Author (s): Ayatullah al-`Uzma al-Hajj ash-Shaykh Nasir Makarim Shirazi
Category: Imam al-Mahdi
Person Tags: Imam Mahdi
This text, authored by Ayatullah Makarim Shirazi sheds light on the nature of the universal government that will exist with the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (AFS) at the end of time. His method of government, awaiting his reappearance and the way victory will be achieved by this great peacemaker is discussed and presented.
Biography of the Author
The eminent scholar, Ayatullah al-`Uzma al-Hajj ash-Shaykh Nasir Makarim Shirazi was born in the year 1345 AH (1924 CE) in the city of Shiraz, Iran to a religious family who were well known for their great level of spirituality and noble ethical traits. His Eminence finished his elementary school studies in Shiraz and due to his eagerness to learn, his powerful memorizing capabilities, and other great talents, he was regarded as one of the extraordinary students from amongst his fellow classmates. Thus, he was able to complete two years of studies in one year!
The conditions that existed in Iran in those days obligated this young man, who possessed such a talent and great aptitude, to choose the path of University studies to increase his knowledge and attain advanced levels of secular studies. However through the hand of fate, the blessings of the Maintainer of the Universe, and his own internal desires, this young man developed an attraction to becoming better acquainted and delve deep into the genuine teachings of Islam. This attraction was intensified when after
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the spring of 1348 AH (1937 CE) (just after he finished his primary school) , the Islamic Seminaries went thru a major transformation and had taken on a completely new form.
His Studies
His Eminence started his formal Islamic studies at the age of 14 in Madressah Agha Babakhan Shirazi and within a short period of time, was able to complete the introductory studies such as Sarf, Nahw, Mantiq, Bayan, and Badi`, which were all needed to advance to the next level of Islamic studies.
After completing these sciences, he turned his attention towards the fields of Fiqh (Jurisprudence) and Usul al-Fiqh (Principles of Jurisprudence). Once again, due to the exceptional capabilities that he possessed, he was able to complete all courses in the introductory and intermediate levels of Islamic study in only 4 years—a task which normally takes 12 to 15 years. During this time, a group of students from the Islamic Seminary in Shiraz were also benefiting from the classes that he himself was teaching.
The positive criticisms and personal opinions of His Eminence on the classes being held in Qum, and regarding the need to include additional information in the texts currently being taught in various theological seminaries there, definitely played a role in the bright future that awaited him. While in religious gatherings in this city, his capabilities and genius, as well as meticulous and deep thought were witnessed by others; thus, no one was able to deny his God-given talents.
Although this brilliant star was only a mere 18 years
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old, through his deep penetrating knowledge and a gift for written expression , he was able to write a commentary on the book Kifayatul Usul (one of the major books of `Ilmul Usul that must be studied in the Theological Seminary). In this commentary he was able to bring to light the ambiguous issues mentioned in this classic book. At the age of 18, he formally entered the Theological Seminary of Qum. For the next five years, he was present in the religious gatherings and classes of some of the greatest teachers of those days, such as Ayatullah al-`Uzma al-Hajj as-Sayyid Muhammad Husain Burujerdi and other great personalities (may Allah be pleased with them all).
In 1369 AH (1950 CE) Ayatullah Shirazi made his ay to the Theological Seminaries of Najaf Al Ashraf. His purpose was to become better acquainted with the great scholars who were studying and teaching there, to learn more about their ideas and thoughts.. It was here that he was able to take part in the classes of some of the greatest teachers of that era such as: Ayatullah al-`Uzma al-Hajj as-Sayyid Muhsin al-Hakim, Ayatullah al-`Uzma al-Hajj as-Sayyid Abul Qasim al-Khu'i and Ayatullah al-`Uzma al-Hajj `Abdul Hadi ash-Shirazi and other great teachers (may Allah sanctify their spirits).
At the age of 24, His Eminence was granted the status of having complete Ijtihad from two of the great scholars of Najaf al-Ashraf. In addition, Ayatullah al-`Uzma al-Hajj as-Sayyid Muhsin al-Hakim even wrote a short, but comprehensive
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letter of commendation for His Eminence's notes on the lessons of Fiqh (The Book of Taharah).
His thirst for acquiring and gaining more knowledge continued with the great teachers in Najaf al-Ashraf. However, since he did not have the means to survive and continue his studies in this holy city, he was forced to return to Iran in the year 1370 AH (1951 CE). He made his way back to the holy city of Qum which was now the centre of gathering religious scholars. Once again, he joined the circle of scholars who later on, had a profound impact on his life.
After returning to Iran, Ayatullah Nasir Makarim Shirazi began teaching the intermediate and higher level of studies (Kharij) in Usul al-Fiqh and Fiqh. He has been teaching these classes for several decades in the theological seminary, classes which have been warmly accepted and appreciated by a large number of students. In addition, after teaching a large number of the important books of Fiqh, he went on to write summaries and notes of these great works. At present the classes of Kharij of Usul of this great personality are one of the most popular classes in the Hawza `Ilmiyyah of the Shi`a; close to 2,000 of the most dedicated and dynamic students who take part and benefit from his lectures!
From the beginning of his studies, he developed the habit of writing books in various fields of Islamic studies such as Theology, Islamic Awareness and the issue of Wilayah (of the
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Ahlul Bait). Moving ahead, he started to write on the Exegesis of the Qur'an, Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh and is currently known and recognized as one of the greatest writers in the Muslim world.
Political Activities
His Eminence was also very active in the early days that culminated in the Islamic Revolution of Iran and it is because of this fact that he was thrown in the despotic ruler's jail many times. In addition, he was even exiled on three separate occasions to three different cities - Chanharat, Mahabad and Anarak. However after the Revolution, he was appointed to the first Council of Representatives and played a pivotal role in writing the first constitution.
The Religious Help and Support
Ayatullah Nasir Makarim Shirazi has been quite active in various fields of teaching and guiding the up-and-coming scholars in the Theological Seminary of Qum, and has embarked on various projects and endeavors, of which we mention just a few:
1. Religious Publications Centre for the Shi`a
From some time back, His Eminence felt the need for the Hawza `Ilmiyyah of Qum to have a general publication organization which would be able to defend the Shi`a from the works that were being published by those wishing to mislead the people, unfortunately whose number is great.
In addition, this is also something that the Muslims expected from such a great Islamic University such as the Hawza `Ilmiyyah, and thus people from different strata of the community starting from the great Mara`ja Taqlid of the Hawza and others also put forward this request that without doubt, a magazine should be published
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that would be able to answer the religious enquiries of the youth and give them the answers that they were looking for. In addition, such a publication would be able to fight against the books and magazines that were coming out aiming to mislead the people.
Due to the fact that at that time, there were some minds (within the Theological Seminary) that were not ready to accept such a publication, thus, His Eminence sought out serious and original-writing scholars capable of writing original articles to place the heavy responsibility on their shoulders of producing such a publication. In this regard, His Eminence, along with a group of other scholars and the assistance of the leaders of the Hawza `Ilmiyyah of Qum and the financial support of well wishers, launched the magazine, “Maktab-e-Islam”.
This magazine was definitely something which was unparalleled in the Shi`a world and maybe, compared to the various religious magazines being published at that time, from the point of view of its range of circulation was the number one magazine across the entire Muslim world. This magazine brought a fresh new path of direction to the great students and thinkers of the Hawzah.
At present, this publication has been going on strong for over 39 years, offering its valuable services to the Muslim world and the Shi`a communities. The magazine has found a special spot within the hearts of the youth, university students, teachers and other noble personalities and it is through this publication that the light
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of Islam and Tashayya` has been spread from its focal point (Qum) to the entire world.
2. Organizing Gatherings to Offer Lessons in Theology and other Religious Teachings
His Eminence felt that the books that had been written in the field of Islamic Theology were not sufficient, nor were they, with the passing of time, able to answer the questions that were being raised. In addition, these books were also not adequate in addressing the needs of the current era. The traditional books of theology were written centuries ago where the questions that the materialists of today bring up were not mentioned. Also, the traditional books written in the past did not discuss the various world religions who were hoping to impose their values on the world. In addition, the older books brought up issues which were timely in their own day, like those in relation to the Asha`ris and Mu`tazili, but which may not be pertinent or applicable at the current time..
Thus His Eminence, relying upon his literary talent and exceptional abilities, was able to present the Theological Islamic beliefs and the five Principles of Religion in an unparalleled way! I through organizing theological discussions with hundreds of people in attendance who were being made aware of these issues, a compact and concise book was compiled and published.
3. Islamic Council to Protect the Youth
His Eminence gave unparalleled lessons on Theology. He also taught other lessons and led discussions, educating his students in eight different subjects from amongst the different schools of thought throughout the world. Through these classes those being trained would be able to discuss and
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have debates with others, who are busy propagating other beliefs and schools of thought. They would be able to write books concerning their beliefs, and to be able to answer any questions or issues that they put forth.
Within a short period of time, these religious gatherings were able to produce students - each one of whom was firmly grounded and specialized in a particular field of study. And even today, a group of active youth who are well known authors within the Hawza `Ilmiyyah, are busy with these studies... As well, in order to save our dear youth from the clutches of corruption, His Eminence formed an organization called the Educational Assembly for Protection of the Younger Generation. One of the outcomes of this assembly is the publication of material that would be attractive to the youth, and his office made them available to the youth very promptly.
4. Struggles Against Deviant Thoughts
On one of his trips to the city of Shiraz, His Eminence came face to face with one of the Sufi groups in this city. A group of people in Shiraz requested him to write a book that would outline the principles of these Sufis - one that would explain their beliefs in a polite and respectful manner. His Eminence, by making use of the resources available to him, sat down to write this book in the year 1953 CE which outlined their beliefs and thoughts, and he named it ”The Manifestation of Truth”.
The method in which he wrote this book caught
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the attention of the late Ayatullah al-`Uzma Burujerdi (may Allah be pleased with him) and after requesting His Eminence to see him, he congratulated the author for his valuable efforts. In relation to this book, Ayatullah al-`Uzma Burujerdi (may Allah be pleased with him) wrote the following commendation, “I have gone through this book in my spare time and did not find even the smallest of weak points in it. May Allah reward you for your troubles. ”
5. Establishing Organizations and Centres of Learning
In these regards, His Eminence had made the intention of establishing such organizations in the same number of Ma`sumin (peace be upon all of them) that we have (14) and with the praise of Allah up until now, he has been successful in establishing four such important schools within the Theological Seminary of Qum and two religious organizations for the welfare of the students who are living in the city of Mashad.
6. Writings
The number of publications of His Eminence currently lies at approximately 130 volumes of books which have all been printed - some of which have been reprinted more than 30 times! Some of these have even been translated into more than 10 living languages of the world and have been published in various parts of the world.
The commentary of the Qur'an authored by him, Tafsir-e-Namuna (The Ideal Commentary) has been translated into many languages, including `Arabic (al-Amthal Fi Tafsir al-Qur'an) , and can be found in many homes. In addition to this commentary, he has also authored a thematic commentary of the Qur'an
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entitled Payam-e-Qur'an (The Message of the Qur'an) which has opened up a new chapter in the field of exegesis of the Noble Qur'an.
In addition, the books he has written on the theological beliefs have been a place where others can seek refuge from the assault of books written with false beliefs in them.
Of the books of Fiqh that he has written, we mention a few: Anwar al-Fuqahah, al-Qawa`idul Fiqhiyyah, Anwar al-Usul and the notes and commentaries on the complete text of `Urwatul Wuthqa which has been printed many times over.
His practical guide for Muslims (Tawdhihul Masail) has also been printed many times and has also been translated into `Arabic, Urdu, Turkish, Azari and English.
A complete list of other publications of this great scholar which have been translated into English and are available is as follows. Most of these can be read on his website at www. makaremshirazi. org [6].
1. Ethical Discources [40 Lectures on Ethics and Morality] - volume 1, 2 & 3 translated by Saleem Bhimji -published by the World Federation of KSIMC [www. world-federation. org [7]]
2. Khums: The Islamic Tax translated by Saleem Bhimji - published by the Islamic Humanitarian Service [www. al-haqq. com [8]]
3. Lessons in Islamic Beliefs - Tawhid, 'Adalah, Nubuwwah, Imamah, and Ma'ad translated by Laleh Bakhtiyar - published by Ansariyan Publications [www. ansariyan. org [9]]
4. Life Under the Grace of Ethics translated by Monir Shafiei - published by the Office of Ayatullah Makarim Shirazi [www. makaremshirazi. org [6]]
5. Message of the Qur'an - A Thematic Exegesis of the Noble Qur'an volume 1
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of 10 translated by Saleem Bhimji - published by the World Federation of KSIMC [www. world-federation. org [7]]
6. One Hundred and Eighty Questions - volumes 1, 2 & 3 translated by Shahnawaz Mahdawi - published by the World Federation of KSIMC [www. world-federation. org [7]]
7. One Hundred and Fifty Lessons for Life translated by the office of Ayatullah al-'Uzma Shaykh Nasir Makarim Shirazi - published by Ansariyan Publications [www. ansariyan. org [9]]
8. Our Beliefs translated by the office of Ayatullah al-'Uzma Shaykh Nasir Makarim Shirazi - published by the Office of Ayatullah Makarim Shirazi [www. makaremshirazi. org [6]]
9. Philosophy of Islamic Rulings written in co-operation with Ayatullah Ja'far Subhani Translated by Sayyid Athar Rizvi - published by Ansariyan Publications [www. ansariyan. org [9]]
10. Summary of the Islamic Rulings translated by 'Ali Abdul Rasheed - published by the Office of Ayatullah Makarim Shirazi [www. makaremshirazi. org [6]]
11. Tafsir of the Noble Qur'an - Suratul Jinn translated by Saleem Bhimji - published by the Islamic Humanitarian Service and the World Federation of KSIMC [www. al-haqq. com [8]] & [www. world-federation. org [7]]
12. The tradition of Ghadir - The Expressive Evidence for Imamate translated by the office of Ayatullah al-'Uzma Shaykh Nasir Makarim Shirazi - published by the Office of Ayatullah Makarim Shirazi [www. makaremshirazi. org [6]]
13. The Noble Qur'an - Translation and Commentary - volume 1 - 4 translated by Mansoor Amini - published by the Office of Ayatullah Makarim Shirazi [www. makaremshirazi. org [6]]
14. The Islamic Laws translated by the office of Ayatullah al-'Uzma Shaykh Nasir Makarim Shirazi - published by the Office of Ayatullah Makarim Shirazi [www. makaremshirazi. org [6]]
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day that:
Dark clouds of tyranny and corruption cover the sky worldwide.
The day that:
The evil forces that would devour the world sink their claws even deeper into the throats of suffering people of the world.
The day that:
All principles are hidden from people’s minds when they weigh their thoughts, other than the principles of materialism and hedonism.
The day that:
Powerful waves of propaganda of the tyrants of the east and the west, present the Truth as false, and make falsehood seem to be the Truth, to secure their own illegitimate ends.
And finally the day that:
The lash of unkindness, narrow-mindedness, segregation, prejudice, illiberalities, envies, separations, discriminations, and oppression strike; injuring the backs of the vulnerable people of the world.
At that moment, our hopeful eyes are turned toward you, great universal peacemaker.
To your universal revolution and government!
And ask Allah on our behalf that we may have the divinely given success to your God for our success in making ourselves competent, in development of mind and thought, in fighting and jihad and in reforming the world in all aspects, for participating in that great revolutionary program.
All Curious Persons Ask Themselves
1) Is peace, justice, security and freedom of people from the hands of any kind of oppression, injustice, discrimination and imperialism, the future destiny of humanity?
Or, as some people predict, chaos increases, distances become more, disharmonies and imbalances advance and finally a nuclear or super-nuclear world war destroys human civilization and if some humans remain on the earth then they will be retarded, handicapped, forlorn and helpless?
2) If
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the first opinion is correct and peace and justice is the destiny then why?
3) If the world should go to "justice", "peace" and "brotherhood" then are they achievable without a revolution? And in other words, are "gradual corrections" and "reforms" capable of changing the general feature of the world with this much of conflicts?
4) If it is necessary for a revolution to happen then is it possible solely through material laws, or it isn't possible without using immaterial principles and genuine human values?
5) And again, if we accept that it is possible to make such revolution, in any way, and then what should be the characteristics of the leader of this revolution?
6) Is the result of this revolution necessarily a "universal united government"?
7) Isn't any preparation necessary in advance for such revolution?
8) Are these preparations available in the present world or not? And if they are not available then presently, is the world going toward these preparations or against them?
9) Are these matters, in any way, related to general belief of religions about the advent of a great divine peacemaker?
10) How is the general belief of Muslims about the advent of "Mahdi" and what is its relation with these future-maker issues?
11) Does believing in such advent draw us toward general reformation of the world through a multilateral revolution, or as some people assume, takes us far from that?
12) Is this general concept and belief of religions an objective reality and the result of logical reasons, or is it just an
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imagination for false saturation of repressed desires of humans in the general missing way which is "peace" and "justice’?
In this book, it is tried to answer these questions free of fanatical and extremist inclinations and free of illogical prejudices; answers which come from the depths of the soul, which are compatible with wisdom and answers which can satisfy the "wisdom", "feelings", "soul" and "spirit".
It was a while that I was providing notes about the foresaid discussions, but congestion of the tasks in Qom didn't permit me to "explain", "organize" and "complete" them, and perpetual temptation which I have in writing a book prevented me to publish them in that form, and truly they were raw and incomplete.
But adventures and happenings took me to the place, which I did never believe.
The Port of Chabahar!... Which means the most far-off and insalubrious place of Iran, which is approximately 2300 km far from Tehran and has very limited facilities for living and its people are unbelievably deprived.
Fortunately, this forced journey happened in winter, a winter which was sometimes spring and sometimes summer with its water and ices and cooling equipment’s!
Since maybe 90 percent of the people were Sunnis, it was an opportunity to contact some of their educated ones, remembering the time when I was in Hejaz, and gatherings were made which were mostly formed by these religious brothers; fortunately, the result of these gatherings were interesting and considerable.
In this desert region, beside blue waters of Sea of Oman, under its sky
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full of stars, and in this corner of solitude, naturally there were more opportunities for studying; and by using this unexpected opportunity, one of the first discussions which I began to study was this discussion (and beside that, some jurisprudential studies which were not possible to be performed in this way in Qom) ; and totally I concluded that according to "عَسی أَنْ تَکْرَهُوا شَیئاً وَهُوَ خَیرٌ لَکُم" (maybe you dislike a thing but it is good for you) maybe spending these times of "exile" was necessary in different aspects.
I hope that the discussions of this book would be an answer to the request of educated persons who intend to study the issue of the advent of the great universal peacemaker as a research.
Also, I hope that reading this book gives us new visions for the fight which we have began against "oppression and corruption" and we continue this fight until the end of domination of tyrants over our society.
Albeit, certainly it is possible that the content of this book has deficiencies especially because few research books have been written in this subject.
The author will appreciate any opinion, correction and criticism of dear readers and experts to be sent directly to him (to Qom seminary).
