Husayn and Yazid
Αll those events which Husayn had to go through rove that from the
oint of view of morality he occuied the highest lace of glory and all
the events through which Yazid assed are an evidence of the fact that
he was at the lowest ebb of ignominy. Τhe tragedy of Karbala is a suffi‐
cient roof for it. Τhis event seaks volumes for his stark wickedness.
Yazid was a drunkard. He used to wear silken clothes and layed on a
Husayn son of Αli and Yazid son of Mu`awiya were the ersons who
came in the world as erfect secimens of the qualities of the two famil‐
ies viz. the Hashimites and Umayyads. Husayn was a erfect Hashim of
his time as Yazid was Αbd al‐Shams. Ιf the secial qualities of a man can
be the true icture of the environments in which he is brought u there is
no doubt about the fact that Husayn and Yazid were the true models of
their families. Husayn reresented the Hashimites and Yazid the
Umayyads. Τhe only difference was that Husayn was the best secimen
of the Hashimite virtues and excellences whereas Yazid was devoid of
even the good qualities which were ossessed by Bani Umayyah.
Husayn was the son of the rohetʹs daughter Fatima and Αli son of
Αbu Τalib. When he was born the rohet took him in his la and ro‐
nounced `Αzanʹ in his ears so as to infuse his own sirit into the sirit of
his grandson make him a art and arcel of his own being and to im‐
ress uon him that he was born to erform a secial mission and that
urose of life had been fixed for him.
On the seventh day of his birth the rohet said with great hainess:
ʺΙ have named this son of mine Husaynʺ.
Τhe child grew u day after day in such a condition that he had in him
the soul of his grandfather the beatings of the heart of his father and a
dee imression of rohethood on his mind. Αll the virtues and excel‐
lences of his forefathers had combined in his erson. Αnd as he continued to grow u these virtues and qualities of his also continued to continued to grow u these virtues and qualities of his also continued to
become more aarent. become more aarent.
Τransmission of the qualities of forefathers to their children is a law of Τransmission of the qualities of forefathers to their children is a law of
nature about which there cannot be any doubt whatsoever. Just as the
children inherit the colours facial aearances material qualities etc.
from their ancestors they also inherit their characteristic virtues.
Husayn remained under the suervision of his grand‐ father till the
age of seven years. Αfter the rohetʹs demise his comanions continued age of seven years. Αfter the rohetʹs demise his comanions continued
to imitate him in the matter of love for Husayn. Α secial reason for their to imitate him in the matter of love for Husayn. Α secial reason for their
dislaying love for him was that his features very much resembled those dislaying love for him was that his features very much resembled those
of the rohet. Τhis is borne out by the statements of those ersons who of the rohet. Τhis is borne out by the statements of those ersons who
had seen the rohet as well as Husayn. had seen the rohet as well as Husayn.
Τhe great names of the ancestors and their achieve‐ ments have a great Τhe great names of the ancestors and their achieve‐ ments have a great
deal to do with the develoment of their children and the making of deal to do with the develoment of their children and the making of
their future bright. When the child hears about the achievements of his their future bright. When the child hears about the achievements of his
ancestors from his very early age a icture of theirs is drawn on his ancestors from his very early age a icture of theirs is drawn on his
brain and consequently he acquires the qualities of his ancestors. Α child brain and consequently he acquires the qualities of his ancestors. Α child
naturally inherits the qualities of his forefathers but his living with them naturally inherits the qualities of his forefathers but his living with them
at the same lace casts a great influence on them. at the same lace casts a great influence on them.
Besides the rohet Husayn also saw his revered father. He saw his Besides the rohet Husayn also saw his revered father. He saw his
erseverance steadfastness justice symathy hel for the oressed erseverance steadfastness justice symathy hel for the oressed
and anger for the oressors as well as good treatment and kindness and anger for the oressors as well as good treatment and kindness
shown to the enemies. He accomanied his father in the Battles of shown to the enemies. He accomanied his father in the Battles of
amel Siffin and Νahrawan and saw his astonishing bravery and amel Siffin and Νahrawan and saw his astonishing bravery and
learnt from him the ways of fighting for the sake of goodness and also learnt from him the ways of fighting for the sake of goodness and also
knew from him how to sacrifice oneʹs life to rotect the oressed and knew from him how to sacrifice oneʹs life to rotect the oressed and
helless from tyranny. helless from tyranny.
Husaynʹs revered mother was a very tender‐hearted and kind lady. On Husaynʹs revered mother was a very tender‐hearted and kind lady. On
account of this very tender‐heartedness she was always grieved to see account of this very tender‐heartedness she was always grieved to see
the hardshis to which her father the rohet and his comanions were the hardshis to which her father the rohet and his comanions were
subjected by the Quraysh. She was extremely sad on the day of the Battle subjected by the Quraysh. She was extremely sad on the day of the Battle
of Uhad when many Muslims were killed at the hands of the olytheist of Uhad when many Muslims were killed at the hands of the olytheist
Quraysh and their dead bodies were cut to ieces. Ιt was a very deress‐ Quraysh and their dead bodies were cut to ieces. Ιt was a very deress‐
ing scene for her to see her father weeing for his uncle Hamzah. ing scene for her to see her father weeing for his uncle Hamzah.
Ιt is said that after the death of the rohet Αnas bin Malik went one Ιt is said that after the death of the rohet Αnas bin Malik went one
day to see lady Fatima and requested her to control her grief in the in‐ day to see lady Fatima and requested her to control her grief in the in‐
terest of her own health. She said only this rely: ʺO Αnas! How did you terest of her own health. She said only this rely: ʺO Αnas! How did you
tolerate to entrust the ure body of the rohet to the grave?ʺ tolerate to entrust the ure body of the rohet to the grave?ʺ
Τhen she burst into tears and Αnas too began to wee. He came back Τhen she burst into tears and Αnas too began to wee. He came back
with a heart which was shattered by the grief of Fatima. with a heart which was shattered by the grief of Fatima.
Husayn used to see his grief‐stricten younger sister Zainab and felt ex‐
tremely sad for her.
Husayn looked at his mother and sister and then imagined the suffer‐
ings and hardshis which time had in store for himself his sister and
their descendants. He felt that very soon he and his sister would have to
shed tears on the death of their mother and then to mourn the martyr‐
dom of their father and their descendants would have to face great
Α few days later Husayn heard his mother making the following re‐
commendations to his sister Zainab: ʺDo not leave Hasan and Husayn.
Τake comlete care of them. Αfter me erform the duties of their
His mother breathed her last after three months of the death of her
father. Husayn was standing by her side and saying goodbye to her. Αt
times he glanced at his sister who was stunned with grief. Τhen he
looked at his father and brother who were crying bitterly on the assing
away of lady Fatima.
Husayn sent his childhood in such an atmoshere of sorrow and
grief. When he grew u he saw the eole contending with and block‐
ing the way of his revered father at every ste. Τhe attitude of the mother
of the Faithful Αyesha and her suorters made him all the more sad. He
also saw the treachery committed by Mu`awiya Αmr bin Αas and their
henchmen with his father. Τhis increased his grief all the more and he
felt that unless evil was suressed with that bravery and force with
which his father endeavoured to suress it life would be meaningless.
Τhe most grievous day was that on which the hand of a criminal and a
sinner wounded the forehead of his illustrious father when he was offer‐
ing his rayers in the Masjid Kufa. Ιmam Αli could not survive this in‐
jury and breathed his last after two days. Τhus the imediment in the
ath of the oressors and tyrants to establish their authority was
Αfter some time his brother Hasan met martyrdom due to oisoning.
Αnd his grief and wonder knew no bounds when he saw that Bani
Umayyah and their suor‐ ters were shooting arrows on the funeral
bier ofhis brother. He also came to know that Mu`awiya had ordered
that Husaynʹs father and brother should be abused from the ulits. Ιn
fact he heard Mu`awiya doing so himself. Ιn short new causes for his
grief continued to aear. Τhese were the very causes which culminated
in the tragedy of Karbala‐the lace where the most heinous crime was
committed with the co‐oeration of mean Soldiers of Yazid and his wicked officers. Τhey committed atrocities on Husayn and a small grou
of his comanions and members of his family which one shudders to
Τhis was how Husayn was reared from the oint of view of inherit‐
ance and training and these were the causes of his grief which he had to
exerience from the very time of his birth. Αs he had observed the suffer‐
ings of his grand‐ father father and mother grief and sorrow were in‐
grained in his nature.
Ιt was on account of the qualities inherited and acquired by Husayn
that he used to say: Forbearance is a ladder fidelity is manliness ride is
folly and weakness and association with the wicked is something which
makes one doubt and waver.
Τry to acquire that thing which you deserve. Ιt is humiliation and
abasement to live with the oressors. Τruth is dignity and falsehood is
Who was Yazid?
Yazid was a man who had inherited all the bad qualities of the
Umayyad Family. His disosition beliefs way of thinking and the man‐
ner of looking at various matters were exactly the same as those of Bani
Umayyah in general. Besides the evils inherited by him from his ancest‐
ors he had other mischievous tendencies and satanic qualities as well. He
did not ossess the aarent qualities of his father which are considered
to be his (i.e. Mu`awiyaʹs) merits although they were only tools to
strengthen his rule. Ιn fact it may be said that whereas all the bad qualit‐
ies of his family had combined in him he did not at all ossess any good
quality. Τhere has been no other reveller amongst Bani Umayyah like
Yazid and it was on account of his being wildly festive that he lost his
life. Ιt is said that one day while mounted on a horse he was trying to
out‐ace a monkey. During this cometition however he fell down from
the horse and died. His contemoraries have drawn a very recise and
concise icture of his in these words: ʺHe was a drunkard. He used to
wear silken clothes and layed on a tambourineʺ.
Ιf Husayn roved to be a model of virtue and good morals Yazid
roved to be the worst secimen of his ancestral vices. Ιf Husayn was
symathetic towards others as magnanimous ersons usually are Yazid
had no human sentiments and was absolutely shameless.
Yazid had been brought u in a family which consi‐ dered Ιslam to be
a olitical movement. Αccording to Bani Umayyah the rohethood of
the rohet was only a retext to acquire ower and authority and Ιslam meant transfer of ower from the hands of Bani Umayyah to the hands
of Bani Hashim. Yazid considered his countrymen to be only an army
whose duty it was to remain faithful to the ruler. Ιn his eyes the object of
the existence of his countrymen was that they should ay land revenue
and taxes and increase the wealth of the treasury which was to be sent
according to the sweet will of the ruler.
Αs Yazid was born and brought u in such a family it was necessary
that he too should adot the ways which were adoted by his forefath‐
ers and other members of his family during the age of ignorance and
after the advent of Ιslam. Furthermore he was brought u in the house
of a father who sent large sums of money of the ublic treasury at his
leasure. When wealth and ignorance are combined the result can be
nothing else excet rofligacy and debauchery.
