ANNEX I: What is the Qur‘an
ANNEX II: Comparison
ANNEX III: Knowledge in Islam
ANNEX IV: Quotations from famous people
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The Qur‘an is a divine revelation transmitted to Muhammad (Muhammad, 570-632) by Angel Gabriel throughout the course of twenty years (610-632). It is the God‘s words for all
of humanity.
―This too is a blessed scripture that we have revealed,
confirming the previous scriptures, that you may warn the
most important community and all those around it.‖ [6:92]
The Qur‘an is the last of the sacred Scriptures revealed by God to guide humanity throughout the different ages, in all of the cultures and civilizations.
―Why do they not study the Qur‘an carefully? If it were
from other than God, they would have found in it numerous
contradictions.‖ [4:82]
―Say, ‗My Lord prohibits only evil deeds, be they obvious or
hidden, and sins, and unjustifiable aggression, and to set up
beside GOD powerless idols, and to say about GOD what
you do not know.‘ For each community, there is a
predetermined life span. Once their interim comes to an end,
they cannot delay it by one hour, nor advance it. ―(7:34]
The Qur‘an was revealed in the Arabic language:
―We revealed these laws in Arabic, and if you ever acquiesce
to their wishes, after this knowledge has come to you, you
will have no ally, nor a protector, against GOD.‖ [13:37]
And it was memorized and copied by the disciples of Prophet Muhammad.
Upon the death of the Prophet, his followers decided to put it in writing and, upon realizing this, a group was formed for the recompilation.
The exemplary in Arabic that exist now are copies of the original text.
It may be possibly the only divine revelation that humanity completely conserved in the original language in which it was revealed.
All of the Scholars of the Islamic world without exception, from the very beginning to this day in age, have been and still are in agreement that the original Arabic text is absolutely loyal to the revealed words and that nothing was added nor removed from it.
Words for those who are alive:
―What we taught him (the messenger) was not poetry, nor is he (a
poet). This is but a formidable proof, and a profound Qur‘an. So that anyone who is alive may be warned and that the word may come due against the faithless.‖ [36:69, 70]
A guide to help human beings who question the meaning of life:
―Your Lord is the one GOD, who created the heavens and
the earth in six days, then assumed all authority. The night
overtakes the day, as it pursues it persistently, and the sun,
the moon, and the stars are committed to serve by His
command. Absolutely, He controls all creation and all
commands. Most Exalted is GOD, Lord of the universe.‖
It is a light.
―O people, a proof has come to you from your Lord; we have
sent down to you a profound beacon.‖ [4:174]
―A beacon has come to you from GOD, and a profound
scripture.‖ [5:15]
―Those who believe in him, respect him, support him, and
follow the light that came with him are the successful ones."
―You had no idea about the scripture, or faith. Yet, we made
this a beacon to guide whomever we choose from among our
servants. Surely, you guide in a straight path.‖ [42:52]
―Therefore, you shall believe in GOD and His messenger,
and the light that we have revealed herein. GOD is fully
Cognizant of everything you do.‖ [64:8]
With that light, God guides those who look for something more than just brief pleasures in this world:
―This worldly life is no more than vanity and play, while the
abode of the Hereafter is the real life, if they only knew.‖
In regards to that there is no exception. All of the Sacred Scriptures are:
―We have sent down the Torah, containing guidance and
light. ―
―Ruling in accordance with it were the Jewish prophets, as
well as the rabbis and the priests, as dictated to them in
God's scripture, and as witnessed by them. Therefore, do not
reverence human beings; you shall reverence Me instead.
And do not trade away My revelations for a cheap price.
Those who do not rule in accordance with God's revelations
are the disbelievers.‖ [5:44]
―Subsequent to them, we sent Jesus, the son of Mary,
confirming the previous scripture, the Torah. We gave him
the Gospel, containing guidance and light, and confirming
the previous scriptures, the Torah, and augmenting its
guidance and light, and to enlighten the righteous.‖ [5:46]
―They never valued GOD as He should be valued. Thus,
they said, ‗GOD does not reveal anything to any human
being.‘ Say, ‗Who then revealed the scripture that Moses
brought, with light and guidance for the people?‘ You put it
down on paper to proclaim it, while concealing a lot of it.
You were taught what you never knew - you and your
parents. Say, ‗GOD (is the One who revealed it),‘ then leave
them in their heedlessness, playing.‖ [6:91]
―If they disbelieve you, those before them have also
disbelieved. Their messengers went to them with clear proofs,
and the Psalms, and the enlightening scriptures.‖ [35:25]
His message goes to all of humanity without distinction of the religion one professes:
―Say, ‗GOD has proclaimed the truth: You shall follow
Abraham's religion - monotheism. He never was an
idolater.‘‖ [3:95]
―Such was our argument, with which we supported Abraham
against his people. We exalt whomever we will to higher ranks. Your Lord is Most Wise, Omniscient.
And we granted him Isaac and Jacob, and we guided both of
them. Similarly, we guided Noah before that, and from his
descendants (we guided) David, Solomon, Job, Joseph,
Moses, and Aaron. We thus reward the righteous. Also,
Zachariah, John, Jesus, and Elias; all were righteous. And
Ismail, Elisha, Jonah, and Lot; each of these we distinguished
over all the people. From among their ancestors, their descendants, and their siblings, we chose many, and we
guided them in a straight path.‖ [6:83-87]
The Qur‘an teaches us that the soul is alive in this world and that it never dies. Each death translates into the birth on a superior dimension of life:
―He initiated you from one person, and decided your path, as
well as your final destiny. We thus clarify the revelations for
people who understand.‖ [6:98]
―Therefore, you shall race towards forgiveness from your
Lord, and a Paradise whose width encompasses the heaven
and the earth. It awaits those who believed in God and His
messengers. Such is God's grace that He bestows upon
whomever He wills. God is Possessor of Infinite Grace.‖
―O you who believe, if you are told, ‗Please make room,‘ you
shall make room for each other to sit. God will then make
room for you. If you are asked to get up and move, get up and
move. God raises those among you who believe, and those
who acquire knowledge to higher ranks. God is fully
Cognizant of everything you do.‖ [58:11]
While the soul ignores all of these truths, it is condemned to failure:
―Is one who was dead and we granted him life, and provided
him with light that enables him to move among the people,
equal to one in total darkness from which he can never exit?
The works of the disbelievers are thus adorned in their eyes.‖
―Say, ‗Shall I tell you who the worst losers are?‘ They are the
ones whose works in this life are totally astray, but they
think that they are doing well. Such are the ones who
disbelieved in the revelations of their Lord and in meeting
Him. Therefore, their works are in vain; on the Day of
Resurrection, they have no weight.‖ [18:103-105]
The Qur‘an has been revealed to teach humanity how to correctly use the liberty that God has given us:
―We sent our messengers supported by clear proofs, and we
sent down to them the scripture and the law, that the people
may uphold justice.‖ [57:25]
Those who do not know about the divine purpose with which God has created us and has created everything that exists, live like castaways in a dark ocean, without a lighthouse and without a guide:
―Indeed, the real blindness is not the blindness of the eyes,
but the blindness of the hearts inside the chests.‖ [22:46]
―Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the
earth were closed up, but We have opened them; and We
have made of water everything living, will they not then
believe?‖ [21:30]
―Whoever is guided, is guided for his own good, and whoever
goes astray does so to his own detriment. No sinner will bear the sins of anyone else. We never punish without first
sending a messenger.‖ [17:15]
One of the major objectives of this divine guide is the establishment and defense of justice:
―Those who believe are fighting for the cause of God, while
those who disbelieve are fighting for the cause of tyranny.‖
―Whoever mediates a good deed receives a share of the credit
thereof, and whoever mediates an evil work, incurs a share
thereof. God controls all things.‖ [4:85]
―Oh you who believe, you shall be absolutely equitable, and
observe God, when you serve as witnesses, even against
yourselves, or your parents, or your relatives. Whether the
accused is rich or poor, God takes care of both. Therefore, do
not be biased by your personal wishes. If you deviate or
disregard (this commandment), then God is fully Cognizant
of everything you do.‖ [4:135]
There does not exist injustice nor imbalance in the creation:
―Verily Allah will not deal unjustly with man in aught: It is man that wrongs his own soul.‖ [10:44]
It is the human being that generates this. However, finally, the injustice and the oppression will be defeated and the just beings will inherit the Land:
―We have decreed in the Psalms, as well as in other
scriptures, that the earth shall be inherited by My righteous
worshipers.‖ [21:105]
―Verily, the Revelation that has come to you from your Lord
(Allah) increases in most of them (their) obstinate rebellion
and disbelief. We have put enmity and hatred amongst them
till the Day of Resurrection. Every time they kindled the fire
of war, Allah extinguished it; and they (ever) strive to make
mischief on the earth. And Allah does not like the Mufsidun
(mischief-makers).‖ [5:64]
The Qur‘an offers the disorientated human being without objective, captive of the material values, indifferent before oppression and injustice, a goal:
―Why should you not fight in the cause of God when weak
men, women, and children are imploring…‖ [4:75]
―How many a prophet there has been with whom a multitude
of godly men fought. They did not falter for what befell them
in the way of God neither did they weaken, nor did they
abase themselves; and God loves the steadfast.‖ [3:146]
―Oh you who believe, you shall reverence God and believe in
His messenger. He will then grant you double the reward
from His mercy, endow you with light to guide you, and
forgive you.‖ [57:28]
The Qur‘an is a Scripture that speaks about everything:
―We have revealed to you this book to provide explanations
for everything, and guidance, and mercy, and good news for
the submitters.‖ [16:89]
It is not limited to relative topics of the divine kin, nor to the establishment of social justice:
―Certainly, those who stand up for their rights, when
injustice befalls them, are not committing any error. The
wrong ones are those who treat the people unjustly, and
resort to aggression without provocation. These have
incurred a painful retribution.‖ [42:41-42]
―God has provided for some of you more than others. Those
who are given plenty would never give their properties to
their subordinates to the extent of making them partners.