Chabahar, Nasir Makarim Shirazi
Safar 1398 - Bahman 1356 - February 1978
Bright Future
We see that the future of the world is bright because of some reasons:
1) Evolution of Societies
2) Coordination with Universal System
3) Social Reactions (the law of reaction)
4) Social Obligations
5) Human Nature and "Peace and Universal
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1) Evolution of Societies
There is no doubt that at the first look, evidences show that the world is moving toward a "disaster"; the disaster which is the result of "leaving the affections", "increment of the distance between rich and poor societies", "intensification of conflicts between big and small governments", "fast growth of crimes", "moral, spiritual and intellectual disorders", "unfavorable and unpredicted products of mechanical life", etc.
A disaster which its feature will be described by comparing today's conditions with the past and is considered as an effective factor for the growth of sprouts of pessimism in the depths of the minds of the most optimistic people.
International known people say:
The amount of atomic bombs stored at the arsenals of big governments is enough for completely demolishing the entire population of the world, not only once but seven times!
They didn't have built these armaments with those tremendous costs, which can be expressed by astronomical figures, without purpose, they are not plaything, they have been built for a frightening war; and finding an excuse for beginning that war is not a hard task in this world with this much of border conflicts and mutual violation of interests and detonable regions.
Also, we can find enough "feeling of ambition" and "madness of power" in major rulers of today's world, for beginning such war!
Therefore, it is predictable that in a not so far future "the big disaster" happens and humanity vanishes in a widespread nuclear war, or because of economical poverty as the result of monopolization of the big powers,
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or the end of energy resources or inhabitability of the environment!
But against this much of elementary factors for pessimism, deeper studies show that bright future is coming:
These dark clouds with frightening thunders will finally disappear.
This pitch-black night will be followed by a bright hopeful dawn.
This coldness of the winter of ignorance, corruption, oppression and injustice will be followed by the glowing spring of justice.
This lethal sadness, this fatal storm and this destructive flood finally ends, and if we see clearly there are signs of the coast of rescue in faraway horizons!
The first logical reason for this matter is the law of evolution of societies:
From the day in which humans have found themselves, didn't have an invariable life, but they have tried to move themselves and their society forward by the inspiration of inner motive, and maybe unconsciously.
About housing, someday humans were living in caves and now they have built skyscrapers; which can hold the population of a small city by having all living tools and necessary facilities of people of a city!
About clothing, someday humans made their clothes from leaves, but today they have thousands of types of clothes with thousands of designs and forms and still seeking more colors, designs and materials.
Someday the food was so simple and limited, but today it has become so expanded that only mentioning the names of the foods need a big book.
Someday feet were the only vehicle, but today humans get in spacecrafts and move through the skies and visit other planets.
About science
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and knowledge, someday a piece of paper could include the entire human knowledge, although it has not been invented yet, but today even millions of books cannot express the human knowledge.
That day, discovering the fire and inventing a round object like the "wheel" and a sharp tool like a "dagger" was a great discovery and invention, and he was very happy of passing a river by building a bridge over it when he has put a tree on that, but today heavy industries and astonishing inventions confuse any observer, and complicated system of electronic brains moves him into a world of imagination and dreams.
And it is wonderful that humans are satisfied with none of them and still tries to reach a higher level, a pursuing and unstopped endeavor.
We conclude from the whole discussion that love of perfection is an everlasting fire inside the human soul, and in fact one of great advantages of human; which separates him from animals and other living creatures, which are not progressing for millions of years and seemingly have an invariable life, is this.
And again finely it can be concluded that, this great organization won't be stopped and still moving humanity in the way of perfections and uses its forces for overcoming problems, disorders and disharmonies of present life.
It takes toward a society in which "moral perfections" and "material perfections" are in company.
Toward a society in which there is no effect of destructive and anti-perfection wars and bloodsheds.
Toward a society in which only "peace and
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justice" rule the destiny of humans, and in which aggression and imperialism, which are the most important obstacles of his "material and spiritual perfection", are dead.
Maybe some people say that all previous perfections were in material aspects and there is no reason for evolution to include spiritualities.
But, the answer of this question is clear, because:
Firstly, it is also possible to find lots of principles of spirituality and humanity in previous perfections; for example, there are no few immaterial sciences among human sciences which have advanced greatly toward perfection; and for instance, the belief of primitive humans about "god", which was in the form of worshiping stones, wood and even idols made of dates, is not comparable with the understanding of a clear-minded God-believing scholar or a spiritual wise man living today about this issue.
Secondly, perfection is perfection in anywhere, and the love; which we find inside our souls about that have no limit and we are searching for that in all aspects and moving toward that.
Furthermore, material and spiritual principles are not separated; and for instance, the spirit of aggression and dominance is as destructive for material life of humans as a powerful atomic bomb! Even the second one won't be used without the first one!
And from this point, we understand that perfection will be continues in all aspects.
This is the time when the first sparkle of hope for reaching the bright future and the world full of peace and kindness, brotherhood and equality appears under "the law of evolution
of societies".
2) Coordination with Universal System
The universe of existence, as far as we know, is a combination of systems.
Existence of ordered and general laws all around this universe is the reason for the integration of this system.
The matter of order, law and calculation in the field of creation is one of the most essential issues of this world.
For instance, if we see that hundreds of powerful electronic brain systems collaborate to open the ways for space travelers by performing precise calculations and their calculations have correct results and the moon-landing boat lands at the exact expected point on moon, while moon and earth are moving fast, then we should note that this procedure owes the precise system of the Solar System and its planets and moons; because if they deviated from their constant and ordered rout then the destiny of space travelers was different and it was not known that where they had been thrown.
We enter a small, smaller and very small world from the big universe; here, especially in the world of living creatures, order has a more living meaning and chaos has no place in that; for example, disorder of brain cells of a human is enough for disordering the organized system of his/her life in a sad manner.
It was in the news, that a young student approximately forgot all of his past because of a severe strike to the head in a car accident; while he is healthy in other aspects, he doesn't know his own brother and sister and becomes
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frightened when his mother hugs and kisses him, that what does this stranger woman want from me!
They take him to his birthplace to the room in which he has grown up, he looks at his artworks and paintings and says it is the first time that he is seeing this room and paintings! Maybe he thinks he has come from another planet that everything is new for him.
Maybe, from billions of his brain cells only few cells, which connected the past to the present, have been damaged, but this little disorder has caused such a tremendous effect!
We magnify an atom and it seems like the Solar System and assumedly, we shrink the Solar System and it will be similar to an atom, both have the same order, the biggest systems and the smallest ones!
In a universe like this, is it possible for humans, which are a part of the whole, to take an exceptional condition and become an inharmonious attachment!
Is it possible for human society to recede from the way of great river of the universe of creation, which everything moves with program and in order, by choosing "no order", chaos, oppression and injustice, disorder and disharmony?!
Doesn't observing the current general condition of the universe make us think that humanity should obey the system of the universe of existence anyway, and accept its order and fair laws and return to the main route and become in harmony with this system?!
We look at the structure of complicated and various organs
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of human body and we see that they all obey laws and orders; in this case, how is it possible for human society to survive without following the rules and laws and correct and fair order?!
We want to survive and try for that, but still our social awareness has not reached the level in which we understand that continuing the current way will end in our inexistence; but gradually we will become wise and this understanding and growth will be achieved for us.
We want to have our interests, but still we don't know that continuing the current conditions will destroy our interests, but gradually, we will put living and expressive figures and statistics, for example about nuclear competition, in front of our eyes and we will see that how half of intellectual and physical powers of the world and half of the assets and large properties will be wasted in this way; not only they will be wasted but even they will be used for destroying the second half!
While the level of our awareness increases, we clearly find that we should join the general system of universe and we should practically be a part of the whole as we are in reality, in order to be able to reach our goals in all constructive fields.
Conclusion: Universal system is another reason for the acceptance of a correct social system in the future in the world of humanity.
3) Social Reactions
It is not only in the discussions of physics that we face a law
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called "the Law of Reaction" that for instance, if an objects hits a wall with a specific force then it will be moved in the opposite direction with the same force, but we found this law more sensible in social issues.
Historical experiences show us that changes and expanded revolutions have always been the direct reaction to the previous pressures; and maybe no expanded revolution has happened in the world unless there was a severe pressure in the opposite direction.
In other words, radicalism has always been the source of changes, for example:
1) Scientific Revolution of Europe (renaissance) - which was a reaction against one thousand years of ignorance and backwardness of the Middle Ages, and the pressures which have been made by superstitious custodians of church for keeping people backward, and suddenly they remove the factors of ignorance and fired the torch of science and fluttered the flag of knowledge everywhere.
2) The Great French Revolution in 1789 - which was an extraordinary political and social lunge against autocracy, class imperialism and oppression of governing regimes, and entered the French society and then other European societies to a new era of their history and replace the oppression and autocracy with the government of law, albeit somehow.
3) Revolution against Slavery in 1848 - which first started in England and was the result of extremely harsh and antihuman behavior of slaveholders with slaves that in one side started the fire of revolution in slaves themselves and on the other side in the impassioned feelings
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of societies for the slaves, and destroyed the slavery system, although another form of slavery which was more mysterious and expanded than that took its place and the school of "imperialism" was founded under the title of "helping the improvement of backward countries"!
Slavery system had to be finished anyway, but behavior of slaveholders with slaves speeded up the process.
4) Revolution against Imperialism - that in our time, was the direct reaction to antihuman behavior of imperialists in colonies and still is; and has become the cause of the growth of wisdom in colonized people and started the opposition against imperialistic powers, although mostly was not resulted in complete economical, social, political and intellectual independence, but the conditions become very different from the past.
5) Communist Revolution in 1917 - which was the reaction to the oppressions of capitalists and their uncounted violations of rights of laborious and enchained people. However, as I have said in its place, this revolution was not ended in the freedom of oppressed classes either, and another autocratic system took its place called "Dictatorship of the Proletariat" which was in fact the dictatorship of some few leaders of the party.
6) Revolution against Racial Discrimination - which is currently in progress in the world, is the reaction to severe pressures of whites on blacks and their extraordinary deprivation of social rights.
If we turn the pages of the history and go back to the past then we face the examples of the law of reaction everywhere.
History of prophets is
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full of series of changes, which their backgrounds were ready before, because of severe social pressures, and prophets led and grew these revolutions with divine teachings and advanced them in the right way.
Not only we find many examples for this law among real events of nations of the world in contemporary and previous history, but also the reflection of this law can clearly be seen in the myths and the legends of the nations.
It is mentioned in the story of "Zahhak" and "Kave the Blacksmith" that the snakes; which had appeared on the shoulders of Zahhak had to be fed by human brain and everyday they had to take brains off the skulls and feed the snakes with them in order that they remain peaceful!
The truth is that brains should feed the colorful and poisonous snake of “imperialism”; and intellectual imperialism is the root and the base of all imperialisms!
Then we see that among these deprived society, which was under the strikes of Zahhak, a blacksmith, who had seen the pressure of fire and his powerful arms had the ability of striking the hammer of revolution, rose and made the flag of revolution out of the same apron which had resisted many times against the sparks of fire, and destroyed the system of Zahhak and the final reaction happened!
There is also a discussion in today's "psychoanalysis" and "psychology" which is another reflection of this law.
This discussion tells us: If human desires are not satisfied in a proper way then these
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repressed desires retreat from the stage of "consciousness" to "unconsciousness" and forms a "complex" in that stage, but according to some other, unconsciousness is nothing except these repressed desires!
They don't stay calm inside the human self and continuously try to express themselves; reactions of these complexes are the very difference in people but it is possible to say that they usually express themselves in one of the following forms:
1) Through making mental disorder and disordering the consciousness
2) Through escaping from the society and isolation and pessimism
3) Through unaware revenge from the society which has made him/her this
4) Through satisfactions in imaginative and imitative forms
5) Through "sublimation" and flying to more superior levels
For example, assume that a boy falls in love with a girl and again assume that he couldn't have married her because of her parents strong disagreement; this firing love will be drove from the consciousness to unconsciousness and not only it won't be destroyed but it will soon express strong reactions.
Maybe it makes him mad; or puts him in isolation forever; or makes him a revengeful and dangerous criminal; or diverts him to poetry and literature, and brings him to his love in the world of poetic dreams.
But sometimes, maybe this material love changes to a deep divine love, and disengages himself from other than God and flies like an enlightened pious man of God; albeit, these differences are because of other mental differences and preparations and various spiritual backgrounds of people.
Therefore, we see that mental pressures always
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face the revolutions and strong reactions, which is another feature of the law of reaction.
Conclusion: This law tells us that the current condition of the world is ready for a revolution.
Pressure of wars, pressure of oppressions and tyrannies, pressure of discriminations and partialities, accompanied by failures and hopelessness of humans from current laws for removing or decreasing these pressures, will finally show its strong reaction.
Finally, these repressed human desires form a massive social complex, under the light of advancing knowledge of nations that exits from the inner self of societies and shows itself by a hyper speed movement and disorders the current system of human societies, and make a new plan.
A plan in which there is neither the signs of unstopped nuclear competition nor the signs of this much of tiresome conflicts and bloody fights, imperialism, autocracy, oppression, injustice and suffocation.
And this is another sparkle of hope for the bright future, which a universal society expects.
4) Social Necessities and Obligations
The purpose of “social obligation” is that the condition of human living reaches a level in which he feels the necessity of a matter and accepts that as an “obligation”.
We also know that at the beginning every human is in the way that wants to be completely free and wants to have no restriction, but gradually understands that this freedom deprives him/her from many social life advantages and harms his/her genuine desires; and if he/she doesn’t accept some restrictions called “the Law” then the society in which he/she lives will move to chaos and will
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be destroyed.
Here, accepts the regulations, principles and laws.
By the advancement of societies, restrictions are being increased day by day and still we accept them as “necessities”.
We express a simple example for this issue:
About traffic laws, when a person has a high speed vehicle wants to go anywhere he/she wants freely, parks in anywhere he/she wants, drives with any speed, passes the crossroads without stopping, but soon he/she understands that if he/she performs these acts then there is no reason also for others not to perform, and the result is chaos and various kinds of dangers.
Therefore, today any child knows that it is not a correct act. Regulations should exit, although it takes hours to reach the destination; penalties and string discipline (but fair and wise) should be available, otherwise everyday hundreds of people lose their lives or their vehicle in this way.
We call this social “necessity” or “obligation”.
But it is important that a “real need” of the society appears in the way that the necessity of its existence could be accepted by everyone or at least thinkers and leaders of the society; and firstly it needs the improvement of social awareness and rationality of people of the society, and then relation with the appearance of unfavorable results of the current conditions of the society and impossibility of continuing the way.
Accordingly, (for example) we see that cries against the pollution of the environment have no results, and nobody listens to accepts the regulations of cleaning the environment; but when people see
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that for instance, air of a city like Tehran has become so much polluted that continuous illnesses threatens its people, breathing has become hard, eyes are irritated, and according to statisticians each day ten persons become blind, saliva becomes dark, by spending some hours in the city, the signs of skin diseases and gradually the signs of cardiovascular and breath diseases have appeared, here people accept severe regulations and are happy of destroying the factories, which have been build with enormous amounts of money, removing thousands of smoker vehicles and abstaining from many of profitable economical activities which cause air pollution.
By considering this example we return to the main discussion:
Maybe in the 17th and 18th century, people imagined a paradise in the 20th century by observing eye-catcher industrial advancements, they thought that with this fast development of industries there will be a day that:
Underground resources will be discovered one after another;
The hands of science will finally control the power of “atom” which is the most important and the biggest energy resource;
Humans will realize the dream of flying to skies;
By hitting a button, the house will be cleaned, the food will be ready, the clothes and dished will be washed, the rooms will be warm in winters and cool in summers; by hitting a button, the land will be plowed, seeds will be sown and finally equipped machineries will collect, clean and pack the crop and make it ready for being used…
And in that time, the man sits and enjoys this
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much of peace and comfort!
But they didn’t believe that industrial and mechanical human won’t have more welfare in life, but by the advancement of technology, new disorders and the giant of new problems appear; ifrit of “the World Wars” will dominate the centers of industry by its terrible shadow, and demolish that in a short time in the way that it might not be seen even in dreams!
Now, understands that how much their life has become dangerous!
If in the past they talk about wars in which some thousands of people were died, now the discussion is about the war, which its result is the destruction of human civilization on the earth and returning to the Stone Age!
Gradually, they understand that previous regulations are not enough for keeping the current conditions and great victories in industry and civilization, and should accept new regulations.
Gradually, the time will come that the “existence of a united universal government” will be felt as a “necessity” and “an unavoidable reality” for ending the hard armament competition, for ending the increasing conflicts of big powers and for taking the world away from the chasm of war, that finally this factitious and troublesome borders should be removed and all the people of the world live under one flag and with one law!
The time will come that social rationality will reach a level in the world that people see that the unfair distribution of wealth in its current form - that in one side of the world and even
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sometimes in one side of the city, there are so much wealthy people whose dogs and cats also have hospitals, physicians and dentists and luxurious bedrooms, but on the other side, people are falling on the ground like yellow leaves of fall because of hunger - will have a terrible future; and without a fair system of distribution of wealth, the world won’t see peace; but wealthy and poor, backward and developed countries both will be in discomfort.
When these issues become a “necessity” because of the appearance of unfavorable reactions of the current conditions and improvement of general rationality then revolution and change will be certain; as it was the same in the past.
Therefore, “social obligation” is another effective factor that moves the people of the world toward a life mixed with peace and justice by its powerful functionality, and places the pillars of a universal government according to a new plan.
It was being discussed that according to evidences, whether the future of the world is peace and justice or destruction and degeneration?
Hitherto, we’ve found clear evidences for the first possibility through four ways, but it may be said against this expression that if it is in this way then there is no sign of going toward such destination in current conditions of the world, but contrarily, the current conditions are more disappointing than promising!
We also accept that the first look confirms this opinion; but more consideration shows that today’s mankind has taken stapes and are also taking toward that
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great goal and there are signs of self-awareness in his thoughts and life.
Although, these steps are not so much great, and even some of them are not serious, but whatever it is, there are considerable steps for intellectual preparation of the environment.
Some examples of these evidences will be mentioned as follows:
A) Establishing Universal Councils and Adoption of Universal Declaration of Human Rights
We know that the First and the Second World War, which was similar to bipolar disorder in the world of humanity, left awakening effects against its deadly results.
Following the First World War, “League of Nations” was founded; but after a while the roars of cannons of the Second World War destroyed its remains.
But, that short time experience caused a comparably stronger foundation of a world center and source called “United Nations” to be placed and an interesting charter called “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” to be adopted.
We don’t deny that some of its articles are similar to our famous story of “bell” and “the cat”, and it is not possible to find a person in order to place the bell on the cat’s neck in present conditions; and it is not deniable that this step, with its all deficiencies, is an important step which have been made, and at least all the people of the world believe in this thinking way, although, they limp in execution of that!
Consider well; aren’t the following articles, which are quoted from “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, the same issues which we were searching for in previous discussion?!
Article 1: All human beings are born free
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and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Article 3: Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
Article 5: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Article 6: Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.
Article 7: All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law…
Article 26: Everyone has the right to education … Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms…
Article 29: Everyone has “duties” to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.
And finally the last article of this Universal Declaration blocks the way of all exploiters:
Article 30: Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.
Again, we remind that we are not dupe to believe these beautiful mottoes, which are like a “sweet dream” and has lots of work to become practical, as performed issues in current disordered conditions of the world, or ignore the incapability and weakness of big universal councils in solving lots of problems.