Ιt was for this reason that like every ignorant erson who ossesses
wealth Yazid was a drunkard and was fond of a life of leasure and
layed with dogs. Αs soon as he ascended the throne he began sending
money lavishly to lead a life of debauchery and sensual leasure. He
gave enormous sums to his asociates slaves slave‐girls singers etc. He
had a large number of dogs who slet by his side and were made to
wear ornaments of gold and silver and silken dresses while the oor
eole from whom taxes were realized under coercion starved and
suffered hard‐ shis. He ruled for three and a half years only but during
this short eriod he combined in him all the disgrace absurdity and im‐
udence which were the result of Umayyad olitics.
Besides the above‐mentioned revelry and debauchery which Yazid in‐
herited from his ancestors he also committed other most heinous crimes.
During the first year of his reign he murdered Ιmam Husayn and his
comanions and made the eole of his family catives. During the
second year he lundered Madina without caring in the least for its sanc‐
tity. He ermitted his soldiers to do whatever they liked with the eole
of the city for a eriod of three days. onsequently eleven thousand er‐
sons including seven hundred comanions of the rohet from amongst
the Muhajirs and Αnsar were killed and the modesty of more than one
thousand virgins was outraged.
Ιt was the natural disosition of Ιmam Husayn that he should fight
against injustice and oression following the examle set by his grand‐
father and father. He used to say: ʺΙt is humiliation and disgrace to live
with the oressorsʺ. On the contrary Yazid always bestowed honours
on cruel and wicked ersons and gave them large resents for commit‐
ting heinous crimes. He also asked others to resect and honour such ersons. For examle one day when he was engaged in feasting and
drinking along with his friends and Ubaidullah Ιbn Zaid the chief actor
of the tragedy of Karbala was sitting on his right hand side he addressed
the cu‐bearer as under:
ʺGive me such a wine that it should make my heart cool. Τhen give the
same wine to Ιbn Ziad who is my confidant and trustee and the source of
my acquiring war booty and winning the battlesʺ.
(Τhis incident took lace only a few days after the martyrdom of Ιmam
Τhe honouring of Ιbn Ziad by Yazid resembles the honouring of the
greatest tyrant and criminal Hajjaj.
Ιn short if during the time of Mu`awiya `divine armyʹ consisted of
oisoned honey the `divine armyʹ during the days of Yazid was only
oison without the admixture of honey. During the reign of Yazid the
Umayyad arty‐sirit of the days of ignorance was fully revived. Νone
of the events of history can roduce a man more ignorable than Yazid ‐
the same Yazid who was the author of the tragedy of Karbala. Αnd simil‐
arly none of the events of history can roduce a erson who should os‐
sess as lofty a character as Husayn ‐ the same Husayn who was the mar‐
tyr of Karbala. Τhe ages relating to Yazid are absolutely black whereas
those relating to Husayn are relete with dignity and honour. On the one
side there were the trade and chiefshi of Umayyah and his slaves and
executioners and on the other side there were the lofty character and
bravery of the Family of Αbu Τalib and their free and zealous ersons
and martyrs in the ath of truth and justice.
Logic and reasoning are not so successful to rove a reality as are the
events which are related to it. Αs events contain conclusive arguments
within themselves there is no doubt about the fact that all those events
which Husayn had to go through rove that from the oint of view of
moral character he occuied the loftiest rank all the events through
which Yazid assed are an evidence of the fact that he was at the lowest
layer of degradation. Τhe tragedy of Karbala is a sufficient roof for this
fact. Τhis event seaks volumes for and shall always be ointing to the
most noble character of Husayn and the wickedness of the vilest of the
vile Yazid.
Before the tragedy of Karbala there occurred another event in which
there was on one side Husayn the model of sincerity and human sym‐
athy and on the other there was Yazid who was an embodiment of de‐
bauchery and licen‐ tiousness. Τhis event besides bringing to light the
resective characters of Husayn and Yazid also reminds one of the act made by Bani Hashim which was called Hilfal‐Fuul. Τhis act was
made by them with the co‐oeration of some Αrab tribes. One of its
items urorted to say that the signatories of the act would suort the
oressed and realize their rights from the oressors and would re‐
strain the owerful ersons from doing injustice to the weak and hel‐
less. Τhe ancestors of Yazid had oosed this act and those of Husayn
had lent it whole‐hearted suort.
Of course one character of this event is Husayn and the other is Yazid.
Yazid son of Mu`awiya came to know about the beauty of Urainab
daughter of Ιshaq who was the wife of the Qurayshite Αbdullah bin
Salam. Urainab was the most beautiful and accomlished woman of her
time and ossessed enormous wealth. Yazid fell in love with her without
having seen her. He lost all atience and mentioned the matter to
Mu`awiyaʹs favourite slave named Rafiq. Τhe slave informed Mu`awiya
about this love and told him that his son was very keen to marry Urain‐
ab. Mu`awiya called Yazid and enquired from him about the matter.
Yazid admitted that whatever Mu`awiya had been told was correct.
Mu`awiya said: ʺBe calm and atient. Something will be done in this be‐
halfʺ. Yazid said: Ιt is no use consoling me now because the matter is
already finished. She has already been married. Mu`awiya said: My dear
son! Kee the secret to yourself because if it is divulged it will do you no
good. God comletes what He ordains and what has already haened
cannot be heled.
Mu`awiya began thinking of solving the roblem and meeting the
wish of Yazid to marry Urainab. Αbdullah son of Salam the husband of
Urainab was at that time the Governor of Ιraq. Mu`awiya wrote a letter
to him saying: ʺΙ have an urgent business with you. Please come and see
me as early as ossible. Τhe matter is beneficial to youʺ
On receiving Mu`awiyaʹs letter Αbdullah roceeded to Syria at once
and met Mu`awiya. Τhe latter received him with great honour and re‐
sect. Αt that time Αbu Darda and Αbu Huraira two comanions of the
rohet were also available in Damacus. Mu`awiya called for them and
said to them: ʺSuch and such daughter of mine is now of age and Ι am
anxious to give away her hand in marriage. Ι think Αbdullah son of
Salam is a good man and Ι wish that she may marry himʺ.
Both of them raised Mu`awiya for his intelligence and devoutness
and said that whatever he had thought of was absolutely roer.
Mu`awiya said to them: ʺBoth of you should meet Αbdullah and men‐
tion the matter to him and find out his oinion about it. Αlthough Ι have authorised my daughter to marry a man of her choice but Ι am sure that
she will like Αbdullah bin Salam and will not refuse to marry himʺ
Αbu Darda and Αbu Huraira went to see Αbdullah. Ιn the meantime
Mu`awiya went into his alace and said to his daughter: ʺDear daughter!
Just hear what Ι have to say. When Αbu Darda and Αbu Huraira come to
you and tell you that Ι want to get you married to Αbdullah bin Salam
you should say: ʺOf course Αbdullah is a good man and a near relative
and of equal status with us. However he has already married Urainab
daughter of Ιshaq and Ι am afraid that if Ι marry him Ι may also become
jealous of her like all other women. Ιf in that event Ι say something un‐
becoming about Αbdullah Ι am afraid that Ι may invite the wrath of God
by doing so. However if Αbdullah divorces Urainab Ι am agreeable to
marry himʺ.
When Αbu Darda and Αbu Huraira conveyed the Message of Mu`aw‐
iya to Αbdullah bin Salam he was over joyed and told them to inform
Mu`awiya that the roosal was accetable to him. When they informed
Mu`awiya of the develoments he said to them: ʺΑs Ι have already told
you Ι would like this marriage. However Ι have authorised my daughter
to marry a man of her own choice. You should therefore go to her and
ask her whether she is ready to marry Αbdullah bin Salamʺ.
When they aroached the girl she gave them the same rely which
Mu`awiya had taught her to give. Τhey then conveyed her rely to
When Αbdullah son of Salam came to know that it was not ossible to
marry Mu`awiyaʹs daughter unless he devorced his wife he was over‐
owered by avarice and divorced Urainab. He said to Αbu Darda and
Αbu Huraira: ʺBear witness to the fact that Ι have divorced Urainab. You
should inform Mu`awiya about this and also convey my roosal to
When they came to Mu`awiya and told him what had haened he
said: ʺOh! What has Αbdullah done? Why has he divorced his wife? He
should not have been so hasty. Had he waited for a few days Ι might
have arranged his marriage with my daughter without allowing things
to come to such a ass. Αnyhow you should go now and ask my daugh‐
ter whether she is agreeable to this marriageʺ.
Αbu Darda and Αbu Huraira aroached Mu`awiyaʹs daughter once
again and told her that Αbdullah had divorced his wife. Τhey also stated
that Αbdullah was a very noble‐minded and cometent erson and en‐
quired from her whether she was reared to marry him.
Mu`awiyaʹs daughter relied: ʺΑbdullah no doubt enjoys a high osi‐
tion amongst the Quraysh. However as you are aware marriage is not
something trivial so that one may agree to it without seriously ondering
over the matter. Ιt is a contract for oneʹs whole life. You gentlemen may
therefore go now. Ι shall think over the matter and give you a rely
Both of them blessed her and dearted. Τhey then went to Αbdullah
bin Salam and informed him about what the girl had said. Αbdullah
said: ʺΑll right. Let us wait. Ιf it is not settled today it will be settled
Ιt was the talk of the town that Αbdullah bin Salam had divorced his
wife and had roosed to Mu`awiyaʹs daughter. Αs all were aware of the
cunning of Mu`awiya and the loose character of Yazid they blamed and
censured Αbdullah for having divorced his wife without first winning
the consent of Mu`awiyaʹs daughter.
Αfter a few days Αbdullah sent Αbu Darda and Αbu Huraira again to
the daughter of Mu`awiya. Τhey advised her to give a final rely
whereuon she said: ʺΙ am sure God has decided well for me because
He does not forsake one who relies uon Him. Ι have ondered over the
matter and have come to the conclusion that my marrying Αbdullah bin
Salam will not be a successful one. Ι have also consulted my well‐wishers
in the matter. Some of them have aroved the marriage but others have
oosed itʺ.
When Αbdullah came to know about the rely which had been given
by Mu`awiyaʹs daughter he became sure that he had been dued. Τhis
grieved him very much. Τhe news sread was the talk of the town. Τhe
eole blamed Mu`awiya for having defrauded Αbdullah and making
him divorce his wife so that she might later marry Yazid.
Mu`awiya was successful at the first stage of his scheme to fulfil the
desire of his son but eventually the divine will frustrated his rogram.
His lan failed owing to the interference by Husayn who had grown u
on the attern of life of his illustrious father. Heling the oressed had
become his second nature.
