizr - What do you do who live forever 

And if assumable we accept that, the earth is not ready for accepting this much of living humans! 

But our goal is studying the issue of longevity scientifically. 

We know that today, many biologists have seriously studied the issue of increasing human lifetime; if such thing was impossible then these researches seemed 

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to be useless. 

Nutritionists believe that lifetime is closely related with the way of eating and environmental conditions; they have studied the lifetime of queen bee, which lives several times more than normal bees, and have understood that this matter is the result of royal jelly which is produced by worker bees especially for the queen that is different with normal honey; and a group of scientists thought that it is possible to increase human lifetime for several times with large amounts of this jelly. 

Psychologists say that human lifetime is strongly dependant on his/her thinking way and beliefs and human lifetime increases by having series of constructive and calming spiritualities and beliefs. 

A group of physician believes that: Oldness is a kind of illness which appears because of atherosclerosis or “Metabolism Disorder”; and if we can overcome these factors by correct eating and effective medicine then we can defeat the oldness and we will have a long life. 

All these discussions clearly proves this issue that the legend of “constant normal lifetime” is nothing more than a false legend; and it is not possible to consider a specific limit for the lifetime of living creatures. 

Especially, by opening the way of space to humans and beginning of space travels, the issue of lifetime was considered more seriously; because it has become certain that our short lifetimes our not proper for taking long astronomical journeys. Sometimes, several thousand years of age is needed for making a small step in this expanded universe with current spaceships 

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and tens of thousands of years is needed for farther destinations; therefore, some scientists have thought about another way of increasing the lifetime and that is using freezing system. 

Maybe, this matter was discovered for the first time by observing some of living creatures who had kept their normal life while being frozen; for example, some while ago a frozen fish was found inside polar ices that the condition of ice layers showed that the fish is for five-thousand years ago! 

At first they thought that the fish is dead, but after putting it in warm water they surprisingly saw that it began moving; it is recognized that it was alive during these five-thousand years but with a weak flame of life! 

At this point, they thought if it would be possible to use this method for humans and for example, if it is possible to freeze a space traveler in his/her cabin and an automatic system gradually brings his/her body to normal conditions after hundreds or thousands of years then the problem of lifetime in space travels would be solved. 

Now, some of physicians have thought that they use this system for the patients whom their treatment method has not been found yet, and for example, propose to those who have cancer, to go to deep sleep - or beyond sleep - by freezing method, and for example, return to normal conditions after two centuries that the treatment method of these illnesses is naturally found and treat them. 

All these discussion, plans and proposals 

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show that according to today’s knowledge, there is no constant limit for the lifetime of humans and other living creatures and its amount can be changed. 

1. Some while ago I visited an old man who was not able of performing fasting in the holy month of Ramadan and was asking about the issue of atonement of fasting; I asked about his age and he answered 29 year old. And because he saw that I was surprised, he added that he doesn’t count the hundred and I say after one hundred years which means I am 129 years old!

Existence of Exceptional People 

If we ignore the previous discussion and accept that humankind has constant limit of lifetime according to his primary nature; but, it is not possible to generalize this matter to everyone, because always there are exceptions among living creature which are not compatible with standards and criterions which we saw in natural and experimental sciences; and sometimes, science is incapable of interpreting their conditions. 

Some people have been seen among humans who had extraordinary and completely exceptional senses or powers. 

Some members can be seen among a specific genus of trees or animals, which apparently have specific growth or seemingly limited lifetime, that breaks all regulations and standards of their genus and appear in an extraordinary form; for instance: 

1) Travelers, who have visited Scotland, talk about an amazing tree with 90 feet diameter in trunk and estimated five thousand years of age! 

2) A tree has been seen in California, which are one hundred meters tall! 

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And its lower diameter is about 10 meter and its age is estimated up to sic hundred years. 

3) There is a tree from the genus dracaena or as it is called “dragon tree” among the trees which grow in Canary Islands, that has interested scientists; it is said about this tree that no change has been seen in its grow from the time of discovering the island (which is about five-hundred years ago)! But its seems to have a long life that through this time effects of time have not appears on its feature; therefore, some people think that perhaps, this tree was available before the creation of Adam! 

4) There are trees in tropical regions, which live forever! It means that they are continuously growing roots and shoots and never die. 

5) Some snails have been seen which are thousands years old; and biologists have discovered some fished which are about three million years old. 

6) We can see some people with wonderful talents who are not believable even for those who see them with their own eyes. Who didn’t read the news about the young person who bent metal objects like fork and spoon with the extraordinary power of his eyes without even a small touch of his hands! 

He performed this wonderful job before the eyes of reporters and even on TV in England that even incredulous British people accepted that there was no special trick and it is considered a special and exceptional condition. 

Maybe, all people have read about the 

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young Iranian who eats light bulb and glass like candies, while ordinary people may be taken to operation room if they accidentally eat a bit of glass with their food! 

I read the story of a person in newspaper who subdued wild animals with his extraordinary power and approach them easily. 

It is written about the conditions of philosopher and famous physician “Avicenna” that: 

When I went to school, I memorized anything which students read for the master; in the age of ten, I have knowledge of sciences that people were amazed of me in Bukhara; in the age of 12 I became a jurist! And issued fatwas in Bukhara; I wrote the book "The Canon of Medicine" in medicine at the age of 16 (the same book which was being taught in European universities for some centuries) ; amazing stories have been quoted about his different senses including sight or hearing and like them which cannot be told in this brief chapter. [1] 

These are all exceptional people with characteristics that scientists of natural science are incapable of explaining them and their conditions are not compatible with criterions and standards of human characteristics which are available; but this in harmony never prevent us to accept them; and accept a general law under its light that what we have seen in “plants”, “creatures of deserts and seas” and “humans” is not an eternal and comprehensive law; but it is completely possible that some members are found among them with special and extraordinary characteristics, whether about the 

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age or about spiritual and physical powers and abilities; and their exceptional condition will never be the reason for acceptance of these phenomena to be unscientific; but we should accept that the boundaries of all the laws and criterions which sciences give us are restricted to ordinary members and exceptional members are beyond the boundaries of these criterions and laws. 

Who Made this Criticism? 

If materialists, who see everything from natural laws’ point of view, make the criticism about the lifetime of Mahdi (as) then the answer is what has been said in previous discussions; but, if monotheists of the world like the followers of Christ (as) and Moses (as) or Sunni brothers make this criticism then we have other expressions for them adding to what we have said before, including: 

1) They consider unlimited power for God and several extraordinary characteristics and miracles for his messengers; in other words, they consider God as the ruler of natural laws not being ruled by them; is treating incurable illnesses compatible with medical science, or are bringing back the dead to life by Christ or other wonderful miracles of Moses (as) by rod (a worthless peace of wood) and leprous hand and passing the Nile with that extraordinary event matters which are compatible with natural criterions and standards? 

Undoubtedly, all the followers of religions say that the effects of natural laws and means are all by the order of God for interpretation of these phenomena, and anything he wills for something else then another thing happens and his will is 

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beyond natural causes. If from the beginning dead people returned to life again or innate blind person gained his sight after a while or average limit of lifetime of an ordinary human was one-thousand years then was anyone surprised from these matters and did anyone consider them against the law of wisdom? … Certainly not! 

Therefore, breaking these laws is not breaking a rational and logical order; but it is breaking an ordinary condition and way to which we have been accustomed by observing ordinary people and things. 

2) Today’s Christians mostly believe that the enemies of Christ (as) crucified, killed and buried him; and after some days he rose from the dead and went to heavens and is still alive. 

Although, Muslims don’t accept the crucifixion and murder of Jesus - according to Qur’an; but they believe that he is still alive; and this is the expression which all-Islamic scholars, except a few, have accepted. 

If this exception is not against the wisdom, and it is possible for a human to become alive again after the death and burial and lives about two thousand years, then how is it possible to consider more simple cases impossible when it is only talked about a long life a little more than one thousand years! 

3) There is no Muslim who denies the long life of Noah, because it is mentioned explicitly in Qur’an that only the time of his calling to monotheism was nine hundred and fifty years 

فلبث فیهم الف سنة الّا خمسین عاماً. 

Surah Ankabut 

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Also, we have heard about Khizr and his loge life. 

It is amazing that a group of people has accepted all these matters, but when they face the belief of Shiites about the age of “Mahdi”, they have surprising faces and move their head as the sign of denial and have smiles, which means that how these kinds of irrational and illogical beliefs can have followers?!... 

This is a clear example of “being in one roof and having two climates” (referring to a Persian proverb)! 

But, as we said before, the matter of longevity is completely understandable according to the logic of natural sciences regardless of the beliefs of monotheists about the power of God and the issue of miracles; the only problem in the way is that we free ourselves from prejudices and special biases, and traditions and costumes to which we have been accustomed and only surrender ourselves to reason and logic and free discussion! 

We are amazed when we read in newspapers about a 140-years-old Austrian man who hadn’t become ill through his lifetime, even once! 

Or a man was completely young at the age of 167 in Colombia! 

Or a man’s hair was black at the age of 253 in china! 

Because it is against ordinary and normal people; but if the sources of this news are reliable but it is written in all newspapers as certain news then we will accept it. 

But why we are amazed when we read in hadith: 

القائم هوالّذی اذا خرج کان فی سنّ الشیوخ و منظر الشّبان؛ 

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قویّ فی بدنه 

When al-Qa’im rises, he has the age of the old but the face of the young and he is also physically powerful. 

Shi’a says: 

How don’t we laugh at those who accept the long life of Noah and Christ and write these amazing characteristics about Avicenna, or after watching a young person bending metals just by looking at them, or observing too old creatures and trees? But when it is talked about the long life of Mahdi (as) , a group has objecting faces and say surprisingly that how is it possible for a man to have this age! 

The issue of longevity is not the issue, which can be denied or criticized, in a fair and logical judgment.


[1]: Refer to the book “Hadyat al-Ahbab” and other history books.

The Philosophy of Long Occultation 

We said that another question which is asked about the belief of Shiites about Mahdi (as) is the issue of his long occultation which is asked after accepting the matter of long life and that is: 

Why doesn’t Mahdi rise while corruption and oppression are available enough in the world? 

Why doesn’t he move the world toward justice by his rise? 

How long should we sit and watch the scenes of oppression and bloodshed of a bunch of criminals? 

Why has his occultation lasted so long? 

In fact, what is he waiting for? 

And finally, what is the secret of this long occultation? 

But it should be considered that although, this question is being asked from Shiites about the issue of occultation but it is recognized by a little notice that others also have a share of that; it means that, 

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it points to other believers of the advent of a great universal peacemaker who should rise some day and fills the earth with justice in another form, however, the don’t accept the belief of Shi’a about longevity and occultation. 

Because this question could be asked that why that great universal peacemaker is not born yet and if he is born then why doesn’t he rise and waters the thirsty world with justice? Therefore, it is a big mistake to only criticize Shi’a about this belief. 

And in other words, there is no doubt that the issue of longevity (previous discussion) and the issue of the philosophy of existence of imam during the occultation (next discussion) are question which are pointed only to Shiites, but the matter of delay in his advent is the issue which all those who believe in the advent of that great universal peacemaker should think about that why the great advent doesn’t happen by readiness of the world? (Attention! ) 

Anyway, this question has a short answer and an explained one; its short answer is that solely the existence of a competent revolutionary leader is not enough for establishment of a multidimensional revolution and public readiness is also necessary; and unfortunately, the world is not ready for accepting such government yet and when it becomes ready, his rise is certain! 