Would they give up God‘s blessings?‖ [16:71]
All of the topics covered are open to philosophical and metaphysical dimensions:
―For that cause We decreed for the Children of Israel that
whosoever kills a human being for other than manslaughter
or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all
mankind, and whoso saves the life of one, it shall be as if he
had saved the life of all mankind.‖ [5:32]
―Anyone who gives up his home, emigrating to God and His
messenger, then death catches up with him, his recompense
is reserved with God.‖ [4:100]
―Anyone who earns a sin, earns it to the detriment of his
own soul. God is Omniscient, Most Wise.‖ [4:111]
Over which bases are established a social model is poured over all of the most weak, the most defenseless, the neediest:
―They consult you concerning women: say, ‗God enlightens
you regarding them, as recited for you in the scripture. You
shall restore the rights of orphaned girls whom you cheat out
of their due dowries when you wish to marry them: you shall
not take advantage of them. The rights of orphaned boys
must also be protected as well. You shall treat the orphans
equitably. Whatever good you do, GOD is fully aware
thereof.‘‖ [4:127]
We are called to reflect on the signs that surround us:
―They remember God while standing, sitting, and on their
sides, and they reflect upon the creation of the heavens and
the earth: "Our Lord, You did not create all this in vain. Be
You glorified. Save us from the retribution of Hell.‖ [3:191]
―Do not corrupt the earth after it has been set straight, and
worship Him out of reverence, and out of hope. Surely, God‘s
mercy is attainable by the righteous.‖ [7:56]
―He is the One who sends the wind with good omen, as a
mercy from His hands. Once they gather heavy clouds, we
drive them to dead lands, and send down water therefrom, to
produce with it all kinds of fruits. We thus resurrect the
dead, that you may take heed.‖ [7:57]
As the great Andalusia Gnostic from the 7th century said:
―The Qur‘an, maximum ocean, whose abyss is bottomless
because it has no bed to reach, nor shore to draw into.‖
Throughout the centuries, the scholars have written exegesis about this miraculous text, each from the field of their specialty, the grammar, medicine, metaphysics, law…without
any of them being able to drain not even a little all of the teachings enclosed in it.
What was written is not equivalent to the Qur‘an nor does it represent a complete interpretation of the Qur‘an and all of its meanings. Its levels of reading are infinite and its comprehension encloses a relationship with the level of erudition and of spirituality of the reader. Its passages, though revealed in specific moments and adequate to the events that were occurring, possess a generic and eternal value; it speaks to us about things that do not change in the human being:
―Have you noted the one whose god is his ego?
Consequently, God sends him astray, despite his knowledge,
seals his hearing and his mind, and places a veil on his eyes.‖
And the concrete circumstances in which they were revealed represent examples of similar situations that continually hold a place in our everyday life and in the history of humanity, because of that, its verses speak to us directly. It connects with what is happening to us and it responds to the questions that are burning in our mind and in our hearts at the same time in which we are reading:
―O you who believe, if you strike in the cause of God, you
shall be absolutely sure. Do not say to one who offers you
peace, ‗You are not a believer,‘ seeking the spoils of this
world. For God possesses infinite spoils.‖ [4:94]
The Qur‘an has an anti-dogmatic text:
―We have sent down the Torah, containing guidance and
light.‖ [5:44]
―The people of the Gospel shall rule in accordance with God‘s
revelations therein.‖ [5:46-47]
―We gave him the Gospel, containing guidance and light,
and confirming the previous scriptures, the Torah, and
augmenting its guidance and light, and to enlighten the
You shall rule among them in accordance with God‘s
revelations, and do not follow their wishes if they differ from
the truth that came to you. For each of you, we have decreed
laws and different rites. Had God willed, He could have
made you one congregation. But He thus puts you to the test
through the revelations He has given each of you.
You shall compete in righteousness. To God is your final
destiny - all of you - then He will inform you of everything
you had disputed.‖ [5:48]
That calls for tolerance:
―You shall invite to the path of your Lord with wisdom and
good advice, and debate with them in the best possible
manner.‖ [16:125]
For modesty:
―You shall not walk proudly on earth - you cannot bore
through the earth, nor can you be as tall as the mountains.‖
For honor:
―You shall not touch the orphans' money except for their
own good, until they reach maturity. You shall fulfill your
covenants, for a covenant is a great responsibility. You shall
give full measure when you trade, and weigh equitably. This
is better and more righteous.‖ [17:34-35]
For what is good:
“You shall cooperate in matters of righteousness and
piety; do not cooperate in matters that are sinful and
evil.” [5:2]
For justice:
―Oh you who believe, you shall be absolutely equitable, and
observe God, when you serve as witnesses. Do not be
provoked by your conflicts with some people into committing
injustice. You shall be absolutely equitable, for it is more
righteous. You shall observe God. God is fully
Cognizant of everything you do.‖ [5:8]
Islam does not confront the rest of the transcendences‘ beliefs. On the contrary, it considers all religions part of the Truth revealed and recognizes all of the prophets as part of one spirit and deliverers of the same message:
―Say, ‗We believe in GOD, and in what was sent down to
us, and in what was sent down to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac,
Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and in what was given to Moses,
Jesus, and the prophets from their Lord. We make no
distinction among any of them. To Him alone we are
submitters.‘‖ [3:84]
―Surely, those who believe, those who are Jewish, the
Christians, and the converts; anyone who (1) believes in
God, and (2) believes in the Last Day, and (3) leads a
righteous life, will receive their recompense from their Lord.
They have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.‖ [2:62]
―We have inspired you, as we inspired Noah and the
prophets after him. And we inspired Abraham, Ismail, Isaac,
Jacob, the Patriarchs, Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon.
And we gave David the Psalms. Messengers we have told
you about, and messengers we never told you about. And
God spoke to Moses directly. Messengers as bearers of good news and warners, so that the people will have no excuse
when they face God, after all these messengers have come to
them.‖ [4:163-165]
For value:
―Therefore, do not reverence human beings; you shall
reverence Me instead. And do not trade away My revelations
for a cheap price.‖ [5:44]
The Qur‘an is not a history book, in a way which the wording respects some kind of order of events, but rather it is an educational book, a guide and a personal construction of human beings to which they return over and over again to the same topics, observing them from different point of views, focusing on different aspects of the same and interspersed commentaries.
―Oh people of the scripture, do not transgress the limits of
your religion, and do not say about God except the truth.‖
Islam, Catholicism and Judaism
[Refer to]
Islam: One Omnipotent God, Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipresent.
Catholicism: Trinity of God (The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit).
Islam: God is the Creator. To refer to God as ―the Father‖ is to
reduce Him to the human dimension. It is, in fact, easier to be a father than a mother. Our father in Islam is Adam (P), who is the father of all Humanity.
Catholicism: God is the Father and the Creator.
Islam: God is without gender, and is neither man nor woman.
Catholicism: God is male.
Islam: God is without image.
Catholicism: God is represented in the iconography of two men and a dove.
Islam: God has no mother or father, and has no children.
Catholicism: God the Father has a son. God the Son has a father and a mother. He also has brothers, grandparents, and is the grandson of the father and mother of Mary. Seeing God in this way, it should also be said that the God Father has inlaws, and is the son-in-law of the father and mother of Mary
(P). By this reasoning, Mary had two husbands, God the Father and Joseph the carpenter.
Islam: God is omnipotent and is not mortal.
Catholicism: God, the son, was mortal and was crucified.
Islam: The Holy Spirit is the Angel Gabriel who brought the word of God to the great Prophets.
Catholicism: The Holy Spirit is God, one third of the Trinity. He is Lord and Giver of Life. He spoke for the Prophets (P).
Islam: Considers God to be Clement and Merciful. The clemency and mercy of God are not comparable to human
clemency. Therefore Muslims in their prayers plead for God‘s
clemency and mercy, regardless of whether they deserve it or are worthy of it. They ask God to judge them with His clemency, not with his Justice, because God uses his justice rather than his clemency when we find ourselves in difficulties. For example, Muslims say:
My God, forgive me although I am undeserving and am
unworthy of your forgiveness. Forgive me because
forgiveness is worthy of you who are most Clement. My
God, on the day of Justice, please use your clemency and not
your justice.
When ÝÀ‘isha asked the Prophet (PBD) about what to supplicate on the grand Night of Ordainment (laylat al-qadr), replied You should say:
O Allah verily you are all-pardoning and You love to pardon, so
pardon me.
Catholicism: In the oration known as ―The Lord‘s Prayer‖, the
faithful ask for forgiveness of ―our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.‖ In these terms the suppliant considers
his own clemency greater than that of God‘s, he therefore
pleads to God to augment His clemency and mercy, but in the final analysis he is presenting himself as a model of clemency before God. He is thus asking God to increase His clemency and mercy until they have reached the suppliant‘s own level
of clemency. The suppliant would be correct if by saying:
―forgive our offenses and help us to forgive those who have
trespassed against us.‖
Islam: Faith in Islam is based on logic and reasoning.