But we should ignore its existence,
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which is the reason of entering humanity to a new era, like pessimistic people.
We know that in fact, “United Nations” is considered as a “mother organization” and it has branches which one of them is “Security Council”.
The difference of this “child” with that “mother” is that the “mother” doesn’t have executing power and its resolutions are series of official advices to the countries of the world.
Accordingly, sometimes pessimistic people name this universal council “tribune”, “universal speed hall” or “without-government parliament” and like that; but whatever it is, it has this benefit that all countries of the world participate in voting based of “equality”, and its resolutions have considerable spiritual and mental effects on public opinion of the people of the world.
But its child “security council” has enough executing power and capability! And if it wants then it can execute its resolutions, but unfortunately, it doesn’t have enough voting power; because each of the five powers (United States, USSR, China, France and United Kingdom) which are permanent and forever members of the council! can solely nullify any decision by their negative vote and this “veto” right, which is the memento of the age of imperialism on the forehead of this important universal center, usually cripple it in important decisions!
Therefore, one of them has executing power but doesn’t legislate and the other one legislates but doesn’t have the power to execute!
But, by having these problems, this “half-complete center” of United Nations and its achievement, this noisy and few-effective center, if we want
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to be fair, has been able to perform some works, although small; and regardless of its work, its feature is the reason for a new thinking way to be created in the world which has been started from “semi-serious” and even joking levels and is moving toward more serious levels; because all countries of the world, by having all differences and disagreement of schools and method, feel that they need its existence and consider its nonexistence very bad.
B) Talking about General Disarmament
Although this expression has not gone beyond talking, commissions and bureaucracy yet; and still what is going on outside the commissions of universal disarmament is an evidence for “the advancement of armament competition”, but general acceptance of this opinion by the people of the world shows that a kind of self-awareness has appeared in the universal conscience; and at least all of big and small government are satisfied that they spend a large part of their wealth for destructive scrap metals which has specified the most powerful brains of scientists for their advancement and development, while these “assets” and “brains” are highly needed in “construction issues”; and everyone is scrambling to save himself/herself from this big and dangerous trap, and may the day come when great economical and human assets are being attracted to fundamental issues and the centers of needs and pains.
One of universal centers announced statistics about the costs of keeping military soldiers from each of the big governments, soldiers who are the youngest and the most living members of the
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society, and in other words, the costs of destroying this great power every year.
And this center expressed large figures like astronomical figures that showed there are also new thinking ways beside these false plans, the thinking way which says this plan is not continual and should be revised.
And this is considered as another great step toward that goal.
C) The Attack of Peace!
In today’s world, everyone is talking about peace, even certain militants! Because hatred of war has become prevalent, and frightening destructions of the World Wars has not been forgotten and never will be!
Although, enthusiasm for peace, still like many of human desires, has not gone beyond a dream, and everywhere is being used as a motto, and even fire-starters of the wars carry it with themselves; but anyhow, this conditions show that a “general thirst” has occurred to everyone for “panacea of peace”, and indeed the people of the world demand that as the main basis for the development of all plans.
Especially, by considering that today’s wars are so much costly that it is possible for a country to move backward tens of years in economy and civilization adding to bearing billions of financial damages and thousands of casualties in only some days in the war.
This public desire should never be underestimated; because sprouts of any change and revolution firstly grow in the depths of minds as a “desire”, an “unsupported demand” or a “pleasant motto”; then converts to a “necessity” and an “unavoidable reality” and gradually changes the pillars of the society.
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of previous wars of Vietnam and the United States has been ignored five hundred thousand times, according to press! But finally, we saw that it reached the serious level and necessity, which had to be realized, had been realized by the victory of Vietnam.
D) The Plan of Islamic Government
[Note: It should be considered that this book has been written before the Islamic Revolution of Iran]
Albeit, undoubtedly the taste of today’s world are not ready for accepting such government; because still in a so-called developed society like United States, the matter of black and white races has not been solved yet and black people suffer from painful discrimination inside this society.
Still, racist government of South Africa is being confirmed by big powers; and the distance of three groups of “backward”, “developing” and “developed” does still exit, and even distances are becoming vaster.
But, however, as we said before, development of these thoughts and their acceptance by many groups of the world, even if standing in a faraway horizon, it is considered a living reason for spiritual, cultural and social preparations for achieving “universal peace and justice”.
Except what we have said before, there are also other signs in the sides of universal congregations, like “common markets” and “great universal unions” and any kind of desire to common life and inclination to unity, which totally show that the world is going toward the destination which we said in a long way; and promising the achievement of such goal.
This plan, which has recently found several adherents and is being discussed
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in different places, and even some people consider the plan of international language “Esperanto” which is expanding effectively as the introduction of that great plan, is another effective step toward that final goal.
Albeit, undoubtedly the taste of today’s world are not ready for accepting such government; because still in a so-called developed society like United States, the matter of black and white races has not been solved yet and black people suffer from painful discrimination inside this society.
Still, racist government of South Africa is being confirmed by big powers; and the distance of three groups of “backward”, “developing” and “developed” does still exit, and even distances are becoming vaster.
But, however, as we said before, development of these thoughts and their acceptance by many groups of the world, even if standing in a faraway horizon, it is considered a living reason for spiritual, cultural and social preparations for achieving “universal peace and justice”.
Except what we have said before, there are also other signs in the sides of universal congregations, like “common markets” and “great universal unions” and any kind of desire to common life and inclination to unity, which totally show that the world is going toward the destination which we said in a long way; and promising the achievement of such goal.
5) Human Nature and "Peace and Universal Justice"
Any issue is able to be discussed and to be studied in two ways, through “reason and wisdom” and through “feelings and human nature”.
Human nature is the innate intuition, which doesn’t need a reason, it means that the person
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accepts and believes that without reasoning and proof.
The waves of this kind of innate intuitions are sometimes more powerful and more genuine than judgments of the wisdom, that these are innate natural intuitions and those are acquired knowledge.
This kind of innate intuitions are usually called “instinct” in animals; and instincts have a wide range and important role in animals, and it is possible to say that the main role in their lives is upon these instincts.
Sometimes, the reflection of the instincts is so much surprising that force the human to confess to his inability by having all advanced industrial tools and electronic accurate equipments.
For example, there are lots of animals and insects, which forecast the weather conditions, maybe for one day and sometimes for one month, and even I saw in a magazine that there is a type of grasshopper that forecasts the weather conditions from one year ahead.
And this is certainly wonderful that the human in space age, with all accurate equipment that has invented for the weather forecast, and by having all weather stations in all sensitive points and collecting atmosphere conditions information from these points through communication, and forming “weather plans” and by performing all these costly efforts, can forecast the weather conditions for 6 hours and with ambiguous expressions!:
• Partly cloudy
• Sometimes cloudy
• Possibility of sudden rain shower
• And maybe heavy rain
• And maybe clear and sunny!
But that weather-wise insect, without contacting other insects, forecasts for 6 months, which means in the middle of the
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summer forecasts the conditions of the winter and prepare itself for that.
Perhaps, the reason for the matter that innate knowledge of the human is limited than other living creatures is that his big share of wisdom covers his deficiencies in all fields; but anyhow, humans also use innate intuition in emergency needs and essential issues of the life and this beam can guide us through the way which we have to go.
Is it possible for innate intuitions to help us in the discussed issues, which are end of the world by war and bloodshed and oppression and injustice, or the domination of peace and justice and security, or not?
The answer to this question is positive; because there are two considerable signs, which can guide us toward the truth:
A) Love of Peace and Justice
Love of Peace and Justice is inside the soul of any person; everyone enjoys peace and justice, and demands a world full of these two all by the heart.
By the existence of all differences among the nations in thinking ways, traditions and rites, affections and interests, desires and schools, everyone strongly interested in these two without an exception, and I assume that no more reason is needed for proving their innateness, as the generality of desires are the reason for their innateness in everywhere.
Is this a false thirst?
Or a real need that innate intuition has helped the wisdom in order to affirm that necessity more? (Attention! )
Isn’t always our thirst the reason for the existence of water in the nature and if water has
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no existence then is it possible for us to have its affection inside?
We rise, we cry, we shout and demand peace and justice and this is the sign for this desire be finally realized.
Essentially, false human nature has no meaning; because we know that creation and the world of nature is a united thing and is never made of a group of separated and discrete creatures.
All of them are like a great tree which its expanded branches have covered the universe; maybe there are millions of light-years distance between its branches and even the particles of one cluster, but this vast distance is not the reason for their discreteness, but it is one of the characteristics of its greatness and vastness.
In this great unit, each particle is a sign of the whole and each part is related to the other parts, and their reactions are related to each other, any of them are the symmetry of another’s existence and all of them are being fed from one root.
Accordingly, “any genuine and innate affection is the reason for the existence of a love outside and its attraction”.
“A love” which its loved one does only exist in dreams is a “false love”; and there is no false thing available in the world of nature. It is only deviating from the way of creation that replaces a false creature with a genuine reality. (Attention! )
Anyway, human nature explicitly calls that finally peace and justice will cover the world and oppression will be removed, because
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it is general desire of humans.
B) General Waiting for a Great Peacemaker
Almost every person who study this matter agree that all nations of the world are waiting for a great revolution leader that each of them call him with one name, but all of them agree in his general characteristics and principles of his revolution plans.
Therefore, against the thing which some people may think, the issue of believing the advent of a great savior, for healing the deadly injuries of humanity, is not only among Muslims and is not even exclusive to eastern religions, but available “evidences” show that this is a general and old belief, among all religions of the East and the West, although some religions like Islam has affirmed that more than the others.
And this is another reason for the innateness of this matter.
Here we mention a “completely compact” part of the reflection of this belief among different nations for two purposes:
First, for considering the generality of the issue and second for considering common principles that are available among all of them about the plan of that great peacemaker.
Great Peacemaker among other Nations
Manifestation of this Program in Zoroastrian Books
1) We read in the famous book of “Zand”, after mentioning the everlasting battle of “Yazatas” and “Daevas”:
… And then the great victory is for the side of Yazatas, and exterminates the Daevas…
After the victory of Yazatas and exterminating the Daevas, universe reaches its genuine felicity and humans will sit on the throne of happiness!
2) “Jamasp” quotes from the Zoroaster in the book “Jamasp Namag”:
A man will rise from the land of Arabs…
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A man with a great head, great body and great legs and following the religion of his forefather and with great army and moves toward Iran and constructs the lands and fills the earth with justice.
Manifestation of this Belief in Hindu and Brahman Scriptures
1) It is written in the book “Vasishta Yoga” from Hindu scriptures:
At the end, the world will return to the one who loves God and is from his special servants. And his name is “auspicious and blessed”!
2) It is mentioned in another book called “Didah”:
After the destruction of the world, a king will appear in End of Days who is the leader of all creatures, and his name is “Mansour” and conquers the entire world; and converts to his religion.
3) It is written in the book “Ddatek” from Brahman scriptures:
… the hand of God will appear and the last successor “Maitreya” will rise and conquers the east and the west of the world; and guides creatures.
4) It is mentioned in “Patikel” from Hindu scriptures:
When the day ends and the old world begins anew; and becomes alive and the king of the new kingdom appears; from the children of two great leaders of the world, one of them honor of End of Days and the other one and even his guardian whom his name is “Pashan” and the name of that new kingdom is “the guide”; he becomes the king rightfully and is the successor of Rama and rules and has many miracles.
5) It is written in the book “Basek” from Hindu scriptures:
Kalpa ends to a
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just king in End of Days who is the leader of angels, fairies and humans; and indeed he is rightful king, and gains whatever is hidden in the seas, the earth and in the mountains, and informs from the heavens and the earth whatever it is, and nobody will be born greater than him!
Signs in the Old Testament
1) In “Psalms of David”, psalm 37, we read:
9 For the wicked shall be cut off; but those who wait for the Lord shall possess the land.
10 Yet a little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look well at his place, he will not be there.
11 But the meek shall possess the land, and delight themselves in abundant prosperity.
2) Also we read in the psalm 37 (from the Psalms of David) , in the sentence 22: for those “blessed” by the Lord shall possess the land, but those cursed by him shall be cut off.
3) It is also mentioned in the sentence 29 of the same psalm:
The righteous shall possess the land,
and dwell upon it forever.
4) In the Book of Habakkuk, chapter VI, we read:
… If it seem slow, wait for it; it will surely come, it will not delay.
… He gathers for himself all nations, and collects as his own all peoples.
5) We read in the Book of Isaiah, chapter XI, in a discussion full of metaphors:
1 There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse [1] , and a branch shall grow out of his roots.
4 but with righteousness he shall judge
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the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth; and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips he shall slay the wicked.
5 Righteousness shall be the girdle of his waist, and faithfulness the girdle of his loins.
6 The wolf shall dwell with the lamb,
… and a little child shall lead them.
9 They shall not hurt or destroy in my entire holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.
Signs in the New Testament
1) We read in the Gospel of Mathew, chapter 24:
27 For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
30 … and they will see “the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven” with power and great glory.
31 And he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect …
2) And it is written in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 12:
35 Be dressed for action and have your lamps lit;
36 are like those who are waiting for their master, so that they may open the door for him as soon as he comes and knocks.
This Belief among Chinese, Egyptians, etc
1) We read in the book “On Advent and Signs of Advent” (collected by one of the friends of Sadeq Hedayat) , page 47:
Major part of translations of Pahlavi texts by “Sadeq” is about the advent and the signs of
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advent and if we totally consider the entire Pahlavi texts of Sadeq then we should say that all of them have religious aspects.
… the issue of the advent and the signs of advent is the issue which is especially important in all major religions of the world … according to “Sadeq”: Regardless of faith which forms the basis of this hope, when, any person who is interested in the destiny of humanity and demands its spiritual perfection, becomes hopeless and sees that unfortunately the ignorant and negligent humanity is still moving toward corruption and destruction day by day and avoids the almighty God and disobey his orders more and more by having this much amazing intellectual and scientific developments, turns to the presence of the almighty God based upon his nature and asks for his help in order to remove oppression and corruption!
Accordingly, the hope for a great universal peacemaker had been available in the hearts of all monotheists and not only this hope has record in the followers of major religions, like Zoroastrians, Jews, Christians and Muslims, but it is possible to find its signs in the ancient books of the Chinese, beliefs of Hindus, among Scandinavians and even between ancient Egyptians; also Mexican aboriginals and like them.
It should be reminded that the book “Zand va Human Yasan” and some other Zoroastrian texts, also the last two chapters of Jamasp Namag including the prediction of Zoroaster by the words of the Sage Jamasp to “Goshtasp”, king of the time
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who converted to religion of Zoroaster, about the Promised One of End of Days, have been translated to Persian from Pahlavi by Sadeq Hedayat, and has been published by “Hassan Ghaemian”, friend and colleague of Sadeq Hedayat, under the title of “On Advent and Signs of Advent”.
[1]: The name “Jesse” means “powerful” and is the name of the father of King David. (Quoted from Bible Dictionary)
Signs of this Belief among Western People
Believing in the advent of a Great Savior and disappearance of oppression and injustice among the people, and government of truth and justice is not exclusive to the eastern people and religions, but it is a general and universal belief which its different features can be seen in the faiths of different nations and all of them clarifies this truth that the source of this ancient belief is innate human nature and prophets’ invitation.
In the book “A Preface to Leadership”, while talking about the existence of waiting for the advent of a great savior among different western nations and manipulation of such general belief by some persons, the writer mentions the name of five claimants who arose from Britain: “James Naylor”, “Joanna Southcott”, “Richard Brothers”, “John Nichols Thom” and “Henry James Prince”; and quotes the existence of such belief, even among the North American Indians, from “Bernard Barber”, American sociologist, in the paper “Acculturation and Messianic Movements”: Among the North American Indians … this belief is prevalent that one day, the Great Spirit will come and guide them to the heaven of the earth …
Only until 1890, about twenty types of these movements have been recorded in American history.
In the discussion, which was quoted
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before from the book “On Advent and Signs of Advent”, it was affirmed, that: It is possible to find the signs of this belief among Scandinavians, Mexican aboriginals and like them. [1]
Totally, according to what was said, and other several matters and evidences which was not mentioned for observing the abstraction, we conclude that this waiting is has logical aspect, it is expanded, pervasive and universal, and finally it is an evidence of the innateness of this belief.
In the next discussion, we will see that this belief is much expanded in Islamic beliefs under the title of “the Advent of Mahdi” and has been considered as a fundamental belief.
Also, we will see that how noticing and believing in this innate reality, which reason and wisdom also support that, removes the dark clouds of disappointment and pessimism from the sky of human soul and prepares him for a bright future:
Makes the powers more ready,
The thoughts more awakened,
The readiness more increased,
The revolutions faster,
The affections more fiery,
And makes the way easier for achieving a human society with its certain meaning’
A society which oppressions do not burn it like fire, discriminations do not destroy it from the inside like termites, and injustices do not take it to destruction.
[1]: In this section, the books “On Advent and Signs of Advent”, “Blossoms of Hope” and “A Preface to Leadership” have been used.
Universal Revolution
Revolution or Gradual Reforms
Until now, the discussion was about the matter that mankind thinks about a bright future by the command of wisdom and innate intuition, a future which is much different with today, and there is no sign of this much of darkness in that.
But now, this question
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is asked that how should such a big change happen, by gradual reforms or in revolutionary and fundamental ways?
Essentially, and generally, there is no common opinion about the way of performing social reforms among scientists. Some of them believe in gradual reforms that are called “reformists”; and there are “revolutionists” against them who consider that no essential change in society is possible without a revolution.
They believe that as changes of nature happen in revolutionary and sudden ways, and gradual “quantitative” changes reach a level that become “qualitative”, but are replaced with their opposites by revolution.
Adherents of this principle have made many branches for the way of revolution and social mutation in all social changes, which all of them are neither reasonable nor according to historical issues and objective evidences, but it is undeniable that this principle is acceptable in many cases.
The explanation:
The thing which seems to be more closer to reality is that the degree of corruption of societies are different; where corruption has not become epidemic and expanded, gradual reforms can form the basis of reformative programs.
But, where corruption has covered everywhere or has penetrated in most social organizations, it is not possible to overcome the disharmonies without a fundamental revolution and mutation.
And this is exactly like repairing a great building with gradual amendments and returning the beginning glory to that, but when base is being destroyed from inside and main columns are falling then they destroy it completely and construct a new building over its ruins.
We have many
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evidences in hand for correctness of this belief:
1) Gradual reforms are always being put on the same old bases and their effects depends of the health of the bases, and in other words, patterns and regulations are same as previous patterns and regulations in “reforms” and it is useful when patterns have been remained healthy, otherwise there is no benefit in “designing the balcony” when “the base of the house is destroyed” (referring to a Persian proverb). Here, new patterns should be used and fundamental issues should be studied in the way of change.
2) Gradual reforms are usually being performed in peaceful ways and in most of the cases they rely on “logic”, and it is useful when there are intellectual and background preparation in society, but where these backgrounds are not available, the logic of revolution which is the “logic of power” should be used; although, logic has also en effective role in “revolutionary changes”, but “revolutionary forces” make the last strike.