But the explanation is that: 

Firstly, it should be considered that - as we mentioned before - the plan of the rise of Mahdi uses natural tools and means, like the plan 

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of the rise of all divine prophets, and it is never based upon miracles; miracles are exceptions and are not included in progress of reformist plans of divine leader, except in exceptional cases. 

Accordingly, all prophets used modern weapons, teaching competent persons, necessary consultations, designing effective plans, studied military tactics and totally providing any kinds of material and spiritual facilities for reaching their goals; and didn’t wait for a miracle everyday to defeat the enemies or in order to encourage the friends for advancing more in the way of perfection. 

Therefore, the plan of government of truth and justice in the world should be established by the use of necessary material and spiritual means, except in exceptional cases. 

In other words, Mahdi (as) doesn’t bring new religion with him, but he executes divine plans, which are not executed. His prophecy is not only imparting, warning, teaching, training, advising and admonishing. His prophecy is executing all principles that end oppression, injustice and discrimination under the shadow of government of science and belief, and certainly execution of this plan is not possible without readiness and preparations. 

Secondly, it is clear according to the above essential principle that hwy we say the existence of this readiness is not proved yet; because, at least, some kinds of readiness are needed for this matter: 

Preparedness for Acceptance (Mental Preparedness) 

The people of the world should understand the bitterness of this inharmonious conditions and injustices enough. 

The people of the world should feel the incapability and incompleteness of human laws for execution of social justice. 

The people of 

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the world should understand this truth that only material principles and relations won’t solve problems of the world and available execution assurances and regulations made by humans, but problems become more congested every day and more complicated like an endless clew. 

The people of the world should feel that current crises are the results of current systems; and finally, these systems are incapable of solving the crises. 

The people of the world should feel that new principles and systems are needed, which depend on human values, faith, human affections and moralities, for reaching this great goal not only harsh, soulless, incomplete material principles. 

The people of the world should reach the stage of growth that understand the advancement of technology doesn’t necessarily means the advancement of humanity and providing happiness for humans; but advanced technology can assure happiness only if it is installed under supervision of series of spiritual and human principles, otherwise - as we have seen many times - will cause catastrophe and destruction. 

The people of the world should recognize that if industries become idols then current problems will become bigger and it increases the amount of destruction and harmful effects of wars; but they should become the tools under the control of competent humans. 

Finally, the people of the world should become thirsty and until they are not thirsty they won’t search for water streams. 

And in other words, until there is no demand in the people of the world, offering no kind of corrective plan will be useful and effective; that 

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the law of “demand and offer” should be more considered in social issues as it is interested in financial issues. 

This question is asked that what should cause this condition of thirst and demand. 

We answer: a part of that should be made by the pass of time and it is not possible without that, but another part depends on teaching and training; it should become practical by intellectual resurrection which is made by faithful thinkers and responsible aware persons of society. 

At least, they should give this knowledge and understanding with their human-maker programs to the people of the world that essential problems of the world won’t be solved by available principles, laws and methods. And anyhow, it also needs time. 

Cultural and Industrial Evolution 

Gathering all the people of the world, dethroning the tyrants in everywhere, expanding education at its maximum level in all stages, clearing this matter completely that difference of language, race, and geographical region and like that is not a reason for the people of the world not to live in a family like brothers and life in peace, justice and brotherhood, and providing a healthy and enough economy for all the humans needs cultural growth and advancement of human knowledge on the one hands, and evolution of industrial equipments on the other hand; equipments which can connect all parts of the world very fast, close and permanently, which it is not possible without the pass of time, either. 

How is it possible for a government to control the entire world if connections are 

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How is it possible to rule the world by the equipments, which need one or some years for sending a message to faraway parts of the world! 

It is understood from a part of narratives, which picture the lifestyle of the people of the world at the time of Mahdi (as) , - and we will discuss about it completely later, God willing - that the advancement of technology and industries, especially transmissions and communications, in that time is in the way that large continents of the world practically become as some neighbor cities; and even the East and the West will be considered as one home; the problem of the time and place will be completely solved. 

Albeit, it is possible that some of these matters happen in that time in the form of an industrial revolution, but anyway, a scientific preparedness is needed as the background at the beginning of this age. 

Training a Revolutionary Strike Force 

Finally, a group of people, although in minority, is needed to form the core of the army of that great peacemaker. 

Flowers should grow among this burning hell to be the beginning of a flower garden; saplings should be grown in this heath in order to promise the spring for the others. 

Extraordinary aware, brave, compassionate, devoted persons should be trained for this act, although generations pass one after another for this purpose, until the main reservations appear and main members of the revolution are gathered, and it also need time. 

But, who should take the responsibility of training these persons? 

We should know that 

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it is upon that great leader who executes such plan directly or indirectly (for explanation about this matter will be mentioned in the next discussion, god willing). 

In Islamic narratives, one of the reasons of long occultation is said to be the issue of public examination and choosing the most competent one, which maybe points to this subject. 

Explanation: Divine human examinations are not like the examination for measuring the abilities of the one who is being examined, but they are for training the talents and disclosing the abilities and separating the rows from each other. 

And in other words, their goal is training, evolution or preparing; because unlimited knowledge of God about everything removes any kind of goal of measuring from the examinations. 

Totally, this discussion cleared that why the occultation of Mahdi should be so long? 

The Philosophy of Existence of Imam during the Occultation 

Another question which is asked about the belief of Shi’a about Mahdi (as) and its characteristics is that: 

Imam (as) is leader anyway and existence of a leader can be useful if he has continues contact with his followers; how is it possible for an occult and unseen Imam to play the role of a leader?! 

In other words, life of Imam (as) during the occultation is a personal life not a social life as a leader; in this case, we have the right to ask that what is the effect of this divine reservation for public and how can people take benefit from him? 

He is like the pure stream of life that is in occultation and no one 

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has access to him! 

Moreover, essentially, is the meaning of occultation of Imam (as) becoming an invisible soul or unseen waves and like them? 

Is it compatible with science? 

Undoubtedly, this is an important question; but it is a mistake to assume that it has no answer; but let us first answer the last question, which has caused a complicated misunderstanding for a group of people and then clearing other questions. 

We should explicitly say that the meaning of the occultation of Imam (as) - as we have said before - is not in the way that the existence of Imam (as) during the occultation is an invisible and dreamy existence that is more like an imaginative existence to an objective one. 

But, about the life, he has an external objective life, but with a long life; he lives among the people and inside societies and lives in different places; and if there is an exception in his life is that he has a long life; that’s all. 

He lives in human society unknown, and nobody has said anything else about his occultation; and what a difference between “unknown” and “invisible”! 

Now that this misunderstanding is removed, we talk about this matter that: 

Well, but this kind of life maybe justifiable for an ordinary person, but is it acceptable for a leader - and a great divine leader? 

What benefit could a student take, who doesn’t know his teacher, or a patient person who doesn’t know his physician and the clinic, or a thirsty person who doesn’t find the water stream 

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- although it is close to him?! 

It is interesting that: 

This question is not being asked only today; it is understood from Islamic narratives that even it was being asked before the birth of Mahdi (as) during the time of previous Imams and when they talked about Mahdi and the time of his occultation, they faced such question and answered it eagerly that we mention some of the example as follows:

Benefit of Existence of Imam during the Occultation 

Benefit of Existence of Imam during the Occultation [1] 

There is a meaningful and interesting expression in several different ahadith, which have been reached us about the philosophy and benefit of existence of Imam (as) during the occultation, in a short phrase which can be a key for discovering this great secret and that is the answer of Prophet (S) for the question about the benefit of existence of Mahdi (as) during his occultation; he said: 

ای والّذی بعثنی بالنّبوّة انّهم ینتفعون به، و یستضیئون بنور ولایته فی غیبه کانتفاع النّاس بالشّمس و ان جلّلها السّحاب 

(Yes, I swear to the one who chosen me, people take benefit from the light of his leadership during his occultation like they take from the Sun behind the clouds! ) [2] 

We should understand the role of the Sun generally and when it is behind the clouds for understanding this key: 

The Sun has two kinds of refulgence: 

Apparent refulgence 

And hidden refulgence 

On in other words, “direct refulgence” and “indirect refulgence”. 

In apparent refulgence sunlight can be seen clearly, although thick layer of air which has surrounded the earth acts as a think glass; a 

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glass which both reduces the degree of refulgence of the Sun and makes it bearable, and filters the sunlight and nullifies its deadly radiations, but it doesn’t prevent direct refulgence of the Sun. 

But in indirect refulgence, clouds take the sunlight like a mate glass and distribute it. 

Sunlight has the most important role in the living world and the life of living creatures: 

The sunlight, which shines from the Sun to everywhere, is the only source of energy for moving living motors of life in plants, animals and humans: 

Growth of living creatures, 

Their feeding and reproduction, 

Feeling, movement and action, 

Watering the dead lands, 

Roar of sea waves, 

Life-giving blow of the winds, 

Life-Making shower of the rain and snow, 

The murmur of waterfalls, 

Singing voices of the birds, 

Dazzling beauty of flowers, 

Blood circulation inside human veins and heartbeats, 

Hyper speed movement of thoughts inside the curtains of the brain, 

And sweet smile on the lips of petals like an infant and … 

All and all depends on sunlight directly or indirectly and all of them will faint without that, and it can be recognized with a little notice. 

Well, now this question is asked that aren’t these benefits and life-giving effects exclusive to the time of direct refulgence? 

The answer of this question is clear: no, many of these effects are also available in mate sunlight when the Sun is behind the clouds. 

For example, in countries or cities which are covered by clouds some months of the year sunlight cannot be seen, but heat, growth of plants, production of necessary energy for motors of life, 

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ripeness of cereals and fruits and laughter of flowers and blooms are available. 

Therefore, refulgence of the Sun from behind the curtains of clouds has and important part of its benefits; and only a part of its effects which needs direct refulgence is not available; for example, we know that sunlight has vital effects of the skin and other parts of the body of humans and other living creatures and accordingly in countries which people are deprived of this gift, they take sunbath in sunny days; and become naked in front of this life-giving light and take each particle of this light by all of their body which is thirsty for this divine gift. 

Also, direct sunlight has disinfecting effect - because of ultraviolet radiation - which purifies the environment adding to more lightness and heat which is not available in indirect refulgence. 

We conclude from the above discussion that although curtains of clouds take some of effects of the sunlight but an important part of it still remains. 

This was the condition of sunlight and now we return to the conditions of existence of divine leaders during occultation. 

Invisible spiritual radiation of existence of Imam (as) when it is hidden behind the clouds of occultation has different considerable effects that disclose the philosophy of his existence, regardless of removing the issue of direct education and training. 

These effects are as follows: 

Promising Effect 

In the battlefield, all the efforts of a group of experienced and self-devoted soldier is to hold the flag fluttering in the sky against the 

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strikes of the enemy; while the enemy soldiers continuously try to upset the flag of oppositions, because when the flag remains fluttering it gives hope to soldiers and they continue their efforts. 

Also existence of the commander of the army in headquarter - although he is apparently quite - moves the bloods inside the veins of the soldiers and encourage them to try more that our commander is still alive and our flag is fluttering in the sky! 

But, when the news of death of the commander is heard a great army with extraordinary power will be suddenly demolished, maybe cold water is poured no everyone’s head, no, but their soul has left their bodies! 

While the head of a group or a country is alive, although he is in travel or is ill, but he is the cause of life, action, order and peace of his people; but news of his departure is the despair of everyone. 

Shiites don’t consider themselves to be alone according to the belief they have about the living Imam, although they don’t see him among themselves. (Attention! ) 

Shiites always are excepting the return of him who has traveled that has the caravan of hearts with him, a constructive and effective waiting and expect his advent everyday. 