Catholicism: Faith is based on unquestionable dogma, that is, blind faith or faith without reasoning.
Islam: Islam is the only religion inviting reasoning and analysis. Muhammad (PBD) Prophet of Islam, said: one hour of thinking is worth seventy years of praying to God. The Qur‘an is full and rich with invitations to reason. According to Islam the Prophets of God, among them Jesus, invited reasoning. The dogma of faith is considered to be a distortion on the part of Catholicism.
Catholicism: Invites the acceptance of religious dogma with no thought or reason, that is, without rationale.
Islam: Education and study, as a positive objective, are considered to be prayers to God. Muhammad (PBD) said: the
wise man‘s ink is worth more than the martyr‘s blood.
Catholicism: Galileo, who in his wisdom declared the earth was round, was condemned to death by the Church.
Islam: There are no intermediaries between man and God.
Catholicism: The Church and its clergy are considered to be the intermediaries between man and God.
Islam: Supplication and prayer are directed particularly to God.
Catholicism: Prayer is often indirect and is channeled through the Church.
Islam: God forgives. He is the Judge on the Final Day of Judgement. He punishes or forgives. Forgiveness is granted directly by God.
Catholicism: Forgiveness is granted by priests of the Church and often in return they receive a monetary recompense.
Islam: Forgiveness is petitioned directly to God, it is forbidden to confess sins to anyone other than God himself, since God is the final judge on the Day of Judgement and He is omnipresent and omniscient.
Catholicism: Invites the believer to ask forgiveness and indulgence of the priests of the Church, who are often paid in return.
Islam: In Islam it is a sin to confess or recant the sin to others, even to a member of the clergy. It is a private matter, and
therefore he privately and directly asks for God‘s forgiveness.
To ask forgiveness from anyone other than God is a greater sin, when considering that God is the judge on Judgement Day, and only God has the power of forgiveness, for He is omniscient. But if a person has committed an offense against another person, he may ask the offended person to forgive him. If a public sin has been committed, the transgressor should ask forgiveness in public.
Catholicism: Sin must be confessed to a priest, and this is interpreted by Muslims as a means of controlling society.
Islam: Islam speaks of love for God, and affirms the clemency and mercy of God. In the Qur‘an, more is devoted to God‘s
mercy than to the fear of God. Quote, Imam Alí.
Catholicism: The Church invites faith more on the basis of the fear rather than the love of God.
Islam: The ingestion of the flesh of another human being is considered a deplorable act.
Catholicism: The faithful symbolically ingest the flesh and blood of Jesus (P) as a positive sacrament of the Holy Communion.
Islam: Both Muslims and Jews forbid the ingestion of pork or pork products.
Catholicism: The eating of pork is permitted, despite the fact that its flesh is genetically similar to that of the human body, therefore susceptible to the transmission of virus.
Islam: Jesus (P) is a human being and a great Prophet of God.
Catholicism: Considers Jesus to be the ―son of God‖, one third
of the Trinity.
Islam: The birth of Jesus (P) without a human father was a
miracle of God‘s will, but he is nonetheless a human being and
a great Prophet of God.
Catholicism: The father of Jesus was God himself.
Islam: Recognizes the purity and virginity of Mary (P), and accepts that Jesus was conceived without a father, because he
was born of God‘s will.
Catholicism: Jesus was incarnate in Mary (P), of a virgin birth, but is the son of God.
Islam: Mary (P) was never married.
Catholicism: Mary (P) was married to Joseph when her son
was born. Joseph doubted Mary‘s (P) virgin birth but the Angel Gabriel convinced him that he should accept (that his wife had served as a vehicle for the birth of the son of God).
Islam: A chapter of the Qur‘an is called ―Mary‖ and is devoted in part to her story. Another chapter called ―The Table‖ describes ―The Last Supper‖.
Catholicism: The Bible contains no chapter devoted to either
―Mary‖ or ―The Table‖ (Al-Maeda).
Islam: Islam attributes miracles to Mary (P) such as having received the fruits of Paradise sent by God.
Catholicism: The Bible recognizes no such miracles.
Islam: Islam attributes more miracles to Jesus than are described in the Bible, such as his having spoken in public only days after his birth, regarding the Prophecy. The Qur‘an affirms that the miracles of the Prophets were granted by God.
Catholicism: The Bible attributes miracles to Jesus, but fewer than those related in the Qur‘an.
Islam: Islam recognizes the ascension of Jesus (P) without his having been crucified.
Catholicism: Catholicism recognizes the ascension of Jesus (P)
after his death on the cross.
Islam: Based on Islamic vision, a miracle occurred by which Jesus (P) was not crucified, but he did ascend to God. It was Judas the traitor, who in the eyes of the enemies of Jesus looked just like him, who was crucified in his place. The
Qur‘an affirms that: ―Certainly they did not kill him, rather God raised him up to Him.‖ (The Qur‘an, 4:157-158)
Catholicism: Jesus (P) was crucified, suffered and was buried, then was resurrected on the third day, at which point he ascended to Heaven.
Islam: Jesus (P) had knowledge and awareness of God, and just as the other great Prophets, at no time believed that God had abandoned him.
Catholicism: According to the Bible, as he suffered on the cross Jesus (P) called out, ―Father, why have you abandoned me?‖,
in which case he would have been unaware of God (and
doubtful of God‘s unfailing presence).
Islam: Jesus (P) had no fear of death, because he knew that death was the portal to Paradise and a closeness to God.
Catholicism: Jesus (P) was afraid of dying. Before his crucifixion he lamented in Gethsemane and was anguished by the persecution he suffered.
Islam: Adam and Eve (P) were created by God with no father or mother, and are the father and mother of all Mankind.
Catholicism: Adam and Eve (P) were created by God without
father or mother and are also God‘s first progeny.
Islam: In Islam, Adam and Eve (P) were forgiven for their sins.
Catholicism: Adam and Eve were punished for their disobedience of God, were expelled from Paradise and lived a life of suffering and hard labor on earth.
Islam: Life begins in innocence, each child is born pure and blameless, and if a child dies before he reaches maturity he enters Paradise. There is no logic or justice in a child carrying the burden of the sins of others, especially of Adam and Eve
(P), for a sin committed thousands of years before, and which according to Islam was forgiven.
Catholicism: Life begins in sin, each child is born in ―original sin‖ because of the sin of Adam and Eve (P), therefore, although only a child, perhaps only a fetus, if it dies before baptism it cannot enter Paradise but must remain in Limbo.
After the Vatican‘s claiming for centuries of the existence of
Limbo, the Pope recently denied the existence of Limbo without clarifying where dead children go if they have not been baptized.
Judaism: ―The soul which does sin will be put to death: the son will not be made responsible for the evil-doing of the father, or the father for the evil-doing of the son; the righteousness of the upright will be on himself, and the evil-doing of the evil-doer on himself.‖ (The Bible, Ezekiel 18:20)
Islam: Each person is responsible for his own actions, from
the time ―he has use of reason‖, that is, his maturity. On the
Day of Final Judgement he will answer for his actions, but not for those of others. According to Islam, each person will be
questioned regarding his own actions, no one else‘s.
Catholicism: Each person bears the burden of the sin of Adam and Eve (P).
Islam: Jesus (P) and the other Prophets taught what was just, and invited others to follow their example. Each of us is responsible for our own actions.
"The duty of the messenger is only the delivery (of the
message). God knows what you reveal and what you hide."
(The Qur‘an, 5:99)
"No bearer shall bear another's burden, and should one
heavily burdened call [another] to carry it, nothing of it will
be carried, even if he were a near relative. You can only warn
those who fear their Lord in secret, and maintain the prayer.
Whoever purifies himself, purifies only for his own sake, and
to God is the return" (The Qur‘an, 35:18)
Catholicism: Jesus (P) forgave our sins, ―washed us free of them‖, by means of his sacrifice, more than two thousand
years ago.
Islam: In order to assume responsibility for our behavior and actions we must be aware of ourselves. Thus anything that alters our state of awareness is prohibited, therefore alcohol is forbidden by Islam.
Catholicism: Alcohol is permitted and wine is drunk on the occasion of religious ceremonies, such as the Mass and liturgical acts.
Judaism: (The Bible, Old Testaments, Proverbs 20:1) Bible Quote, Proverbs 20:1
Islam: Marital relations are necessary and marriage is considered, as Muhammad (PBD) said, to be ―half of religion‖.
Catholicism: Marital relations are established as an act that permits the procreation of children, and suggests, as in the case of priests, monks or nuns, that celibacy brings them closer to God.
Islam: Marriage is preferable to an unmarried state, and it is better to be married than to remain a virgin, or celibate.
Catholicism: It is preferable that nuns do not marry and so they must remain virgin.
Islam: Islamic clergy do marry. According to Islamic thinking,
―marriage brings man or woman closer to God.‖
Catholicism: The Catholic clergy, those (presumably) closest to God, such as monks or priests, must remain celibate and promote celibacy.
Islam: Divorce is a ―permitted evil‖. It could be seen as the
solution to a marriage that has failed, in which the couple concerned no longer wishes to remain together.
Catholicism: Divorce (although today in many countries now tolerated), is strictly prohibited and only the Pope is empowered to annul a marriage.
Islam: Polygamy is permitted because it is interpreted as a viable social solution, when faced with a demographic imbalance, with more women than men. (It is also the response to other imperatives, according to the case). The Prophet Abraham (P) himself was polygamous.