When the waiting eriod (Ιdda) of. Urainab exired Mu`awiya sent
Αbu Darda to her to convey to her roosal for marriage on behalf of
Yazid. Αbu Darda left Damascus and reached Kufa. Ιt so haened that
Husayn son of Αli was also in Kufa at that time. Αbu Darda considered it
roer to ay his resects to the son of the rohet in the first instance.
He therefore resented himself before the Ιmam. Ιmam Husayn en‐
quired from him the reason for his visiting Kufa. Αbu Darda informed him that he had been sent by Mu`awiya to roose to Urainab daughter
of Ιshaq on behalf of his son Yazid. He then related to the Ιmam in detail
the events which had already taken lace. Ιmam Husayn said: ʺΙ also
thought that Urainab would marry some other erson and intended to
roose to her after her ʺΙddaʺ ended. Νow that you have arrived here it
will be better if you convey my roosal to her. She may choose whom‐
soever she likes. However Ι am reared to give her dower equal to that
which Yazid has romised herʺ
Αbu Darda romised to convey the Ιmamʹs message to Urainab. Τhen
he took leave of Ιmam Husayn and reached her house. He said to her:
ʺMadam! Ιt was destined that Αbdullah son of Salam should divorce
you. You are not going to be a loser on this account. Yazid son of
Mu`awiya and Husayn son of Αli wish to marry you. Both of them have him that he had been sent by Mu`awiya to roose to Urainab daughter
of Ιshaq on behalf of his son Yazid. He then related to the Ιmam in detail
the events which had already taken lace. Ιmam Husayn said: ʺΙ also
thought that Urainab would marry some other erson and intended to
roose to her after her ʺΙddaʺ ended. Νow that you have arrived here it
will be better if you convey my roosal to her. She may choose whom‐
soever she likes. However Ι am reared to give her dower equal to that
which Yazid has romised herʺ
Αbu Darda romised to convey the Ιmamʹs message to Urainab. Τhen
he took leave of Ιmam Husayn and reached her house. He said to her:
ʺMadam! Ιt was destined that Αbdullah son of Salam should divorce
you. You are not going to be a loser on this account. Yazid son of
Mu`awiya and Husayn son of Αli wish to marry you. Both of them have him that he had been sent by Mu`awiya to roose to Urainab daughter
of Ιshaq on behalf of his son Yazid. He then related to the Ιmam in detail
the events which had already taken lace. Ιmam Husayn said: ʺΙ also
thought that Urainab would marry some other erson and intended to
roose to her after her ʺΙddaʺ ended. Νow that you have arrived here it
will be better if you convey my roosal to her. She may choose whom‐
soever she likes. However Ι am reared to give her dower equal to that
which Yazid has romised herʺ
Αbu Darda romised to convey the Ιmamʹs message to Urainab. Τhen
he took leave of Ιmam Husayn and reached her house. He said to her:
ʺMadam! Ιt was destined that Αbdullah son of Salam should divorce
you. You are not going to be a loser on this account. Yazid son of
Mu`awiya and Husayn son of Αli wish to marry you. Both of them have him that he had been sent by Mu`awiya to roose to Urainab daughter
of Ιshaq on behalf of his son Yazid. He then related to the Ιmam in detail
the events which had already taken lace. Ιmam Husayn said: ʺΙ also
thought that Urainab would marry some other erson and intended to
roose to her after her ʺΙddaʺ ended. Νow that you have arrived here it
will be better if you convey my roosal to her. She may choose whom‐
soever she likes. However Ι am reared to give her dower equal to that
which Yazid has romised herʺ
Αbu Darda romised to convey the Ιmamʹs message to Urainab. Τhen
he took leave of Ιmam Husayn and reached her house. He said to her:
ʺMadam! Ιt was destined that Αbdullah son of Salam should divorce
you. You are not going to be a loser on this account. Yazid son of
Mu`awiya and Husayn son of Αli wish to marry you. Both of them have him that he had been sent by Mu`awiya to roose to Urainab daughter
of Ιshaq on behalf of his son Yazid. He then related to the Ιmam in detail
the events which had already taken lace. Ιmam Husayn said: ʺΙ also
thought that Urainab would marry some other erson and intended to
roose to her after her ʺΙddaʺ ended. Νow that you have arrived here it
will be better if you convey my roosal to her. She may choose whom‐
soever she likes. However Ι am reared to give her dower equal to that
which Yazid has romised herʺ
Αbu Darda romised to convey the Ιmamʹs message to Urainab. Τhen
he took leave of Ιmam Husayn and reached her house. He said to her:
ʺMadam! Ιt was destined that Αbdullah son of Salam should divorce
you. You are not going to be a loser on this account. Yazid son of
Mu`awiya and Husayn son of Αli wish to marry you. Both of them have him that he had been sent by Mu`awiya to roose to Urainab daughter
of Ιshaq on behalf of his son Yazid. He then related to the Ιmam in detail
the events which had already taken lace. Ιmam Husayn said: ʺΙ also
thought that Urainab would marry some other erson and intended to
roose to her after her ʺΙddaʺ ended. Νow that you have arrived here it
will be better if you convey my roosal to her. She may choose whom‐
soever she likes. However Ι am reared to give her dower equal to that
which Yazid has romised herʺ
Αbu Darda romised to convey the Ιmamʹs message to Urainab. Τhen
he took leave of Ιmam Husayn and reached her house. He said to her:
ʺMadam! Ιt was destined that Αbdullah son of Salam should divorce
you. You are not going to be a loser on this account. Yazid son of
Mu`awiya and Husayn son of Αli wish to marry you. Both of them have him that he had been sent by Mu`awiya to roose to Urainab daughter
of Ιshaq on behalf of his son Yazid. He then related to the Ιmam in detail
the events which had already taken lace. Ιmam Husayn said: ʺΙ also
thought that Urainab would marry some other erson and intended to
roose to her after her ʺΙddaʺ ended. Νow that you have arrived here it
will be better if you convey my roosal to her. She may choose whom‐
soever she likes. However Ι am reared to give her dower equal to that
which Yazid has romised herʺ
Αbu Darda romised to convey the Ιmamʹs message to Urainab. Τhen
he took leave of Ιmam Husayn and reached her house. He said to her:
ʺMadam! Ιt was destined that Αbdullah son of Salam should divorce
you. You are not going to be a loser on this account. Yazid son of
Mu`awiya and Husayn son of Αli wish to marry you. Both of them have him that he had been sent by Mu`awiya to roose to Urainab daughter
of Ιshaq on behalf of his son Yazid. He then related to the Ιmam in detail
the events which had already taken lace. Ιmam Husayn said: ʺΙ also
thought that Urainab would marry some other erson and intended to
roose to her after her ʺΙddaʺ ended. Νow that you have arrived here it
will be better if you convey my roosal to her. She may choose whom‐
soever she likes. However Ι am reared to give her dower equal to that
which Yazid has romised herʺ
Αbu Darda romised to convey the Ιmamʹs message to Urainab. Τhen
he took leave of Ιmam Husayn and reached her house. He said to her:
ʺMadam! Ιt was destined that Αbdullah son of Salam should divorce
you. You are not going to be a loser on this account. Yazid son of
Mu`awiya and Husayn son of Αli wish to marry you. Both of them have him that he had been sent by Mu`awiya to roose to Urainab daughter
of Ιshaq on behalf of his son Yazid. He then related to the Ιmam in detail
the events which had already taken lace. Ιmam Husayn said: ʺΙ also
thought that Urainab would marry some other erson and intended to
roose to her after her ʺΙddaʺ ended. Νow that you have arrived here it
will be better if you convey my roosal to her. She may choose whom‐
soever she likes. However Ι am reared to give her dower equal to that
which Yazid has romised herʺ
Αbu Darda romised to convey the Ιmamʹs message to Urainab. Τhen
he took leave of Ιmam Husayn and reached her house. He said to her:
ʺMadam! Ιt was destined that Αbdullah son of Salam should divorce
you. You are not going to be a loser on this account. Yazid son of
Mu`awiya and Husayn son of Αli wish to marry you. Both of them have him that he had been sent by Mu`awiya to roose to Urainab daughter
of Ιshaq on behalf of his son Yazid. He then related to the Ιmam in detail
the events which had already taken lace. Ιmam Husayn said: ʺΙ also
thought that Urainab would marry some other erson and intended to
roose to her after her ʺΙddaʺ ended. Νow that you have arrived here it
will be better if you convey my roosal to her. She may choose whom‐
soever she likes. However Ι am reared to give her dower equal to that
which Yazid has romised herʺ
Αbu Darda romised to convey the Ιmamʹs message to Urainab. Τhen
he took leave of Ιmam Husayn and reached her house. He said to her:
ʺMadam! Ιt was destined that Αbdullah son of Salam should divorce
you. You are not going to be a loser on this account. Yazid son of
Mu`awiya and Husayn son of Αli wish to marry you. Both of them have him that he had been sent by Mu`awiya to roose to Urainab daughter
of Ιshaq on behalf of his son Yazid. He then related to the Ιmam in detail
the events which had already taken lace. Ιmam Husayn said: ʺΙ also
thought that Urainab would marry some other erson and intended to
roose to her after her ʺΙddaʺ ended. Νow that you have arrived here it
will be better if you convey my roosal to her. She may choose whom‐
soever she likes. However Ι am reared to give her dower equal to that
which Yazid has romised herʺ
Αbu Darda romised to convey the Ιmamʹs message to Urainab. Τhen
he took leave of Ιmam Husayn and reached her house. He said to her:
ʺMadam! Ιt was destined that Αbdullah son of Salam should divorce
you. You are not going to be a loser on this account. Yazid son of
Mu`awiya and Husayn son of Αli wish to marry you. Both of them have him that he had been sent by Mu`awiya to roose to Urainab daughter
of Ιshaq on behalf of his son Yazid. He then related to the Ιmam in detail
the events which had already taken lace. Ιmam Husayn said: ʺΙ also
thought that Urainab would marry some other erson and intended to
roose to her after her ʺΙddaʺ ended. Νow that you have arrived here it
will be better if you convey my roosal to her. She may choose whom‐
soever she likes. However Ι am reared to give her dower equal to that
which Yazid has romised herʺ
Αbu Darda romised to convey the Ιmamʹs message to Urainab. Τhen
he took leave of Ιmam Husayn and reached her house. He said to her:
ʺMadam! Ιt was destined that Αbdullah son of Salam should divorce
you. You are not going to be a loser on this account. Yazid son of
Mu`awiya and Husayn son of Αli wish to marry you. Both of them have him that he had been sent by Mu`awiya to roose to Urainab daughter
of Ιshaq on behalf of his son Yazid. He then related to the Ιmam in detail
the events which had already taken lace. Ιmam Husayn said: ʺΙ also
thought that Urainab would marry some other erson and intended to
roose to her after her ʺΙddaʺ ended. Νow that you have arrived here it
will be better if you convey my roosal to her. She may choose whom‐
soever she likes. However Ι am reared to give her dower equal to that
which Yazid has romised herʺ
Αbu Darda romised to convey the Ιmamʹs message to Urainab. Τhen
he took leave of Ιmam Husayn and reached her house. He said to her:
ʺMadam! Ιt was destined that Αbdullah son of Salam should divorce
you. You are not going to be a loser on this account. Yazid son of
Mu`awiya and Husayn son of Αli wish to marry you. Both of them have him that he had been sent by Mu`awiya to roose to Urainab daughter
of Ιshaq on behalf of his son Yazid. He then related to the Ιmam in detail
the events which had already taken lace. Ιmam Husayn said: ʺΙ also
thought that Urainab would marry some other erson and intended to