The mental effect of this thinking way in keeping hopes alive in the hearts and forcing people to self-improvement and preparing for that great revolution, which had been explained in the discussion of “waiting”, is completely comprehendible. 

But if this leader doesn’t exist at all 

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and the adherents of his school are waiting for his birth and growth in the future then the conditions are much different. 

And if we add another point to this subject then the issue will be more serious, and that is: 

According to general belief of Shiites which has been mentioned in many religious narratives, Imam continuously care about his followers during the occultation; and he is informed about the conditions of their acts through divine intuition and according to the narratives, the report of their acts is presented to him each week and become informed about the way of their actions and speeches. [1] 

This thought caused all the believers to be always aware and pay attention to that superior supervision while entering any act; training effect of this thinking way is also undeniable. 

Guarding the Religion of God 

“Ali”, that great human of the history, says in one of his short expressions in which he points to the necessity of existence of divine leaders in any time and age: 

اللّهمّ بلی لا تخلو الارض من قائم لله بحجّة امّا ظاهراً مشهوراً و امّا خائفاً مغموراً لئلاً تبطل حجج الله و بیّناته 

“Yes, the surface of the earth will never be without the al-Qa’im who has proof; whether apparent and famous or hidden and unknown, in order for divine proofs and evidences not to be invalidated and forgotten (and not to be distorted and transformed. ” [2] 

Now, pay attention to the explanation of this expression: 

By the pass of time and mixing religious issues with personal tastes and thoughts and different inclinations to deceptive 

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programs of aberrant schools, and when corrupted persons reach divine concepts, genuineness of some of these meanings will be lost and transformed. 

This pure water, which has been descended from the sky of afflatus, has gradually become polluted and dark during passing the minds of others and has lost its beginning purity and freshness. 

This shining light will shimmer by passing through the dark glasses of darn thoughts. 

And finally, narrow-minded adds and reduce so much to and from that, in the way that sometimes, it is hard to recognize the main issues! 

And as the poet says - albeit in the exaggerated way of the poets - talking to prophet: 

شرع تو را در پی آرایشند دین تو را از پی پیرایشند 

بس که فزودند بر آن برگ و بر گر تو ببینی نشناسی دگر 

They are making up your canon law 

They are cutting from your religion 

As much they have added to that 

You won’t recognize it when you see 

In these conditions, isn’t it necessary for a person to be among Muslims in order to keep the eternal teachings of Islam in its main shape for the future ones? 

Will afflatus be revealed to another person again? Certainly not! The chapter of afflatus is closed forever after the last of prophets. 

Then how genuine religion should be kept safe, and distortion and transformations and superstitions be prevented for this religion to remain safe foe the next generations. Is there any method other than continuing this way by an infallible leader, whether to be apparent and famous or hidden and 

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لئلّا تبطل حجج الله و بیّناته 

We know that there is an “indestructible chest” in every institution, which holds important documents of that institute in order to remain safe from robbery; moreover, for example they don’t be destroyed in fire that reputation of the institute is closely dependent on keeping those documents. 

Chest of Imam an his high soul is the indestructible chest for keeping the documents of divine religion that holds all the beginning essentials and heavenly characteristics of these teachings “in order for divine proofs and clear signs of the God not to be invalidated and forgotten”. 

And this is another one of the effects of his existence - adding to other effects.


[1]: I wrote this part of the book in Naeen police station in which I was practically imprisoned for one day when they were transferring me from Mahabad exile place to Anarak exile place (May 30th, 1979). 

[2]: Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, page 93. 

[1]: These narratives are available in the interpretation “Burhan”, beneath the verse “” Surah Tawbah 9: 105) ; and we have an interesting discussion about that in vol. 8 of Tafsir -e- Nemoune. 

[2]: Nahj al-Balagha, aphorisms, number 147.

Training an Aware Revolutionary Group 

Against what some people think, Imam is not completely disconnected from people during the occultation; but as it is understood from Islamic narratives, a small group of most prepared persons who have the love of the God, hearts filled with belief and extraordinary sincerity for establishing the ideal of correcting the world, are in connection with him and they improve gradually through this connection; and take more-revolutionary passion; a constructive and fruitful revolution for removing any kind of oppression and injustice from the world! 

Maybe they die before this revolution but anyhow, they transfer revolutionary preparedness and teachings to their next generations and the others, and have a share in training the final group. 

We previously said that the meaning of the occultation of Imam is not that he becomes an invisible soul or unseen radiation, but he has a normal 

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peaceful life; and lives among people unknown and chooses the most prepared hearts and takes them and make them more prepared than the past. 

Capable persons gains the benefits of this opportunity according to their capability and competence; some people have connection with him for some moments; and some persons for some hours and some days; and some persons have connection with him closely for years! 

In clearer way, they are those who have sit on the wings of knowledge and virtue and have soared that are above the clouds like the passengers of high-flying airliners; the place where there is no cover and obstacle in the way of life-giving refulgence of the Sun, while others live beneath the clouds in darkness and faint light. 

And it is the correct counting; I shouldn’t expect that the sun comes beneath the clouds and I see its face; such expectation is a big mistake and useless imagination; it is me who should fly above the clouds in order to drink the eternal radiations of the Sun portion by portion and become sated. 

Anyhow, training this group is another one of the philosophies of his existence during this time. 

Spiritual and Unaware Influence 

We know that the Sun has some visible rays which seven famous colors appears as the result of their combination; and some invisible rays which are called “Ultraviolet” and “infrared”. 

Also, a great divine leader, whether to be prophet or Imam, has a kind of spiritual teachings and through the spiritual influence on hearts and thoughts that can be called 

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genetic education, adding to legislative teachings which is performed through speech, acts and ordinary education; in that method, words and expressions and actions don’t work but only inner gravity and attraction works. 

We read in the story of many of great divine leaders that sometimes, some corrupted and aberrant persons changed their ways completely only by a small contact with them, and their destiny was changed suddenly and as it is said, they chose a completely different way by 180 degrees turn; suddenly, they become a pure, believer and self-devoted person who didn’t refuse to even pay their life! 

These fast and multidimensional changes, these mutational and sweeping revolutions, and only with one look or small contact (albeit for those who have a kind of preparedness while being polluted) cannot be the results of ordinary teachings and trainings, but is the result of an invisible mental effect and an unaware attraction, which is sometimes also called “influence of personality”. 

Some of the people have experienced this matter in their lives that when they meet those who have great and superior souls they are influenced by them unaware and involuntarily that even talking becomes hard before them; and find them inside a mysterious and indescribable halo of greatness. 

Albeit, sometimes it is possible to justify these matters by empathy and like that, but certainly, this interpretation is not correct for all cases, and there is no way other than accepting that these effects are the result of the mysterious radiation which is from the inside 

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of the soul of great humans. 

We see lots of biographies in the history of great leaders, which are not interpretable in other than this way; the story of a corrupted young person who came to Prophet (S) and his sudden spiritual change. 

Or meeting of the idolater, As’ad ibn Zararah, with Prophet (S) near the house of Ka’ba and sudden change of his thinking way. 

Or the thing which was called charm by the enemies of Prophet (S) and beware people from getting close to him because of that; all of them confirms the influence of personality of Prophet (S) on different people through this way. 

Also, the story which is narrated about the effects of the message of Imam Hussein (as) on “Zuhayr” in the way of Karbala that he couldn’t eat the food which was in his hand and put in on the ground and moved. 

Or amazing and wonderful attraction that Hurr ibn Yazid al-Riyahi felt inside him, and was shaking by having that courage; and finally this attraction took him to the row of Mujtahids of Karbala and gained the great honor of martyrdom. 

Or the story of a young person who was living in the neighborhood of “Abu Basir” and was living a corrupted life by the wealth which he has collected through serving Umayyad government and finally, changed completely by a message of Imam Sadiq (as) , and changed all of his acts and return the properties, which we have collected in unlawful ways, to their owners. 

Or the story of coquettish 

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beautiful singer bondwoman who was sent by Harun to prison in order to deviate the mind of Imam Kazim (as) , and revolution of her thoughts in a short time, in the way that her appearance, way of talking and logic amazed and frightened Harun … 

All and all are the examples and signs of this unaware influence that we can consider that a branch of “Genetic Authority” of Prophet (S) or Imam (as) , because the factor of training and evolution here is not expressions, sentences and ordinary and normal ways, but spiritual attraction and influence are considered as main factors. 

This program - as we said before - is not exclusive to prophets and Imams; but men of truth and great persons have a halo of this unaware influence according to the amount of their personality, but the circles of the first and the second group are not comparable. 

Existence of Imam (as) behind the curtains of the occultation has also this effects that attracts and influence prepared hearts in near and far places though his powerful and expanded radiation of his personality influence and trains and completes them and make them complete humans. 

We don’t see the magnetic poles of the earth, but their effect on compasses guides the ships in the sea and guides airplanes and other equipments in deserts and sky. Because of the benefit of these magnetic waves, millions of travelers find their ways to their destinations on the entire earth, or big and small vehicles become free of wandering by 

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the order of this apparently small pointer. 

Is it surprising that existence of Imam (as) during the occultation guides thoughts and souls in near and far and make them free of wandering by the waves of his spiritual attraction? 

But, it shouldn’t be forgotten and we cannot forget it that as magnetic waves of the earth don’t affect any scrap metal, and only affects sensitive and fine pointers which are magnetized and has become similar to the sender of the waves, the hearts which have a way with Imam and have saved a similarity inside will be affected and influenced by that indescribable spiritual attraction. 

By considering what we said above, another one of the effects and philosophies of existence of Imam (as) during this time is recognized. 

Showing the Goal of Creation 

No wise person makes a step without a goal, and any movement that is made under the light of wisdom and science will be toward a goal. 

With this difference that usually, goal of humans in their acts is fulfilling their needs, but in God’s works, the goal is fulfilling the needs of others; because his pure essence is unlimited in any aspect and is free of any deficiency and in this case, performing an act in his benefit doesn’t make any sense. 

Now, notice to this example: 

We make a garden of flowers and fruits in a prepared land; weeds grow among the trees and flowers; when we water the garden the weeds also take its benefits. 

Here, we have two goals: 

Main goal, which is watering the fruit trees 

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and flowers. 

And the following goal, which is watering the useless weeds. 

Undoubtedly, the following goal cannot be the motive of the action, or justifies the wisdom behind it; the important one is the main goal, which is logical! 

Now, if we assume that most of the trees of the garden die and nothing remains but one tree; but a tree that solely gives us fruits and flowers which we expect from a garden then we continue the watering program even for that one tree, although many weeds takes the benefits of this program. And if some day that tree dies then we stop watering and gardening, however, the weeds also die. 

Universe of existence is like that fresh garden and humans are its trees and shrubs. 

Those who are in the way of perfection are fruitful trees. 

And those who have deviated from the right way and have been corrupted are the weeds of this garden. 

Certainly, this shining sunlight, these life-giving molecules of the air, these gifts of the earth and the sky are not created for a bunch of corrupted persons to fight each other and eat each other and have no product for the society other than oppression, injustice, ignorance and corruption; No! The goal of creation can never be this! 

This world with all of its gifts - in the eye of a monotheist person who is familiar with concepts like science and wisdom of God - is created for pure and righteous ones; as finally, it will be taken from the usurpers 

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and will be given to them (انّ الارض یرثها عبادی الصّالحون). 

Gardener of creation (the universe of existence) continues his mercy and gifts because of this group, although weeds are being watered as a following goal and takes the benefits; but undoubtedly, they are not the main goal. 