Using non-revolutionary methods in societies, in which corruption has penetrated to the depths, gives opportunity to main factors of corruption to equip themselves against the “reformists” and take “counteractive” and “deterrent” tools for confronting their weapons; exactly the same as powerful microbes which have become immune against gradual usage of “medicine” and continue their job; and won’t be destroyed except by a sudden attack of powerful medicines!
3) Societies in which corruption has penetrated to the root, powerful anti-reform factors have occupied all sensitive centers of society and can
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neutralize any gradual reform plan; except that reformists surprise them by a “revolutionary attack” before they “organize” and “equip” themselves, and demolish them!
4) Usually, great reformist and revolutionary powers won’t remain hot, excited, ready and united for a long time, and they are not used in proper time then maybe they lose their “effectiveness and sharpness” by the pass of time, and anti-revolution elements penetrate their mind gradually; therefore, when expanded reforms are needed, their maximum power should be used “extremely fast”; and they should be used before they faint and before backward powers reduce their strength and excitement.
5) History also shows that these kinds of societies have not been formed through gradual reforms, but their corrections have been performed by mutation and revolution.
Great prophets and reformist men of the world have always chosen revolutionary method when they faced such societies, and made their steps in the way of jihad and fight until the last drop of strength.
Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and especially prophet of Islam, peace be upon him, were all revolutionary men.
Other men and women who changed the feature of the history and were turning points in the way of human life or their own societies were all revolutionary people and this is living evidence that correcting these kinds of societies are not possible without a revolution.
But, about correcting general conditions of the world and removing current system, which is based upon wasting active powers, discrimination, oppression and injustice, and replacing it with a “fair system” free of
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these disharmonies, the situation is more clear; because this the most revolutionary act which should be performed in the world, and broader and more expanded than any other revolution.
In this case, how is it possible for such expanded and fundamental change to happen through gradual reforms?!
Here, it should explicitly be said that:
If present world, which is full of impartiality, oppression and corruption, has to be taken away from the chasm of destruction and inexistence then expanded revolution should happen in that.
Revolution in all fields:
In intellectual, cultural, moral, economical, political, and in the fields of laws and programs.
Material or Spiritual Revolution?
Another discussion which can complete previous discussion is that, by considering several evidences which show that finally human life will see the brightness, and the dark clouds of insecurity and injustice will be removed from the sky of human civilization, this question arises that will the expanded revolution which should execute this plan be performed through the perfection of material laws or should this goal be achieved by the help of spiritual assets?
And in other words, is continuing the conditions of “current one-dimensional life” and completing that capable of execution of such plan, or should the change happen from this point and one-dimensional perfection gives its place to multidimensional perfection:
Human values to be revived,
Moralities to be utilized in an expanded way,
Faith and Affection to be revived,
And by using these assets, rebellious mechanical and material life to be restrained?
Noticing the main roots of present misfortunes and disharmonies shows that completion of this situation is in
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fact, completion of misfortunes! And continuing this way will be continuing the crises.
Today, democracy and government of people over people is known as the fairest way of government, that in most parts of the world only its name can be heard; assume that this type of government is established all around the world, then that is the beginning of all big problems.
We see at a glance that there are only four types of government in the world:
1) Autocracy in its main feature: the purpose if individual autocracy, which its conditions are clear in the past and the present and it is possible to say in a short sentence that: The source of any kind of slavery, misfortune, misery and backwardness of humans is this deadly type of government.
2) Autocracy in the clothes of democracy: it means the same individual bloody autocratic and oppressive government, which has worn the clothes of democracy and brings its title and pretends democracy by establishing “false parties and assembly”. That party and assembly which the list of its members and leaders is written and ready before the establishment and the players wear their clothes behind the scene one by one and get ready for playing their roles by appearing on the scene.
Behinds the scene, they all eat and drink and laugh and deride together, but when they come on the scene one agrees and the other opposes, one of them is in the progressive wing and the other is in the constructive wing, one is
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coordinator of this wing and the other is coordinator of that wing, they start fake fights for deceiving the public, who aren’t deceived by these acts anymore; even they attack each other by closed fists and angry faces for completing this scene!
This kind of government was not available in the past history, because people and even dictators were frank, and maybe they didn’t think that it is possible to offer autocracy in the shape of democracy.
This type of government is the phenomenon of our age, the age of concisions, duplicities and the age of changing faces! And it is bitter fruit that its kernel belongs to the past and the shell belongs to the present, and its only goal is to delay the date of freedom of nations for some days and is capable of nothing other than that.
3) Dictatorship of the Proletariat: this type of government was not available in this way in the past, and it is product of mechanical age and exclusive to communist countries, in which “proletariat” (workers) takes the power and achieve its desire in all aspects under the title of Marxism.
Although, Marxists themselves have chosen the title “Dictatorship of the Proletariat” as the motto of their government, but regardless of the meanings which are hidden inside this title, it should be studied that whether proletariat governs such societies or members of the central committee of the party and its secretary general, a party which neither is comprehensive nor have free elections nor have a
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sign of democracy, and autocracy and tyranny of the heads of the government, and violence and depriving people from freedom in that is not hidden to everyone.
While history is being written and the list of governors and rulers is being compiled, is it possible to put the names of Stalin, Khrushchev and Mao Tze Tung except in the category of the most rigorous autocrats whom their governing time remembers burdensome miseries of humanity!
It is true that the leaders of these societies make effective steps in adjusting the capitals and it is true that they end the time of legendary wealthy persons, but is it possible to ignore this clear fact that they consume billions of the wealth of their countries foe strengthening the bases of their powers, and perform whatever they want unbridled, and take the right of criticism, revision and strike and any kind of questioning from their people.
4) Democracy in its main feature: this kind of government, which is considered as the best and the most complete way of government in today’s world, and even pretending and claiming that is a cause of pride for many of the leaders, needless to mention its objective and external existence, is summarize in one sentence:
In this system of government, all people from any group or class can seemingly go to voting boxes freely and choose their real representatives, and give their future to them for some years, under circumstances.
They also seemingly legislate the laws, which consider that are useful for people,
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freely by consultation.
And sometimes the representatives choose the chairman of this executive committee and sometimes directly by people, that is called “prime minister” or “president”.
Defects of Democracy
But, by all the advantages and benefits which can be seen in this type of government, when we look inside it and its final product then we see that, despite its beautiful appearance, it is so scary; because:
1) Group Exploitation - The first product of this system, which is government of “majorities”, by considering that always minorities are limited and few people who can be ignored in group calculations, is that permits group exploitation and permits fifty-one percent of the world to impose their thoughts and goals to the other forty-nine percent, and ignore the benefits of a considerable group which is only two percent, and even sometimes one percent, fewer than them for saving the benefits of the majority.
And this is a strong strike to justice and freedom in the world of humanity, which is being performed under the title of the most developed type of government.
2) Minorities in the shape of majorities- Worse than that is in this type of government “minorities” are often appear in the shape of “majorities”, and impose their beliefs to them forcefully; in the way that those who possess “wealth” and “power” brainwash the majorities and deviate the thoughts to the way of their desire by having mass media and by feeding their desired goals, purposes, programs and persons, directly and indirectly, to commercial media, radios and televisions in
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the way practically a government appears that moves only toward the benefits of this multiplied minority (those who excessively demand power and money).
Accordingly, it is no surprise that in countries, which are governed by this system, governments are “usually” supporters of bourgeois and big capitalists (although seemingly free lections are performed by public participation and written participation of them in voting boxes).
Albeit, if majority can firstly dethrone this group and then perform an election then maybe the real majority rules the society’s destiny, but this matter will also be put in a loop and becomes impossible.
And if we can justify the government of real majority over minority (assumedly) in some way then certainly, government of minority over the exploited majority is not justifiable anyway.
3) Equal, in the conditions of inequality - In this governing system, any person in any condition has the right of one vote, which means:
A great scholar is completely equal to an illiterate person; an aware, experienced and nationalist politician is equal to an inexperienced person, and a virtuous reputable human is equal to a polluted infamous criminal thief …
And this kind of injustice is clear because one of these two can be thousand times more future-maker than the other.
It is true that if we want to make differences between people then we will face unclear criterion, but whatever it is, this is a kind of deficiency, which is included in the nature of western material democracy.
4) Following instead of leadership - In this system, governments and
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representatives of assemblies certainly oblige themselves to observe the demands of majorities (unconditionally) , because they are counting on them for the present and the future, and without this following, their positions and powers will be in danger.
Therefore, in the nature of this way of government, the issue of leadership is practically replaced with following, and social corruptions, oppressions, aberrances and pollutions, which are majorities’ favorites, from any kind, are followed and even resonated.
By considering this fact, it is no surprise that for example we see that unfortunately, the Parliament of England enacted the law of “homosexuality”! , because homosexuals have representative and even representatives!
By considering what was said, you will confirm that how much this material ideal government is non-ideal because:
Firstly, material laws, by assuming that are useful for weak persons and spread the justice, have no execution assurance, because the matter of “justice” that is accompanied by ignoring lots of benefits and material facilities, doesn’t have a correct and wise definition for powerful persons in an environment which all values are specified according to material criterions; therefore, in such environments, only weak people claim justice and equality not powerful persons.
But, if spiritual values are considered then justice will have also a definition for them, because in execution of justice, although they lose some of their benefits, but they will reach a spiritual value and superiority.
Clear example of this matter is expanded international organizations, which established after the Second World War. These organizations, which are the most important so-called centers for
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providing universal peace and thinker politicians of the world participate in them, have been a plaything for the influences of nig powers or a conference hall for small governments that can express some of their opinion in there, until now.
Secondly, historical studies and experiments show that excessive desires of human have been never saturated through material means; it means that a person has never reached a stage that says this much is enough for me.
Human desires are unlimited in this kind and material facilities, whatever they are, are still limited and these limited facilities cannot fulfill those unlimited desires and this “contradiction of facilities and demands” has made war the everlasting equipment of material life.
But, if spiritualities and belief of God, and noticing to human and moral values and responsibilities before that great source who is above the entire material and secular world, are revived in the hearts of humans then it can restrict this instinct and utilize in a correct way and establish peace and security instead of war.
And in other words, excessive demands of humans can be saturated with spiritual matters, which are unlimited, and that contradiction, which was the main reason of war and oppression, will be removed.
Necessary Preparations for Universal Government
General Preparations
Even if we are very optimistic and hopeful, still we should know that reaching a stage of history in which:
All humans gather under one flag and all terrible weapons to be removed from the earth;
And classes, with the definition of exploiter and exploited, to be removed;
And conflicts and
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dangerous political and military games of superpowers to be forgotten forever and the world to become free of sick name of “superpower” and frightful nightmare of their evil powers;
And unhealthy and destructive economical competitions give their place to public cooperation toward a better and more pure life …
Is still soon and needs general preparation.
But, as in recent times, changes are being made fast then we shouldn’t consider that very far like a sweet dream.
But anyway, four preparations are necessary in order for the world to accept such government:
1) Intellectual and Cultural Preparation
It means that level of thoughts of the people of the world develops in the way that they understand the issue “race” and “different geographical regions” are not considerable issues in human life; the differences of colors, languages and lands cannot separate humans from each other; tribal and group fanaticisms should die forever; hilarious thought of “superior race” should be thrown away; factitious borders with barbed wires! And wall like the ancient wall of china! Cannot separate humans.
But, as sunlight and lively breezes, and raining clouds and other gifts and powers of the nature never pay attention to these borders and all of them move around the entire earth and practically consider the world as one country, we humans also reach this level of intellectual growth.
And if we carefully notice then we see that this thinking way is going to be created and completed among aware and open-minded the people of the world, and day by day the number of those who think
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about the issue of “world-country” is increasing.
Even today, the matter of united global language is being discussed in different places.
2) Social Preparations
The people of the world should become tired of oppression and injustice and available systems and feel the bitterness of this material and one-dimensional life, and even become disappointed of solving current problems by continuing this one-dimensional way.
The people of the world should understand that what was being promised in 18th and 19th centuries in the light of mechanical developments was in fact nothing more than an imagination, or like a mirage in front of the eyes of thirsty travelers in a hot desert.
Peace and welfare and security of the people of the world were not provided and even material and spiritual conflicts and insecurities expanded.
Making ostensible amazing laws didn’t remove oppression, discrimination, exploitation and huge class differences, even previous corruptions appeared in larger scales and more dangerous forms.
Understanding present conditions of the world first makes the condition of thinking, and then hesitation and finally disappointment and readiness for a multilateral revolution based upon new values.
This is the thing if is not achieved then it is not possible to reach such level, exactly the same as an abscess that should be treated when the time has come.
3) Technological and Communicational Preparations
Contrary to what some persons assume that reaching the level of social perfection and a world full of peace and justice will certainly be possible accompanied by destruction of modern technology, existence of these developed industries doesn’t disturb a fair universal government and even, it
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may not be possible to achieve such goal without that.
For establishing and then controlling a universal system, series of super-modern equipments are needed in order to travel throughout the world and check everywhere in a short time, and to get information from any place and in case of necessity to move necessary equipments and facilities from one side of the world to the other side, and to broadcast needed messages, information and warnings to the entire world in the shortest time.
If industrial life returns to previous conditions and for example it needs one year for sending a message from one part of the world to the other part then how is it possible to govern the world and expand the justice in everywhere?
If too much time is needed for being informed about the aggression of a person or a group, which even certainly it is possible to exist in such world, and sending forces for making peace then how is it possible to provide truth, peace and justice throughout the world?!
Briefly, undoubtedly such government needs to be informed about everywhere at the moment and to have complete dominance over any place for establishing order and justice in the world, in order to train and lead the people who are ready for correction and inform them and awaken and revive them, and in unrighteous people want to rise, repress them.
Those, who think other than this, maybe don’t thing about the concept of universal government and compare it with government of a
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small region.
Essentially, the world which wants to reach such level should have expanded and public means of training in the way that executes major part of correctional programs with “self-awareness” and “self-helps” of people and reviving the soul of public “self- awareness” and “self-helps” and needs the most powerful global cultural centers and mass media and the most complete books and publications and like them, that none of them is not possible without the best and the most advanced industrial equipments.
Yes! If all the acts had to be performed by “miracles” then existence of such system would be possible without developed industrial equipments but is it possible to manage the lives of the people of the world by miracle!
Miracle is a logical exception in current system of the nature, for proving the legitimacy of a divine religion, not for governing the society forever. This act should be performed based on natural laws.
Albeit, we will talk about this issue, later.
The Definition of Waiting
“Waiting” and “providence” is the state of a person who is not satisfied with current conditions and tries to make the conditions better.
For instance, an ill person who is waiting for betterment, or a father who is waiting for his son to return from the journey, they are uncomfortable because of illness and separation from the son and try to make the conditions better.
Also, a businessman who is not satisfied with the disordered conditions of the market and is waiting for economical crisis to end, this one has two conditions:
“Unfamiliarity with
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present conditions” and “Trying for better conditions”.
Therefore, the issue of waiting for the government of truth and justice of “Mahdi” and the rise of universal peacemaker is in fact composed of two elements; the element of “denial” and the element of “fixation”.
The element of denial is the same unfamiliarity with present conditions and the element of fixation is demanding better conditions.
Waiting in the Depths of Human Nature
Contrary to those who think that failures and disharmonies throw the seed of waiting for the advent of a great peacemaker in minds, love of this matter is related to the depths of human nature; sometimes strong and sometimes weak.
In other words, human will finally face this matter in two ways, the way of affection and the way of wisdom and hears the promise of this advent in two tongues of “nature and wisdom”.
And in a clearer way, belief of the advent of universal peacemaker is a part of “love of awareness”, “love of beauty” and “love of goodness” (three of four dimensions of human soul) that without such advent these loves will end in failure.
Maybe this expression needs more explanation and that is we know “love of perfection” is an immortal flame that has conquered the entire human soul; he wants to know more, he wants to see more of beauties, he wants to have more benefits from the goodness and totally provide more of whatever he considers as the mean of development and superiority.
Never, appearance of these motives can be related to social and mental factors. Although these
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factors have a big share in weakening or strengthening them, but their main existence is a part of human mind and a part of main dimensions of his soul; because no society and nation have ever been empty of these motives.
Briefly, affection of human to development and perfection, to wisdom and beauty, to goodness and justice is a genuine affection, forever and immortal; and waiting for the advent of a great universal peacemaker is the ultimate of this affection. (Attention! )
How it is possible that love of multilateral perfection is available inside the human soul but doesn’t wait for such matter! If is it possible to achieve the perfection of human society without that!
Therefore, those who had no failure and crisis in their lives have such feeling inside their souls … in one side.
On the other side, as limbs and parts of human body helps his perfection and development and we cannot find a limb in body which has no role in this developing movement, mental characteristics of human are also like this; which means any of them has an effective role in development of his genuine goals.
For example, “fear of dangerous factors” which is available in any human is for saving him from the danger.
“Anger”, when the person finds his benefits in danger, is a mean of increasing the defensive power and mobilization of all reserved physical and spiritual powers for saving his benefits from the danger. Therefore, love of perfection, love of peace and justice are also the means
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of reaching this great goal and is like a powerful engine, which moves the wheels of human soul forever in this way, and helps him for achieving a world full of peace and justice.
On the other side, feelings and mechanisms, which are available in the body and the soul, cannot be in disharmony with the universe of existence; because the entire universe of existence is an integrated unit and our existence cannot be separated from the rest of the universe.
We can conclude well from this integration that any genuine love and affection, which is available in our soul, is the reason for having its “loved one” and “goal” out there in the universe and this love is a mean for moving us toward that.
It means that if we become thirsty and have the affection of water then it is the reason for the existence of water that the universe of creation has placed its affection inside us.
If we have the affection of opposite sex then it is reason for the existence of opposite sex out of us; and if we have the affection of beauty and wisdom then it is the reason for the existence of beauties and wisdoms in the universe of existence.
And we easily conclude from that point that if humans are waiting for a great peacemaker, who fills the world with peace and justice and goodness, then it is the reason that such ultimate in perfection of human society is possible and it is practical that its
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love and affection is inside our souls.
Generality of this belief in all religions is also another sign of its genuineness and reality, because a thing, which is the result of exclusive and limited conditions, cannot be this much general. It is only innate matters that have such generality; and all of these are the sign for this matter that this promise has been announced in the soul of humanity, from the tongue of affection and nature, that finally a great peacemaker will rule the world under the flag of peace and justice.
The Philosophy of Waiting
Maybe this question also appears in your mind that:
What is the result of talking about the future of the world of humanity in today’s world?
Today, we have lots of problems and we should think of overcoming these problem, what do we have to with the future?
Finally the future will come, whether good or bad, those who are alive until that day will have its benefits and those who have died, may rest in peace!
Anyhow, this issue is currently “credit” and has no positive and constructive in our today’s life!
But, these are the expressions of those who look at events superficially, and assume that today is apart from yesterday and tomorrow; and consider that the world consists of separated and distinct units.
But by considering that the sources of “today’s events” are in the past and we should build the future from today, and the fact that noticing to a “dark” or “bright” future has an immediate reflection in today’s life
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and our positioning against events, it is clear that we should precisely study the past and the future for the sake of today and soon we will see that how much constructive is this great waiting.