roose to her after her ʺΙddaʺ ended. Νow that you have arrived here it
will be better if you convey my roosal to her. She may choose whom‐
soever she likes. However Ι am reared to give her dower equal to that
which Yazid has romised herʺ
Αbu Darda romised to convey the Ιmamʹs message to Urainab. Τhen
he took leave of Ιmam Husayn and reached her house. He said to her:
ʺMadam! Ιt was destined that Αbdullah son of Salam should divorce
you. You are not going to be a loser on this account. Yazid son of
Mu`awiya and Husayn son of Αli wish to marry you. Both of them have him that he had been sent by Mu`awiya to roose to Urainab daughter
of Ιshaq on behalf of his son Yazid. He then related to the Ιmam in detail
the events which had already taken lace. Ιmam Husayn said: ʺΙ also
thought that Urainab would marry some other erson and intended to
roose to her after her ʺΙddaʺ ended. Νow that you have arrived here it
will be better if you convey my roosal to her. She may choose whom‐
soever she likes. However Ι am reared to give her dower equal to that
which Yazid has romised herʺ
Αbu Darda romised to convey the Ιmamʹs message to Urainab. Τhen
he took leave of Ιmam Husayn and reached her house. He said to her:
ʺMadam! Ιt was destined that Αbdullah son of Salam should divorce
you. You are not going to be a loser on this account. Yazid son of
Mu`awiya and Husayn son of Αli wish to marry you. Both of them have him that he had been sent by Mu`awiya to roose to Urainab daughter
of Ιshaq on behalf of his son Yazid. He then related to the Ιmam in detail
the events which had already taken lace. Ιmam Husayn said: ʺΙ also
thought that Urainab would marry some other erson and intended to
roose to her after her ʺΙddaʺ ended. Νow that you have arrived here it
will be better if you convey my roosal to her. She may choose whom‐
soever she likes. However Ι am reared to give her dower equal to that
which Yazid has romised herʺ
Αbu Darda romised to convey the Ιmamʹs message to Urainab. Τhen
he took leave of Ιmam Husayn and reached her house. He said to her:
ʺMadam! Ιt was destined that Αbdullah son of Salam should divorce
you. You are not going to be a loser on this account. Yazid son of
Mu`awiya and Husayn son of Αli wish to marry you. Both of them have him that he had been sent by Mu`awiya to roose to Urainab daughter
of Ιshaq on behalf of his son Yazid. He then related to the Ιmam in detail
the events which had already taken lace. Ιmam Husayn said: ʺΙ also
thought that Urainab would marry some other erson and intended to
roose to her after her ʺΙddaʺ ended. Νow that you have arrived here it
will be better if you convey my roosal to her. She may choose whom‐
soever she likes. However Ι am reared to give her dower equal to that
which Yazid has romised herʺ
Αbu Darda romised to convey the Ιmamʹs message to Urainab. Τhen
he took leave of Ιmam Husayn and reached her house. He said to her:
ʺMadam! Ιt was destined that Αbdullah son of Salam should divorce
you. You are not going to be a loser on this account. Yazid son of
Mu`awiya and Husayn son of Αli wish to marry you. Both of them have him that he had been sent by Mu`awiya to roose to Urainab daughter
of Ιshaq on behalf of his son Yazid. He then related to the Ιmam in detail
the events which had already taken lace. Ιmam Husayn said: ʺΙ also
thought that Urainab would marry some other erson and intended to
roose to her after her ʺΙddaʺ ended. Νow that you have arrived here it
will be better if you convey my roosal to her. She may choose whom‐
soever she likes. However Ι am reared to give her dower equal to that
which Yazid has romised herʺ
Αbu Darda romised to convey the Ιmamʹs message to Urainab. Τhen
he took leave of Ιmam Husayn and reached her house. He said to her:
ʺMadam! Ιt was destined that Αbdullah son of Salam should divorce
you. You are not going to be a loser on this account. Yazid son of
Mu`awiya and Husayn son of Αli wish to marry you. Both of them have
conveyed their roosals
whomever you likeʺ. conveyed their roosals
whomever you likeʺ. conveyed their roosals
whomever you likeʺ. conveyed their roosals
whomever you likeʺ. conveyed their roosals
whomever you likeʺ. conveyed their roosals
whomever you likeʺ. to you you through through through me. me. You You may choose
Urainab ket quiet for some time and then said: ʺΙf some other erson
had brought these two roosals to me Ι would have called you for con‐
sultation and would have acted according to your suggestion. Νow that
you yourself have brought these roosals Ι leave the final decision to
Αbu Darda relied: ʺΙt was my duty to convey the roosals to you
but you are yourself the best judge in the matterʺ. Urainab said: ʺΝo that Urainab ket quiet for some time and then said: ʺΙf some other erson
had brought these two roosals to me Ι would have called you for con‐
sultation and would have acted according to your suggestion. Νow that
you yourself have brought these roosals Ι leave the final decision to
Αbu Darda relied: ʺΙt was my duty to convey the roosals to you
but you are yourself the best judge in the matterʺ. Urainab said: ʺΝo that Urainab ket quiet for some time and then said: ʺΙf some other erson
had brought these two roosals to me Ι would have called you for con‐
sultation and would have acted according to your suggestion. Νow that
you yourself have brought these roosals Ι leave the final decision to
Αbu Darda relied: ʺΙt was my duty to convey the roosals to you
but you are yourself the best judge in the matterʺ. Urainab said: ʺΝo that Urainab ket quiet for some time and then said: ʺΙf some other erson
had brought these two roosals to me Ι would have called you for con‐
sultation and would have acted according to your suggestion. Νow that
you yourself have brought these roosals Ι leave the final decision to
Αbu Darda relied: ʺΙt was my duty to convey the roosals to you
but you are yourself the best judge in the matterʺ. Urainab said: ʺΝo that Urainab ket quiet for some time and then said: ʺΙf some other erson
had brought these two roosals to me Ι would have called you for con‐
sultation and would have acted according to your suggestion. Νow that
you yourself have brought these roosals Ι leave the final decision to
Αbu Darda relied: ʺΙt was my duty to convey the roosals to you
but you are yourself the best judge in the matterʺ. Urainab said: ʺΝo that Urainab ket quiet for some time and then said: ʺΙf some other erson
had brought these two roosals to me Ι would have called you for con‐
sultation and would have acted according to your suggestion. Νow that
you yourself have brought these roosals Ι leave the final decision to
Αbu Darda relied: ʺΙt was my duty to convey the roosals to you
but you are yourself the best judge in the matterʺ. Urainab said: ʺΝo that Urainab ket quiet for some time and then said: ʺΙf some other erson
had brought these two roosals to me Ι would have called you for con‐
sultation and would have acted according to your suggestion. Νow that
you yourself have brought these roosals Ι leave the final decision to
Αbu Darda relied: ʺΙt was my duty to convey the roosals to you
but you are yourself the best judge in the matterʺ. Urainab said: ʺΝo that Urainab ket quiet for some time and then said: ʺΙf some other erson
had brought these two roosals to me Ι would have called you for con‐
sultation and would have acted according to your suggestion. Νow that
you yourself have brought these roosals Ι leave the final decision to
Αbu Darda relied: ʺΙt was my duty to convey the roosals to you
but you are yourself the best judge in the matterʺ. Urainab said: ʺΝo that Urainab ket quiet for some time and then said: ʺΙf some other erson
had brought these two roosals to me Ι would have called you for con‐
sultation and would have acted according to your suggestion. Νow that
you yourself have brought these roosals Ι leave the final decision to
Αbu Darda relied: ʺΙt was my duty to convey the roosals to you
but you are yourself the best judge in the matterʺ. Urainab said: ʺΝo that Urainab ket quiet for some time and then said: ʺΙf some other erson
had brought these two roosals to me Ι would have called you for con‐
sultation and would have acted according to your suggestion. Νow that
you yourself have brought these roosals Ι leave the final decision to
Αbu Darda relied: ʺΙt was my duty to convey the roosals to you
but you are yourself the best judge in the matterʺ. Urainab said: ʺΝo that Urainab ket quiet for some time and then said: ʺΙf some other erson
had brought these two roosals to me Ι would have called you for con‐
sultation and would have acted according to your suggestion. Νow that
you yourself have brought these roosals Ι leave the final decision to
Αbu Darda relied: ʺΙt was my duty to convey the roosals to you
but you are yourself the best judge in the matterʺ. Urainab said: ʺΝo that Urainab ket quiet for some time and then said: ʺΙf some other erson
had brought these two roosals to me Ι would have called you for con‐
sultation and would have acted according to your suggestion. Νow that
you yourself have brought these roosals Ι leave the final decision to
Αbu Darda relied: ʺΙt was my duty to convey the roosals to you
but you are yourself the best judge in the matterʺ. Urainab said: ʺΝo that Urainab ket quiet for some time and then said: ʺΙf some other erson
had brought these two roosals to me Ι would have called you for con‐
sultation and would have acted according to your suggestion. Νow that
you yourself have brought these roosals Ι leave the final decision to
Αbu Darda relied: ʺΙt was my duty to convey the roosals to you
but you are yourself the best judge in the matterʺ. Urainab said: ʺΝo that Urainab ket quiet for some time and then said: ʺΙf some other erson
had brought these two roosals to me Ι would have called you for con‐
sultation and would have acted according to your suggestion. Νow that
you yourself have brought these roosals Ι leave the final decision to
Αbu Darda relied: ʺΙt was my duty to convey the roosals to you
but you are yourself the best judge in the matterʺ. Urainab said: ʺΝo that Urainab ket quiet for some time and then said: ʺΙf some other erson
had brought these two roosals to me Ι would have called you for con‐
sultation and would have acted according to your suggestion. Νow that
you yourself have brought these roosals Ι leave the final decision to
Αbu Darda relied: ʺΙt was my duty to convey the roosals to you
but you are yourself the best judge in the matterʺ. Urainab said: ʺΝo that Urainab ket quiet for some time and then said: ʺΙf some other erson
had brought these two roosals to me Ι would have called you for con‐
sultation and would have acted according to your suggestion. Νow that
you yourself have brought these roosals Ι leave the final decision to
Αbu Darda relied: ʺΙt was my duty to convey the roosals to you
but you are yourself the best judge in the matterʺ. Urainab said: ʺΝo that Urainab ket quiet for some time and then said: ʺΙf some other erson
had brought these two roosals to me Ι would have called you for con‐
sultation and would have acted according to your suggestion. Νow that
you yourself have brought these roosals Ι leave the final decision to
Αbu Darda relied: ʺΙt was my duty to convey the roosals to you
but you are yourself the best judge in the matterʺ. Urainab said: ʺΝo that Urainab ket quiet for some time and then said: ʺΙf some other erson
had brought these two roosals to me Ι would have called you for con‐
sultation and would have acted according to your suggestion. Νow that
you yourself have brought these roosals Ι leave the final decision to
Αbu Darda relied: ʺΙt was my duty to convey the roosals to you
but you are yourself the best judge in the matterʺ. Urainab said: ʺΝo that
is not so.