And if assumably, a day comes in which the last generation of righteous ones leave the earth then there is no reason for continuing this gifts in that day. 

That day, the world will lose its peace, and sky will stop its gifts, and the earth will refuse to give benefit to humans! 

Prophet of Imam is the symbol of the group of righteous ones and the example of perfect human; which means the same group that forms the main goal of creation and accordingly, his existence solely or as the head of the group of righteous ones justifies the goal of creation and the cause of descending the gifts and fall of the rain of the mercy of God; whether he lives apparent among the people or occulted and unknown. 

It is correct that each of other righteous persons are a goal for creation, or in other words, a part of the great goal, but the perfect example of this goal are these exemplary humans and divine men, although the share of others are secured. 

And it is cleared here that what is mentioned in some of narratives that: 

“بیمنه رزق الوری و بوجوده تثبت الارض و السّماء” 

People have their aliments because of his (who is the 

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proof and representative of God) blessings and the earth and the sky are stable because of his existence! ” is not an “exaggerated”, “illogical” or “polytheistic” matter; also, the expression which has been quoted in famous books as a divine hadith to holy Prophet (S): 

“لولاک لما خلقت الافلاک” 

If it wasn’t for you I didn’t create heavens! 

Is expressing a truth not exaggeration! But, he is the masterpiece goal of creation and each of other righteous ones forms a part of this great goal. 

We conclude from what has been said in this chapter under five titles that: 

Those who are far from the center and consider the existence of Imam during the occultation as a personal and socially useless existence and have attacked the belief of Shi’a in this subject that what would be the benefits of existence of such Imam in the position of a leader and Imam of the nation, is not in the way that they said, and his existence has also many benefits in this condition.

The Way of the Victory of that Great Peacemaker

Does he Rise with Sword 

We know the important condition of victory over the enemy is predominance of the forces; these forces don’t include only military forces; but predominance of spiritual power and faith, firmness of economical and social bases are entirely included in this predominance and have essential roles. 

And if a society has failed and remained captive then there is no reason other than negligence about efforts in providing the factors of victory or miscalculation of forces. 

By considering the above essential principle, some questions are introduced 

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about the rise of the great universal peacemaker: 

1) Does the leader of this great movement use traditional weapons of previous ages (non-firearms) for establishment of global peace and victory of the army of the adherents of peace and justice over the predators, oppressors and tyrants? In this case, how is it possible to justify this method of fighting for others and how such weapons can make us win the battle against the advanced and frightening armaments of our time that is like a plaything before them? 

Or fight against the armaments more advanced from today’s armaments that industrial countries have? 

How will it be given to him and his followers? 

2) Furthermore, we read in Islamic narratives: 

“He rises with sword” and it shows that the first possibility, which is using traditional weapons, is closer to the truth and in this case the same problem remains unsolved: 

How is it possible to disable modern armaments and return to the age of non-firearms? 

Will today’s world be possibly destroyed completely in a nuclear war - as some scientists have predicted - in the way that there is no way other than returning to the past and then he rises? 

Is this possibility acceptable? 

3) Again another question arises that essentially and totally, in the age of dominance of light over darkness and justice over injustice, will modern mechanical age, with this much of facilities, which have provided for humanity, be destroyed and humans return to some centuries ago? 

Is this restitution and return believable? 

Or contrariwise, not only it remains, but 

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it is completed very fast, a revolution without the negative aspects of mechanical life and its dangers? And in other words, mechanical life will be both “developed” and “purified”! 

For finding the answers of these questions, it is possible to get help from both hadith resources and rational reasons, because it is related and connected to both of them. 

Wisdom says: 

Returning to the past is neither possible nor logical, and it is against the nature of creation and evolution in human life; therefore, there is no reason for human society to stop developing by mutation toward truth and justice, or to retreat; return and looking behind is not compatible with this development and mutation. 

Therefore, the rise of a great peacemaker for establishment of justice and freedom in the entire world never causes the industrial and mechanical movement, in its positive form, to stop or to be removed. 

Current industries have solved many problems of human lives and, as we said in previous discussion, they are even one of the bases of the universal united government, closeness and attachment of the world in communication and social relations and it is not possible without industrial evolution. 

But, there is no doubt that his industrial mutation and technological evolution should necessarily pass trough a precise filter in order for its unhealthy and harmful aspects to be removed, and finally extensively be used for the benefits of humans and peace and justice; a government, which demands truth and justice, will surely perform this act. 

But about the weapons, it 

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should be said that: 

For establishment of such government, autocratic governments should be removed from the world; and for removing them, at least in present conditions, a “super-weapon” is needed; as weapon which is maybe not even assumable for us today. 

Is this weapon something like a “mysterious and unknown ray” which has a power beyond all present weapons and can disable all of them and neutralize the plan of superpowers for utilizing that? 

Or is it a mysterious mental effect and disabling their thinking systems even from faraway that they cannot think about using present destructive weapons? 

Or is it something life a feeling fear and extraordinary terror that prevents any kind of decision about this matter? 

Or something else … 

We don’t know. And we cannot specify the kind of this weapon neither for being material or mental nor other aspects; we can only say that it will be a super-weapon. 

And we also know that this weapon is not a king of weapon, which destroys innocents and sinner together and places the fundamentals of future justice on today’s oppression and injustice. 

This was rational analysis. 

But, in Hadith Resources 

There are interesting expressions in hadith resources that imply clear answers for above questions, including: 

1- It is quoted from Imam Sadiq (as): 

انّ قائمنا ادا قام اشرقت الارض بنور ربّها و استغنی العباد من ضوءالشّمس 

(When our al-Qa’im rises, the earth will be shined by the light of his God and servants of God won’t need sunlight anymore! ) [1] 

It is understood from this expression that the matter of light and energy 

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will be solved in the way that people take the benefits of powerful sources of light, which can replace sunlight. 

Should we consider this matter a miracle again while daily life program, continuously, should by based upon natural traditions not upon miracles; that miracles are exceptional matters and for the cases of exception and necessity and for proving the truthfulness of the invitation of prophet of Imam. 

And anyhow, normal life of people was not based upon miracles in the age of no prophet; therefore, evolution of sciences and industries will reach a point that people will find an extraordinary source of light with the leadership of that great leader, which can even replace sunlight. 

And in these conditions, is it possible for weapons of humans for providing peace and freedom and justice to be from the kind of the weapons of the past centuries and essentially, is there any comparison between these two? 

2) It is quoted in another hadith from Abu Basir from Imam Sadiq (as) that: 

انّه اذا تناهت الامور الی صاحب هذا الامر رفع الله تبارک و تعالی لَه کلَّ منخفض من الأرض، و خفّض له کلّ مرتفع حتّی تکون الدّنیا عنده بمنزلة راحته، فایّکم لو کانت فی راحته شعرة لم یبصرها 

(When the main owner of guardianship (Mahdi (as) ) takes the responsibilities of matters, almighty God will rise up any deep place of the earth for him and lowers any high place in the way that the world will become like the palm of the hand for him! Which one of you 

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doesn’t see a hair if it is in your palm of the hand! ) [1] 

Today, they transfer pictures to different parts of the world by installing transmitters on top of the mountains and even satellites are being used for covering more expanded regions for broadcasting images, in order for all those who have receivers to use them. 

But, against his issue is not possible, at least by now; it means that it is possible to transmit the pictures from one point to different points of the world but it is not possible to transmit the pictures from all points of the world to one points, except by installing equipped transmitters in every city, even every house, desert, mountain and every part of the world in order to be informed from all parts of the world and such thing is not possible with current equipments. 

But, it is understood from above hadith that in the age of the rise of Mahdi (as) a powerful and equipped system of picture transmission will be made which maybe it is not even assumable for us today, in the way that the entire world becomes like the palm of the hand; neither high obstacles nor deep places prevent the creatures on the earth to be seen! 

It is certain that universal united government and peace and security and justice in multilateral and fast and serious form won’t be possible without such information dominance over the entire earth; and God will give him and his government this tool. 

Again, I insist 

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that these matters, which are related with daily life of the people, don’t seem to be based upon miracles, but they should be performed through normal tools and naturally based upon the advancement of science and industries. 

It is also clear that this advanced information unit cannot be in an apparently backward society, but other parts of the life should also advance in the same direction, in all aspects and matters and even kinds of weapons. 

3) It is quoted from Imam Baqir (as) that he said: 

ذخر لصاحبکم الصّعب! 

قلت: و ما الصّعب؟ قال: ما کان من سحاب فیه رعد و صاعقة او برق، فصاحبکم یرکبه، أما انّه سیرکب السّحاب و یرقی فی الأسباب؛ اسباب السّماوات السّبع و الارضین! 

(That indomitable equipment is reserved for your guardian and friend (Mahdi (as) ). [1] 

The narrator of hadith says: I asked what is the purpose of indomitable equipment? 

Imam (as) said: 

It is a cloud which has the roar of thunder and the speed of lightening; he will ride this equipment; beware that he will soon ride the clouds and ascends to seven heavens and earths). 

Certainly, the purpose of cloud is not this ordinary cloud; because ordinary clouds are the equipments for space travels; they are moving in the space close to the earth and have little distance with the surface of the earth and cannot rise upper than that; and, it is pointed to a very fast equipment with a power light thunder and lightening; and opens the sky with its extraordinary power when moving, and continues moving and 

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can move everywhere in the sky. 

And accordingly, it is a super modern equipment that with don’t have its example in current equipments; only, it maybe similar to UFOs and hyper speed space equipments about which we here stories today and we don’t know that how much are these stories real and scientific; but anyway, it is not a UFO. 

Anyhow, it can totally be understood from above hadith that the matter of industrial backwardness won’t happen, but contrarily, it is talked about extraordinary advancement that completion should be achieved in all aspects parallel to that. 

4) Another wonderful hadith, which is quoted by Jabir from Imam Baqir (as) , says: 

انّما سمّی المهدی لانّه یهدی الی امر خفی؛ حتّی انه یبعث الی رجل لا یعلم النّاس له ذنب فیقتله حتّی ان احدهم یتکلّم فی بیته فیخاف ان یشهد علیه الجدار 

(He is named Mahdi (guided one) because he is guided to hidden matters, until he sends for a person whom people consider him to be innocent and kills him (because he is informed about his final sin, like murder, that causes Qisas! ) , until some of people fear the testification of the walls when they talk in their homes (and inform the government of Mahdi about their violations and conspiracies)! [1] 

This hadith also confirms that during the time of his government, while good and righteous people live completely free, criminals are strictly under control in the way that maybe their voices will be recorded from their homes by advanced equipments and it is possible to know that 

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what have they said in their homes, when it is necessary! 

Maybe, this expression was not acceptable except to be a miracle one-hundred years ago; but today that we see in many countries vehicle movements in road is being control by radar without the presence of police officer, or we hear that scientists were capable of reviving the voices of Egyptian potters of two-thousand years ago from the waves remained on the surface of the vases in some of the museums of Egypt, or we hear that there are equipments which can take photos of a thief from the waves that have remained in the place from where he has recently escaped by thermal waves (infrared waves) and recognize him through this method, is not so much amazing. 

The answer of previous question becomes clear from what have been mentioned above that in the age of universal revolution of Mahdi (as) not only the matter of backwardness is introduced but technology and industries will be advanced unexampled but only in the way of the benefits of humans and establishing the goal of truth-demanding persons, liberals and those who are thirsty of truth and justice.


[1]: Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 13, old printing, page 176. 

[1]: Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, page 328. 

[1]: Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 12, page 182. 

[1]: Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 13.