But surprisingly, some of the writer not only denied the positive aspect of this matter, but they have affirmed that waiting for such future has negative effects in performance of today’s social powers and reduces their speed!
And more surprisingly, some believe that belief of a bright future is a reflection of deprivations of the loser class, which usually appears in religious form.
But, it is undeniable that some narrow-minded have misused the issue of waiting and by expressing that we are waiting for such advent, has disclaimed all responsibilities and has placed the issue of waiting, and limited to the expression, instead of them!
For removing any kind of misunderstanding from both sides, I think it is necessary to mention a part of the article, which I wrote some while ago about this issue:
Impulsive Judgments
However a group of orientalists insist on showing the belief of the existence of a great universal peacemaker as a “reflection” of disordered conditions of Muslims during dark ages of history;
However a group of eastern and Islamic scholars, who are influenced by western thoughts, expand this thinking way; and even they insist on considering the belief of existence of “Mahdi” and universal peacemaker as an imported thought which is derived from the beliefs of the Jews and the Christians;
And however some of materialist sociologists
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try to make a reason from the issue of waiting for the advent of Mahdi for their belief that “this belief has an economical root and has been made up for stupefying the minds of exploited people”;
By all these discussions, it should be considered that believing such advent has an innate root in all souls, which has penetrated inside the depths of human affections and feelings, and a genuine Islamic root that can be seen in important Islamic resources.
But, maybe limited researches of these researchers on the one hand, and being interested in finding “material justification” for any religious thought and belief on the other hand, has made these types of thoughts.
It is interesting that some western researchers like “Margoliouth” began denying Islamic Ahadith about Mahdi (as) and says:
Anyway that these Ahadith are interpreted, there is no convincing evidence that we assume that the prophet of Islam (S) has considered the advent of one Mahdi necessary and certain for reviving, completion and strengthening of Islam; but civil war among a united generation after the demise of Prophet (S) and chaos of the world of Islam that happened because of their disagreements and conflicts, caused the thought of the advent of “savior” to be adopted from the Jews or the Christians, who are waiting for the advent and the return of “messiah”.
I don’t know that which books of Islamic resources “Margoliouth” has seen about this matter and how he didn’t find anything convincing in their interpretations, while there are affirmed Ahadith in
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important resources of Shiites and Sunnis about this advent, and sequence of these ahadith approximately reaches the source.
How all Islamic scholars and researcher, approximately without any exception (except some few persons like Ibn Khaldun, who has doubted in Ahadith of Mahdi in the preface of his history) , have no discussion about the issuance of these Ahadith by Prophet (S) and the discussions are all about the branches and side matters, but only “Margoliouth” haven’t convinced?
This is the question, which he himself should answer.
Meanwhile, others say that:
We don’t consider the act and motives of this general waiting; we observe its results, which cause to bear the pains and patience against disharmonies and surrendering to oppressions, and escaping from responsibilities.
We observe that, this waiting moves suffered people to a dreamy world and distracts them from what is going on around them and encourages them to idleness and escaping from social obligations.
And in other word, individually, it is a factor of inaction and socially, a tool for stopping anti-imperialism movements and anyway its negative effects are obvious.
But in our opinion, an aware researcher, who doesn’t want to judge from a far point and oblige himself/herself to observe all the issues related to “motives and results” closely, cannot suffice to these impulsive judgments.
Now, let us study the motives and results and effects of waiting one by one impartially and find out that whether the reason of its appearance is failures or series of innate and wise realities, and are the effects of that constructive
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and positive or negative and unfavorable?
Constructive Effects of Waiting
Does believing in such waiting moves the person into dreams in the way that he/she becomes unaware of what is going on around him/her and surrender him/her to any condition?
Or, indeed, this belief is a kind of invitation to rise and individual and social construction?
Does it produce movement or inaction?
Does it make responsibilities or the cause of escaping from responsibilities?
And finally, is it stupefying or awakener?
Before explaining and studying these questions, noticing to a point is very necessary and that is, whenever the most constructive orders and the most excellent concepts are utilized by inexperienced, incompetent or exploiter persons then they may transform them in the way that they have results completely against the main goal and move in opposite direction; and this matter has many of examples and as we will see the issue of “waiting” is like them.
Anyhow, for getting rid of any mistake in calculation in these discussions, water should be taken from the headspring in order not to have the contaminations of streams and canals in the way.
Accordingly, in the discussion of waiting, we refer to main Islamic texts and study different tones of narratives, which affirm the issue of “waiting” in order to find the main goal.
Now, pay careful attention to some narrative!
Someone asked Imam Sadiq (as) that what do you say about a person who has the guardianship of the Imams and is waiting for the appearance of the government of truth and dies in this state?
Imam (as) answered:
هو بمنزلة
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من کان مع القائم فی فسطاطه - ثمّ سکت هنیئه - ثمّ قال هو کمن مع رسول الله) ص (
(He is like the person who has been with the leader of this revolution in his tent (headquarters) - then stayed silent for a while - and said he is like the one who has been with prophet of Islam (in his battles) ).
This meaning has been quoted in many narratives with different expressions:
In some narratives
بمنزلة الضّارب بسیفه فی سبیل الله
Like a swordsman in the way of God.
And in some other narratives
کمن قارع بسیفه مع رسول الله
Like the one who strikes the head of the enemy with sword beside prophet.
In some others
بمنزلة من کان قاعداً تحت لواء القائم
Like the one who has been under the flag of He Who Arises.
And in some other narratives
بمنزلة المجاهد بین یدی رسول الله) ص (
Like the person who performs jihad before the Prophet (S).
And in some others
بمنزلة من استشهد مع رسول الله
Like a person who becomes martyr with the Prophet (S).
These metaphors which have been mentioned in these narratives about the advent of his holiness Mahdi (as) are very meaningful and clear the fact that there is a kind of relation between the issues of “waiting” and “jihad” and fighting against the enemy, in its latest form. (Attention! )
Also, in several narratives, waiting for such government has been introduced as the best form of worship.
This meaning has been quoted in some Ahadith from the Prophet (S) and in some other Ahadith from Imam Ali (as) ; we read in
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a Hadith from the Prophet (S) that he said:
"افضل اعمال امّتی انتظار الفرج من الله عزّ و جلّ"
The best act of my nation is waiting for an opening from the side of God.
And we read in another Hadith from the Prophet (S) that:
"افضل العبادة انتظار الفرج"
(The best act of worship is the waiting of the opening)
This Hadith clears the importance of waiting about our discussion, whether we consider the meaning of opening as in general meaning or its exclusive meaning which is the advent of universal peacemaker.
These expressions say that waiting for such revolution is always accompanied by an expanded and continued jihad.
And if belief and waiting of universal government of the Mahdi penetrates to the roots then will be the source of two series of continued acts (because the effects of superficial beliefs may not go further than expressions and dialog but deep beliefs always have expanded practical effects) ; these two series of acts are:
Renouncing any kind of cooperation and harmony with the factors of oppression and corruption and even fighting and conflict with them, on the one hand; and self-improvement, self-help and attracting physical, mental, material and spiritual preparations for that universal united government to be formed, on the other hand.
And if carefully notice then we will see that both sides of that are completely constructive and the cause of motivation, awareness and awakening.
By considering the main definition of “waiting”, the meaning of narratives about the reward and the result of the act of those who are waiting
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will be understood well.
Now, we understand that why those who are really waiting have been considered as those who are in the tent or under the flag of his holiness the Mahdi (as) , or the one who is fighting with sword in the way of god or is inside his blood or has become martyr.
Aren’t these different levels and stages of jihad in the way of truth and justice, which is appropriate with the amount of readiness and level waiting of individuals!
It means that as the amount of self-sacrifice of Mujahids in the way of God and their role are different, waiting, self-improvement and preparation have also completely different levels that each of them is similar to one of those about “preliminaries” and “results”; both of them are jihad and both of them need preparation and self-improvement. A person who is in the tent of the leader of such government means that is standing in the headquarters of a universal government; such person cannot be a negligent, uninformed and ignorant person; that place is not a pace for everyone; there is the place of those who are truthfully competent for such important situation.
Also, a person, who has weapon in his hands and fights beside the leader of this revolution against the oppositions of his government of peace and justice, should have enough spiritual, mental and martial readiness.
Waiting Means Complete Awareness
If I am a tyrant or an oppressor then how can I wait for the one whose sword is looking for the blood of oppressors!
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I am polluted and impure then how can I wait for a revolution that its first flame captures polluted people!
An army, which is waiting for a great jihad, increases martial readiness of its soldiers and blows the revolutionary soul of into their bodies and corrects any kind of weakness.
The condition of “waiting” is always proper for the goal, which is waiting for:
Waiting for a normal traveler to come from the journey
Waiting for the return of a dear friend
Waiting for fruit collecting and harvesting season
Waiting for school season…
Each of these waiting is mixed with a kind of readiness.
In one of them the house should be prepared and greetings means should be provided, in the other one needed equipments and sickle and combine … and for the other one, books, notebooks, pen, school uniform and like them.
Now think that those who are waiting for the rise of a great universal peacemaker, in fact, they are waiting for a change and revolution which is the most expanded and essential revolution of human revolution during the entire history.
A revolution, which, contrary to previous corrective revolutions, is not regional and is not exclusive to one aspect of the aspect of life, but it, includes all aspects of human life adding to being general and sweeping; it is a political, cultural, economical and moral revolution.
Currently, we don’t discuss about the matter that what is our reason for such revolution to happen.
We postpone this to another discussion, because in this discussion, our goal is only the results
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and the effects of such belief and waiting that is really stupefying as some of materialists have assumed or is it motion-maker and corrective.
We said before that, “waiting” always consists of two elements of “denial” and “fixation”; dissatisfaction of present conditions and love and affection for better conditions.
The first aspect of the resolution, which is the aspect of “denial”, is removing the factors of disorder, corruption, destruction and washing the plate of society from the opposite sketches.
After this stage, it is the time for the aspect of fixation, which is placing the factors of correction and construction.
The combination of two concepts of “waiting” and “universal revolution” clears what we said before; it means that, those who are waiting for such revolution, if they are truly claiming (not like the false imaginary ones) then certainly the following effects will appear in them:
1) Personal Self-Improvement
The universal government of Mahdi needs ready and human-valued individuals, before anything else, who can bear the heavy weight of such expanded corrections; and firstly, it needs the increment of intellectual, awareness and spiritual and mental readiness level for cooperation in execution of this great program. Envy, narrow-mindedness, mistrust, childish and unwise conflicts, and totally any kind of concision and separation are not proper for the position of those who are really waiting.
The important point is that the one who is really waiting for such important program cannot be the spectator, and should stand in the row of real reformists.
Believing in the results and the effects of such change never
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lets him/her to stand in the row of oppositions and standing in the row of accordant ones also needs to have pure acts and purer souls, to have enough courage and awareness.
If I am impure and polluted then how can I wait for a change and revolution, which its flame captures me first!
An if I am corrupted and incorrect then how can I count the days for the system in which corrupted and incorrect persons have no place, even they are outcaste and hated!
Isn’t this waiting enough for purification of my spirit and thoughts and washing my body and soul from pollutions and impurities!
An army which is waiting for the jihad of freedom, surely goes to the state of complete alert; gains the weapon which is proper for such battlefield; corrects the available weapons; builds the necessary forts; increases martial readiness of its soldiers; encourages its soldiers; and keeps the flame of affection and desire for such fight alive in the hearts of each its soldiers; an army which doesn’t have such readiness is not in the state of waiting at all and if claims then it is lying; waiting for a universal peacemaker means complete mental, moral, material and spiritual readiness for correcting the entire world.
Imagine that how much such readiness can be constructive! Correcting the entire earth and finishing all oppressions and disharmonies is not a joke! It cannot be a simple act! Readiness for such great goal should be proper to that; which means should have its
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width and depth.
For achieving such revolution very great and serious, very powerful and undefeatable, extraordinary, pure and honorable men are needed who are completely ready and have deep knowledge and vision; and self-improvement for such goal needs the deepest moral, intellectual and social programs to be utilized; this is the meaning of real waiting! Is there anybody who can say such waiting is not constructive!
2) Social Self-Helps
Those who are really waiting have also the duty to try to correct others adding to correcting themselves; because the great and heavy program which they expect is not an individual program; it is program in which all the elements of change should participate; they should work as a team; efforts should be in harmony and the depth and width of this harmony should be as great as that universal revolutionary program which they expect.
In a vast battlefield nobody can ignore others, and has the duty to correct any weakness which he sees in any place, and amends any vulnerable position, and strengthens any weak part; because execution of such program is not possible without active and coordinated participation of all those who fight.
Therefore, those who are really waiting, besides trying to correct themselves, also consider it as their duty to correct others.
This is another constructive effect of waiting for the rise of a universal peacemaker! And this is the philosophy of many glories and superiorities, which have been mentioned for those who are really waiting.
3) Not being solved in Corruption of the Environment
When corruption dominates, and corrupts most of the people, sometimes pure
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people is entrapped in a hard mental dead-end, a dead-end which is the result of disappointment from reforms.
Sometimes, they think that no time remained and there is no more hope for corrections, and it is a waste of time to try to remain pure; this disappointment may gradually attract them to corruption and consolidation with the environment and cannot keep the self as righteous minority against unrighteous majority, and considers disharmony with congregation as a mean of disgrace (referring to a Persian proverb).
The only thing which can blow the soul of hope into them and encourage them to resistance and continence and don’t let them to be solved in corruption of the environment is the hope of final correction; only in this case they don’t give up trying for keeping their purity and even correcting others.
And if we see that in Islamic orders, disappointment from being forgiven is considered as one of the greatest sins and maybe unknown people is surprised that why disappointment from the mercy of God is this much important - more important from many other sins - its philosophy is that the sinner, who is disappointed from mercy, sees no reason for compensation and at least stopping the sins, and his/her logic is that:
“I am drowned, whether one meter or hundred meters; I’ve been disgrace in the entire world, why should I be sorry; there is no color darker than black, at last it is hell, and now I have purchased it for myself, what should
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I fear from! ”
But when the light of hope shines on him/her, hope of forgiveness of god and hope of changing the present conditions, a turning point appears in his/her life and maybe encourages him/her to stop performing sins and to return to purity and correction.
Accordingly, hope can be considered as an effective corrective factor in correction of corrupted people, also, righteous people, who are living in corrupted environments, cannot free themselves without hope.
Therefore, waiting for the advent of a peacemaker whose appearance is more excepts as the world becomes more corrupted, has mental strengthening effects on believers and insure them against powerful waves of corruption. They won’t be disappointed by the expansion of corruption of the environment; even they see the goal in front of them and try more eagerly to fight against the corruption and for continence.
We conclude from previous discussions that, waiting has stupefying effect only if its meaning is distorted and transformed, as some of its oppositions have distorted that; and some of its accordant ones have transformed, but it is executed in its real meaning in society and for individuals then it will be an important factor of correction, self-improvement, motivation and hope.
One of clear evidences which confirms this matter is that it is quoted from great leaders of Islam beneath the verse:
وَعَدَ اللَّهُ الَّذِینَ آمَنُوا مِنْکُمْ وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ لَیَسْتَخْلِفَنَّهُمْ فِی الْأَرْضِ
Allah has promised, to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds, that He will, of a surety, grant them in the land, (Surah
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Nur24: 55)
That the purpose of this verse is “هوالقائم و اصحابه” (Mahdi and his companions). And we read: in another hadith: “نزلت فی المهدی” (the verse has been descended about Mahdi) while in this verse Mahdi and his companion are introduced as “الّذین آمنو منکم و عملو الصّالحات”. (Those who believe and perform righteous acts).
Therefore, realization of this universal revolution is not possible without a fortified belief that dispels any kind of weakness, humiliation and incapability and without righteous acts which open the way for correction of the world; and those who are waiting for such program should both increase their level of awareness and knowledge and try to correct themselves and their acts.
Only such people can promise themselves living in his government, not those who are in coordination with oppression and injustice!
And not those who are stranger with belief and righteous acts!
Not cowards and despised persons who fear from anything even their own shadow because of weakness of belief!
And not inactive and lazy and useless persons, who is sitting inactive against the corruptions of their living environment and society and stayed silent and don’t even try to fight against corruption.
Yes the real waiting is this!
Great Universal Peacemaker in Islamic Resources
Characteristics of Universal Leader
We studied the appearance of a great universal revolution for removing oppression and injustice in an expanded view in previous discussion and we reached the point that:
Foreseeing such revolution is completely acceptable by the logic of wisdom and the guidance of innate nature.
But it should be considered that rational proofs only show a general
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plan about this matter, but it is not possible to specify the details of this plan and the leader of such revolution in this way.
We should at least know that: this revolution - which means the greatest happening of human history and the greatest and the most expanded revolution of the world - will certainly be performed by the leadership of a person who has the following characteristics.
1) Extraordinary expanded knowledge and deep vision
2) Sharp sight, unexampled foresight as the vastness of the world of humanity
3) Having analyzed revolutionary plans for all the fields
4) Courage and broad and liberal scope and extraordinary ambition
5) Purity, virtue and honesty as much as his vase goal
6) Seeing all aspects of life and not being restricted to material aspect
7) A great soul, which is beyond categorizations, opposing groups and shortsightedness of personal interests and beyond available habits and traditions and schools.
Also, revolutionary army of such leader should be trained excellently in order to be able to execute such great plan.
Unknown, shortsighted, cowards, less ambitious, polluted, undecided and non-revolutionary members have no place in this revolution!
Now, we want to leave this general discussion and study the appearance of this great universal peacemaker in Islamic resources, because by all predictions which have been done in approximately all religious resources of the world about such appearance, but in no religion this issue has been discussed as much as Islam and its details have not been noticed this much.
It is interesting that, what have been mentioned in Islamic
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resources about this matter interestingly matches what we reach to through “reason and wisdom”; this accordance and harmony has to effects:
On the one hand, assures us more to the judgments of wisdom.
On the other hand, makes us more optimistic about the genuineness of Islamic teachings.
Great Universal Peacemaker in Qur'an
Qur’an which means the most important Islamic resource has only an essential and general discussion about this matter like many other matters, without mentioning the details of the issue; and in other words, verses of Qur’an follows what we had in reasoning of wisdom and innate intuitions, which means, informs us about the happening of a government of universal peace under the shadow of faith.
We mention some examples of verses, which have introduced this discussion, as follows:
1) we read in Surah al-Anbiya’ (the prophets):
وَلَقَدْ کَتَبْنَا فِی الزَّبُورِ مِنْ بَعْدِ الذِّکْرِ أَنَّ الْأَرْضَ یَرِثُهَا عِبَادِیَ الصَّالِحُونَ إِنَّ فِی هَٰذَا لَبَلَاغًا لِقَوْمٍ عَابِدِینَ
Before this We wrote in the Psalms, after the Message (given to Moses): My servants the righteous shall inherit the earth. " Verily in this (Qur'an) is a Message for people who would (truly) worship Allah. (Surah Anbiyah 21: 105-106)
First, the definitions of these words should be noticed:
“ارض” refers to the entire earth and includes the world completely, except that it has a specific reference.