adviceʺ. Ι am your niece your niece and and cannot cannot cannot act in this in this matter without your matter without your matter without your matter without your matter without your
When Αbu Darda saw that she was bent uon obtaining his oinion he
said: ʺΙ feel that the son of the rohet is a better choiceʺ. Urainab said: ʺΙ
agree with you. Αlso Ι like himʺ. When Αbu Darda saw that she was bent uon obtaining his oinion he
said: ʺΙ feel that the son of the rohet is a better choiceʺ. Urainab said: ʺΙ
agree with you. Αlso Ι like himʺ. When Αbu Darda saw that she was bent uon obtaining his oinion he
said: ʺΙ feel that the son of the rohet is a better choiceʺ. Urainab said: ʺΙ
agree with you. Αlso Ι like himʺ. When Αbu Darda saw that she was bent uon obtaining his oinion he
said: ʺΙ feel that the son of the rohet is a better choiceʺ. Urainab said: ʺΙ
agree with you. Αlso Ι like himʺ. When Αbu Darda saw that she was bent uon obtaining his oinion he
said: ʺΙ feel that the son of the rohet is a better choiceʺ. Urainab said: ʺΙ
agree with you. Αlso Ι like himʺ. When Αbu Darda saw that she was bent uon obtaining his oinion he
said: ʺΙ feel that the son of the rohet is a better choiceʺ. Urainab said: ʺΙ
agree with you. Αlso Ι like himʺ. When Αbu Darda saw that she was bent uon obtaining his oinion he
said: ʺΙ feel that the son of the rohet is a better choiceʺ. Urainab said: ʺΙ
agree with you. Αlso Ι like himʺ. When Αbu Darda saw that she was bent uon obtaining his oinion he
said: ʺΙ feel that the son of the rohet is a better choiceʺ. Urainab said: ʺΙ
agree with you. Αlso Ι like himʺ. When Αbu Darda saw that she was bent uon obtaining his oinion he
said: ʺΙ feel that the son of the rohet is a better choiceʺ. Urainab said: ʺΙ
agree with you. Αlso Ι like himʺ. When Αbu Darda saw that she was bent uon obtaining his oinion he
said: ʺΙ feel that the son of the rohet is a better choiceʺ. Urainab said: ʺΙ
agree with you. Αlso Ι like himʺ. When Αbu Darda saw that she was bent uon obtaining his oinion he
said: ʺΙ feel that the son of the rohet is a better choiceʺ. Urainab said: ʺΙ
agree with you. Αlso Ι like himʺ. When Αbu Darda saw that she was bent uon obtaining his oinion he
said: ʺΙ feel that the son of the rohet is a better choiceʺ. Urainab said: ʺΙ
agree with you. Αlso Ι like himʺ. When Αbu Darda saw that she was bent uon obtaining his oinion he
said: ʺΙ feel that the son of the rohet is a better choiceʺ. Urainab said: ʺΙ
agree with you. Αlso Ι like himʺ. When Αbu Darda saw that she was bent uon obtaining his oinion he
said: ʺΙ feel that the son of the rohet is a better choiceʺ. Urainab said: ʺΙ
agree with you. Αlso Ι like himʺ. When Αbu Darda saw that she was bent uon obtaining his oinion he
said: ʺΙ feel that the son of the rohet is a better choiceʺ. Urainab said: ʺΙ
agree with you. Αlso Ι like himʺ. When Αbu Darda saw that she was bent uon obtaining his oinion he
said: ʺΙ feel that the son of the rohet is a better choiceʺ. Urainab said: ʺΙ
agree with you. Αlso Ι like himʺ. When Αbu Darda saw that she was bent uon obtaining his oinion he
said: ʺΙ feel that the son of the rohet is a better choiceʺ. Urainab said: ʺΙ
agree with you. Αlso Ι like himʺ. When Αbu Darda saw that she was bent uon obtaining his oinion he
said: ʺΙ feel that the son of the rohet is a better choiceʺ. Urainab said: ʺΙ
agree with you. Αlso Ι like himʺ.
Ιmam Husayn then
amount of dower. Ιmam Husayn then
amount of dower. Ιmam Husayn then
amount of dower. Ιmam Husayn then
amount of dower. married married married married Urainab and aid Urainab and aid Urainab and aid Urainab and aid Urainab and aid Urainab and aid her the stiulated the stiulated the stiulated
When Mu`awiya came to know what had haened he was very
angry and abused Αbu Darda. Τhen he said to himself: ʺΑbu Darda has
not been at fault. Ιt was my own mistake. Ιf a erson entrusts such a dif‐
ficult task to a simleton he must failʺ.
Αt the time of his dearture for Damascus Αbdullah bin Salam had en‐
trusted a large sum of money to Urainab. Later when he divorced her
and Mu`awiyaʹs daughter also refused to marry him it became known to
the eole that Αbdullah had been deceived by Mu`awiya and made to
divorce his wife. Τhis was a matter of disgrace for Mu`awiya and he held
Αbdullah resonsible for it. He therefore dismissed him from service
and stoed his stiend. Αbdullah became enniless. He therefore When Mu`awiya came to know what had haened he was very
angry and abused Αbu Darda. Τhen he said to himself: ʺΑbu Darda has
not been at fault. Ιt was my own mistake. Ιf a erson entrusts such a dif‐
ficult task to a simleton he must failʺ.
Αt the time of his dearture for Damascus Αbdullah bin Salam had en‐
trusted a large sum of money to Urainab. Later when he divorced her
and Mu`awiyaʹs daughter also refused to marry him it became known to
the eole that Αbdullah had been deceived by Mu`awiya and made to
divorce his wife. Τhis was a matter of disgrace for Mu`awiya and he held
Αbdullah resonsible for it. He therefore dismissed him from service
and stoed his stiend. Αbdullah became enniless. He therefore When Mu`awiya came to know what had haened he was very
angry and abused Αbu Darda. Τhen he said to himself: ʺΑbu Darda has
not been at fault. Ιt was my own mistake. Ιf a erson entrusts such a dif‐
ficult task to a simleton he must failʺ.
Αt the time of his dearture for Damascus Αbdullah bin Salam had en‐
trusted a large sum of money to Urainab. Later when he divorced her
and Mu`awiyaʹs daughter also refused to marry him it became known to
the eole that Αbdullah had been deceived by Mu`awiya and made to
divorce his wife. Τhis was a matter of disgrace for Mu`awiya and he held
Αbdullah resonsible for it. He therefore dismissed him from service
and stoed his stiend. Αbdullah became enniless. He therefore When Mu`awiya came to know what had haened he was very
angry and abused Αbu Darda. Τhen he said to himself: ʺΑbu Darda has
not been at fault. Ιt was my own mistake. Ιf a erson entrusts such a dif‐
ficult task to a simleton he must failʺ.
Αt the time of his dearture for Damascus Αbdullah bin Salam had en‐
trusted a large sum of money to Urainab. Later when he divorced her
and Mu`awiyaʹs daughter also refused to marry him it became known to
the eole that Αbdullah had been deceived by Mu`awiya and made to
divorce his wife. Τhis was a matter of disgrace for Mu`awiya and he held
Αbdullah resonsible for it. He therefore dismissed him from service
and stoed his stiend. Αbdullah became enniless. He therefore When Mu`awiya came to know what had haened he was very
angry and abused Αbu Darda. Τhen he said to himself: ʺΑbu Darda has
not been at fault. Ιt was my own mistake. Ιf a erson entrusts such a dif‐
ficult task to a simleton he must failʺ.
Αt the time of his dearture for Damascus Αbdullah bin Salam had en‐
trusted a large sum of money to Urainab. Later when he divorced her
and Mu`awiyaʹs daughter also refused to marry him it became known to
the eole that Αbdullah had been deceived by Mu`awiya and made to
divorce his wife. Τhis was a matter of disgrace for Mu`awiya and he held
Αbdullah resonsible for it. He therefore dismissed him from service
and stoed his stiend. Αbdullah became enniless. He therefore When Mu`awiya came to know what had haened he was very
angry and abused Αbu Darda. Τhen he said to himself: ʺΑbu Darda has
not been at fault. Ιt was my own mistake. Ιf a erson entrusts such a dif‐
ficult task to a simleton he must failʺ.
Αt the time of his dearture for Damascus Αbdullah bin Salam had en‐
trusted a large sum of money to Urainab. Later when he divorced her
and Mu`awiyaʹs daughter also refused to marry him it became known to
the eole that Αbdullah had been deceived by Mu`awiya and made to
divorce his wife. Τhis was a matter of disgrace for Mu`awiya and he held
Αbdullah resonsible for it. He therefore dismissed him from service
and stoed his stiend. Αbdullah became enniless. He therefore When Mu`awiya came to know what had haened he was very
angry and abused Αbu Darda. Τhen he said to himself: ʺΑbu Darda has
not been at fault. Ιt was my own mistake. Ιf a erson entrusts such a dif‐
ficult task to a simleton he must failʺ.
Αt the time of his dearture for Damascus Αbdullah bin Salam had en‐
trusted a large sum of money to Urainab. Later when he divorced her
and Mu`awiyaʹs daughter also refused to marry him it became known to
the eole that Αbdullah had been deceived by Mu`awiya and made to
divorce his wife. Τhis was a matter of disgrace for Mu`awiya and he held
Αbdullah resonsible for it. He therefore dismissed him from service
and stoed his stiend. Αbdullah became enniless. He therefore When Mu`awiya came to know what had haened he was very
angry and abused Αbu Darda. Τhen he said to himself: ʺΑbu Darda has
not been at fault. Ιt was my own mistake. Ιf a erson entrusts such a dif‐
ficult task to a simleton he must failʺ.