Meaning of Sword 

Only, this question remains that what is the meaning of these many expressions about the “rise by sword” about Mahdi (as)? Even we wait for the day in which we stand in the rows of these Mujahids with bare sword “شاهراً سیفه” in invocations, which teach the preparedness for participating in this great freedom-giving jihad. 

But, the truth is that 

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the “sword” has always been a metaphor referring to power and military force and it is still the same as “pen” refers to science and culture. 

There is no doubt that even in traditional battlefields in the past, there were other weapons except the sword, like arrow, harpoon and dagger, but it is always said if you don’t obey the matter then “sword will force you” or it is said that “I will take my right by the power of the sword”. 

Or it is famous from the past that “the country is rules by two things, pen and sword” and all of these are symbolic and its meaning is relying on force and military power. 

There are many proverbs available today which talk about this issue: 

“That person has hanged the sword in front! ” which means, he is showing his power explicitly. 

“The sword will judge between us! ” in refers that the problem won’t be solved except by fighting. 

“We won’t put the swords in sheaths until we reach our goal! ” refers that we continue the fight until the end. 

“That person has put his sword in the sheath! ” it means that he has quit fighting. 

“He is two-bladed sword! ” it means that he fight in two directions. 

In all of these expressions the sword is a metaphor about power and fighting; we also read in Islamic narratives: 

“الجنّة تحت ضلال السّیوف” 

(Paradise is under the shadow of swords). 

“السّیوف مقالید الجنّة” 

(Swords are the keys to paradise! ) 

All of these point to jihad and devotion and using the power; and 

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there are many of these symbolic expressions about “sword” and “pen” in different languages. 

It is cleared here that the purpose of the rise of Mahdi (as) with sword is relying of power, in order not to be assumed that this great divine peacemaker appears in the form of a teacher, preacher or a consultant of social issues and his prophecy is not only advising the people. 

But, he is a forethoughtful leader who firstly uses logic, and when the expression of truth has no benefit, as it is the same about many of the oppressors and tyrants, he will use his sword; it means that he will use force and defeat the oppressors, or in case of necessity, removes their polluted existence from the way, and undoubtedly, there is no way other than this for correcting a group of people, because it has been said that: 

النّاس لایقیمهم الّا السّیف 

(People won’t be corrected except by sword! ) 

And in other words, his duty is not only enlightenment and showing the way but his more important duty - adding to them - is execution of divine laws and establishment of evolutional revolution of Islam and taking to the destination and achieving the goal. 

Although this matter has been cleared from above discussion, but it is necessary to affirm that against the thoughts of some narrow-minded ones who assume that when he rises, he will use force and weapons suddenly and based on that false legend “He bloodsheds continuously until blood reaches his stirrup! ”, at first he starts 

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intellectual leadership and enlightenment in all aspects. 

According to clear religious expression he gives “ultimatum” in the way that anyone, who has even a small preparedness for logically accepting the religion of truth, becomes enlightened and only those remains that are not correctible except by force. 

From clear evidence about this issue - regardless of the fact that its reason is inside itself - is that we know his method is the method of Prophet (S) ; Prophet (S) was inviting people hidden and apparent in Mecca for thirteen years and those who were ready for truth gathered around him; but powerful oppressors who were mostly the leaders of ignorant people rose against him and inevitably he went to Medina and stood against them by establishing the Islamic government and providing power, and opened his way toward a public invitation. 

Although, many poisonings have been performed about the invitation of Islam that it is the religion of sword but the best evidence which is in hand today against them and fortunately, they couldn’t hide or destroy that is Qur’an. 

If the feature of Islam was a feature relying on force and violence then this much reasoning and arguments were not available in Qur’an for proving the truths; this much of different reasoning were not introduced about the issue of monotheism and resurrection, two essential principles of Islam; it wouldn’t invite this much of thinkers and wise persons for judgment; wouldn’t talk this much about science and knowledge; a violent military system doesn’t understand reasoning. 

And even 

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clears its position with logical reasons as an inevitable necessity when using force. 

Anyway, he will act like Prophet (S) in this method; moreover, the level of public thoughts is higher in his age and using logic is more necessary as it is necessary to use force and violence against the expanding violence of turbulent oppressors. 

Certainly, his revolution will be a bloody revolution in some parts, and dirty bloods of the body of human society will be shed by his blade and there is no way other than this for making fundamental corrections in any corrupted society; but the meaning of this expression is not that he will bloodshed uncounted and kills with no reason; he is exactly like a physician who takes blood from the patient very carefully!

His Method of Government 

Three Ages 


There are three ages for the great revolutionary person of human history, Mahdi (as): 

1) Age of preparation and waiting and signs of the advent 

2) Age of establishment of the revolution and fighting against oppression and corruption 

3) Age of government of truth and justice 

Hitherto, we have talked about the first and the second ages too much; and now is the time for discussing about the third age which is the result of this expanded and multilateral revolution, and this matter has been less discussed, while being so important. 

Anyway, assuming that: 

A world becomes free of discriminations and class differences, and corruptive positioning; 

Free of separations and disintegrations; 

Free of war, bloodshed and aggression; 

And free of bacchic laughter of imperialists and cries of enchained deprived people; 


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how interesting, calming and joyful, indeed! 

But certainly, as imagining such world in mind is easy, it is extremely hard in reality, but anyway, humanity has to proceed this way and make it real that otherwise, there is no way other than destruction and nonexistence. 

Main frames of the systems of such society has been specified with short and meaningful points in Islamic narratives, and while these expression have reached us from twelve or thirteen centuries ago, but they are still new and fresh. 

And here, we mention some important parts of them:

Hyper-speed Development of Sciences in the Age of Mahdi (as) 

No revolutionary plan will be persistent and dynamic without intellectual and cultural mutation and won’t achieve necessary growth and perfection. Therefore, undoubtedly, the first step toward the establishment of such goal is a cultural revolution, which moves the thoughts in to directions: 

In one direction, toward sciences which are needed for a flourished, free and healthy society (about materialistic and appearing aspects). 

And in other direction, toward the knowledge about the principles of correct human life mixed with belief for spiritual and fundamental aspects. 

We read in a hadith from Imam Sadiq (as): 

العلم سبعة عشرون حرفاً فجمیع ما جائت به الرّسل حرفان، فلم یعرف النّاس حتّی الیوم غیر الحرفین، فاذا قام قائمنا اخرج الخمسة و العشرین حرفاً؛ قبثّها فی النّاس و ضمّ الیها الحرفین، حتّی یبثّها سبعة و عشرین حرفا 

Science and knowledge is twenty-seven words (has twenty-seven branches) ; all the things which have been brought by divine prophets for the people was only two words, and the people have not understood more than those 

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two word until now, but when our al-Qa’im rises, shows other twenty-five words (twenty-five branches) , and distributes among the people and adds two words to that in order to complete twenty-seven words. [1] 

This hadith clearly shows the extraordinary scientific mutation of the age of revolution of Mahdi (as) that an evolution happens 12 times more than the entire science and knowledge which had been given to humans during the ages of all the prophets of truth! And the doors of all useful and constructive branches of science will be opened to the people and humanity goes the way which has been gone in thousands of years, 12 times more in a short time; what mutation can be faster and more important than this! 

Another hadith, which has been quoted from Imam Baqir (as) , completes the meaning of this hadith, where it says: 

اذا قام قائمنا وضع یده علی رؤوس العباد، فجمع بها عقولهم و کملت بها احلامهم 

When our al-Qa’im rises, puts his hands on the heads of the servants of God and completes their wisdom and educates their thoughts. [2] 

And in this way, brains begin moving toward perfection under the light of guidance of Mahdi (as) and under his hand of mercy, and all narrow-mindedness, envies and cheap thoughts, which are the source of many of oppositions, disturbances and violent social conflicts, will be removed. 

Open-minded people with open thoughts and broad minds and hearts and superior ambition will be educated who solve lots of social problems in their souls and makes a 

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world full of peace and joy. 

Also today, any kind of social reforms, in any scale, depends on this intellectual change and spiritual revolution. 

Extraordinary Development of Industries in that Age 

Interesting ahadith, which we mentioned in previous discussion of “the way of victory…” by numbers 1,2,3,4, show that this scientific mutation also contains industries and technology in a large scale. 

Communication equipments will be so much advanced in the way that appears the world like the palm of the hand; and dominate the central government over the conditions of then entire world in order to try to solve the problems of the world immediately; and destroys any kind of corruption (deliberate and in deliberate) at the beginning. [1] 

The matter of energy will be solved in the way that even the energy of the Sun, which is the source of all energies (except nuclear power) , won’t be needed anymore. 

And it may be under the light of an advanced nuclear energy system - by purifying all harmful radiations, which are today the main problem of using this source of energy. [2] 

Hyper speed equipments, which are not comparable with today’s vehicles, will be used by that government not only for moving around the earth in a short time, but long space travels. [3] 

And it is also helping the corrective goals of this government. 

It is mentioned in another hadith from Imam Sadiq (as) that: 

انّ قائمنا اذا قام مدّالله بشیعتنا فی اسماعهم و ابصارهم، حتّی لایکون بینهم و بین القائد برید، یکلّمهم فیسمعون و ینظرون الیه و هو فی مکانه 

(When our al-Qa’im rises, the God will strengthen 

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the eyes and ears of our Shiites in the way that there will be no mailman between them and He Who arises (their leader) ; he talks to them and they hear him, and see him while he is in his place (and they are on other parts of the world)! ) [1] 

It means that the means of transmission of “sound” and “image” will be provided extensively and easily for all of his followers in the way that something called post office is considered unnecessary and useless in the age of his government! And current issues of this government will be executed and solved without paperwork - as it is the way of today’s world and maybe wastes half of the time of human resources and delays the circulation of all acts and achieving the rights of rightful persons. 

All order and programs will be given and executed through the system of “watch and presence”. 

And how it is excellent to have such plan for managing human societies and removing unnecessary and time-wasting programs! 

Another clear hadith, which has been quoted from Imam Sadiq (as) , completes this subject explicitly; where he said: 

انّ المؤمن فی زمان قائم و هو بالمشرق سیری اخاه الّذی فی المغرب؛ و کذا الّذی فی المغرب یری اخاه الّذی بالمشرق 

(Believer person sees his brother and sister in the West while he is in the East in the age of al-Qa’im; also the one who is in the West sees his brother who is in the East! ) [2] 

Direct communication will become practically not only 

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for the government, even for the people; and visual and physical communications strengthen spiritual communication of the hearts; in the way that the world will be like home and its people like the members of a family! 

And in this way, science and knowledge and industries will be used for making better conditions for the world and strengthening the bases of brotherhood - and not in the way of destruction.


[1]: Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, page 336. 

[2]: Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, page 328. 

[1]: Refer to the second hadith of previous chapter. 

[2]: Refer to the first hadith of previous chapter. 

[3]: Refer to the third hadith of previous chapter. 

[1]: Rawdat al-Kafi (according to the quotation of Muntakhab al-Athar, page 483). 

[2]: Muntakhab al-Athar, page 483.

Great Economical and Social Justice Development 

The earth, on which we live, has several facilities for our living and next generations and population much more than current population; but nonexistence of enough knowledge about available resources and potential resources of the earth on the one hand, and nonexistence of a correct system for distribution of wealth on the other hand, have caused the feeling of deficiency in different aspects; in the way that in our time, everyday a group of unfortunate people die. 

The system ruling today’s world economy, which is an imperialistic system, trains an oppressive war system beside itself that destroys an important part of intellectual and human resources that should continuously search for new resources for making better life for humans. 