Catholicism: Prohibits polygamy, regardless of demographics. In many countries, the female population greatly exceeds the male.
Islam: There are provisions in Islam for temporary marriage,
which is allowed according to the precepts of the Shi‘ite
School of Islam.
Catholicism: Prohibits temporary marriage or free union.
Islam: There is no discrimination among the children born of various models or types of marriage. They are all legitimate and they all have equal rights of inheritance and the father is equally responsible for their maintenance.
Catholicism: Does not recognize polygamy and discriminates against children born out of wedlock. (They are considered
―illegitimate‖. No such stigma is attached to children in
Islam: A clergyman is not required as an intermediary in order to perform the marriage ceremony in Islam. Muslim couples are in accord regarding the terms of their agreement, and a verbal arrangement is sufficient, although for purposes of civil law, ratified by a notary.
Catholicism: A clergyman is required for the performance of the marriage ceremony and the ratification of the marriage vows.
Islam: Sexual satisfaction, in Islam, is confined to the marital status. Sexual provocation is not permitted in a social context. European or Occidental Culture: Sexual provocation in social and professional relationships is considered appropriate.
Islam: Sexual attraction (and pleasure) are considered to be marital values of the utmost intimacy, and should never be treated as social, commercial or professional values.
European or Occidental Culture: Sexual attraction (and/or pleasure) is considered to be equally valid in a matrimonial, social, commercial or professional context.
Islam: The Muslim woman covers herself when she leaves her home in order to avoid provoking attention or attraction, in consideration of the same values as Holy Mary (P).
European or Occidental Culture: Many, though not all women, are accustomed to provoking sexual allure, in a social context, by means of their garments or fashion.
Islam: The use of sex as a commercial product in society is considered to be an insult to women‘s dignity, and is therefore
European or Occidental Culture: The use of feminine sexuality for the promotion of commercial products is commonplace and is freely permitted, even encouraged.
Islam: The Muslim woman does not provoke or seek a physical response in a social relationship, nor does she use her feminine mystique for commercial purposes.
European or Occidental Culture: Physical allure is valued in a social and commercial context.
Islam: The Muslim woman wears make-up and enjoys sensuality in the intimate relationship with her husband, but removes her make-up if she is to leave her home.
European or Occidental Culture: Many, though not all, Occidental women wear make-up and behave in a provocative or sensual manner outside their home.
Islam: Prostitution is prohibited in Islam.
European or Occidental Culture: Prostitution is tolerated and is considered to be remunerative labor.
Islam: Both male and female homosexualities are prohibited by Islam and are considered to be unnatural. Anyone born a hermaphrodite, however, has the right to surgery and may chose to become either a man or a woman, providing the person is an adult.
European or Occidental Culture: Both male and female homosexualities are tolerated and have become legitimized in the definition of human rights. In some countries a homosexual couple may marry and even adopt children. If Western culture tolerates homosexuality on the basis of
―consenting adults‖ it is conceivable that incest, by virtue of
the same definition, could be ―tolerated‖, and equally considered within the rights of ―consenting adults‖.
Islam: In order to enter into the Islamic faith it is sufficient to repeat two phrases, uttered in good conscience and with absolute conviction.
―In the name of God, the clement and the merciful, I bear
witness that there is no God but God, (One God alone). I
bear witness that Muhammad (PBD) is the Prophet of God and
is His messenger.‖
For admittance into the Shi‘ite School, which its members consider to represent the original faith, it is only necessary to add: ―I bear witness that the Imam Alí is the successor of the Prophet‖.
According to Islam, God forgives all prior sin of anyone who enters into the faith.
The Prophet (PBD) said:
―He who performs good acts after having embraced Islam
will not be punished for anything that he did in his preIslamic state, whilst he who continues to commit bad after
having embraced Islam will be taken to account for
everything from beginning to end.‖
Catholicism: In order to enter into the Catholic faith it is
necessary to accept baptism by a priest who acts as God‘s
intermediary. Faith alone does not suffice.
Judaism: Only a blood descendant of a Jewish mother, strictly speaking, may be considered a Jew. Faith is not involved.
God demanded that Mankind hear and attend the message of
the Prophets, since they have spoken in God‘s name. If we
were to ignore these messages we would have to account to God for our failing.
Judaism: According to the Old Testament (God speaking to Moses):
―I will give them a prophet from among themselves, like you,
and I will put my words in his mouth, and he will say to
them whatever I give him orders to say. And whoever does
not give ear to my words which he will say in my
name, will be responsible to me.‖ (The Bible, Deuteronomy 18:18-19)
Catholicism: The new Bible Testament affirms that Jesus was, in effect, the Prophet promised in these verses. And said that who does not give attention to that Prophet, will be cut off from among the people.
―So then, (…) Who is to be kept in heaven till the time when
all things are put right, of which God has given word by the
mouth of his holy prophets, who have been from the earliest
times. For Moses said, The Lord will give you a prophet from
among your people, like me; you will give ear to everything
which he will say to you. And every soul who does not
give attention to that Prophet, will be cut off from
among the people.‖ (The Bible, Acts 3:19-23)
And God said in The Qur‘an:
―And when God took the covenant of the prophets: 'that I
have given you of the book and wisdom. then there shall come
to you a messenger (Muhammad) confirming what is with
you, you shall believe in him and you shall support him to be
victorious, do you agree and take my load on this? ‗They
answered: 'we do agree. ‗God said: 'then bear witness, and I
will be with you among the witnesses. 'Whosoever turns
back after that, they are the transgressors. Are they seeking a
religion other than that of God?, and to him whosoever is in
the heavens and the earth has submitted willingly and
unwillingly. To him they shall be returned? say: 'we believe
in God and in what is sent down to us and in that which was
sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the tribes,
and in that which was given to (prophets) Moses and Jesus,
and the prophets from their lord. We do not differentiate
between any of them. To him we are submitters (Muslims).
He who chooses a religion other than Islam, it will not be
accepted from him, and in the everlasting life he will be
among the losers. How shall God guide a people who lapse
into disbelief after they believed and bore witness that the
messenger is true, and after receiving clear proofs! God does
not guide the harm doers. Those, their recompense shall be
the curse of God, the angels, and all the people there they
shall live for ever. Their punishment shall not be lightened,
nor shall they be given respite. Except those who afterwards
repent and mend their ways, God is forgiving and the most
merciful. Indeed those who disbelieve after they have believed
and increase in disbelief, their repentance shall not be
accepted. These are those who are astray.‖ (The Qur‘an, 3:81- 90)
Refer to:
―He gives wisdom to whomever He wishes, and He who is given
wisdom, is certainly given an abundant good. But none takes
admonition except those who possess intellect.‖ (The Qur‘an 2:269)
―And they will say, ‗Had we listened or applied reason, we would not have been among the inmates of the Blaze.‖ (The Qur‘an
―Say, ‗Are those who know equal to those who do not know?‘ Only those who possess intellect take admonition.‖ (The Qur‘an 39:9)
―God will raise those of you who have faith and those who have
been given knowledge in rank and God is well aware of what you
do.‖ (The Qur‘an 58:11)
When God wants good for a community, He increases their scholars and decreases their ignorant ones, so when the scholar speaks, he finds supporters, but when the ignorant one speaks, he is defeated.2
Knowledge is a treasury, the key to which is the question, so ask and God will have mercy on you for verily four people are rewarded [for that question]: the questioner, the speaker, the listener, and the one that admires them.3
The very basis of man is his intellect, and the man devoid of intellect has no religion.4
Knowledge is too great to be encompassed, so take the best from each thing.5
Verily all good is grasped through the intellect, and the man devoid of intellect has no religion.6
The Prophet (PBD) asked a group of people who were praising a
man, ‗How is the man‘s intellect?‘ to which they replied, ‗O
Prophet of God, we are telling you about his endeavours at worship and other good acts, and you are asking us about his
intellect?!‘ So he replied, ‗Verily the stupid person suffers as a
2 Kanz al-ÝUmmÁl, no. 28692
3 TuÎaf al-ÝUqÙl, no. 41
4 RawÃat al-WÁÝiÛÐn, p. 9
5 Kanz al-Fawa’id, v. 2, p. 31
6 TuÎaf al-ÝUqÙl, no. 54
result of his stupidity worse than the licentiousness of an immoral person. The servants will rise up in rank in the Hereafter and will receive great rewards from their Lord in proportion to their intellects.7
When committing a sin, the knowledgeable man is guilty of the one sin whereas the ignorant man is guilty of two [i.e. the sin itself and the sin of ignorance].8
Knowledge is the root of all good whereas ignorance is the root of all evil.9
The quest for knowledge is incumbent upon every Muslim…