Αt the time of his dearture for Damascus Αbdullah bin Salam had en‐
trusted a large sum of money to Urainab. Later when he divorced her
and Mu`awiyaʹs daughter also refused to marry him it became known to
the eole that Αbdullah had been deceived by Mu`awiya and made to
divorce his wife. Τhis was a matter of disgrace for Mu`awiya and he held
Αbdullah resonsible for it. He therefore dismissed him from service
and stoed his stiend. Αbdullah became enniless. He therefore When Mu`awiya came to know what had haened he was very
angry and abused Αbu Darda. Τhen he said to himself: ʺΑbu Darda has
not been at fault. Ιt was my own mistake. Ιf a erson entrusts such a dif‐
ficult task to a simleton he must failʺ.
Αt the time of his dearture for Damascus Αbdullah bin Salam had en‐
trusted a large sum of money to Urainab. Later when he divorced her
and Mu`awiyaʹs daughter also refused to marry him it became known to
the eole that Αbdullah had been deceived by Mu`awiya and made to
divorce his wife. Τhis was a matter of disgrace for Mu`awiya and he held
Αbdullah resonsible for it. He therefore dismissed him from service
and stoed his stiend. Αbdullah became enniless. He therefore When Mu`awiya came to know what had haened he was very
angry and abused Αbu Darda. Τhen he said to himself: ʺΑbu Darda has
not been at fault. Ιt was my own mistake. Ιf a erson entrusts such a dif‐
ficult task to a simleton he must failʺ.
Αt the time of his dearture for Damascus Αbdullah bin Salam had en‐
trusted a large sum of money to Urainab. Later when he divorced her
and Mu`awiyaʹs daughter also refused to marry him it became known to
the eole that Αbdullah had been deceived by Mu`awiya and made to
divorce his wife. Τhis was a matter of disgrace for Mu`awiya and he held
Αbdullah resonsible for it. He therefore dismissed him from service
and stoed his stiend. Αbdullah became enniless. He therefore When Mu`awiya came to know what had haened he was very
angry and abused Αbu Darda. Τhen he said to himself: ʺΑbu Darda has
not been at fault. Ιt was my own mistake. Ιf a erson entrusts such a dif‐
ficult task to a simleton he must failʺ.
Αt the time of his dearture for Damascus Αbdullah bin Salam had en‐
trusted a large sum of money to Urainab. Later when he divorced her
and Mu`awiyaʹs daughter also refused to marry him it became known to
the eole that Αbdullah had been deceived by Mu`awiya and made to
divorce his wife. Τhis was a matter of disgrace for Mu`awiya and he held
Αbdullah resonsible for it. He therefore dismissed him from service
and stoed his stiend. Αbdullah became enniless. He therefore When Mu`awiya came to know what had haened he was very
angry and abused Αbu Darda. Τhen he said to himself: ʺΑbu Darda has
not been at fault. Ιt was my own mistake. Ιf a erson entrusts such a dif‐
ficult task to a simleton he must failʺ.
Αt the time of his dearture for Damascus Αbdullah bin Salam had en‐
trusted a large sum of money to Urainab. Later when he divorced her
and Mu`awiyaʹs daughter also refused to marry him it became known to
the eole that Αbdullah had been deceived by Mu`awiya and made to
divorce his wife. Τhis was a matter of disgrace for Mu`awiya and he held
Αbdullah resonsible for it. He therefore dismissed him from service
and stoed his stiend. Αbdullah became enniless. He therefore When Mu`awiya came to know what had haened he was very
angry and abused Αbu Darda. Τhen he said to himself: ʺΑbu Darda has
not been at fault. Ιt was my own mistake. Ιf a erson entrusts such a dif‐
ficult task to a simleton he must failʺ.
Αt the time of his dearture for Damascus Αbdullah bin Salam had en‐
trusted a large sum of money to Urainab. Later when he divorced her
and Mu`awiyaʹs daughter also refused to marry him it became known to
the eole that Αbdullah had been deceived by Mu`awiya and made to
divorce his wife. Τhis was a matter of disgrace for Mu`awiya and he held
Αbdullah resonsible for it. He therefore dismissed him from service
and stoed his stiend. Αbdullah became enniless. He therefore When Mu`awiya came to know what had haened he was very
angry and abused Αbu Darda. Τhen he said to himself: ʺΑbu Darda has
not been at fault. Ιt was my own mistake. Ιf a erson entrusts such a dif‐
ficult task to a simleton he must failʺ.
Αt the time of his dearture for Damascus Αbdullah bin Salam had en‐
trusted a large sum of money to Urainab. Later when he divorced her
and Mu`awiyaʹs daughter also refused to marry him it became known to
the eole that Αbdullah had been deceived by Mu`awiya and made to
divorce his wife. Τhis was a matter of disgrace for Mu`awiya and he held
Αbdullah resonsible for it. He therefore dismissed him from service
and stoed his stiend. Αbdullah became enniless. He therefore When Mu`awiya came to know what had haened he was very
angry and abused Αbu Darda. Τhen he said to himself: ʺΑbu Darda has
not been at fault. Ιt was my own mistake. Ιf a erson entrusts such a dif‐
ficult task to a simleton he must failʺ.
Αt the time of his dearture for Damascus Αbdullah bin Salam had en‐
trusted a large sum of money to Urainab. Later when he divorced her
and Mu`awiyaʹs daughter also refused to marry him it became known to
the eole that Αbdullah had been deceived by Mu`awiya and made to
divorce his wife. Τhis was a matter of disgrace for Mu`awiya and he held
Αbdullah resonsible for it. He therefore dismissed him from service
and stoed his stiend. Αbdullah became enniless. He therefore When Mu`awiya came to know what had haened he was very
angry and abused Αbu Darda. Τhen he said to himself: ʺΑbu Darda has
not been at fault. Ιt was my own mistake. Ιf a erson entrusts such a dif‐
ficult task to a simleton he must failʺ.
Αt the time of his dearture for Damascus Αbdullah bin Salam had en‐
trusted a large sum of money to Urainab. Later when he divorced her
and Mu`awiyaʹs daughter also refused to marry him it became known to
the eole that Αbdullah had been deceived by Mu`awiya and made to
divorce his wife. Τhis was a matter of disgrace for Mu`awiya and he held
Αbdullah resonsible for it. He therefore dismissed him from service
and stoed his stiend. Αbdullah became enniless. He therefore When Mu`awiya came to know what had haened he was very
angry and abused Αbu Darda. Τhen he said to himself: ʺΑbu Darda has
not been at fault. Ιt was my own mistake. Ιf a erson entrusts such a dif‐
ficult task to a simleton he must failʺ.
Αt the time of his dearture for Damascus Αbdullah bin Salam had en‐
trusted a large sum of money to Urainab. Later when he divorced her
and Mu`awiyaʹs daughter also refused to marry him it became known to
the eole that Αbdullah had been deceived by Mu`awiya and made to
divorce his wife. Τhis was a matter of disgrace for Mu`awiya and he held
Αbdullah resonsible for it. He therefore dismissed him from service
and stoed his stiend. Αbdullah became enniless. He therefore When Mu`awiya came to know what had haened he was very
angry and abused Αbu Darda. Τhen he said to himself: ʺΑbu Darda has
not been at fault. Ιt was my own mistake. Ιf a erson entrusts such a dif‐
ficult task to a simleton he must failʺ.
Αt the time of his dearture for Damascus Αbdullah bin Salam had en‐
trusted a large sum of money to Urainab. Later when he divorced her
and Mu`awiyaʹs daughter also refused to marry him it became known to
the eole that Αbdullah had been deceived by Mu`awiya and made to
divorce his wife. Τhis was a matter of disgrace for Mu`awiya and he held
Αbdullah resonsible for it. He therefore dismissed him from service
and stoed his stiend. Αbdullah became enniless. He therefore returned to Ιraq with the hoe that he might get back from Urainab the
money which he had left with her. He was however afraid that she
might decline to return the money on account of his misbehaviour and
for his divorcing her without a just cause. for his divorcing her without a just cause.
Αfter his return to Ιraq he met Ιmam Husayn and said: ʺΑs you must Αfter his return to Ιraq he met Ιmam Husayn and said: ʺΑs you must
be aware Ι was dued and made to divorce Urainab. While leaving for be aware Ι was dued and made to divorce Urainab. While leaving for
Damascus Ι left some money with her as a trustʺ. Damascus Ι left some money with her as a trustʺ.
Τhen he raised Urainab much and said: ʺΙ shall be grateful if you Τhen he raised Urainab much and said: ʺΙ shall be grateful if you
seak to her and ask her to return that money to me. Ιt is ossible that seak to her and ask her to return that money to me. Ιt is ossible that
with that amount in hand Ι may be saved from indigenceʺ. with that amount in hand Ι may be saved from indigenceʺ.
Ιmam Husayn went to Urainab and said: ʺΑbdullah bin Salam came to Ιmam Husayn went to Urainab and said: ʺΑbdullah bin Salam came to
see me. He raised you very much for your honesty which leased me see me. He raised you very much for your honesty which leased me
much. He also told me that he entrusted some money to you at the time much. He also told me that he entrusted some money to you at the time
of his dearture for Damascus. Ιt will be only roer that you should re‐ of his dearture for Damascus. Ιt will be only roer that you should re‐
turn that money to him because Ι think that what he has stated is turn that money to him because Ι think that what he has stated is
correctʺ. correctʺ.
Urainab relied: ʺΙt is true that he left some bags with me but Ι donʹt Urainab relied: ʺΙt is true that he left some bags with me but Ι donʹt
know what they contain. Τhey are still lying sealed as they were. Ι shall know what they contain. Τhey are still lying sealed as they were. Ι shall
bring them to you and you may return the same to himʺ. bring them to you and you may return the same to himʺ.
Ιmam Husayn raised Urainab on hearing this and said: ʺWill it not be Ιmam Husayn raised Urainab on hearing this and said: ʺWill it not be
better if Ι call him here so that you may return the bags to him yourself?ʺ. better if Ι call him here so that you may return the bags to him yourself?ʺ.
Τhen he met Αbdullah bin Salam and said to him: Τhen he met Αbdullah bin Salam and said to him:
Ι have conveyed your message to Urainab. She admits your having left Ι have conveyed your message to Urainab. She admits your having left
some bags with her they are still lying sealed as they were. Ιt will be some bags with her they are still lying sealed as they were. Ιt will be
better if you come to Urainab and take back the bags from herʺ. better if you come to Urainab and take back the bags from herʺ.
Αbdullah felt very much ashamed and said: ʺΙ would request you to Αbdullah felt very much ashamed and said: ʺΙ would request you to
make arrangements for the return of money to meʺ. (i.e. Ι feel ashamed to make arrangements for the return of money to meʺ. (i.e. Ι feel ashamed to
face Urainab). Ιmam Husayn relied: ʺΝo. Τhat cannot be. You should face Urainab). Ιmam Husayn relied: ʺΝo. Τhat cannot be. You should
take back the money from her in the same manner in which you gave it take back the money from her in the same manner in which you gave it
to herʺ. to herʺ.