But when this system and its side system are destroyed, forces will be used for extracting numerous resources of the earth; and the advanced science will be used for this program and new resources will be found soon and flourish human economy. 

Therefore, there are many meaningful expressions in pointing to this economical advancement in narratives related to the government of that great peacemaker. 

For instance, we read 

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in a hadith: 

انّه یبلّغ سلطانه المشرق و المغرب؛ و تظهر له الکنوز؛ و لا یبقی فی الارض خراب الّا یعمّره 

(His government will cover the East and the West of the world, and treasures of the world will appear for him and no ruins will remain on earth except that he constructs! ) [1] 

And indeed it should happen, because the ruins of the world is neither because of deficiency of human resources not financial deficiencies, but they are the result of destructions made by humans and wasting financial and human resource and nonexistence of responsibility; and when this obstacles are removed by a correct social system then construction and flourishing is certain; especially, when it has the support of new extraordinary resources. 

We read in another interesting hadith from Imam Sadiq (as): 

اذا قام القائم: حکم بالعدل 

وارتفع الجور فی ایّامه و امنت به السّبل و ردّ کلّ حقّ الی اهله... و حکم بین النّاس بحکم داوود (ع) و حکم محمد (ع) فحینئذ تظهر الارض کنوزه و تبدی برکاته ولا یجد الرّجل منکم یومئذ موضعا لصدقته و لا لبرّه لشمول الغنی جمیع المومنین... 

When al-Qa’im rises: establishes the government based upon justice. 

And oppression and injustice will be removed in his time. 

And roads become secure under the light of his existence. 

The earth will show its gifts. 

And any right will reach its owner. 

People like David (as) and Muhammad (S) will judge among the people. 

At this time the earth will disclose its treasures. 

And shows its blessings. 

And nobody finds a case for charity, giving alms and financial help, 

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because all believers will be needless and rich …! [1] 

Affirming the appearance of the gifts and disclosure of the treasures shows that agriculture will advance to its highest level; also all underground resources will be discovered and used; and income of the people increases so much in the way that there will be no poor person in society and all the people become needless. 

And undoubtedly, executing the principle of justice and attracting human resources to constructive ways will have such effect; because as hunger and poverty are not the results of deficiencies but they are direct and indirect results of oppressions, discriminations and injustices and wasting the resources and assets! 

It is quoted from Abu Sa’id al-Khudri in another hadith, which has been mentioned in Sunni resources: 

قال رسول الله (ص): 

ابشّرکم بالمهدی یملأ الارض قسطاً کما ملئت جوراً و ظلماً، یرضی عنه سکّان السّماء والارض، یقسم المال صحاحاً، فقال رجل ما معنی صحاحاً، قال بالسّویه بین النّاس; و یملأ قلوب امّة محمّد (ص) غنی; و یسعهم عدله، حتّی یأمر منادیاً ینادی یقول من له بالمال حاجة فلیقم فما یقوم من النّاس الاّ رجل واحد (ثم یأمر له بالمال فیاخذ ثم یندم و یردّه 

Holy Prophet (S) said: 

I promise you the advent of Mahdi (as) ; he fills the earth with justice as it is filled with oppressions and injustice; habitants of heavens and the earth will be satisfied from him and divides the properties and assets in correct way. [2] 

Someone asked: What is the meaning of correct division of the assets? 

He said: 

Equally among the people! 


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And fills the hearts of the followers of Muhammad (S) with needlessness and his justice covers everyone; until he orders a person to calls with loud voice that anyone, who has financial needs, rises and nobody will rise but one. 

(Then we read beneath the hadith that Imam orders to give him considerable amount but he returns soon and will be regretful of being greedy). 

Some points should be considered in interpretation of this hadith: 

1) The purpose of satisfaction of the habitants of heavens from his government is either referring to the angels of heavens and close angels of God or referring to the expansion of his government to other inhabited planets and opening the way of space travels to faraway places of the universe. 

2) The purpose of fair dividing of wealth in the form of equal division - by considering that we know in Islam that Mahdi (as) is its guardian and promoter, more assets are paid in change of more work and efforts and competence - is either refereeing to the assets of Bait al-Mal and public assets in general that everyone is equal before that in Islamic government - as it is quoted from the way of Prophet (S) and Ali (as) , against what we have read about the time of some of caliphs like Usman who make all kinds of discriminations - or referring to that in equal conditions, equal rewards and wages will be given to the people; against what we see in today’s world that a 

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worker in a part of the world takes ten dollars for an hour but another worker in another part of the world may take less than one dollar for ten hours of work and it is the extreme of oppression that wage of the people are different in equal conditions. 

3) Another point is that, it is clearly understood from beneath the hadith that in that day there isn’t even one needy person, because that one person who rises doesn’t have a rich soul and has greed and he is financially needless; and it is important that he will fill the hearts with spiritual and mental richness, and removes this evil feeling of “greed” from the land of the hearts by his correct leadership; the very same greed which is the source of useless efforts of brainless wealth collectors, who still try for collecting more wealth by having thousands of times of necessary assets for themselves and their children; maybe they are infected with polydipsia that how much they drink they are still thirsty. 

Another factor, or in more correct way another excuse of collecting the wealth, which is fear about the future, will be completely removed under the light of his social justice and nobody finds the need of collecting the wealth; because he is insured both for today and the future. 

Again, we read another hadith from holy Prophet (S): 

... حتّی تملأ الارض جوراً فلا یقدر احد یقول الله! ثم یبعث اللّه عزّوجل رجلا منّی و من عترتی فیملأ الارض عدلا 

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کما ملأها من کان قبله جوراً و یخرج له الارض افلاذ کبدها و یحثو المال حثواً و لا یعدّه عداً 

Time will come in which the earth will be filled with oppression and nobody can say the name of God (explicitly) (and talks about justice and truth) ; then almighty God rises a man from me and my dynasty, who fills the earth will justice, as it was filled with injustice before him and the earth exits the parts of its liver for him, and he distributes the wealth among the people without calculation (and everyone will take its benefits as the amount of his/her need…). [1] 

“افلاذ” is plural of “فلذ” and means part and branch; and “افلاذ کبد” refers to precious things and here it refers to precious and valuable resources inside the earth. 

It is also possible that the above expression points that humans will be able to reach the core of the earth which is completely heat and fire and maybe they use it as an important source of energy; and maybe they extract previous resources of different kinds of metals and by considering that crust of the Earth is a comparably thin crust and there is a world of molten materials and different resources inside the Earth, having such great resource can ease the mind of the people in many aspects. 

Moral growth and providing the future needs in a reliable way, and abundance of sources of income, and totally, gathering spiritual and physical richness removes even the necessity of counting 

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and calculating the assets and anyone who needs takes his/her need from Bait al-Mal of the government without formalities. 

All of these on the one hand, and on the other hand: 

There are points in news which show that in the age of his government, expanded and flourished cities, broad roads, large mosques but without ornaments will be constructed; and the government supervises the construction of the houses in the way that they have no disturbance for others: 

1) We read in a hadith from Imam Sadiq (as): 

و یبنی فی ظهر الکوفه مسجداً له الف باب و یتّصل بیوت الکوفه بنهر کربلا و بالحیرة 

(He builds a mosque behind Kufa, which has one thousand doors, and the houses of Kufa reach the river of Karbala and Hayrah! ) [1] 

And we know that the distance between these two cities is 70 kilometers now. 

2) We read from Imam Baqir (as): 

اذا قام القائم... 

یکون المساجد کلّها جمّاه لاشرف لها کما کان علی عهد رسول الله (ص) 

و یوسّع الطّریق الاَعظم فیصیر ستّین ذرع 

و یهدم کلّ مسجد علی الطّریق 

ویسدّ کلّ کوَّة الی الطّریق 

و کلّ جناح و کنیف و میزاب الی الطّریق 

When al-Qa’im rises … 

Mosques will have short wall without crenels in his time as it was the same in the time of Prophet (S). 

He expands the main roads and they reach 60 cubits! 

And all mosques which are in the way (and disturb the people) will be destroyed by his command! 

And all the gates which open to the ways (and disturb the movement of the people) will be destroyed. 

And (disturbing) balconies 

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and sewages and chutes which open in the way (of the people) will be blocked! [1] 

3) Also, it is quoted in a long hadith from Imam Sadiq (as) that said: 

... و لیصیّرنًّ الکوفة اربعة و خمسین میلا و لیجاورنًّ قصورها کربلا، و لیصیّرنًّ الله کربلا معقلا و مقاما... 

(He will expand Kufa 54 miles until its castles reach Karbala, and Karbala (the place of the martyrs and heroes and self-devoted persons in the way of God) will become the center of many activities … [2] 

4) There are many narratives about the advancement of agriculture and abundance of agricultural products and waters, cattle and construction and flourish in all aspects. [3]


[1]: As’aaf ar-Raghibeen, chapter two, pages 140 & 141. 

[1]: Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 13. 

[2]: Noor al-Absar fi Managhib Aal Bayt al-Nabi al-Mukhtar, pages 156 & 157, printed in Egypt. 

[1]: Amali of Al-Shaykh al-Saduq (according to the quotation of Muntakhab al-Athar, page 168). 

[1]: Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, page 330. 

[1]: Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, page 333. 

[2]: Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 53, page 12. 

[3]: Muntakhab al-Athar, pages 472, 473 & 474.

Judiciary Development 

On the one hand, strengthening the bases of belief and moralities is required and on the other hand, making a correct and powerful judiciary system with complete awareness and vase dominance for fighting corruption, aggression and oppression. 

Certainly, complete advancement of industries gives humanity the equipments with which it is easily to control all movements of the people - in case of necessary - and observe any inharmonious act which can cause corruption and aggression and oppression; and taking images of criminals through the effects which are remained from them at crime scene; also recording their voices and recognizing them. If a righteous government has these equipments then it can be an effective factor for preventing corruption and oppression and in case of happening, giving the right to the rightful person. 

There is no doubt that in the age of that great universal peacemaker, moral educations 

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will be expanded so much by using super-advanced communication tools that prepares absolute majority of the people of the world for a correct human life mixed with purity and social justice. 

But, as humans have been created free and don’t follow determinism in their acts; maybe some humans can be found - even in minority - in any righteous society who abuse their freedom and use it for reaching evil goals. 

Therefore, a healthy, completely aware and dominant judiciary system should be available in order to give the rights of people and defeats the oppressor. 

By precise studying and consideration on social crimes and corruptions and the ways of prevention, it is cleared that: 

Firstly, by execution of social justice and fair division of wealth, the root of many of social corruptions, which are the results of conflicts for preserving assets and exploiting weak classes, deception, different kinds of frauds and lies and betrayals and crimes for more income in any way by any means, will be destroyed; and maybe large number of corruption and oppression in any society is because of these issues; by destroying the main root, branches and leaves will be dried our spontaneously. 

Secondly, correct education and training has deep effect in fighting against corruption, aggression and social and moral aberrances; and one of the important reasons of expansion of corruption in today’s societies is that not only mass media isn’t being used for correct education, but most of them are serving the most ugly and polluted imperialistic programs of corruption; 

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and they serve oppression, discrimination and corruption continuously day and night through distribution of destructive movies and deviating stories and programs and even false and incorrect news which are in benefits of global imperialism. 

Albeit, these matters have also economical source and move for stupefying the brains and spoiling constructive concepts, and destroying active and aware forces of each society, for more exploitation of giants of economical imperialism, without facing serious obstacle. 

Whenever this conditions change then an important part of social corruptions will be removed in a short time; and this cannot be performed except by a righteous and healthy government which is working in benefits of the people of the world - and not for exploiters - for making and flourished and free world full of peace and justice and belief. 