Knowledge leads to action and action follows it...10
The worthiest of people are those who have the most knowledge, and the least of them in worth are those with the least knowledge.11
The people who are closest to the rank of prophet hood are the people of knowledge and striving.12
On the Day of Resurrection, the ink of the scholars will be weighed up against the blood of the martyrs, and the ink of the scholars will preponderate over the blood of the martyrs.13
7 MajmaÝ al-BayÁn, v. 1, p. 487
8 Kanz al-ÝUmmÁl, no. 28784
9 BiÎÁr al-AnwÁr, v. 77, p. 175, no. 9
10 AmÁlÐ al-ÓÙsÐ, p. 488, no. 1069
11 AmÁlÐ al-ÑadÙq, p. 27, no. 4
12 al-MaÎajjat al-BayÃÁ’, v. 1, p. 14
13 TafsÐr al-Durr al-ManthÙr, v. 3, no. 423
A little knowledge is better than a lot of worship.14
To sleep having knowledge is better than to pray in ignorance.15
Verily the knowledgeable man is superior to the [mere] worshipper as the sun is to the stars, and the worshipper is superior to the one who does not worship as the superiority of the moon to the stars.16
An hour spent by a knowledgeable man lying on his bed thinking about his deeds is better than seventy years spent by the worshipper performing acts of worship.17
The knowledgeable man is superior to the [mere] worshipper by seventy degrees, the distance between two degrees spanning the gallop of a horse for seventy years; and this is because Satan plants an innovation amongst people which the knowledgeable man notices and prohibits, whilst the worshipper attends to his worship neither taking any notice of it nor recognizing it.18
By the One Who holds MuÎammad‘s soul in His Grasp! Verily
one knowledgeable man is more difficult for Satan to bear than seventy worshippers, for the worshipper serves himself whilst the knowledgeable man serves others.19
14 al-MaÎajjat al-BayÃÁ’, v. 1, p. 22
15 Munyat al-MurÐd, p. 104
16 BiÎÁr al-AnwÁr, v. 2, p. 19, no. 49
17 RawÃat al-WÁÝiÛÐn, no. 16
18 Ibid. no. 17
19 Kanz al-ÝUmmÁl, no. 28908
The death of a scholar is an affliction that cannot be compensated and a void that cannot be filled, for he is a star that has been obliterated. The death of a whole tribe is easier to bear than the death of a scholar.20
Seek knowledge even in China, for verily to seek knowledge is an obligation on every Muslim.21
Seeking knowledge is an obligation on every Muslim. Indeed how God loves those who strive in their quest for knowledge.22
He who cannot endure the submissiveness entailed in learning for an hour will remain submissive to ignorance forever.23
There are two insatiable types of people who are never satisfied by their quest: the seeker of knowledge and the seeker after this world.24
The seeker of knowledge among ignorant people is as the living one among the dead.25
When death comes to the seeker of knowledge whilst he is in that state [of seeking knowledge], he dies as a martyr.26
20 Kanz al-ÝUmmÁl, no. 28858
21 Kanz al-ÝUmmÁl, no. 28697
22 al-KÁfÐ, v. 1, p. 30, no. 1
23 ÝAwÁlÐ al-La’ÁlÐ, v. 1, p. 285, no. 135
24 Kanz al-ÝUmmÁl, no. 28726
25 Kanz al-ÝUmmÁl, no. 28726
He who goes out to seek knowledge is indeed on the path of God until he returns.27
He who seeks knowledge is as one who spends his day fasts and his night praying. Verily a chapter of knowledge that a man learns is better for him than for him to have as much gold as a mountain and give it all away in the way of God.28
He who goes out to seek knowledge, God guarantees his sustenance for him.29
The seeker of knowledge is the seeker of mercy; the seeker of knowledge is the pillar of Islam and is given his recompense with the prophets.30
Verily the angels spread their wings over the seeker of knowledge and seek forgiveness on his behalf.31
He who traverses a path in order to gain knowledge thereupon, God makes him traverse the path to Paradise.32
He who goes out to seek knowledge is himself sought after by Paradise.33
Verily everything seeks forgiveness for the seeker of knowledge, including the fishes in the sea, the reptiles on the land, and the predators and livestock of the earth.34
26 al-TarghÐb wa al-TarhÐb, v. 1, p. 97, no. 16
27 Kanz al-ÝUmmÁl, no. 28702
28 Munyat al-MurÐd, p. 100
29 Kanz al-ÝUmmÁl, no. 28701
30 Ibid. no. 28729
31 Ibid. no. 28745
32 AmÁlÐ al-ÑadÙq, p. 58, no. 9
33 Kanz al-ÝUmmÁl, no. 28842
34 AmÁlÐ al-MufÐd, p. 29, no. 1
He who has knowledge, acts upon what he knows and teaches it to others is regarded as great in the greatest Kingdom [of the heavens].35
The best form of charity is for a man to gain knowledge and then teach it to his fellow brother.36
It is narrated in TanbÐh al-KhawÁÔir: God, most High, revealed to Prophet Moses (P) saying, O Moses, learn good and teach it to people, for verily I enlighten the graves of the teachers and the learners of good, so that they never feel afraid in their resting place.37
The most generous from amongst you all…is the man who has
been taught knowledge and subsequently spreads his knowledge to others. He will be raised on the Day of Resurrection as a community in himself and after him is the man who is generous in giving up his life for God, Mighty and Exalted, and is killed for Him.38
He who seeks knowledge for God, no sooner does he learn even a chapter of it than it increases him in humility within himself, in
35 TanbÐh al-KhawÁÔir, v. 1, p. 82
36 Munyat al-MurÐd, p. 105
37 TanbÐh al-KhawÁÔir, v. 2, p. 212
38 al-TarghÐb wa al-TarhÐb, v. 1, p. 119, no. 5
humbleness in front of people, it increases his fear of God and his striving in religion, and that is the one who benefits from the knowledge that he gains. And he who seeks knowledge for this world and for status amongst people and for a favoured position with the ruler, no sooner does he learn even a chapter of it than it only increases his arrogance within himself, his presumptuousness with people, his self-delusion about God and his estrangement from religion. That is the one who does not benefit from his knowledge, and must subsequently refrain from it and stop furnishing proof for the case against himself in order not to feel regret and shame on the Day of Resurrection.39
He who desires knowledge in order that he may beguile people will never even smell the fragrance of Paradise.40
Take the truth even if it be from wrongdoers, but do not take falsehood even if it be from the righteous – be critics of speech.41
Knowledge is a part of religion [just as] prayer is a part of religion...42
Be gentle towards those whom you teach as well to those whom you learn from.43
39 RawÃat al-WÁÝiÛÐn, p. 16
40 MakÁrim al-AkhlÁq, v. 2, p. 364, no. 2661
41 al-MaÎÁsin, v. 1, p. 359, no. 769
42 Kanz al-ÝUmmÁl, no. 28666
43 Munyat al-MurÐd, p. 193
There are three types of people whose right none will deem lightly apart from the hypocrite who manifests his hypocrisy: the old person in Islam, the just leader, and the teacher of good.44
He who goes forth to meet the scholars has indeed come forth to meet me, and he who visits the scholars has indeed visited me, and he who sits in the company of the scholars has indeed sat in my company, and whoever sits in my company is as if he has sat in the company of my Lord.45
Al-KhiÃr (P) said to Prophet Moses (P), ‗Oh Moses, devote
yourself exclusively to knowledge if you want it, for verily knowledge is for the one who devotes himself exclusively to it.46
Man‘s intellect is incomplete until ten qualities come together in
him … that he must never tire of seeking knowledge his whole
The scholars are God‘s trustees over His creation.48
44 Kanz al-ÝUmmÁl, no. 43811
45 Kanz al-ÝUmmÁl, no. 28883
46 Kanz al-ÝUmmÁl, no. 44176
47 TanbÐh al-KhawÁÔir, v. 2, p. 112
48 Kanz al-ÝUmmÁl, no. 28675
The superiority of the scholar over others is as the superiority of the prophet over his community.49
Whoever says: ‗I am a knowledgeable man‘ is indeed ignorant.50
He who acts contrary to what he knows, his immoral acts supersede his righteous acts.51
The one who worships without any knowledge [of his actions] is as a donkey in a windmill.52
Advise each other with knowledge, for verily your betrayal of someone in their knowledge is worse than your betraying him in their wealth, and very God will question you on the Day of Resurrection.53
The ambition of knowledgeable people is greater awareness, whereas the ambition of fools is telling stories.54
Verily the inmates of the Fire will be tormented by the stench of the knowledgeable man who had abandoned his knowledge.55
49 Ibid. no. 28798
50 Munyat al-MurÐd, no. 137
51 al-MaÎÁsin, v. 1, p. 314, no. 621
52 Kanz al-ÝUmmÁl, no. 28709
53 AmÁlÐ al-ÓÙsÐ, p. 126, no. 198
54 Kanz al-ÝUmmÁl, no. 29337
The best type of knowledge is that which benefits.56
The most knowledgeable of people is he who adds other people‘s
knowledge to his own.57
Knowledge and wisdom are really the privilege of a faithful Muslim. If you have lost them, get them back even though you may have to get them from the apostates.
Value of each man depends upon the art and skill which he has attained.
I want to teach you five of those things which deserve your greatest anxiety to acquire them: Have hope only in Allah. Be afraid of nothing but sins. If you do not know a thing, never feel ashamed to admit ignorance. If you do not know a thing, never hesitate or feel ashamed to learn it. Acquire patience and endurance because their relation with true faith is that of a head to a body, a body is of no use without a head, similarly true faith can be of no use without attributes of resignation, endurance and patience.
55 BiÎÁr al-AnwÁr, v. 2, p. 34, no. 30
56 AmÁlÐ al-ÑadÙq, p. 394, no. 1
57 AmÁlÐ al-ÑadÙq, p. 27, no. 4
Like your body your mind also gets tired so refresh it by wise sayings.
That knowledge which remains only on your tongue is very superficial. The intrinsic value of knowledge is that you act upon it.
A man can be valued through his sayings.
There is enough light for one who wants to see.
When you feel afraid or nervous to do a thing then do it because the real harm which you may thus receive is less poignant than its expectation and fear. 175. Your supremacy over others is in proportion to the extent of your knowledge and wisdom.