“ارث” literally means a thing, which reaches a person without any transaction and business, but in some cases of holy Qur’an, “ارث” has been mentioned in the meaning of victory of a righteous nation over the unrighteous ones and using their facilities and
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“زبور” essentially means any kind of book and text; but usually, it refers to the book of “David” which has been called “Psalms of David” in the Old Testament; and it is a collection of sacred poems of King David; it is also possible that “زبور” refers to all previous divine books (before Qur’an).
“ذِکر” essentially means anything which advices or reminds, but in above verse, it has been interpreted to the divine book of Moses (as) (Torah) , according to the fact that it has been introduced before “زبور” , and according to another interpretation“ذِکر” refers to holy Qur’an because it is mentioned in the verses of Qur’an:
إِنْ هُوَ إِلَّا ذِکْرٌ لِلْعَالَمِینَ
Verily this is no less than a Message to (all) the Worlds (At-Takwir 81: 27)
Therefore, the phrase “مِن بَعد” means “adding to”. (Attention! )
“صالح” means competent and righteous and when it is mentioned in its absolute definition, it includes competence in everything; scientific competence, moral competence, competence in faith, virtue, knowledge and management.
And accordingly, the meaning of the verse is this:
We wrote in Psalms adding to holy Qur’an (of after Torah) that my competent and righteous servants will have the earth; and it is enough for the group of worshipers (and those who make their steps in the way of servitude of god) in order to reach their goals.
Mentioning this matter in “زبور” (if it means all previous divine books) is the reason for this matter to be available in all divine books as a constant principle.
And if the purpose of that
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is Psalms of David then maybe it is because David had an expanded kingdom which was in the way of truth, justice and human interests; although it was regional and not comprehensive to the entire world; but it was announced to him in Psalms that a comprehensive universal government, based on freedom, security and justice, is waiting for the people of the world.
It means that when they become enough competent and become the living example of “عبادی الصّالحون” and righteous servants of God, they will inherit and gain all the heritages and gifts of the earth, both material and spiritual governments.
More explicit and clearer expressions can be found in some narratives, which have been quoted in interpretation of above verses.
For instance, it is quoted in famous interpretation of “Majma’ al-Bayan” from Imam Baqir (as) beneath the above verse that:
هم اصحاب المهدی فی آخر الزّمان
These are the companions of Mahdi (as) in End of Days.
Those self-constituted persons men and women who will inherit all the heritages of the earth; and will have the competence of this great prophecy.
It is interesting that, the same exact matter can be found, with different expressions, in “Psalms of David”, which is today included in the Old Testament:
For instance, we read in psalm 37:
9 For the wicked shall be cut off; but those who wait for the Lord shall possess the land.
10 Yet a little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look well at his place, he will not be there.
11 But
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the meek shall possess the land, and delight themselves in abundant prosperity.
Also, in psalm 37, this matter is mentioned with different expressions:
22 for those “blessed” by the Lord shall possess the land, but those cursed by him shall be cut off.
29 The righteous shall possess the land, and dwell upon it forever.
As you can see, the word “صالحون” (competent ones, righteous ones) which is mentioned in Qur’an is a comprehensive word, which includes “the meek”, “wise men”, “righteous ones” and “those who wait for the Lord”.
And we reminded, it is derived from the verse
انّ فی هذا لبلاغاً لقوم عابدین
Verily in this (Qur'an) is a Message for people who would (truly) worship Allah. (Surah Anbiyah 21: 106)
That government on the earth is not the final goal of righteous and competent ones, but it is a tool for reaching the final goal, which is perfection of humans in all aspects, because “بلاغ” means “a thing with which they reach their goal”.
Caliphate on Earth
We read in sura an-Noor:
وعدالله الّذین آمنوا منکم و عملوا الصّالحات لیستخلفنّهم فی الارض کما استخلف الّذین من قبلهم و لیمکننّ لهم دینهم الذّی ارتضی لهم و لیبدّلنّهم من بعد خوفهم امنا یعبدوننی لایشرکون بی شیئاً و من کفر بعد ذلک فاولئک هم الفاسقون
Allah has promised, to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds, that He will, of a surety, grant them in the land, inheritance (of power) , as He granted it to those before them; that He will establish in authority their religion - the one which He has chosen
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for them; and that He will change (their state) , after the fear in which they (lived) , to one of security and peace: 'They will worship Me (alone) and not associate aught with Me. 'If any do reject Faith after this, they are rebellious and wicked. (Surah Nur 24: 55)
In this verse, three things have been explicitly promised to those who form the group of believer and competent persons.
And we know that there are three pillars in a promise:
The one who promises who is God in here; and those who are being promised to who are:
الّذین آمنوا منکم و عملوا الصّالحات
That means righteous believers; and what is being promised which are the three following matters:
1) “استخلاف فی الارض” - “government on the earth as the successors of God”; which means the government of truth and justice.
2) Deference to religion - “spiritual influence and government of divine laws on the entire life”
3) Converting the fear to security; and removing all causes of fear and insecurity; and establishment of complete security and peace on earth.
The purpose of “deference to religion”, as it can be understood from other uses of the word deference, is that the teachings of religion influence all aspects of life constantly and deeply, not in the way of the words peace, freedom and human rights which are today playthings of their false defenders and they only tear their throats for hot mottoes about this matter, and there is no external sign of that; maybe they are just dreamy expressions which
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cannot be achieved in other than the world of dreams.
In that day, freedom-giving and life-giving teachings of Islam, not in the form of series of formalities, and not in the form of a bunch of mummified expressions, but as a school of life will expand its roots everywhere and efforts of reconstruction will be made on the roots, not on branches and leaves and designs.
That day, awareness and feeling of responsibility will be public; and its expansion and generalization will prevent some people to play with words, and transform constructive meanings; however, these kinds of acts is only possible to be performed in societies in which there is no public awareness and feeling of responsibility, or it has not reached the minimum needed amount, otherwise, no place remained for this childish games.
That day, personal and individual benefits won’t remove correct public judgment, not like today that when a group of removers of human rights give speeches so much exciting, on the chairs of wide and large so-called global assemblies established for defending human rights that mouths remains open wide of surprise; even they consider available declarations about human rights (which in fact they didn’t have acted according to any of them) incomplete and not enough, and even leaders of human rights in the world applause for them, because they are friends of each other and their interests will be in danger without these acts.
In that day, peace and security are not mixed with fear, not like the security, which appears
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sometimes in todays, world and it is the result of fear of terrible and horrible weapons.
This is the balance of fear not the balance of peace!
This peace is the result of great fear of the painful effects of war not the real peace! Therefore, anytime that balance of fear is disordered then the pillars of this security and false peace will fall.
The result of these three divine promises is preparations for human making and more perfection in human definitions and pure servitude of God, and breaking all idols in all forms
یعبدوننی لا یشرکون بی شیئا.
It is better to look at the expressions of interpreters and what has been said about the cause of revelation of the above verse:
Some of interpreters believe that this verse revealed when the companions of Prophet (S) had immigrated to Medina.
A new movement was formed; a movement that shook the old and rotten society that was filled with superstitions and full of ignorance, oppression, and ignorant discrimination and naturally the flags of opposition was high in any place.
Although, limited but devoted companions of this divine revolution was in fact controlling the situation by using the great dynamism of the new religion, but the number of oppositions was so many and the jangled so much loud that their truthful cries were lost among them.
Severity of opposition of tribes was so much that revolutionary soldiers of Prophet (S) were always alert; they slept every night with weapons and woke up in the mornings with weapons and in tight
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and heavy clothes of war.
Continuing this condition for a long time was surely harmful. How is it possible to sleep with armor and boot beside sword and shield? An interrupted sleep accompanied by awakening!
Sometimes, they wished that the time comes when they can sleep one night in peace in comfortable bed; without any threatening danger from the enemy. Neither to fear from the sudden assault of the enemy during prayer nor to fear from their camisado; worship the God freely; break the idols; and live a peaceful life under the shadow of Government of justice of Qur’an.
Therefore, sometimes they worried about their conditions and asked each other that will such day come?!
Meantime, the above verse revealed and promised them that:
Yes, such day will come and this is the great promise of God; certain and inviolable promise!
And we saw in the history of Islam that how that day came by complete conquers of Prophet (S) over the Arabian Peninsula.
This cause of revelation seems completely natural for the verse, but as we are familiar with different verses of Qur’an and their causes of revelation, we know that it is never possible to restrict the vast meanings of verses to the boundaries of their causes of revelation; but always, cause of revelation is one of the examples of the verse.
Specifying a verse to its cause of revelation is exactly like that we throw away a weapon which we were using in war against the enemy after the way, although it is still useful,
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precious and rare.
Albeit, at the end of the age of Prophet (S) a part of the meaning of the verse became practical, but establishment of complete meaning of the verse and caliphate on the entire earth has not been established yet, and world is waiting for that.
The verse promises all competent believers in all ages and centuries that finally, government of the world will be for the competent ones and won’t be the plaything for a bunch of selfish dictator imperialist, who pas the world to each other like a ball, forever.
Therefore, we read in narratives that this verse has been interpreted to the rise of promised Mahdi; for instance, “Tabarsi”, the precious interpreter, quotes from Imam Sajjad (as) in “Majma’ al-Bayan” that:
هم والله شیعتنا اهل البیت یفعل الله ذلک بهم علی یدی رجل منّا و هو مهدی هذه الامّه
(This group is those followers of us who accomplish this matter with a man of our dynasty and he is Mahdi of this nation).
روی العیاشی بإسناده عن علی بن الحسین (ع) أنه قرأ الآیة و قال هم و الله شیعتنا أهل البیت یفعل الله ذلک بهم علی یدی رجل منا و هو مهدی هذه الأمة و هو الذی قال رسول الله ص لو لم یبق من الدنیا إلا یوم واحد لطول الله ذلک الیوم حتی یلی رجل من عترتی اسمه اسمی یملأ الأرض عدلا و قسطا کما ملئت ظلما و جورا و روی مثل ذلک عن أبی جعفر (ع) و أبی عبد الله (ع
And it is narrated from Al-`Ayyaashee by his
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chain of narrators from `Alee bin Al-Hussayn (علیه السلام) that he read the ayah and he (علیه السلام) said: “They are, by Allah, our Shi’a’s of the Ahl Al-Bayt and this act Allah for them by His hand a man from us, and he is Mahdi from this Ummah, and he is who the Messenger of Allah (صلی الله علیه وآله وسلم) said: ‘If there does not remain (even) one day from this world, Allah would make that day longer until a man from my `itra (lineage) comes. His name is my name, and he will fill the earth with justice like the amount of oppression and tyranny that filled (the earth). ’” And it is also narrated like this from Abi Ja`far (علیه السلام) and Abi `Abd Allah
Al-Tabarsi, Majma` Al-Bayan, vol. 7, pg. 239 - 240
Then he quotes the same matter from Imam Baqir (as) and Imam Sadiq (as).
Afterwards, he adds that the verse is absolute and includes the caliphate on the entire earth and we should wait for it because the promise has not been realized yet.
And in the interpretation “Burhan”, several narratives have been quoted from Imam Sadiq (as) and Imam Baqir (as) beneath this verse that the verse refers to the rise of He Who Arises (as).
It is also necessary to remind that by considering the word “منکم”, existence of a competent, believer and righteous minority is enough who start their global revolution when the backgrounds are ready, and this sinking ship reaches the coast of rescue
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by their leadership.
3) It is mentioned in sura at-Tawbah:
هوالذّی ارسل رسوله بالهدی و دین الحق لیظهره علی الدّین کلّه ولو کره المشرکون
It is He Who sent His Messenger with guidance and the Religion of Truth, to proclaim it over all religion, even though the Pagans may detest (it). (Surah Tawbah 9: 33)
For understanding the meaning of this verse, we should return to the previous verse, which says:
یریدون ان یطفؤا نور الله بافواههم و یأبی الله الّا ات یتمّ نوره ولو کره الکافرون
Enemies desire to put out the light of God by their mouths, but God intends to complete his light, although the unbelievers are averse. (Surah Tawbah 9: 32)
It is cleared well from this verse that the God’s will is to complete the light of Islam and its real perfection is the time when it covers the entire world.
Then God says this truth more explicitly in the next verse:
He is the one who sent his messenger with guidance and religion of truth, in order to prevail over all religions, although the polytheists are averse.
The same promise is repeated in sura al-Fath with a little difference:
هوالذّی ارسل رسوله بالهدی و دین الحق لیظهره علی الدّین کلّه و کفی بالله شهید
He is the one who sent His Messenger with guidance and religion of truth, in order to prevail over all religions, and God is enough as the witness (of this great promise). (Surah Fath 48: 28)
And finally for the third time, we see this great promise in sura as-Staff, with the same expression of sura
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هوالذّی ارسل رسوله بالهدی و دین الحق لیظهره علی الدّین کلّه ولو کره المشرکون
It is He Who has sent His Messenger with Guidance and the Religion of Truth, that he may proclaim it over all religion, even though the Pagans may detest (it). (Surah Saf 61: 9)
The importance of this divine promise can be briefly understood from these verses, which are mentioned in three suras of holy Qur’an.
But it is important to clear the meaning of the phrase “لیظهره”:
Firstly, does the pronoun “ه” refer to the Prophet (S) or to “دین الحق”?
In the first case, its meaning is the victory of the Prophet (S) over all religions, and in the second case, the victory of religions of Islam.
But by considering that “دین الحق” is closer, according to the literature rules, reference of the pronoun to that seems to be more correct (although it has not much difference in the result).
Moreover, victory of a religion over other religions is more proper that the victory of a person over other religions. (Attention! )
Secondly, (and the important part is this) what is the purpose of “ظهور” in here? There is no doubt that here, “ظهور” doesn’t mean appearance and manifestation but it means to prevail and victory; because one of the famous meanings of the word is this; in the book “Qamoos” which is one of the famous resources of Arabic language, it is mentioned that: ظهر به و علیه غلبه.
In the book “Mufradat” written by Raghib is also mentioned that: ظهر علیه غلبه.
This word
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has been used in the meaning of “prevail and victory” in several verses of holy Qur’an in sura’s at-Tawbah Mu’min (al-Ghafir) and Kahf. For example:
(1) How their pact has respect, while if they prevail over you then they don’t observe the kinship and the pact! (Surah Tawbah 9: 08).
کیف و ان یظهروا علیکم لایرقبوا فیکم الّا و لاذمّه
(2) O you my people {of Pharaoh}! Today you have victory on the earth (but…) (Surah Ghafir 40: 29).
یَا قَوْمِ لَکُمُ الْمُلْکُ الْیَوْمَ ظَاهِرِینَ فِی الْأَرْضِ...
(3) If they have victory over you (companions of Kahf) then they will stone you! (Surah Kahf 18: 20).
انّهم ان یظهروا علیکم یرجموکم
But the discussion is that what kind of victory is the purpose of the victory of this religion over other religions?
Interpreters have expressed three interpretations for that:
1) Logical victory; it means that by comparing Islam with other religions which are mostly mixed with superstitions, the victory of its reasonable logic over other logics is clear.
Adherents of this interpretation believe that whenever we compare the pure Islamic monotheism with monotheisms mixed with polytheism or pure polytheism then the superiority of the school of Islam over other schools will be cleared, also other discussions.
This divine promise has been realized; even comparing the motto of Adhan, which is a communicative and motivating motto, with the motto of bell and other religions, which have no motto, clears this logical victory.
2) The purpose is practical victory and external conquering over other religions, but in a regional scale not global and general.
This has been also
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realized; because Islam conquered the Arabian Peninsula in the time of Prophet (S) and after that, conquered a great flourished part of the world and followers of other religions and faiths in these regions which was from the Great Wall of China - maybe beyond the Great Wall of China - to the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, mostly surrendered themselves to Islam. Even when the dominance of Islamic government was removed from these regions then Islam still remained as a religion in these regions.
3) The purpose is practical and external victory and dominance over the entire world, which includes cultural, economical and political victory; and this interpretation, has been accepted by some of Sunni interpreters adding to Shiites.
Certainly, this promise has not been realized yet and it only matches the government of the promised Mahdi that the government of truth and justice covers everywhere and this religion will prevail over other religions in global scale.
And we have evidences, which prove the priority of the third interpretation over other interpretations, because:
Firstly, dominance and victory which is derived from the word “ظهور” is appeared in sensible, objective and external dominance, not intellectual and mental dominance; therefore, in none of the cases which we expressed from Qur’an, “ظهور” is not mentioned in the meaning of mental dominance, but if we return to previous verses and notice then we see that in all these cases the meaning is objective and external dominance.
Secondly, mentioning the word “کلّه” for stressing clears that the dominance is
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not regional and limited and it includes all religions and faiths of the world and it is not possible without comprehensiveness of Islam in the entire world.
Thirdly, narratives that we have in interpretation of the above verse strengthen the third interpretation, like the following narratives:
1) “Ayyaashee” quotes from “Abayah” referring to “Imran ibn Maytham” that:
Amir al-Mu’mineen Ali (as) asked his companions when he recited the verse
“هو الذّی ارسل رسوله بالهدی و دین الحق... ”:
اظهر ذلک؟
Is this victory achieved?
They said: Yes!
He said:
کلُا فوالّذی نفسی بیده حتّی لا یبقی قریة الّا و ینادی فیها شبهادة ان لا اله الا الله بکرة و عشیّاً
(No! I swear to the one whom my life is in his hands, this victory won’t appear, except for the time when there is no village remained on the earth except لا اله الا الله is heard from that! [1]
2) We read in another hadith from Imam Baqir (as):
انّ ذلک یکون عند خروج المهدی من آل محمّد فلا یبقی احدا الّا اقر بمحمّد5
(This victory will be in the time of the rise of Mahdi from the dynasty of Muhammad (S) , in the way that nobody remains on the world except that testifies to Muhammad (S). [2]
3) Miqdad ibn Aswad says:
سمعت رسول الله (ص) یقول لا یبقی علی ظهر الارض بیت مدر و لا و بر الًا ادخله الله کلمة الاسلام
(No brick house and no tent (in the desert) will remain on the entire earth, except that Islam enters that). [3]
There are also some other narratives in interpretation of the above verse with the
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same meaning.
This was a part of the verses of holy Qur’an, which affirm universal peace and justice, and belief of Islam and monotheism on the entire world.
[1]: Majma’ al-Bayan, beneath the verse 9, interpretation of sura as-Saff (61).
[2]: Interpretation Burhan, vol. 2, page 121.
[3]: Majma’ al-Bayan, beneath the verse 33, sura at-Tawbah (9).
A Living Evidence
About two years ago [1] a person called Abu Muhammad from Kenya asked “Muslim World League”, which is one of the most effective religious centers of Mecca and Hejaz a question about the advent of the promised Mahdi.
Secretary General of the league, Muhammad Salih al-Qazzaz, sent a brief treatise which was written by five presently famous scholars of Hejaz about this matter for him, in answering his question adding to affirming that “Ibn Taymiyyah”, the founder of Wahhabism, has also accepted the ahadith of the advent of Mahdi.
We read in this treatise, after mentioning the name of his holiness Mahdi and the place of his appearance, which is Mecca, that:
… at the time of dominance of corruption in the world and distribution of infidelity and oppression, God fills the world with justice by him (Mahdi) as it is filled with oppression and injustice.
He is the last one of twelve Rashidun Caliphs whom Prophet (S) has informed us about them is authentic (صحیح) books.