Thirdly, existence of an aware and informed judiciary system by having advanced equipments of supervision that it is either possible for criminals to escape nor to deny the crimes, will be also an effective factor in reducing the amount of corruption, sins and violations of laws. 

And if these three aspects work together then the aspects of its effectiveness will be so much large. 

It is understood from the whole ahadith about the age of government of Mahdi (as) that he uses all of these three preventive factors during the age of his revolution, in the way the famous sentence which is considered as a proverb becomes practical; that sentence which says: 

“Time will come when wolf and lamb drink water together! ” 

Certainly the nature 

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of the wolves won’t be changed, and there is no necessity for that, also lambs don’t change their present condition; it is referring to establishment of justice in the world and changing the way of bloody wolfish persons, who were drinking the blood of the deprived people of human society for centuries, by serving the government of tyrants. 

They completely change their manner under the dominance of new system, because wolfishness has never been, and is not, in human nature and is from the accidentals and it is changeable, or at least they retreat and isolate themselves and takes the benefits of divine gifts accompanying others fairly instead of eating other people’s benefits, as “wolf” beside “lamb” at the “river”! 

In other than these two ways, they will be included in purification and their existence will be removed from the way! 

From considerable referrals about this matter is what has been quoted in a hadith from Prophet (S) about diving the assets correctly in, that people will have spiritual and physical richness that extra properties remain without demand; it means that people will be trained and educated in a correct system of government that consider properties over their needs as problem for themselves! And all conflicts and brawls on this subject will end! 

All the people will be provided for their living and they also have no worry for the future in order to pollute themselves and participate in the competition of wealth collecting, for securing the future. 

Also, we read in another hadith that 

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in the time of his government intellectual level of the people will increase in the way that it is not comparable with today at all, and naturally, conflicts and fights, which are the results of narrow-mindedness and envies, and lowness of level of intellectuality and summarizing the personality in the amount of wealth, will be removed. 

According to previous narratives, even criminals are not safe in their homes because of strong supervision during the time of his government, because it is possible that they are being monitored with advanced equipments and even their sound waves can be controlled on the walls; it is another referral to the development of fighting against corruption in the age of his government. 

His judgment according to the law of judgment of Muhammad (S) and the judgment law of David (as) points to this precise matter that he will use both external regulations of Islamic investigation and judgment like confession, testification and like them, and through mental and scientific ways of discovering the crime, as it is quoted from some of its examples from the age of David (as). 

Moreover, in his age, beside the advancement of sciences and techniques and industries, tools of discovering crime will be advanced in the way that few criminals will be able not to leave trace with which cannot be recognized. 

I read an article about the wonders of human brain in one of newspapers that human brain sends waves according inner beliefs that it is possible to understand the amount of truths 

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and lies of the person’s expressions! 

Certainly these equipments will be advanced and other equipments will be invented. And by using the advanced mental methods, criminals will be completely controlled, although essentially, there are few criminals in such society (but that few are completely important). 

We repeat again that: 

It is a mistake to think that in the age of his government all of these issues will be performed through miracles, because miracles are exceptions, and are used in necessary cases and especially for proving the truthfulness of the invitation of Prophet (S) or Imam (as) , not for adjusting daily life and normal way of living, that no prophet has used miracle for this purpose. 

Therefore, the way of his universal government in through what we mention not through the miracles! 

Anyway, world become so much secure under the shadow of his government that according to a narrative a woman can travel from the East to the West alone without being disturbed! 

If we add the matter of simplicity of the life of Mahdi (as) to that - according to what have been mentioned in narratives - the issues become even clearer; because his acts are the patterns for those who are under the cover of his government which means all the people of the world. 

And by considering that an important part of crimes and social corruption are the results of luxury loving, glamorization of living, useless and costly formalities and rituals, another reason of removing corruption during the time of his government will be cleared. 


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is mentioned in a hadith from Ali ibn Musa al-Reza (as): 

و ما لباس القائم (ع) الّا الغلیظ و ما طعامه الّا الجشب 

(Clothing of al-Qa’im is nothing more than thick cloth and his food is only simple and unimportant food! ) [1] 

Similar to this matter has been quoted from Imam Sadiq (as).


[1]: Muntakhab al-Athar, page 307.

Longtime Government 

Although, there are several ahadith in Islamic resources about the time of his government which mentioned from 5 or 7 years to 309 years (the time of sleep of Kahf companion in that dark cave) - which is in fact, maybe it refers to the levels and ages of that government (its establishment five or seven years and the time of its completion 40 years and it final duration more than 300 years! Attention! ) - but regardless of Islamic narratives, it is certain that these narrations and preliminaries are not for a short time government and certainly they are for a longtime government that is worth this much of efforts! 

Rejuvenation of all Intellectual and Cultural Fields 

Heavenly religions are in fact the same water, which is descended from the heaven. 

Clear drops of rain - when the weather is not polluted - are pure and clear and beautiful and life-giving, free of any kind of pollution; wherever they drop they bring the message of life and beauty; and their shining invites those who are thirsty; and even suggest those who are not thirsty to drink water. 

But when they drop on polluted lands, they gradually lose their beginning purity, and sometimes, they change into a shape which any observer abstain from 

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watching and escapes from the putrefaction! 

Divine religions, which has at first the purity of the rain, and shining of sunlight, and beauty of spring, sometimes become so much distorted by having contact with retrograde thoughts of ignorant persons, and polluted hands of despiteful people and being mixed with personal habits and traditions and tastes, that lose their attraction completely. 

Islam, this living active religion that transformed most backward nations into the most pioneer ones, are also included in this issue, although the essence of Qur’an has not been touched and scholars in any age and time, who have tried to save its genuineness even with the price of their lives, have prevented these changes so much; but we should confess that many of its meanings have been transformed for large group of Muslims that it is possible to say that today, genuine Islam of the time of Prophet (S) cannot be found among many people! 

Most constructive meanings like “piety”, “patience”, “waiting”, “martyrdom”, “intercession” and “worshiping” sometimes, are so much distorted and falsely interpreted that true Islam fears from them! 

Many of Islamic laws have been practically destroyed by “religious” and “irreligious” hats (excuses) , like the ruling of usury that only its name is remained. 

Another part - like Hijrah, jihad and martyrdom - has been forgotten or at least has taken a historical shape exclusive to a specific period of beginning of Islam. [1] 

Islamic monotheism has been polluted with many of polytheisms; and the school of Ahl al-Bayt (as) who educate genuine Islam among 

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them according to the order 

“56 انّی تارک فیکم الثّقلین، کتاب الله و عترتی”, 

has remained completely unknown among a large group of Muslims and they have kept the people far from that with different kinds of accusations. 

He will destroy and dispel various weeds from the garden of Islam like a skillful and capable gardener; however, they have been tied with main saplings in the way that it seems impossible to be separated. 

He cuts deformed branches immediately; purifies this dark and polluted water; removes the rusts of incorrect interpretations; cleans the dust of forgetfulness; and cuts the hands of abusers and aberrant persons. 

Briefly, renews the same truthful Islam of the time of Prophet (S) and Ali (as). 

One of the prophecies of Mahdi (as) is trimming Islam from these attachments and in other words, rejuvenation of the building of its glorious palace. 

Transfers the mosques, which were one day the most active centers of Islam and the center of any kind of political, scientific, cultural and social movement and today, they have become the place of retired and jobless persons or as a form of entertainment or in its best condition as a habit, to their beginning shape. 

Inaction and silence give their position to movement and action. 

Revives Islamic jihad in all aspects. 

Frees genuine Islamic monotheism from any pollution of polytheisms, and interprets the transformed and reversed meanings correctly. 

Removes personal tastes from Islam and removes the rust of habit and rituals from that. 

Exits Islam from its tribal and regional limited shapes and discloses that 

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in its global shape. 

Cuts the hands of abusers and those who make religious hats (excuses) and offers its laws free of these extras. 

The whole rejuvenation and reconstruction is so much and changing that in some of Islamic narratives it is considered as “new religion”. 

We read in a narrative from Imam Sadiq (as) , which has been quoted in the book “Ithbat al-Hudat”: 

اذا خرج القائم یقوم بامر جدید، و کتاب جدید و سنّة جدید و قضاء جدید 

(When al-Qa’im appears brings new order, new method and new judgment with him). [1] 

It clear that the newness of these programs, methods and judgments is not because he brings new religion with him, but exits Islam from the congestion of superstitions, distortions and incorrect interpretations and false understandings in the way that it appears like a completely new building. 

Also the newness of the book doesn’t mean that a new divine book will be descended to him, because Imam is Qa’im and guardian of religion, not prophet and the one who brings new religion and book; but, extracts the forgotten genuine Qur’an from the angles of spiritual distortions and incorrect interpretations in the ay that it is possible to name it a new book. 

The proof of this expression, adding to explicitness of Qur’an about the last of prophets in Ahzab sura, verse 40 and narratives which explicitly prove that the prophet of Islam (S) is the last of prophets, there are several ahadith that affirms he will rise with the same method of prophet of Islam (S) and 

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his book and tradition: 

One of the companions of Imam Sadiq (as) , “Abdullah ibn Ata” says: 

I asked Imam how is the method of way of Mahdi (as)? 

Imam answered: 

یصنع ما صنع رسول الله (ص) یهدم ما کان قبله کما هدم رسول الله (ص) امر الجاهلیّة و یستأنف الاسلام جدید 

He will perform the same act which prophet of God performed; destroys previous (incorrect) programs, as prophet of God destroyed the acts of ignorance, and rejuvenates Islam. 

We read in the same book (Ithbat al-Hudat) that Prophet (S) said: 

القائم من ولدی؛ اسمه اسمی و کنیة کنیتی و شمائله شمائلی؛ و سنّته سنّتی؛ یقیم النّاس علی طاعتی و شریعتی و یدعوهم الی الکتاب ربّی 

Al-Qa’im is one of my children; his name is my name and his Kunya (honorific) is my Kunya and his face is my face; his method is my method; encourages people to follow me and my religion and invites them to the book of my God. [1] 

And it is mentioned in the book “Muntakhab al-Athar” from the Prophet of God (S): 

و انّ الثّانی عشر من ولدی یغیب حتّی لایری، و یأتی علی امّتی بزمن لایبقی من الاسلام الّا اسمه، ولایبقی من القرآن الّا رسمه فحینئذ یأذن الله له تبارک و تعالی بالخروج فیظهر الاسلام به ویجدّده 

(My twelfth son will be occulted and won’t be seen; and he comes to my followers when nothing has remained from Islam but its name and nothing has remained from Qur’an but its shape; at this time great God permits him to exit, and appears and rejuvenates Islam 

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by him. [1] 

Explicitness of this news is so much that there is no need for any explanation. 

Unity of Religion 

There is no doubt that religious disagreements are not compatible with a monotheistic system in all aspects; because these agreements are enough for disordering any unity. 

Contrariwise, one of the factors of unity is unity of religion which can be beyond all disagreements, and can gather different races, languages, nationalities and cultures in it, and make a united society from them that people live in that like brothers and sisters that“انّما المؤمنون اخوه”. 

Accordingly, one of the essential programs of that great peacemaker and revolutionary man is unity of the rows under the shadow of unity of religion. 

But, it shouldn’t be doubted that this unity neither is possible to be obligatory nor if it was possible to be obligatory then it was not logical to be obligatory. 

Religion communicates with the heart and the soul of the human and we know that the heart and the soul are outside of the territory of force and obligation; and nobody can transgress their boundaries. 