Minds get tired like bodies. When you feel that your; mind is tired, then invigorate it with sober advice.
A wise man first thinks and then speaks and a fool speaks first and then thinks.
There is no greater wealth than wisdom, no greater poverty than ignorance; no greater heritage than culture and no greater support than consultation.
One who imagines himself to be all-knowing will surely suffer on account of his ignorance.
Whoever increases his thinking in whatever he learns, his knowledge will become proficient, and he will come to understand whatever he did not understand before.58
Even if you are not an articulate scholar, at least be an attentive listener.59
58 Ghurar al-Íikam, no. 8917
The following is an excerpt taken from ―Christianity and World Religions: Dialogue with Islam‖, in Leonard Swidler
(ed.), Muslims in Dialogue: The Evolution of A Dialogue, vol. 3 (The Edwin Mellen Press, 1992) by the Christian philosopher Hans Kung who conveys a Christian opinion on Prophet Muhammad (P):
Of course many religions do not have prophets in the strictest sense. Hindus have their gurus and sadhus, the Chinese their sages, Buddhists their masters — but they do not have prophets, as do Jews, Christians, and Muslims. There is no doubt that if anyone in the whole of religious history is termed the prophet, because he claimed to be just that, but in no way more than that, it was Muhammad. But may a Christian assert that Muhammad was a prophet? Christians, if they pause to survey the situation, must admit the following (especially in light of the Hebrew Bible):
Like the prophets of Israel, Muhammad did not function by reason of an office assigned to him by the community (or its
59 Ghurar al-Íikam, no. 4090
authorities), but by reason of a special personal relationship
with God.
Like the prophets of Israel, Muhammad was a person of strong will who felt himself fully imbued with a godly
calling, fully consumed, exclusively appointed to his task.
Like the prophets of Israel, Muhammad spoke to the heart of a religious and social crisis, and with his passionate piety
and revolutionary proclamation he opposed the wealthy
ruling class and the tradition it was trying to preserve.
Like the prophets of Israel, Muhammad, who mostly called
himself the ―Warner‖, sought to be nothing but the verbal
instrument of God and to proclaim not his own, but God‘s
Like the prophets of Israel, Muhammad untiringly proclaimed the one God who tolerates no other gods and who
is at the same time the good Creator and merciful Judge.
Like the prophets of Israel, Muhammad required, as a response to this one God, unconditional obedience, devotion,
submission, which is the literal meaning of word Islam:
everything that includes gratitude to God and generosity
toward fellow human beings.
Like the prophets of Israel, Muhammad combined monotheism with humanism or human values, belief in the
one God and God‘s judgment with a call to social justice,
and a threat to the unjust, who go to hell, with promises to
the just, who are gathered into God‘s paradise.
Whoever reads the Bible — at least the Hebrew Bible — together
with the Qur‘an will be led to ponder whether the three Semitic
religions of revelation-Judaism, Christianity, and Islam-and especially the Hebrew Bible and the Qur‘an, could have the same
foundation. Is it not one and the same God who speaks so clearly in
both? Does not the ―Thus says the Lord‖ of the Hebrew Bible
correspond to the ―Speak‖ of the Qur‘an, and the ―Go and proclaim‖ of the Hebrew Bible to the ―Stand up and warn‖ of the Qur‘an? In
truth, even the millions of Arab-speaking Christians have no other
word for God than ―Allah‖.
Might it not therefore be purely dogmatic prejudice that recognizes Amos and Hosea, Isaiah and Jeremiah, as prophets, but not Muhammad? Whatever one may have against Muhammad from the standpoint of Western Christian morality (armed violence, polygamy, a sensual lifestyle for males), the following facts are indisputable:
Today there are almost hundreds of million persons in the huge area between Morocco to the west and Bangladesh to
the east, between the steppes of central Asia to the North and
the Island world of Indonesia to the south, who are stamped
with the compelling power of a faith that, like virtually no
other faith, has molded into a universal type those who
confess it.
All those persons are linked by a simple confession of faith (There is no God but God, and Muhammad is his prophet),
linked by five basic obligations, and linked by thorough
submission to the will of God, whose unchangeable decision,
even when it brings suffering, is to be accepted.
Among all the Islamic peoples there has remained a sense of fundamental equality before God of an international
solidarity that is basically capable of overcoming race (Arabs
and non-Arabs) and even the castes of India.
I am convinced that, despite all the renewed fears of Islam, there is a growing conviction among Christians that, in the light of Muhammad‘s place in world history, we must correct our attitude toward Islam. The ―scourge of exclusiveness‖, arising from Christian
dogmatic impatience and intolerance, condemned by the British historian Arnold Toynbee, must be abandoned. Regarding the figure of the prophet, I believe the following must be admitted:
Arabians in the seventh century rightly listened to and followed the voice of Muhammad.
In comparison to the very worldly polytheism of the old Arabian tribal religions before Muhammad, the religion of
the people was raised to a completely new level, that of a
purified monotheism.
The first Muslims received from Muhammad — or, better
still, from the Qur‘an — endless inspiration, courage, and
strength for a new religious start: a start toward greater
truth and deeper understanding, toward a breakthrough in
the revitalizing and renewal of traditional religion.
In truth, Muhammad was and is for persons in the Arabian world, and for many others, the religious reformer, lawgiver, and leader; the prophet per se. Basically Muhammad, who never claimed to be anything more than a human being, is more to those who follow him than a prophet is to us: he is a model for the mode of life that Islam strives to be. If the Catholic Church, according to the Vatican II
―Declaration on Non-Christian Religions‖, ―regards with esteem the Muslims‖, then the same church must also respect the one whose
name is embarrassingly absent from the same declaration, although he and he alone led the Muslims to pray to this one God, for through
him this God ―has spoken to humanity‖: Muhammad the prophet.
But does not such an acknowledgment have very grave consequences, especially for the message he proclaimed, the teachings set down in
the Qur‘an?
I think for the peoples of Arabia Muhammad‘s prophecy led to
tremendous progress. Whatever we Christians do with this fact, we must affirm that he acted as a prophet and that he was a prophet. I do not see how we can avoid the conclusion that on their way of salvation, Muslims follow a prophet who is decisive for them. (Hans Kung On "Is Muhammad A Prophet"?)
Mahatma Gandhi (2 October 1869–30 January 1948) was the pre-eminent political and spiritual leader of India during the Indian independence movement.
"I wanted to know the best of the life of one who holds today an undisputed sway over the hearts of millions of mankind.... I became more than ever convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those days in the scheme of life. It was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet the scrupulous regard for pledges, his intense devotion to his friends and followers, his intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission. These and not the sword carried everything before them and surmounted every obstacle. When I closed the second volume (of the Prophet's biography), I was sorry there was not more for me to read of that great life."
Gandhi also advocated his views on Islam, another great world religion. Islam is a religion of strict monotheism and rigorous ethical discipline. Gandhi had a very high esteem for this religion and regarded it as a religion of peace, love, kindness and brotherhood of all men. It may be true that sometimes the followers of Islam often took to sword for the spread of their religion, but this was not in accordance with the teachings of Koran. As Gandhi himself said in this connection:
"I do regard Islam to be a religion of peace" The charges of fanaticism against Islam cannot be justified, according to Gandhi as there are several passages in the Koran which speak of religious toleration. Of course, there is a place for Jihad in Islam and this Jihad is generally interpreted as a holy war against those who are not the followers of Islam. But Gandhi justifies the true meaning of Jihad by saying that the conditions laid down for the Jihad are so strict that they are not capable of being fulfilled by everybody. To quote Gandhi, "where is the unerring general to order Jihad? Where are the suffering and love and purification that much precede the very idea of drawing the sword? We are too imperfect and impure and selfish to resort to an armed conflict in the name of God." (Mahatma Gandhi, statement published in 'Young India,'1924.)
George Bernard Shaw (26 July 1856 – 2 November 1950) Born in Dublin, Ireland. He is the only person to have been awarded both a Nobel Prize for Literature (1925) and an Oscar (1938), for his contributions to literature and for his work on the film Pygmalion (adaption of his play of the same name), respectively.
"If any religion had the chance of ruling over England, nay Europe within the next hundred years, it could be Islam."
―I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation
because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capacity to the changing phase of existence which can make itself appeal to every age. I have studied him - the wonderful man and in my opinion for from being an antiChrist, he must be called the Savior of Humanity." "I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it the much needed peace and happiness: I have prophesied about the faith of Muhammad that it would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the
Europe of today.‖
"I have prophesized about the faith of Muhammad [peace be upon him] that it would be acceptable tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today."(Sir George Bernard Shaw in 'The Genuine Islam,' Vol. 1, No. 8, 1936.)
"Our use of the phrase 'The Dark Ages' to cover the period from 699
to 1000 marks our undue concentration on Western Europe … From
India to Spain, the brilliant civilisation of Islam flourished. What was lost to Christendom at this time was not lost to civilisation, but
quite the contrary … To us it seems that West-European civilisation is civilisation, but this is a narrow view". (Bertrand Russell in History of Western Philosophy, London, 1948)
Napoleon I (1769-1821), went into history as a military genius and statesman.