Ahadith related to the Mahdi have been quoted by many of companions of Prophet (S) , including:
Uthman Ibn Affan, Ali ibn Abi Talib, Talha ibn Ubayd-Allah, Abdur Rahman bin Awf, Abdullah ibn Abbas, Ammar ibn Yasir, Abdullah ibn Mas’ud, Abu Sa’id al-Khudri, Thawban, Qarat ibn Asas Mazani, Abdullah ibn Harith, Abu Hurairah, Hudhayfah ibn al- Yaman, Jabir ibn Abdullah, Abu Umama, Jabir ibn Majed, Abdullah ibn Umar, Anas ibn Malik, Umar ibn Haseen and Umm Salama.
These are twenty people of
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those who have quoted the narratives about Mahdi and there are also many others beside them.
Also, companions have said many expressions about the advent of Mahdi which is possible to consider them in the category of narratives of Prophet (S) ; because this issue is not among the issue which are possible to be discussed in ijtihad (therefore, they have also heard the matter from the prophet).
Then he adds:
Both the above ahadith which are quoted from Prophet (S) and testimonials of companions which are considered here as hadith, have been quoted in many famous Islamic books and main hadith texts of Prophet (S) including traditions (سنن) , Ma’ajim (معاجم) (pl. of Mu’jam) and supported books (Musnads) , including:
Sunan Abu Dawood, Sunan al-Tirmidhi, ibn Maja, ibn Amr al-Dani, Musnad Ahmad and ibn Ya’li and Bazzaz. And Sahih al-Hakim and Ma’ajim al-Tabarani (Kabeer and Awsat) and Ruyani and al-Daraqutni and Abu Na’eem in Akhbar al-Mahdi and Khatib in History of Baghdad and ibn Asakir in History of Damascus and other than them.
Then he adds that:
Some of Islamic scholars have written special books in this subject, including:
Abu Na’eem in “Akhbar al- Mahdi”, Ibn Hajar al-Haythami in “Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar”, Shawkani in “al-Tawdhih fi Tawatur ma Ja'a fi al-Muntazar wa al-Dajjal wa al-Masih”, Idris al-Iraqi al-Maghribi in “al-Mahdi”, Abu al- Abbas ibn Abd al-Mu’min al-Maghribi in the book “al-Wahm al-Maknoon fi Radd Ala ibn Khaldun”.
And the latest person who has written an explained discussion in this subject is the dean of Medina Islamic University who
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has discussed in some issues of the magazine published by the university.
Some of great scholars of Islam including past and present ones have also confirmed in their writings that ahadith about Mahdi are in the limit of Tawatur (and are not deniable) including:
Al-Sakhawi in the book “Fath al-Mugeeth”, Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Safawini in “Sharh al-Aqida”, Suyuti in “al-Hawi”, Idris Iraqi in the book that he has written about “Mahdi”, Shawkani in the book “al-Tawdhih fi Tawatur ma Ja'a fi al-Muntazar …”, Muhammad Ja’far al-Kattani in “Nazm al-Mutanathir”, Abu al-Abbas ibn Abd al-Mu’min in “al-Wahm al-Maknoon …”.
He says at the end of the discussion:
(Only) it is Ibn Khaldun who has tried to oppose ahadith about Mahdi with a baseless fake hadith that says “لا مهدی الا عیسی” (Mahdi in nobody but Jesus! ) , but great leaders and scholars of Islam has denied his expression; especially “Ibn Abd al-Mu’min” who has written a special book in denying his expression which has been published in the East and the West from 30 years ago.
Memorizers of ahadith and superior scholars have also affirmed that ahadith of Mahdi contain “authentic” (صحیح) and “acceptable” (حسن) ahadith which are totally Mutawatir (reach the source).
Therefore, believing the advent of Mahdi is obligatory to (any Muslim) and it is considered as the beliefs of Ahl as-Sunnah wa’l-Jama’ah and nobody ignores that except the ignorant persons and the heretics.
According to my opinion, the above discussion is so much clear that it needs no extra explanation; accordingly, aren’t people who say that
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believing the advent of Mahdi is an imported thought making a big mistake!
Now the Main Text of the Letter….
Here, we mention the main test of the letter which had been sent by a man from Kenya to “Muslim World League” which is an official Islamic center in Mecca about “the promised Mahdi” and the text of the answer which has been sent for him by the Secretary General of the league under supervision of five famous scholars of Hejaz.
And this is the same letter, which we mentioned the translation of its important part without the wane before.
The only point which is necessary to be reminded here is that the “important difference” of this writing which the beliefs of Shiites is that the name of the father of his holiness Mahdi (as) is mentioned “Abdullah”, while in Shiite books the name of his respected father is certainly “Imam Hassan al-Askari” and the source of this disagreement is that in some of the narratives of Ahl Sunnah this sentence has been mentioned that “اسم ابیه اسم ابی” (His father’s name is the name of my father) while evidences show that this sentence was originally “اسم ابیه اسم ابنی” (His father’s name is the name of my son”, and this change has happened because of a mistake in punctuation. (This possibility has been also affirmed by al-Kanji al-Shafei in the book “al-Bayan fi Akhbar Sahib al- Zaman”). And anyhow, that sentence is not reliable because:
Firstly, this sentence is not available in most of Sunni
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Secondly, we read in the famous narrative of Ibn Abi Layli
“اسمه اسمی و اسم ابیه اسم ابنی”.
Thirdly, Mutawatir narratives through Ahl al-Bayt (pbut) testify that his father’s name is “Hassan”.
Fourthly, it is also affirmed in some of Sunni narratives that he is the son of Imam Hassan Askari.
(For more explanation about this matter, refer to the book “Muntakhab al-Athar” pages 231 to 236, chapter 11, and the book “Noor al-Absar”).
الکرم ابومحمّد المحترم (کنیا)
السلام علیکم و رحمة اللّه و برکاته اشارة الی خطابکم (المورخ فی 21 یوما 1976م) المتضمن عن موعد ظهور المهدی و فی ای مکان یقیم؟ نفیدکم باننا نوفرلکم مع خطابنا الیکم ما جاء من الفتوی فی مسأله المهدی المنتظر و قد قام بکتابته فضیلة الشیخ محمد المنتصر الکنانی واقرته اللجنه المکنونه من اصحاب الفضیله الشیخ صالح بن عثیین و فضیلة الشیخ احمد محمد جمال و فضیلة الشیخ احمد علی و فضیلة الشیخ عبداللّه خیاط. مدیر اداره مجمع فقهی اسلامی: محمد منتصر کنانی و قد دعم الفتوی بما ورد من احادیث المهدی عن الرسول (صلی الله علیه وآله وسلم) و ما ذکره ابن تیمیه فی المنهاج بصحه الاعتقاد و ابن القیم فی المنار و ان شاء اللّه تعالی ستجدون فی الکتابه مطلبکم و ما یغنیکم عن مسأله المهدی انتم و من کان علی نهجکم آملین لکم التوفیق والسداد. الامین العام محمد صالح القزاز بعد التحیه جوابا عما یسأل عنه المسلم الکینی فی شأن المهدی المنتظر عن موعد ظهوره عن المکان الذی یظهر منه و عن ما یطمئنه عن المهدی (علیه السلام) هو محمد بن عبداللّه الحسنی العلوی الفاطمی المهدی
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الموعود المنتظر موعد خروجه فی آخر الزمان و هو من علامات الساعة الکبری یخرج من الغرب و یبایع له فی الحجاز فی مکة المکرمه بین الرکن والمقام بین باب الکعبه المشرفه والحجر الاسود عند الملتزم و یظهر عند فساد الزمان و انتشار الکفر و ظلم الناس یملا الارض عدلا و قسطا کما ملئت جورا و ظلما یحکم العالم کله و تخضع له الرقاب بالاقناع تارة و الحرب اخری وسیملک الارض سبع سنین و ینزل عیسی (علیه السلام) من بعده فیقتل الدجال او ینزل معه فیساعده علی قتله بباب «اللّد» بارض فلسطین. هو آخر الخلفاء الراشدین، الاثنی عشر الذین اخبر عنهم النبی صلوات اللّه و سلامه علیه فی الصحاح، و احادیث المهدی واردة عن الکثیر من الصحابه یرفعونها الی رسول اللّه (صلی الله علیه وآله وسلم) و منهم عثمان بن عفان; و علی بن ابی طالب، وطلحة بن عبیداللّه، و عبدالرحمن بن عوف، و عبداللّه بن عباس; و عمار بن یاسر، و عبداللّه بن مسعود، و ابوسعید الخدری، و ثوبان، وقرة بن ایاس المزنی، و عبداللّه بن الحارث بن جز، وابوهریره، و حذیفة بن الیمانی، جابر بن عبداللّه; و ابوامامه، و جابربن ماجد الصدفی; و عبداللّه بن عمر و انس بن مالک، و عمران بن حصینی، وام سلمه. هولاء عشرون منهم، ممن وقفت علیهم، و غیرهم، کثیر، و هناک آثار عن الصحابه، مصرحة بالمهدی، من اقوالهم، کثیره جدا، لها حکم الرفع، اذ لامجال للاجتهاد فیها. احادیث هؤلاء الصحابة التی رفعوها الی النبی (صلی الله علیه وآله وسلم) ; والتی قالوها من اقوالهم اعتماد علی ما قاله رسول اللّه و سلامه علیه ورواها الکثیر
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من دواوین الاسلام; و امهات الحدیث النبوی; من السنن، و المعاجم، والمسانید منها. سنن ابی داود، والترمذی، و ابن ماجه، و ابن عمروالدانی; ومسانید احمد، و ابن یعلی; و البزاز، و صحیح الحاکم; و معاجم الطبرانی الکبیر والالوسی والرویانی والدار قطنی فی الافراد، و ابونعیم فی اخبار المهدی، والخطیب فی تاریخ بغداد، و ابن عساکر فی تاریخ دمشق و غیرها. و قد خص المهدی بالتالیف ابونعیم فی «اخبار المهدی» و ابن حجر الهیثمی فی القول المختصر فی علامات المهدی المنتظر والشوکانی فی التوضیح فی تواتر ما جاء فی المنتظر و الدجال والمسیح; وادریس العرقی المغربی فی تالیفه «المهدی» وابوالعباس بن عبدالمؤمن المغربی فی کتابه «الوهم المکنون فی الرد علی ابن خلدون». و آخر من قرات له عن المهدی، بحثاً مستفیضا، مدیر الجامعه الاسلامیه، فی المدینه المنوره فی مجلة الجامعه; اکثر من عدد. و قد نص علی ان احادیث المهدی، انها متواتره، جمع من الاعلام قدیما و حدیثا منهم السخاوی فی «فتح المغیث»، و محمد بن احمد السفاوینی فی شرح العقیده و ابوالحسین الابری فی «مناقب الشافعی» و ابن تیمیه فی فتاواه والسیوطی فی الحاوی; و ادریس العراقی المغربی فی تألیف له عن المهدی، والشوکانی فی «التوضیح فی تواتر ما جاء فی المنتظر; و الدجال، والمسیح» و محمد بن جعفر الکنانی فی «نظم المتناثر فی الحدیث المتواتر»، و ابوالعباس بن عبدالمؤمن المغربی فی «الوهم المکنون من کلام ابن خلدون» رحمهم اللّه و حاول ابن خلدون فی مقدمته ان یطعن فی احادیث المهدی، محتجا بحدیث موضوع لا اصل له عند ابن ماجه لا مهدی الا عیسی. ولکن رد علیه الائمه والعلماء; و
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خصه بالرد شیخنا ابن عبدالمؤمن، بکتاب مطبوع متناول فی المشرق والمغرب منذ اکثر من ثلاثین سنه. و نص الحفاظ والمحدثون علی ان احادیث المهدی فیها الصحیح والحسن و مجموعها متواتر مقطوع بتواتره و صحته. و ان الاعتقاد بخروج المهدی، واجب و انه من عقائد اهل السنة و الجماعة ولاینکر الاجاهل بالسّنّة، و مبتدع فی العقیده. واللّه یهدی الی الحق و یهدی السبیل. مدیر ادارة المجع الفقهی الاسلامی محمد المنتصر الکنانی
Here, it is necessary to add some other expressions of some of famous Sunni scholars about what has been said:
1) Famous scholar, Sheikh Mansour Ali Nasif, the writer of the book “at-Taj” [1] writes in his book:
اشتهر بین العلماء - سلفاً و خلفاً - انه فی آخر الزمان لابد من ظهور رجل من اهل البیت یسمی "المهدی" یستولی علی الممالک الاسلامیه و یتبعه المسلمون و یعدل بینهم و یؤید الدین.
And he continues:
و قد روی احادیث المهدی جماعة من خیار الصحابه و اخرجها اکابر المحدثین کابی داود؛ والترمذی و ابن ماجه و الطبرانی؛ وابی یعلی؛ والبزاز؛ و الامام احمد، و الحاکم؛ رضی الله عنهم اجمعین و لقد اخطأ من ضعف احادیث المهدی کلها کابن خلدون و غیره.
It means, it is famous among all past and present scholars that finally a man from the dynasty of the Prophet (S) appears who dominates over all Islamic countries, and Muslims follow him; and he establishes the justice among them, and strengthens the religion … ahadith of Mahdi have been quoted but many of superiors of companions and hadith tellers … and a person like Ibn Khaldun,
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who has considered them as weak sources, has made a mistake. [1]
2) Ibn Khaldun himself, who is famous of opposing ahadith of Mahdi, hasn’t denied the famousness of ahadith of Mahdi among all Islamic scholars, and he says:
It was famous among all Muslims in all centuries and still is that a man from Ahl al-Bayt will appear in End of Days who stresses the religion of Islam and shows the justice and Muslims follow him. [2]
3) Muhammad Shablanji, famous Egyptian scholar, writes in the book “Noor al-Absar”:
تواترت الاخبار عن النّبی (ع) علی انّ المهدی من اهل بیته و انّه یملأ الارض عدلاً
(Mutawatir news has reached from Prophet (S) that Mahdi is from his dynasty; he will fill the earth with justice. [3]
4) Sheikh Muhammad Sabban3 writes in the book “As’aaf ar-Raghibeen”:
Mutawatir (reaches the source) news has been quoted from holy Prophet (S) that testifies that Mahdi will (finally) rise and he is from prophet’s dynasty and will fill the earth with justice.
5) “Ibn Hajar” quotes from Abul Hassan Amri in the book “Sawa’iq al-Muhragha”:
Mutawatir and several news has been quoted from Prophet (S) that finally Mahdi appears and he is from Ahl al-Bayt of Prophet (S) … and will fill the earth with justice. [4]
6) Author of the book “at-Taj” says after pointing to the book of “Shawkani”, famous Sunni scholar, which is all about Tawatur of ahadith of Mahdi and appearance of Dajjal and return of messiah and an explained discussion about Tawatur of ahadith Mahdi (as):
هذا یکفی لمن کان عنده ذرّة من
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الایمان و قلیل من انصاف!
(What has been said seems to be enough for those who has a bit of faith and little fairness! ) [1]
For more explanation about ahadith of the rise of this great revolutionary man of the world, which has been quoted through Ahl Sunnah, refer to the book “al-Mahdi” and “Muntakhab al-Athar fi Ahwal al-Imam al-Thani Ashar”.
[1]: Consider the time of writing the book.
[1]: at-Taj, vol. 5, page 310.
[1]: Ibn Khaldun, printed in Beirut, page 311 (according to the quotation of Mahmoud Aburiya in the book “Azwa’ ala al-Sunnah al-Muhammadiya”).
[2]: Noor al-Absar, page 157.
[3]: Risalah of Sabban, commentary on Noor al-Absar, printed in Egypt, page 138.
[4]: Sawa’iq, page 99.
[1]: at-Taj, vol. 5, page 327.
Logic of Oppositions of Ahadith of Mahdi
In the previous discussion, we understood that only few Sunnis didn’t have accepted ahadith of Mahdi that Ibn Khaldun, famous historian, and Ahmad Amin, Egyptian scholar is among them, although certain majority of Islamic scholars has denied their opinion.
But, it is necessary to listen to their logic about this matter.
It is possible to summarize the objections of this group into five categories:
1) Documents of news about Mahdi are not reliable!
2) The foresaid news is not acceptable by wisdom!
3) This news has been abused by those who claim for Mahdaviat!
4) This news causes the society to become inactive!
5) This news is in benefit of Shiites and their beliefs!
Weakness of the Logic of Oppositions
It is understood from these objections that opposing against ahadith of Mahdi has an appearance which is weakness of documents of narratives which have been quoted about this matter or weakness of their implication, and it has a real feature behind that appearance and its motive is sectarian fanaticism and some of reasonless policies and anyway, the logic of the oppositions is weak in any part, because:
Firstly, as it has been mentioned before, ahadith of Mahdi have been also quoted by a group of famous Sunni hadith
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tellers in book which are considered as their most famous and reliable books adding to Shiites and many scholars has confirm their Tawatur (reaching the source) ; therefore, there is no place for beginning a discussion about the document of each hadith because their famousness and Tawatur make us needless of studying the documents; which means these ahadith are completely correct according to the criterions of hadith evaluation.
Furthermore, there are authentic and reliable ahadith among them that Sunni hadith tellers have also confirm their reliability.
It is interesting that Ibn Khaldun himself confesses to this truth; because after dedicating some pages of his book to mentioning ahadith of Mahdi and doubting in their documents, he says:
فهذه جملة الاحادیث التی اخرجها الائمة قی شأن المهدی و خروجه آخر الزمان و هی کما رأیت لم یخلص منها من النقد الا القلیل والاقل منه؛
These are the entire ahadith of Mahdi, which have been quoted by the leaders of hadith about him and his rise in End of Days, and as you saw they were not safe from criticism but some! )
And in this way, he confesses that very few of them are correct and cannot be criticized.
Moreover, ahadith are not restricted to these ahadith which Ibn Khaldun has mentioned in his book; and therefore, some of Sunni scholars have written some books for answering Ibn Khaldun and proving the Tawatur of ahadith of Mahdi and showing that ahadith are not restricted to those which have been mentioned by him in his book, that have been expressed
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Therefore, denying ahadith in this way, which is weakening the document, is completely baseless.
Secondly, nothing can be seen in the foresaid ahadith against wisdom that causes them to be ignored, and if their contents seem to be extraordinary they are not beyond the miracles of the past prophets, and exclusion cannot prevent them to be accepted.
Moreover, ahadith of Mahdi is not an integrated unit that to be accepted or denied together; in other words, the certain matter of the foresaid ahadith, which is the rise of a person from the dynasty of Prophet (S) and from the sons of Fatima (sa) and establishment of a universal reformist revolution, and filling the earth with justice, is not a matter that can be objected by wisdom, but we previously proved that this issue is according to a series rational reasons; but, if a part of ahadith about the signs of the advent and like them seem not to be able to be accepted, and are not reliable and clear about the document then we can deny that, but unacceptance of them has no relation with the other ones!
Briefly, we don’t know that why some people have ignored the method of studying and criticism of each of ahadith one by one and have made such mistakes!
These ahadith say that material civilization doesn’t correct the human; 25 years of war in Vietnam was a wonderful examination furnace; all thinkers are examining their opinions in this furnace; but I, as a religious scholar, say that
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it is a reason for incapability of materialistic schools, and that all material tools are the tools for making the conditions more critical, as we can see that in other parts of the world.