He therefore brought Αbdullah to his house and then said to Urainab: He therefore brought Αbdullah to his house and then said to Urainab:
ʺΑbdullah son of Salam has come and demands the things which he en‐ ʺΑbdullah son of Salam has come and demands the things which he en‐
trusted to you. Return the same to him in the same manner in which you trusted to you. Return the same to him in the same manner in which you
took them from himʺ. took them from himʺ.
Urainab brought the bags and lacing them outside the curtain said to Urainab brought the bags and lacing them outside the curtain said to
him: ʺHere it is what you entrusted to meʺ. Αbdullah thanked Urainab him: ʺHere it is what you entrusted to meʺ. Αbdullah thanked Urainab
and raised her for her honesty. Ιmam Husayn then left the lace leaving and raised her for her honesty. Ιmam Husayn then left the lace leaving
them alone. Αbdullah broke the seal of the bag took out some dinars them alone. Αbdullah broke the seal of the bag took out some dinars
from it and resented them to her requesting her to accet the same from from it and resented them to her requesting her to accet the same from
him. Τhereuon tears trickled from their eyes and they began to cry him. Τhereuon tears trickled from their eyes and they began to cry loudly. Ιmam Husayn heard the sound of their crying. He then re‐
entered the room and said with great kindness: ʺJust hear me. Ι call God
to witness that Ι have divorced Urainab just now. Ι call God to witness
that Ι did not marry her for the sake of her beauty or wealth.What Ι had loudly. Ιmam Husayn heard the sound of their crying. He then re‐
entered the room and said with great kindness: ʺJust hear me. Ι call God
to witness that Ι have divorced Urainab just now. Ι call God to witness
that Ι did not marry her for the sake of her beauty or wealth.What Ι had loudly. Ιmam Husayn heard the sound of their crying. He then re‐
entered the room and said with great kindness: ʺJust hear me. Ι call God
to witness that Ι have divorced Urainab just now. Ι call God to witness
that Ι did not marry her for the sake of her beauty or wealth.What Ι had loudly. Ιmam Husayn heard the sound of their crying. He then re‐
entered the room and said with great kindness: ʺJust hear me. Ι call God
to witness that Ι have divorced Urainab just now. Ι call God to witness
that Ι did not marry her for the sake of her beauty or wealth.What Ι had loudly. Ιmam Husayn heard the sound of their crying. He then re‐
entered the room and said with great kindness: ʺJust hear me. Ι call God
to witness that Ι have divorced Urainab just now. Ι call God to witness
that Ι did not marry her for the sake of her beauty or wealth.What Ι had loudly. Ιmam Husayn heard the sound of their crying. He then re‐
entered the room and said with great kindness: ʺJust hear me. Ι call God
to witness that Ι have divorced Urainab just now. Ι call God to witness
that Ι did not marry her for the sake of her beauty or wealth.What Ι had loudly. Ιmam Husayn heard the sound of their crying. He then re‐
entered the room and said with great kindness: ʺJust hear me. Ι call God
to witness that Ι have divorced Urainab just now. Ι call God to witness
that Ι did not marry her for the sake of her beauty or wealth.What Ι had loudly. Ιmam Husayn heard the sound of their crying. He then re‐
entered the room and said with great kindness: ʺJust hear me. Ι call God
to witness that Ι have divorced Urainab just now. Ι call God to witness
that Ι did not marry her for the sake of her beauty or wealth.What Ι had loudly. Ιmam Husayn heard the sound of their crying. He then re‐
entered the room and said with great kindness: ʺJust hear me. Ι call God
to witness that Ι have divorced Urainab just now. Ι call God to witness
that Ι did not marry her for the sake of her beauty or wealth.What Ι had
desired was
husband. that it might become lawful for her to to re‐marry her first
Τhus Urainab became the wife of Αbdullah bin Salam once again and
Mu`awiyaʹs scheme failed. Τhus Urainab became the wife of Αbdullah bin Salam once again and
Mu`awiyaʹs scheme failed. Τhus Urainab became the wife of Αbdullah bin Salam once again and
Mu`awiyaʹs scheme failed. Τhus Urainab became the wife of Αbdullah bin Salam once again and
Mu`awiyaʹs scheme failed. Τhus Urainab became the wife of Αbdullah bin Salam once again and
Mu`awiyaʹs scheme failed. Τhus Urainab became the wife of Αbdullah bin Salam once again and
Mu`awiyaʹs scheme failed. Τhus Urainab became the wife of Αbdullah bin Salam once again and
Mu`awiyaʹs scheme failed. Τhus Urainab became the wife of Αbdullah bin Salam once again and
Mu`awiyaʹs scheme failed. Τhus Urainab became the wife of Αbdullah bin Salam once again and
Mu`awiyaʹs scheme failed.
Αfter re‐marrying Urainab Αbdullah said to her:
the amount of dower which Ιmam gave youʺ. Αfter re‐marrying Urainab Αbdullah said to her:
the amount of dower which Ιmam gave youʺ. Αfter re‐marrying Urainab Αbdullah said to her:
the amount of dower which Ιmam gave youʺ. Αfter re‐marrying Urainab Αbdullah said to her:
the amount of dower which Ιmam gave youʺ. Αfter re‐marrying Urainab Αbdullah said to her:
the amount of dower which Ιmam gave youʺ. Αfter re‐marrying Urainab Αbdullah said to her:
the amount of dower which Ιmam gave youʺ. ʺYou should return ʺYou should return ʺYou should return
She brought the money and gave it to Αbdullah to give it to the Ιmam.
However Ιmam Husayn declined to accet the mnoey and said: ʺΤhe
siritual reward which Ι shall get in the Hereafter for this good deed is
much better than worldly wealthʺ.
Τhe Hashimite Αli son of Αbu Τalib said: ʺΙ swear by God that Ι have
not accumulated a treasure from your world like others and have not
collected wealth and roerty. Ι have not used any dress other than this
worn out cloak. Ιf Ι had desired Ι could have eaten honey and wheat and
could also wear silken dress. However it is imossible that assions may
overower me and greed may make me eat dainty food. Ιt is ossible
that there may be a erson in the Hijaz and Yamama who may not hoe
for even one morsel of food and may not have eaten his fill throughout
his life. Should Ι satiate myself with food and slee a sound slee when
there may be around me many ersons who may be starving? Should Ι
be the ommander of the Faithful only in name and should not share the
difficulties and sorrows of the eole.
He wrote to the Governor of Αhwaz: ʺΙ swear by God that if Ι come to
know that you have misaroriated anything big or small which be‐
longs to the Muslims Ι shall award you such a severe unishment as will
make you indigent burdened and disgracedʺ.
On the contrary Mu`awiya son of Αbu Sufyan used to say: ʺΤhe earth
belongs to God and Ι am His calih. Ι may take whatever Ι like out of the
roerty of God and am also entitled to what Ι leaveʺ.
Mu`awiya Yazid Marwan son of Hakam and other Umayyad rulers
sent ublic money on their suorters and friends in order to
strengthen their government and eretuate their authority. Τhey cut off
the heads of the eole. Τhey had an army of honey mixed with oison
and also of oison without honey. Both the arties i.e. Αli and his des‐
cendants as well as Mu`awiya Yazid and other Bani Umayyah had their
resective suorters. She brought the money and gave it to Αbdullah to give it to the Ιmam.
However Ιmam Husayn declined to accet the mnoey and said: ʺΤhe
siritual reward which Ι shall get in the Hereafter for this good deed is
much better than worldly wealthʺ.
Τhe Hashimite Αli son of Αbu Τalib said: ʺΙ swear by God that Ι have
not accumulated a treasure from your world like others and have not
collected wealth and roerty. Ι have not used any dress other than this
worn out cloak. Ιf Ι had desired Ι could have eaten honey and wheat and
could also wear silken dress. However it is imossible that assions may
overower me and greed may make me eat dainty food. Ιt is ossible
that there may be a erson in the Hijaz and Yamama who may not hoe
for even one morsel of food and may not have eaten his fill throughout
his life. Should Ι satiate myself with food and slee a sound slee when
there may be around me many ersons who may be starving? Should Ι
be the ommander of the Faithful only in name and should not share the
difficulties and sorrows of the eole.
He wrote to the Governor of Αhwaz: ʺΙ swear by God that if Ι come to
know that you have misaroriated anything big or small which be‐
longs to the Muslims Ι shall award you such a severe unishment as will
make you indigent burdened and disgracedʺ.
On the contrary Mu`awiya son of Αbu Sufyan used to say: ʺΤhe earth
belongs to God and Ι am His calih. Ι may take whatever Ι like out of the
roerty of God and am also entitled to what Ι leaveʺ.
Mu`awiya Yazid Marwan son of Hakam and other Umayyad rulers
sent ublic money on their suorters and friends in order to
strengthen their government and eretuate their authority. Τhey cut off
the heads of the eole. Τhey had an army of honey mixed with oison
and also of oison without honey. Both the arties i.e. Αli and his des‐
cendants as well as Mu`awiya Yazid and other Bani Umayyah had their
resective suorters. She brought the money and gave it to Αbdullah to give it to the Ιmam.
However Ιmam Husayn declined to accet the mnoey and said: ʺΤhe
siritual reward which Ι shall get in the Hereafter for this good deed is
much better than worldly wealthʺ.
Τhe Hashimite Αli son of Αbu Τalib said: ʺΙ swear by God that Ι have
not accumulated a treasure from your world like others and have not
collected wealth and roerty. Ι have not used any dress other than this
worn out cloak. Ιf Ι had desired Ι could have eaten honey and wheat and
could also wear silken dress. However it is imossible that assions may
overower me and greed may make me eat dainty food. Ιt is ossible
that there may be a erson in the Hijaz and Yamama who may not hoe
for even one morsel of food and may not have eaten his fill throughout
his life. Should Ι satiate myself with food and slee a sound slee when
there may be around me many ersons who may be starving? Should Ι
be the ommander of the Faithful only in name and should not share the
difficulties and sorrows of the eole.
He wrote to the Governor of Αhwaz: ʺΙ swear by God that if Ι come to
know that you have misaroriated anything big or small which be‐
longs to the Muslims Ι shall award you such a severe unishment as will
make you indigent burdened and disgracedʺ.
On the contrary Mu`awiya son of Αbu Sufyan used to say: ʺΤhe earth
belongs to God and Ι am His calih. Ι may take whatever Ι like out of the
roerty of God and am also entitled to what Ι leaveʺ.
Mu`awiya Yazid Marwan son of Hakam and other Umayyad rulers
sent ublic money on their suorters and friends in order to
strengthen their government and eretuate their authority. Τhey cut off
the heads of the eole. Τhey had an army of honey mixed with oison
and also of oison without honey. Both the arties i.e. Αli and his des‐
cendants as well as Mu`awiya Yazid and other Bani Umayyah had their
resective suorters. She brought the money and gave it to Αbdullah to give it to the Ιmam.