Moreover, method and tradition of Prophet (S) - as Qur’an also confirms - was not based upon force that: “لا اکراه فی الدّین” 

Therefore, Islam has always accepted Ahl al-Kitab as a healthy minority and has supported them until they don’t start motivation. 

By considering that in the time of he government of that great peacemaker, all the advanced equipments of communication will be used by him and his truthful followers and by considering that genuine Islam, by removing 

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the extras, has extraordinary attraction, it is clearly predictable that Islam will be accepted by most of the people of the world through logical and continuous propagation, and unity of religions will become practical by pioneer Islam. 

This truth, which we understand from the above rational reason, can also be clearly seen in Islamic narratives. 

“Mufazzal” quotes in a long hadith from Imam Sadiq (as) that: 

... فوالله یا مفضّل لیرفع عن الملل و الادیان الاختلاف و یکون الدّین کلّه واحداً کما قال الله عزّ و جلّ انّ الدّین عند الله الاسلام... 

… O Mufazzal! I swear to God that disagreements of religions will be removed and all become one religion; as almighty God says: religion is only Islam before God… [1] 

We previously read the same matter in interpretation of some of the verse of Qur’an which points to the rise of Mahdi (as). 

And in this way, religion of Tawhid and Islam enters all homes, all livings of all humans and in to all hearts. 

But, it is not possible to say that few minorities of the followers of other divine religion won’t be absolutely available because humans has free-will and there is no force and obligation is such system of government; and it is possible for some person to remain on previous belief because of mistake or bias, although majority of the people will accept monotheistic system of Islam and it is natural. 

But anyway, if such minority will be available, will be supported by that government as a healthy minority and by observing the 

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conditions of “Ahl al-Dhimmah”.


[1]: It should be considered that this book has been written some months before Islamic Revolution in Iran. 

[1]: Ithbat al-Hudat, vol. 7, page 83. 

[1]: Ithbat al-Hudat. 

[1]: Muntakhab al-Athar, page 98. 

[1]: Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 53, page 4.

False Claimants

Hasn't Mahdi Appeared? 

In the history of Islam, approximately from the beginning, we see the names of those who had called themselves “promised Mahdi”, or others had called them so, and had big claims, or others had considered for them; although, none of this claimant were not successful in correcting the world and didn’t fill the world full of oppression and injustice with justice, even they were not the source of a small corrective movement in their small environment. 

Maybe the first person who had been called with this name - although he was not satisfied with this act - was Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyyah son of Ali (as) albeit from a mother other than Fatima (sa) , that the group of “Kaysanites” believed that: 

He is the promised Mahdi and after his death, they cried out that he has never been died; but he is concealed in mount “Radwa” [1] guarding by lions! 

While we know that “Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyyah” died in the year 80 or 81 after Hijrah and was buried in Baqi’ (famous cemetery of Medina) , and fortunately, today nothing is heard from this group. 

Then some of Abbasid tyrants introduced themselves as Mahdi for achieving the title of caliph and using pure beliefs of simpleminded people for reaching this goal, by considering mental readiness of Muslims about the promised Mahdi. 

But, time shows that not only they were not Mahdi, but also they were from the oppressors who should be destroyed by Mahdi and his sword! 

This matter continued and once in a 

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while someone claimed of being Mahdi and gathered a group around him and deceived them; but these seasonal Mahdi’s became known soon and their plans failed. 

Because claim of being Mahdi is dangerous and our of the benefits of exploiters as it is useful and attractive for temporary attraction of a group of people, because Mahdi should fill the world with justice and this is what decries false claimant very soon. 

There were all types of people among these false claimants. 

In some of them, signs of mental illness, idiotism and at least simplemindedness can bee seen, while some others were ambitious and materialist and for saturation of this feeling, claimed this claim without studying its results. 

Some others were the tools of recognized enemies of Islam, who were being used for deviating the minds of Muslims from vital issues with which they were facing, and for separation and concision and weakening religious power, specially the power of clergies who were always their strong disturbance. 

Briefly, this game of being Mahdi continued until these days that they take “Sayyid Muhammad Ali Baab” to the scene. 

Although, he didn’t have the courage for this claim but according to living evidences and his own expressions which are available today in writings, he didn’t claimed of being Mahdi, but it was enough for him to be considered as “Baab” and “special representative of Mahdi”. 

But, by the pass of time and gathering some people around him, and motivations of those who was directing the piece, he changed his claim to 

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be al-Qa’im (Mahdi). [1] 

Evidences and proofs which have been collected from the story of his life and his followers - and how good they have collected - show that his claim was from all three roots; which means, he was officially “motivated”, “strengthened” and “supported” by the agents of imperialistic government - like “Tsarian Russia” at the beginning, “Britain” and “United Estates the heir of imperialism” in the following; also special ambition which dominated his soul didn’t leave him alone; and he was not free of a mental complex, too. [2] 

Albeit, this series continued and successors have practically left him behind and made him as a second-degree person who was the preliminary of their advent and had bigger claims in mind! 

But, multiplicity of their branches on one side [3] , and distribution of living evidences proving their direct connection with imperialistic governments on the other side [4] , and most important of all, nonexistence of considerable contents in their invitation, which can at least saturate the commons, on the third side, and enlightenments of a group of aware Muslims which have been performed for introducing this “imperialistic political party” in the fourth side, cleared their conditions very soon. 

Albeit, our goal in this discussion is not to talk about the weaknesses; that this matter needs a separated book and fortunately, many books have been written in this subject that some of them are interesting in contents. [5] 

Here, our goal is only expressing two matters: 

1) Some says: 

We know that the belief of the advent of Mahdi has been abused 

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many times and still is being abused, isn’t it better to keep silence about the main matter in order not to be abused by these many abusers; essentially, why should we accept a thing which can be taken this much wrong and undesirable? 

2) Another question, which is approximately the opposite point of the first question, is that: 

Is it really acceptable that all the claimants of being Mahdi were fake; don’t you assume that one of them was real and all of them were not opportunist and abuser or motivated by imperialism? 

In this discussion, our only goal is answering the two above questions and analyzing them. 

About the first question, first this question should be asked that: which valuable reality had been available which had not been abused by a group of evil persons? 

History shows us this much of false claimant of prophet hood who are still claiming in the age of atom and space and we hear the murmur of their claims everywhere. 

Therefore, it is good to forget the invitation of prophets and like “Brahmans” deny the prophecy itself in order not to be disturbed by these abuses! 

Do you consider this expression logical! 

In daily life, we hear about many people who have abused the titles of doctor and engineer and like them for taking money from people or for other purposes and maybe sometimes, they continue their way without leaving any trace behind, and were famous with this fake title. 

Is it possible to say, now that the title “doctor” has been 

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illegitimately abused by a group of persons then we should completely deny the existence of physicians and doctors! 

This kinds of speech, although seems to be strongly illogical, but unfortunately, it can be seen in the writings of those who essentially deny the advent of Mahdi. 

Anyway, it is a general rule that always any lie puts on the clothes of truth and uses that truth’s validity for covering its invalidity that “This lie shines by truth! ” 

No traitor, dishonest, thief and liar appear in his/her main feature, but reach his/her illegitimate goals by using the honor and reputation and “trust and purity and honesty” and pretending them. 

Is it the reason for invalidity of these superior human values! Secondly, is believing the advent of Mahdi a reality that has been abused or an imaginary matter? 

If we have accepted its reality - as we should accept because we have many evidences for that - then it is not possible to leave it behind because of the abuses of others, and if (assumable) it is not real then it should be left aside, whether it has been abused or not! 

Anyway, correct or incorrect way of using a matter cannot be the means of judging that. 

If someday, cruel fire-starters of the world misuse “atomic energy” and in an atomic attack to “Hiroshima” kill 300 hundred thousand persons and injure another 300 hundred thousand persons that after 30 years, terrible injuries of some of them have not been healed yet then can it be the reason for 

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us to completely abstain from this great source of energy or completely deny its existence, because cruel imperialists has abused that; or by accepting this reality, try to use it in correct way and in benefits of human society? 

After this question and its answer, it is the time for the second question that is more important in some aspects that whether all of this false claimant of being Mahdi were liars and there was no reality in their claims, or not? 

According to our belief, reaching the answer of this question is very easy by having the signs, reflections and results of this great advent. 

We understood enough in previous discussions that “Mahdi” has a universal responsibility, and uses all gifted facilities and available equipments and those, which he will make himself for fulfilling this responsibility. 

His main responsibility is removing all kinds of oppression and injustice from the living environment of humans, and designing a new plan for universal government based upon justice and fighting against all kinds of discriminations, imperialisms, exploitations and oppression of the tyrants. 

He mutates the minds. 

He greatly advances sciences and knowledge and industries. 

He makes movement in sleeping world in all aspects. 

He gathers all the followers of religions under one flag. 

He divined the wealth of the world fairly. 

He juices up the world’s economy, in the way that nobody remains needful in the world. 

He gives any right to its owner. 

He leaves no ruins in the world except that constructs it. 

And in his age, the world is secure in the way 

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that a woman can travel from the East to the West alone without being disturbed. 

He extracts the resources of the earth. 

And position everyone in a multilateral monotheistic system. 

These are practical programs and responsibilities of that great revolutionary man of the world in the greatest revolution of human history, which has been mentioned, in different resources and we presented the evidences of them in previous chapters. 

Did any of these claimants fulfill one-thousandth of this program, were they successful in adjusting their place or city according to this program? 

We see that oppressions and injustices and aggressions are still advancing; The First and the Second Word War have left millions of casualties and tens of millions of wounded persons and filled the world with blood. 

Dangerous competitions of superpowers becomes more day by day, and their distance with poor countries becomes farther; each night, about one billion people of the world sleep hungry; and prisons are full of innocents. 

Devilish autocrats are still performing different kinds of tortures on the people. 

It means that still, the world is going to the congestion of oppression and injustice, where and when has been filled with justice? 

And this reason is the strongest and the most effective answer to all claimants of the entire history and living evidence for there lies, a short and summarized reason, but sharp and certain! 

Yes! That Sun is still behind the clouds, and we should still wait for that day that clouds will disappear completely and the dark world shines by his essence; and perhaps 

the dawn is near. 

“الیس الصّبح بقریب” 


[1]: “Radwa” or “Razwa” is a mount near Medina; I have expressed the reason of mentioning the name of this mount in Nudba supplication in the book “Answers to Religious Questions”. 

[1]: We read in the book “Appearance of Truth”  (ظهور حق)  , which is accepted by this sect (in page 173) , that “Baab” in the middle of the year 1265, in Maku prison, wrote to Mulla Abdul Khaliq “انا القائم الحق الّذی انتم بظهوره توعدون” and after this, Mulla Abdul Khaliq was very upset of his claim. 

[2]: The reason for his mental illness, regardless of the contents of his books and expressions and phrases which are completely similar to a mentally ill person, is that we read in the book “Kashf al-Qita’”  (کشف الغطاء)  from “Mirza Abul Fazl Golpayegani”, who is one of his heads, that Mujtahids of Tabriz said after their inquest from “Baab” in that famous meeting: “Your words makes your blood Mubah (neutral) for us but the reason that we don’t order to execute you is the possibility of your madness”. 

[3]: Hitherto, their sects have become more than twenty sects. 

[4]: Refer to the books written by “Kinyaz Dalgurki” and “Prince Dalgurki” and the book “What else Baha’is Say? ”  (بی بهایی باب و بها). 

[5]: Refer to the books “What does Baha’i Say” and “Trial and Revision” and “Fine Words of Yar Gholi” and “Hadyat al-Namlat” and “Prince Dalgurki”.

  • 17/09/28

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