The existence and unity of Allah, which Musa, had announced to his own people and Isa to his own, was announced by Muhammad to the entire world. Arabia had become totally a country of idolaters. Six centuries after Isa, Muhammad initiated the Arabs into an awareness of Allah, whose existence prophets previous to him, such as Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail, Musa (Moses) and Isa (Jesus), had announced. Peace in the east had been disturbed by the Arians, [i.e. Christians who followed Arius], who had somehow developed a degree of friendship with the Arabs, and by heretics, who had defiled the true religion of Isa and were striving to spread in the name of religion a totally unintelligible credo which is based on trinity, i.e. God, Son of God, and the Holy Ghost. Muhammad guided the Arabs to the right way, taught them that Allah is one, that He does not have a father or a son, and that worshiping several gods is an absurd custom which is the continuation of idolatry."
At another place in his book he quotes Napoleon as having said, "I hope that in the near future I will have the chance to gather together the wise and cultured people of the world and establish a government that I will operate [in accordance with the principles written in Qur'an.]"
"Moses has revealed the existence of God to his nation, Jesus Christ to the Roman world, Muhammad [PBD] to the old continent… Arabia was idolatrous when, six centuries after Jesus, Muhammad
[PBD] introduced the worship of the God of Abraham, of Ishmael, of Moses and of Jesus [P]. The ayrians and some other sects had disturbed the tranquility of the East by agitating the question of the nature of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Muhammad [PBD] declared that there was none but One God Who had no father, no
son, and that the Trinity imported the idea of idolatry… I hope the time is not far off when I shall be able to unite all the wise and educated men of all the countries and establish a uniform regime based on the principles of the Qur'an which alone are true and which alone can lead men to happiness"
―I read the Bible; Moses was an able man, the Jews are villains,
cowardly and cruel. Is there anything more horrible than the story of
Lot and his daughters?‖
―The science which proves to us that the earth is not the centre of the
celestial movements has struck a great blow at religion. Joshua stops
the sun! One shall see the stars falling into the sea… I say that of all the suns and planets…‖
―Religions are always based on miracles, on such things than
nobody listens to like Trinity. Jesus called himself the son of God and he was a descendant of David. I prefer the religion of Muhammad. It has less ridiculous things than ours; the Turks also call us idolaters.‖ ―Surely, I have told you on different occasions and I have intimated to you by various discourses that I am a Unitarian Moslem and I glorify the prophet Muhammad and that I love the Muslims.‖
(Bonaparte et l'Islam, by Cherfils, Paris: France, pp.105-125)
ANNIE BESANT (1 October 1847–20 September 1933 in Adyar, India) was a prominent Theosophist, women's rights activist, writer and orator and supporter of Irish and Indian self rule. Annie became speaker for the Fabian Society and the (Marxist) Social Democratic Federation in London. In 1908 Annie Besant became President of the Theosophical Society.
"It is impossible for anyone who studies the life and character of the great Prophet of Arabia, who knew how he taught and how he lived, to feel anything but reverence for that mighty Prophet, one of the great messengers of the Supreme. And although in what I put to you I shall say many things which may be familiar to many, yet I myself feel, whenever I reread them, a new way of admiration, a new sense of reverence for that mighty Arabian teacher.
"I often think that woman is more free in Islam than in Christianity. Woman is more protected by Islam than by the faith which preaches monogamy. In Al Qur‘an the law about woman is more just and liberal. It is only in the last twenty years that Christian England has recognized the right of woman to property, while Islam has allowed this right from all times. It is slander to say that Islam preaches that women have no souls". (The Life and Teachings of Muhammad, 1932)."
Alphonse Marie Louis De Prat De Lamartine was a French writer, poet and politician (21 October 1790 - 28 February 1869). He is considered to be the first French romantic poet (though Charles-Julien Lioult de Chênedollé was working on similar innovations at the same time), and was acknowledged by Paul Verlaine and the Symbolists as an important influence.
"Never has a man set for himself, voluntarily or involuntarily, a more sublime aim, since this aim was superhuman; to subvert superstitions which had been imposed between man and his Creator, to render God unto man and man unto God; to restore the rational and sacred idea of divinity amidst the chaos of the material and disfigured gods of idolatry, then existing. Never has a man undertaken a work so far beyond human power with so feeble means, for he (Muhammad) had in the conception as well as in the execution of such a great design, no other instrument than himself and no other aid except a handful of men living in a corner of the desert. Finally, never has a man accomplished such a huge and lasting revolution in the world, because in less than two centuries after its appearance, Islam, in faith and in arms, reigned over the whole of Arabia, and conquered, in God's name, Persia Khorasan, Transoxania, Western India, Syria, Egypt, Abyssinia, all the known continent of Northern Africa, numerous islands of the Mediterranean Sea, Spain, and part of Gaul".
"If greatness of purpose, smallness of means, and astonishing results are the three criteria of a human genius, who could dare compare any great man in history with Muhammad? The most famous men created arms, laws, and empires only. They founded, if anything at all, no more than material powers which often crumbled away before their eyes. This man moved not only armies, legislations, empires, peoples, dynasties, but millions of men in one-third of the then inhabited world; and more than that, he moved the altars, the gods, the religions, the ideas, the beliefs and the souls. "On the basis of a Book, every letter which has become law, he created a spiritual nationality which blend together peoples of every tongue and race. He has left the indelible characteristic of this Muslim nationality the hatred of false gods and the passion for the One and Immaterial God. This avenging patriotism against the profanation of Heaven formed the virtue of the followers of Muhammad; the conquest of one-third the earth to the dogma was his miracle; or rather it was not the miracle of man but that of reason. "The idea of the unity of God, proclaimed amidst the exhaustion of the fabulous theogonies, was in itself such a miracle that upon it's utterance from his lips it destroyed all the ancient temples of idols and set on fire one-third of the world. His life, his meditations, his heroic revelings against the superstitions of his country, and his boldness in defying the furies of idolatry, his firmness in enduring them for fifteen years in Mecca, his acceptance of the role of public scorn and almost of being a victim of his fellow countrymen: all these and finally, his flight his incessant preaching, his wars against odds, his faith in his success and his superhuman security in misfortune, his forbearance in victory, his ambition, which was entirely devoted to one idea and in no manner striving for an empire; his endless prayers, his mystic conversations with God, his death and his triumph after death; all these attest not to an imposture but to a firm conviction which gave him the power to restore a dogma. This dogma was twofold the unity of God and the immateriality of God: the former telling what God is, the latter telling what God is not; the one overthrowing false gods with the sword, the other starting an idea with words.
"Philosopher, Orator, Apostle, Legislator, Conqueror of Ideas, Restorer of Rational beliefs.... The founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire that is Muhammad. As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he?" (Alphonse de LaMartaine in 'Historie de la Turquie,' Paris, 1854.)
Thomas Carlyle (4 December 1795 – 5 February 1881) was a Scottish satirical writer, essayist, historian and teacher during the Victorian era.
"… These Arabs, the man Muhammad and that one century, - is it not as if a spark had fallen, one spark on a world of what seemed black unnoticeable sand, but lo, the sand proves explosive powder, blazes heaven high from Delhi to Grenada: I said: the Great Man was always as lightening out of heaven; the rest of the men waited on him
like fuel, and then they too would flame … How one man single- handedly could weld warring tribes and wandering boudoirs into a most powerful and civilized nation in less then two decades". (Thomas Carlyle in 'Heroes and Hero Worship and the Heroic in History,' 1840)
He was a British historian and scholar of Islam (February 25, 1881 – November 8, 1973).
"The picture of the Muslim soldier advancing with a sword in one hand and the Qur'an in the other is quite false." (A. S. Tritton in 'Islam,' 1951)
―History makes it clear, however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historians have ever repeated.‖ (De Lacy O'leary in 'Islam at the Crossroads,' London, 1923.)
He was an English historian and Member of Parliament. (April 27, 1737 – January 16, 1794)
―The good sense of Muhammad despised the pomp of royalty. The
Apostle of God submitted to the menial offices of the family; he kindled the fire; swept the floor; milked the ewes; and mended with his own hands his shoes and garments. Disdaining the penance and merit of a hermit, he observed without effort of vanity the abstemious
diet of an Arab". (Gibbon in 'The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire' 1823)
He was a British orientalist and archaeologist. (18 December 1854 - 29 December 1931).
―He (Muhammad) was the most faithful protector of those he protected, the sweetest and most agreeable in conversation. Those who saw him were suddenly filled with reverence; those who came near him loved him; they who described him would say, "I have never seen his like either before or after." He was of great taciturnity, but when he spoke it was with emphasis and deliberation, and no one could forget what he said...‖ (Lane-Poole in 'Speeches and Table Talk of the Prophet Muhammad')
―He (Muhammad) was one of those happy few who have attained the supreme joy of making one great truth their very life spring. He was the messenger of One God, and never to his life's end did he forget who he was or the message which was the marrow of his being. He brought his tidings to his people with a grand dignity sprung from the consciousness of his high office, together with a most sweet humility.‖ (Stanley Lane-Poole in 'Studies in a Mosque')
"Islam is a religion that is essentially rationalistic in the widest sense of this term considered etymologically and historically....the teachings of the Prophet, the Qur'an has invariably kept its place as the fundamental starting point, and the dogma of unity of God has always been proclaimed therein with a grandeur a majesty, an invariable purity and with a note of sure conviction, which it is hard to find surpassed outside the pale of Islam....A creed so precise, so stripped of all theological complexities and consequently so accessible to the ordinary understanding might be expected to possess and does indeed possess a marvelous power of winning its way into the consciences of men." (Edward Montet, 'La Propagande Chretienne et ses Adversaries Musulmans,' Paris 1890. (Also in T.W. Arnold in 'The Preaching of Islam,' London 1913.)