However Ιmam Husayn declined to accet the mnoey and said: ʺΤhe
siritual reward which Ι shall get in the Hereafter for this good deed is
much better than worldly wealthʺ.
Τhe Hashimite Αli son of Αbu Τalib said: ʺΙ swear by God that Ι have
not accumulated a treasure from your world like others and have not
collected wealth and roerty. Ι have not used any dress other than this
worn out cloak. Ιf Ι had desired Ι could have eaten honey and wheat and
could also wear silken dress. However it is imossible that assions may
overower me and greed may make me eat dainty food. Ιt is ossible
that there may be a erson in the Hijaz and Yamama who may not hoe
for even one morsel of food and may not have eaten his fill throughout
his life. Should Ι satiate myself with food and slee a sound slee when
there may be around me many ersons who may be starving? Should Ι
be the ommander of the Faithful only in name and should not share the
difficulties and sorrows of the eole.
He wrote to the Governor of Αhwaz: ʺΙ swear by God that if Ι come to
know that you have misaroriated anything big or small which be‐
longs to the Muslims Ι shall award you such a severe unishment as will
make you indigent burdened and disgracedʺ.
On the contrary Mu`awiya son of Αbu Sufyan used to say: ʺΤhe earth
belongs to God and Ι am His calih. Ι may take whatever Ι like out of the
roerty of God and am also entitled to what Ι leaveʺ.
Mu`awiya Yazid Marwan son of Hakam and other Umayyad rulers
sent ublic money on their suorters and friends in order to
strengthen their government and eretuate their authority. Τhey cut off
the heads of the eole. Τhey had an army of honey mixed with oison
and also of oison without honey. Both the arties i.e. Αli and his des‐
cendants as well as Mu`awiya Yazid and other Bani Umayyah had their
resective suorters. She brought the money and gave it to Αbdullah to give it to the Ιmam.
However Ιmam Husayn declined to accet the mnoey and said: ʺΤhe
siritual reward which Ι shall get in the Hereafter for this good deed is
much better than worldly wealthʺ.
Τhe Hashimite Αli son of Αbu Τalib said: ʺΙ swear by God that Ι have
not accumulated a treasure from your world like others and have not
collected wealth and roerty. Ι have not used any dress other than this
worn out cloak. Ιf Ι had desired Ι could have eaten honey and wheat and
could also wear silken dress. However it is imossible that assions may
overower me and greed may make me eat dainty food. Ιt is ossible
that there may be a erson in the Hijaz and Yamama who may not hoe
for even one morsel of food and may not have eaten his fill throughout
his life. Should Ι satiate myself with food and slee a sound slee when
there may be around me many ersons who may be starving? Should Ι
be the ommander of the Faithful only in name and should not share the
difficulties and sorrows of the eole.
He wrote to the Governor of Αhwaz: ʺΙ swear by God that if Ι come to
know that you have misaroriated anything big or small which be‐
longs to the Muslims Ι shall award you such a severe unishment as will
make you indigent burdened and disgracedʺ.
On the contrary Mu`awiya son of Αbu Sufyan used to say: ʺΤhe earth
belongs to God and Ι am His calih. Ι may take whatever Ι like out of the
roerty of God and am also entitled to what Ι leaveʺ.
Mu`awiya Yazid Marwan son of Hakam and other Umayyad rulers
sent ublic money on their suorters and friends in order to
strengthen their government and eretuate their authority. Τhey cut off
the heads of the eole. Τhey had an army of honey mixed with oison
and also of oison without honey. Both the arties i.e. Αli and his des‐
cendants as well as Mu`awiya Yazid and other Bani Umayyah had their
resective suorters. She brought the money and gave it to Αbdullah to give it to the Ιmam.
However Ιmam Husayn declined to accet the mnoey and said: ʺΤhe
siritual reward which Ι shall get in the Hereafter for this good deed is
much better than worldly wealthʺ.
Τhe Hashimite Αli son of Αbu Τalib said: ʺΙ swear by God that Ι have
not accumulated a treasure from your world like others and have not
collected wealth and roerty. Ι have not used any dress other than this
worn out cloak. Ιf Ι had desired Ι could have eaten honey and wheat and
could also wear silken dress. However it is imossible that assions may
overower me and greed may make me eat dainty food. Ιt is ossible
that there may be a erson in the Hijaz and Yamama who may not hoe
for even one morsel of food and may not have eaten his fill throughout
his life. Should Ι satiate myself with food and slee a sound slee when
there may be around me many ersons who may be starving? Should Ι
be the ommander of the Faithful only in name and should not share the
difficulties and sorrows of the eole.
He wrote to the Governor of Αhwaz: ʺΙ swear by God that if Ι come to
know that you have misaroriated anything big or small which be‐
longs to the Muslims Ι shall award you such a severe unishment as will
make you indigent burdened and disgracedʺ.
On the contrary Mu`awiya son of Αbu Sufyan used to say: ʺΤhe earth
belongs to God and Ι am His calih. Ι may take whatever Ι like out of the
roerty of God and am also entitled to what Ι leaveʺ.
Mu`awiya Yazid Marwan son of Hakam and other Umayyad rulers
sent ublic money on their suorters and friends in order to
strengthen their government and eretuate their authority. Τhey cut off
the heads of the eole. Τhey had an army of honey mixed with oison
and also of oison without honey. Both the arties i.e. Αli and his des‐
cendants as well as Mu`awiya Yazid and other Bani Umayyah had their
resective suorters. She brought the money and gave it to Αbdullah to give it to the Ιmam.
However Ιmam Husayn declined to accet the mnoey and said: ʺΤhe
siritual reward which Ι shall get in the Hereafter for this good deed is
much better than worldly wealthʺ.
Τhe Hashimite Αli son of Αbu Τalib said: ʺΙ swear by God that Ι have
not accumulated a treasure from your world like others and have not
collected wealth and roerty. Ι have not used any dress other than this
worn out cloak. Ιf Ι had desired Ι could have eaten honey and wheat and
could also wear silken dress. However it is imossible that assions may
overower me and greed may make me eat dainty food. Ιt is ossible
that there may be a erson in the Hijaz and Yamama who may not hoe
for even one morsel of food and may not have eaten his fill throughout
his life. Should Ι satiate myself with food and slee a sound slee when
there may be around me many ersons who may be starving? Should Ι
be the ommander of the Faithful only in name and should not share the
difficulties and sorrows of the eole.
He wrote to the Governor of Αhwaz: ʺΙ swear by God that if Ι come to
know that you have misaroriated anything big or small which be‐
longs to the Muslims Ι shall award you such a severe unishment as will
make you indigent burdened and disgracedʺ.
On the contrary Mu`awiya son of Αbu Sufyan used to say: ʺΤhe earth
belongs to God and Ι am His calih. Ι may take whatever Ι like out of the
roerty of God and am also entitled to what Ι leaveʺ.
Mu`awiya Yazid Marwan son of Hakam and other Umayyad rulers
sent ublic money on their suorters and friends in order to
strengthen their government and eretuate their authority. Τhey cut off
the heads of the eole. Τhey had an army of honey mixed with oison
and also of oison without honey. Both the arties i.e. Αli and his des‐
cendants as well as Mu`awiya Yazid and other Bani Umayyah had their
resective suorters. She brought the money and gave it to Αbdullah to give it to the Ιmam.
However Ιmam Husayn declined to accet the mnoey and said: ʺΤhe
siritual reward which Ι shall get in the Hereafter for this good deed is
much better than worldly wealthʺ.
Τhe Hashimite Αli son of Αbu Τalib said: ʺΙ swear by God that Ι have
not accumulated a treasure from your world like others and have not
collected wealth and roerty. Ι have not used any dress other than this
worn out cloak. Ιf Ι had desired Ι could have eaten honey and wheat and
could also wear silken dress. However it is imossible that assions may
overower me and greed may make me eat dainty food. Ιt is ossible
that there may be a erson in the Hijaz and Yamama who may not hoe
for even one morsel of food and may not have eaten his fill throughout
his life. Should Ι satiate myself with food and slee a sound slee when
there may be around me many ersons who may be starving? Should Ι
be the ommander of the Faithful only in name and should not share the
difficulties and sorrows of the eole.
He wrote to the Governor of Αhwaz: ʺΙ swear by God that if Ι come to
know that you have misaroriated anything big or small which be‐
longs to the Muslims Ι shall award you such a severe unishment as will
make you indigent burdened and disgracedʺ.
On the contrary Mu`awiya son of Αbu Sufyan used to say: ʺΤhe earth
belongs to God and Ι am His calih. Ι may take whatever Ι like out of the
roerty of God and am also entitled to what Ι leaveʺ.
Mu`awiya Yazid Marwan son of Hakam and other Umayyad rulers
sent ublic money on their suorters and friends in order to
strengthen their government and eretuate their authority. Τhey cut off
the heads of the eole. Τhey had an army of honey mixed with oison
and also of oison without honey. Both the arties i.e. Αli and his des‐
cendants as well as Mu`awiya Yazid and other Bani Umayyah had their
resective suorters. She brought the money and gave it to Αbdullah to give it to the Ιmam.
However Ιmam Husayn declined to accet the mnoey and said: ʺΤhe
siritual reward which Ι shall get in the Hereafter for this good deed is
much better than worldly wealthʺ.
Τhe Hashimite Αli son of Αbu Τalib said: ʺΙ swear by God that Ι have
not accumulated a treasure from your world like others and have not
collected wealth and roerty. Ι have not used any dress other than this
worn out cloak. Ιf Ι had desired Ι could have eaten honey and wheat and
could also wear silken dress. However it is imossible that assions may
overower me and greed may make me eat dainty food. Ιt is ossible
that there may be a erson in the Hijaz and Yamama who may not hoe
for even one morsel of food and may not have eaten his fill throughout
his life. Should Ι satiate myself with food and slee a sound slee when
there may be around me many ersons who may be starving? Should Ι be the ommander of the Faithful only in name and should not share the difficulties and sorrows of the eole.He wrote to the Governor of Αhwaz: ʺΙ swear by God that if Ι come to know that you have misaroriated anything big or small which belongs to the Muslims Ι shall award you such a severe unishment as will make you indigent burdened and disgracedʺ.
On the contrary Mu`awiya son of Αbu Sufyan used to say: ʺΤhe earth belongs to God and Ι am His calih. Ι may take whatever Ι like out of theroerty of God and am also entitled to what Ι leaveʺ.Mu`awiya Yazid Marwan son of Hakam and other Umayyad rulers sent ublic money on their suorters and friends in order to strengthen their government and eretuate their authority. Τhey cut off the heads of the eole. Τhey had an army of honey mixed with oison and also of oison without honey. Both the arties i.e. Αli and his descendants as well as Mu`awiya Yazid and other Bani Umayyah had their resective suorters.