Being destined for the rabbinate, he was taught Hebrew, as well as German and French; and he received instruction in Latin from the minister of his native town. Weil's great work was "Mohammed, der Prophet" (Stuttgart, 1843), a life of Mohammed.
"Muhammad was a shining example to his people. His character was pure and stainless. His house, his dress, his food - they were characterized by a rare simplicity. So unpretentious was he that he would receive from his companions no special mark of reverence, nor would he accepts any service from his slave which he could do for himself. He was accessible to all and at all times. He visited the sick and was full of sympathy for all. Unlimited was his benevolence and generosity as also was his anxious care for the welfare of the community." (Dr. Gustav Weil in 'History of the Islamic Peoples')
MICHAEL HART (born 1956) has been Fellow in Politics at Exeter College, Oxford since 1982. Hart has been a Liberal Party Councillor on Oxford City Council. Philosophically, he is a liberal, but combines this with a belief in the need for a strong state.
―My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world‘s most
influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the secular and religious level. ...It is probable that the relative influence of Muhammad on Islam has been larger than the combined influence of Jesus Christ and St. Paul on Christianity. ...It is this unparalleled combination of secular and religious influence which I feel entitles Muhammad to be considered the most influential single figure in human history.‖ (Michael Hart in 'The 100, A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons In History,' New York, 1978. )
JOHN WILLIAM DRAPER (May 5, 1811 – January 4, 1882) was an American (English-born) scientist, philosopher, physician, chemist, and historian.
"Four years after the death of Justinian, A.D. 569, was born in Mecca, in Arabia, the man who, of all men, has exercised the greatest influence upon the human race... To be the religious head of many empires, to guide the daily life of one-third of the human race, may perhaps justify the title of a Messenger of God." (Dr. William Draper in 'History of Intellectual Development of Europe')
"Judged by the smallness of the means at his disposal, and the extent and permanence of the work that he accomplished, his name in world's history shines with a more specious lustre than that of the Prophet of Mekka. To the impulse which he gave numberless dynasties have owed their existence, fair cities and stately palaces and temples have arisen, and wide provinces became obedient to the Faith. And beyond all this, his words have governed the belief of generations, been accepted as their rule of life, and their certain guide to the world to come. At a thousand shrines the voices of the faithful invoke blessings on him, whom they esteem the very Prophet of God, the seal of the Apostles.... Judged by the standards to human renown, the glory of what mortal can compare with his?" (J.W.H. STAB in 'Islam and its Founder')
Washington Irving (April 3, 1783 – November 28, 1859) was an American author, essayist, biographer and historian of the early 19th century. His historical works include biographies of George Washington, Oliver Goldsmith and Muhammad, and several histories of 15th-century Spain dealing with subjects such as Christopher Columbus, the Moors, and the Alhambra.
"He was sober and abstemious in his diet and a rigorous observer of fasts. He indulged in no magnificence of apparel, the ostentation of a petty mind; neither was his simplicity in dress affected but a result of real disregard for distinction from so trivial a source. " "In his private dealings he was just. He treated friends and strangers, the rich and poor, the powerful and weak, with equity, and was beloved by the common people for the affability with which he received them, and listened to their complaints. " "His military triumphs awakened no pride nor vain glory, as they would have done had they been effected for selfish purposes. In the time of his greatest power he maintained the same simplicity of manners and appearance as in the days of his adversity. So far from affecting a regal state, he was displeased if, on entering a room, any unusual testimonials of respect were shown to him. If he aimed at a universal dominion, it was the dominion of faith; as to the temporal rule which grew up in his hands, as he used it without ostentation, so he took no step to perpetuate it in his family." (Washington Irving 'Mahomet and His Successors')
"It was the genius of Muhammad, the spirit that he breathed into the Arabs through the soul of Islam that exalted them. That raised them out of the lethargy and low level of tribal stagnation up to the high watermark of national unity and empire. It was in the sublimity of Muhammad's deism, the simplicity, the sobriety and purity it inculcated the fidelity of its founder to his own tenets, which acted on their moral and intellectual fiber with all the magnetism of true inspiration." (Arthur Glyn Leonard in 'Islam, Her Moral and Spiritual Values')
Charles Mills, an English historian, born (1788 -1825). His principal works are: "History of Mohammedanism" (8vo, London, 1817); "History of the Crusades" (2 vols. 8vo, 1820); and "History of Chivalry" (2 vols. 8vo, 1825).
"Deeply read in the volume of nature, though extremely ignorant of letters, his mind could expand into controversy with the wisest of his enemies or contract itself to the apprehension of meanest of his disciples. His simple eloquence was rendered impressive by a manner of mixed dignity and elegance, by the expression of a countenance where the awfulness of his majesty was so well tempered by an amiable sweetness, that it exerted emotions of veneration and love. He was gifted with that authoritative air or genius which alike influences the learned and commands the illiterate." (Charles Stuart Mills in 'History of Mohammadanism')
Philip Khuri Hitti (1886 - 1978). He was of Maronite Christian religion. He created the discipline of Arabic Studies in the United States.
"Within a brief span of mortal life, Muhammad called forth of unpromising material, a nation, never welded before; in a country that was hitherto but a geographical expression he established a religion which in vast areas suppressed Christianity and Judaism, and laid the basis of an empire that was soon to embrace within its far flung boundaries the fairest provinces the then civilized world."
(Philip K. Hitti in 'History of the Arabs')
John Medows Rodwell, 1808–1900. Clergyman and orientalist.
Rector of St Peter‘s, Saffron Hill, London, 1836–43; rector of St
Ethelburga‘s, Bishopsgate, 1843–1900. Commenced oriental studies as a young man. Published an English version of the Qur'an in 1861.
―Mohammad's career is a wonderful instance of the force and life that resides in him who possesses an intense faith in God and in the unseen world. He will always be regarded as one of those who have had that influence over the faith, morals and whole earthly life of their fellow men, which none but a really great man ever did, or can exercise; and whose efforts to propagate a great verity will prosper."
(Rodwell in the Preface to his translation of the Holy Qur'an)
William Montgomery Watt, Orientalist and priest (1909 –2006). He was probably the foremost non-Muslim interpreter of Islam in the West, was an enormously influential scholar in the field of Islamic studies and a much-revered name for many Muslims all over the world.
"His readiness to undergo persecution for his beliefs, the high moral character of the men who believed in him and looked up to him as a leader, and the greatness of his ultimate achievement - all argue his fundamental integrity. To suppose Muhammad an impostor raises more problems that it solves. Moreover, none of the great figures of history is so poorly appreciated in the West as Muhammad.... Thus, not merely must we credit Muhammad with essential honesty and integrity of purpose, if we are to understand him at all; if we are to correct the errors we have inherited from the past, we must not forget the conclusive proof is a much stricter requirement than a show of plausibility, and in a matter such as this only to be attained with difficulty." (W. Montgomery Watt in 'Muhammad at Mecca,' Oxford, 1953.)
David George Hogarth (1862 -1927) was a British archaeologist and scholar. Works: A Wandering Scholar (1896), The Penetration of Arabia: a Record of Western Knowledge Concerning the Arabian Peninsula (1905), The Archaic Artemisia of Ephesus (1908), Arabia (1922), Kings of the Hittites (1926).
"Serious or trivial, his daily behavior has instituted a canon which millions observe this day with conscious memory. No one regarded by any section of the human race as Perfect Man has ever been imitated so minutely. The conduct of the founder of Christianity has not governed the ordinary life of his followers. Moreover, no founder of a religion has left on so solitary an eminence as the Muslim apostle." (D. G. Hogarth in 'Arabia')
James Albert Michener (1907 –1997) was an American author of more than 40 titles, the majority of which are novels of sweeping sagas, covering the lives of many generations in a particular geographic locale and incorporating historical facts into the story as well. Michener was known for the meticulous research behind his work.
"No other religion in history spread so rapidly as Islam. The West has widely believed that this surge of religion was made possible by the sword. But no modern scholar accepts this idea, and the Qur‘an
is explicit in the support of the freedom of conscience." "Muhammad, the inspired man who founded Islam, was born about A.D. 570 into an Arabian tribe that worshiped idols. Orphaned at birth, he was always particularly solicitous of the poor and needy, the widow and the orphan, the slave and the downtrodden. At twenty he was already a successful businessman, and soon became director of camel caravans for a wealthy widow. When he reached twenty-five his employer recognizing his merit, proposed marriage. Even though she was fifteen years older, he married her and as long as she lived remained a devoted husband."
―Like almost every major prophet before him, Muhammad fought shy
of serving as the transmitter of God‘s word sensing his own inadequacy. But the Angel commanded ‗Read‘. So far as we know,
Muhammad was unable to read or write, but he began to dictate those inspired words which would soon revolutionize a large segment of the earth: "There is one God"."
―In all things Muhammad was profoundly practical. When his
beloved son Ibrahim died, an eclipse occurred and rumors of God 's personal condolence quickly arose. Whereupon Muhammad is said to
have announced, ‗An eclipse is a phenomenon of nature. It is foolish to attribute such things to the death or birth of a human being'."
―At Muhammad's own death an attempt was made to deify him, but
the man who was to become his administrative successor killed the hysteria with one of the noblest speeches in religious history: ‗If there
are any among you who worshiped Muhammad, he is dead. But if it
is God you Worshiped, He lives for ever'.‖ (James Michener in ‗Islam: The Misunderstood Religion,‘ Reader‘s Digest, May 1955, pp. 68-70.)
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