Thirdly, if these ahadith is in benefit of Shi’a then is it the fault of Shiites or the fault of ahadith?!
What is the problem of clearing a truth in this way?! Moreover, although the foresaid ahadith confirms the opinion of Shi’a but meanwhile, they don’t necessitate accepting Shi’a by accepting them. There are lots of people who have accepted the rise of Mahdi but they are not Shiite because of any reason. And anyhow, bias shouldn’t prevent the truth to be understood; it is exactly like that a person says that a physician was my enemy and gave me a healing medicine but I don’t use that, because if I use that and become healthy then it is in benefit of that physician and people that he is a good physician!
Fourthly, it is true that these ahadith have been abused but which truth didn’t have been abused in the world?!
Were the false claimants of prophecy or divinity or other spiritual dignities few in the world?! Are factitious and false religions few in the world?!
Should we deny all these truths because of abuses of aberrant ones?!
And absolutely deny god and prophecy of the messenger of god?!
Haven’t material powers of the world been abused many times?!
Should we remove them all! What logic is this!
In the nineteenth century, about ten
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persons of “liar messiahs” appeared - and made many people to follow them - this matter had caused war and riot and many people had become the victims of the swords. [1] Are these the causes of ignoring the messiah completely, because his name has been abused!
Fifthly, as it was explained completely in the discussion of waiting, believing the rise of Mahdi for those who understand its truth is not the cause of inaction and idleness, but it is the cause of hope and courage against hard problems and accidents of the life; as believing God and his eternal power gives the person strength against the problem, and builds a safe and secure shelter against the factors of disappointment, believing the advent of Mahdi has also such effect and essentially, waiting for the rise of Mahdi is a powerful motive for correction and movement of society.
Now, some people didn’t have understand the meaning of this rise and have gone toward idleness and escaping from responsibilities; it is their own fault for not understanding the matter as in the issue of believing in God and the influence of his eternal power in the universe of existence, some uninformed people have also made the same mistake.
Briefly, it is not possible to leave a certain truth because of these weak excuses.
Mahdi in Shiites’ Hadith Resources
Believing the existence of a universal peacemaker called “Mahdi” is more common and expanded among Imamiyyah Shiites; because if Sunnis accept that as a certain side issue, Shiites consider it as one of the
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main principles, because the dynasty of twelve Imams ends to him and he is the last successor.
Some of Islamic researchers have estimated the number of narratives about this subject, which have been quoted by Sunnis to 200 ahadith, while narratives about this subject, which have been quoted by Shiites, are maybe more than one thousand.
If narratives, which talk about the great universal peacemaker, are considered as Mutawatir (reaches the source) narratives among Sunnis, they are considered as “necessities of religion” among Shiites.
Accordingly, Shiite scholars have written books in this field more than Sunni scholars; although, they have tried only to collect the narratives and didn’t have analyze them except some cases, maybe they didn’t consider it necessary in that time.
But anyway, much effort has been made in collecting these narratives.
Among books, which have been written about this subject by the method that has been explained, maybe the three following books, which contemporary scholars have written them, are more comprehensive.
1) The book “al-Mahdi” [1] written by great faqih, Sayyid Sadr al-Sin Sadr.
2) The book “al-Burhan ala Wujud Sahib al-Zaman”, written by the late scholar, Sayyid Muhsin al-Amin.
3) The book “Muntakhab al-Athar fi Ahwal al-Imam al-Thani Ashar”, written by the great scholar, Lotfollah Safi that has been performed by the encouragement and guidance of the late ayatollah Borujerdi and an abstract version of that called “Promise of Peace and Security” has been published in Persian.
The resources of these books are several books from previous Shiite and Sunni scholars, which have been written independently
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about this subject or have been expressed among other subjects.
According to the fact that mentioning all the narratives, which have been quoted, about this subject is not possible to be performed in this book, we only mention some chapters of the last book as a list and in the next chapters we will point some of them when it is necessary:
1) in the first chapter, it is pointed to ahadith which have been quoted from Prophet (S) and Imams (pbut) about the twelve leaders from, and 271 ahadith from famous Sunni and Shiite resources have been collected in his chapter that some of them contain the term “Imam”, some of them “Caliph” and some others “Amir” or other expressions like these.
These ahadith have been mentioned in the most important hadith resources of Ahl Sunnah and the most important resources of Ahl al-Bayt.
Justification of these kinds of narratives is clear for Shiites, but Ahl Sunnah have great difficulty in justification of these ahadith because on the one hand, they don’t deny the existence of these ahadith in their genuine resources and on the other hand, they didn’t have accepted the belief of Shiites about “the twelve Imams”; sometimes, they consider the first four caliphs as the main issue and add the next 8 caliphs to them!
While, if they want to consider the caliphs one by one as those who have been promised by prophet as truthful successors then it is not possible to accept persons like “Yazid” and his successors from
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the rulers of Umayyad Caliphate among them, with as much condemnation; and if want to select some of them who were less aberrant then we have no criterion for that according to the unity of the goals of Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphate; moreover, cutting the chain of these twelve successors by time makes problem itself.
Sometimes, they say that four of these 12 caliphs are those first caliphs and 8 of them will come in future times and the last one of them is Mahdi! And in this way, as much we perform fanaticism, it is a big gap among the chain of truthful successors of prophet that is not according to the foresaid narratives anyway.
2) In the next chapter, narratives have been mentioned, which show that the number of the leaders after Prophet (S) is the number of superiors and grandchildren of Bani Israel that holy Qur’an has counted them as twelve persons; and 40 ahadith have been collected in this subject from the books of both groups, which in fact complete the previous discussion.
3) In the third chapter, narratives have been collected, which affirm that they are 12 persons and their first one is Ali (as) and the number of the narratives of this discussion is 133.
4) In the next chapter, 91 narratives have been collected from the resources of both groups, which say the fist caliph is Ali (as) and the last one if Mahdi (as).
5) In the next chapter, it talks about ahadith, which affirm that Imams
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are 12 persons, and 9 of them are from the sons of Hussein ibn Ali (as) ; 139 ahadith have been mentioned in this chapter.
6) In another chapter the discussion is about narratives in which this sentence is mentioned that “تاسعم قائمهم” (the ninth of them will be the one who arises) adding to confirming the number 12 and the matter that 9 of them are from the sons of Hussein (as). There are 107 ahadith in this chapter.
7) In another chapter, ahadith have been mentioned that have specified them with names; some of these ahadith have been collected from Sunni resources but most of them have been collected from Shiite resources and 50 ahadith have been mentioned in this chapter.
Also, several narratives about physical and spiritual characteristics of Mahdi and the signs of his advent and the conditions of his government and universal revolution and other issues related to this great rise.
It is cleared from these ahadith that the great universal peacemaker, the promised Mahdi, has the following characteristics:
A) Is from the dynasty of prophet of Islam and his children.
B) Is from the sons of Imam Hussein (as).
C) Is the twelfth leader after the prophet.
D) Is the son of Hassan ibn Ali al-Askari.
E) Will fill the world with justice.
F) He will have the universal government.
G) Deprived and exploited ones will become free in his time and wars will end and peace and construction will take their place.
As we said before, the number of these narratives is so many that it
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needs a separated books and we abstain from mentioning all of narratives, except those which are necessary to be mentioned in the next discussions for explaining and completing the discussion, because different books have been written about this subject that some of them have been mentioned above.
The problem is that usually, scholars have only quoted the narratives and didn’t have analyzed them enough; our goal in this book is to work more on rational reasons, also to analyze the reasons in quotations and narratives.
[1]: Bible Dictionary, page 818.
[1]: This book has been also translated to Persian.
Signs of Beginning of Revolution
Signs of the Advent
Is there any sign available that this universal revolution is coming?
Is it possible to predict that such revolution is coming now or not?
Is it possible to advance the time of this revolution?
If it is possible then with which tools it is possible to advance this time?
It should be said that the answer of most of these questions are positive.
Because no great storm begins in nature without, and no revolution happens in human society without previous signs.
Also, it is pointed to a series of signs in Islamic ahadith for the coming of that great resurrection, which are possible to be divided into two types:
The first group, signs which are possible to be predicted more or less in any revolution according to its size.
The second group, details which are not possible to be understood through ordinary information and knowledge and mostly has the form of a miraculous prediction.
Here, we point to “3 important signs” from both parts:
Diffusion of Tyranny and Corruption
The first sign with which it is possible to predict the
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coming of any revolution - including this great revolution - is Sweepingness of tyranny, oppression, corruption and violation of others’ rights and different kinds of social corruptions and moral aberrance which is itself the factor of expansion of corruption in society.
Naturally, when pressure exceeds the limit, explosion happens, because social explosions are the results of severe and overmuch pressure like mechanical explosions.
Expansion of oppression and injustice by the “Zahhaks” of the time waters the seeds of revolution, and train the people like "Kave the Blacksmith" beside their furnaces; gradually, the crisis grows and the time of revolution comes.
The matter is the same for the coming of the great universal revolution and the advent of the great peacemaker, Mahdi.
But, as it has been said before, there is no need to expand the oppression and corruption more like pessimistic people, but by considering the existence of enough corruptions in a large scale, we should try to construct ourselves and others and a content and brave and knowledgeable group to be the flag holders of the revolution.
Anyway, this matter has been mentioned in many Islamic narratives “کما ملئت ظلماً و جوراً” (as the world is filled with oppression and injustice).
The exact expression can be found in many ahadith, which have been mentioned in Shiite and Sunni resources.
And it is understood from them entirely, that one of the clearest signs of this revolution is this matter.
Here, one question is asked that do “oppression” (ظلم) and “injustice” (جور) have any difference that these two words
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have been emphasized repeatedly?
It is understood from the root of these words that violating the right of others has two types, that there is one separated word for each of them in Arabic literature.
The first one is that a person takes others right for him/her and usurps the results of others’ efforts; it is called “Oppression”
The other one is to take others’ rights and to give it to another people and to dominate the person’s adherents over the lives and honors and assets of people for strengthening the bases of the power, and to take power by unjust discriminations, it is called “injustice”.
The antonym of “oppression” is “fair distribution” (قسط) and the antonym of “injustice” is “justice” (عدل). [1]
Anyway, when “violation” of others’ rights, from one side, and “discriminations”, from the other side, fill the human society, he appears and removes all of them.
What have been said above were generalities about the sweeping corruption as a factor of mutation and revolution, which is predictable in any kinds of revolution.
But it is considerable that:
Details of these signs and corruption have been mentioned in Islamic cabbalas in the way that maybe they are not from 13 or 14 centuries ago, but they belong to present century and maybe some years ago; and today, which we see many of them with our own eyes, we believe that they are indeed miraculous!
For instance, tens of these corruption, which a part of them have social and political aspect and another part has moral aspect, have been
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mentioned in a narratives from Imam Sadiq (as) that studying them makes the human to think deeply about the issue.
Here it is the text of the foresaid narrative with the English translation:
مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ یَحْیَی عَنْ أَحْمَدَ بْنِ مُحَمَّدٍ عَنْ بَعْضِ أَصْحَابِهِ وَ عَلِیُّ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِیمَ عَنْ أَبِیهِ عَنِ ابْنِ أَبِی عُمَیْرٍ جَمِیعاً عَنْ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ أَبِی حَمْزَةَ عَنْ حُمْرَانَ قَالَ قَالَ أَبُو عَبْدِ اللَّهِ ع و
From Humraan (bin A`yan) said, Abu `Abd Allah (علیه السلام) said:
فَإِذَا رَأَیْتَ الْحَقَّ قَدْ مَاتَ وَ ذَهَبَ أَهْلُهُ
You will see (a time) when haqq (truth) has died, and left its people
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْجَوْرَ قَدْ شَمِلَ الْبِلَادَ
And you will see that tyranny has encompassed the countries
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْقُرْآنَ قَدْ خَلُقَ
And you will see the Qur’an has become old, and new thing (innovations) about it when it is not there, and it (Qur’an) being directed by the desires
وَ أُحْدِثَ فِیهِ مَا لَیْسَ فِیهِ وَ وُجِّهَ عَلَی الْأَهْوَاءِ
وَ رَأَیْتَ الدِّینَ قَدِ انْکَفَأَ کَمَا یَنْکَفِئُ الْمَاءُ
4. And you will see the religion turned upside down like water (bowl) being turned upside down
وَ رَأَیْتَ أَهْلَ الْبَاطِلِ قَدِ اسْتَعْلَوْا عَلَی أَهْلِ الْحَقِّ
5. And you will see the people of falseness rise above the people of haqq (righteousness)
وَ رَأَیْتَ الشَّرَّ ظَاهِراً لَا یُنْهَی عَنْهُ وَ یُعْذَرُ أَصْحَابُهُ
6. And you will see evil become apparent and no one prohibits it, and excuses its companions
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْفِسْقَ قَدْ ظَهَرَ وَ اکْتَفَی الرِّجَالُ بِالرِّجَالِ وَ النِّسَاءُ بِالنِّسَاءِ
7. And you will see fisq (immorality) become apparent and men being satisfied by men and women being (satisfied)
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with women
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْمُؤْمِنَ صَامِتاً لَا یُقْبَلُ قَوْلُهُ
8. And you will see a believing person become silent and his words are not accepted
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْفَاسِقَ یَکْذِبُ وَ لَا یُرَدُّ عَلَیْهِ کَذِبُهُ وَ فِرْیَتُهُ
9. And you will see a faasiq (immoral person) lie and his lies and slander are not refuted
وَ رَأَیْتَ الصَّغِیرَ یَسْتَحْقِرُ بِالْکَبِیرِ
10. And you will see young (people) demean the older people
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْأَرْحَامَ قَدْ تَقَطَّعَتْ
11. And you will see relations being severed
وَ رَأَیْتَ مَنْ یَمْتَدِحُ بِالْفِسْقِ یَضْحَکُ مِنْهُ وَ لَا یُرَدُّ عَلَیْهِ قَوْلُهُ
12. And you will see one who is praised for his fisq (immoral ways) and he laughs at it, and his saying are not refuted/rejected
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْغُلَامَ یُعْطِی مَا تُعْطِی الْمَرْأَةُ
13. And you will see a boy give what a women gives
وَ رَأَیْتَ النِّسَاءَ یَتَزَوَّجْنَ النِّسَاءَ
14. And you will see women marry women
وَ رَأَیْتَ الثَّنَاءَ قَدْ کَثُرَ
15. And you will see compliments become many
وَ رَأَیْتَ الرَّجُلَ یُنْفِقُ الْمَالَ فِی غَیْرِ طَاعَةِ اللَّهِ فَلَا یُنْهَی وَ لَا یُؤْخَذُ عَلَی یَدَیْهِ
16. And you will see a man spend his wealth in something other than in obedience to Allah, and he is not prohibit, and his hand is not taken back
وَ رَأَیْتَ النَّاظِرَ یَتَعَوَّذُ بِاللَّهِ مِمَّا یَرَی الْمُؤْمِنَ فِیهِ مِنَ الِاجْتِهَادِ
17. And you will see the onlookers seek refuge with Allah because of what they see a believer struggles to do
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْجَارَ یُؤْذِی جَارَهُ وَ لَیْسَ لَهُ مَانِعٌ
18. And you will see neighbors harm neighbors and no one will prevent it
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْکَافِرَ فَرِحاً لِمَا یَرَی فِی
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الْمُؤْمِنِ مَرِحاً لِمَا یَرَی فِی الْأَرْضِ مِنَ الْفَسَادِ
19. And you will see the kaafir become happy because of what he see in the believers, and he will become happy because of the fesad (corruption) in the land
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْخُمُورَ تُشْرَبُ عَلَانِیَةً وَ یَجْتَمِعُ عَلَیْهَا مَنْ لَا یَخَافُ اللَّهَ عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ
20. And you will see wine being drunk in public and gatherings about it, one who is not afraid of Allah (عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ)
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْآمِرَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ ذَلِیلًا
21. And you will see Amr bil ma`roof (Commanding the good) become ignoble
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْفَاسِقَ فِیمَا لَا یُحِبُّ اللَّهُ قَوِیّاً مَحْمُوداً
22. And you will see a faasiq do what Allah does not love, (and is) mighty and praised
23. وَ رَأَیْتَ أَصْحَابَ الْآیَاتِ یُحْتَقَرُونَ وَ یُحْتَقَرُ مَنْ یُحِبُّهُمْ
23. And you will see people of the signs despised, and the who like them despised
وَ رَأَیْتَ سَبِیلَ الْخَیْرِ مُنْقَطِعاً وَ سَبِیلَ الشَّرِّ مَسْلُوکاً
24. And you will see the path of good halted, and the path of evil adopted
. وَ رَأَیْتَ بَیْتَ اللَّهِ قَدْ عُطِّلَ وَ یُؤْمَرُ بِتَرْکِهِ
25. And you will see the House of Allah being inactive and becoming abandoned
وَ رَأَیْتَ الرَّجُلَ یَقُولُ مَا لَا یَفْعَلُهُ
26. And you will see a man say what he does not do
وَ رَأَیْتَ الرِّجَالَ یَتَسَمَّنُونَ لِلرِّجَالِ وَ النِّسَاءَ لِلنِّسَاءِ
27. And you will see men (use) oil (? ) for men and women for women
وَ رَأَیْتَ الرَّجُلَ مَعِیشَتُهُ مِنْ دُبُرِهِ وَ مَعِیشَةُ الْمَرْأَةِ مِنْ فَرْجِهَا
28. And you will see men earn a livelihood from homosexuality and women earn a livelihood from prostitution.
وَ رَأَیْتَ
p: 127
النِّسَاءَ یَتَّخِذْنَ الْمَجَالِسَ کَمَا یَتَّخِذُهَا الرِّجَالُ
29. And you will see women take to gatherings like men take (to gatherings)
وَ رَأَیْتَ التَّأْنِیثَ فِی وُلْدِ الْعَبَّاسِ قَدْ ظَهَرَ وَ أَظْهَرُوا الْخِضَابَ وَ امْتَشَطُوا کَمَا تَمْتَشِطُ الْمَرْأَةُ لِزَوْجِهَا وَ أَعْطَوُا الرِّجَالَ الْأَمْوَالَ عَلَی فُرُوجِهِمْ وَ تُنُوفِسَ فِی الرَّجُلِ وَ تَغَایَرَ عَلَیْهِ الرِّجَالُ وَ کَانَ صَاحِبُ الْمَالِ أَعَزَّ مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِ وَ کَانَ الرِّبَا ظَاهِراً لَا یُعَیَّرُ وَ کَانَ الزِّنَا تُمْتَدَحُ بِهِ النِّسَاءُ
30. And you will see feminine in the progeny of Al-`Abbas becoming apparent, and dyeing becoming apparent and combing like the combing of women for their husbands and men are awarded money for their sexual organs, and compete with a man, and dissimilarities for men and people of money are cherished from the believers, and riba (usury) becoming apparent and it is not taunted, and zina (adultery) praised in women.
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْمَرْأَةَ تُصَانِعُ زَوْجَهَا عَلَی نِکَاحِ الرِّجَالِ
31. And you will see women do a favor to her husband upon the marriage of men (? )
وَ رَأَیْتَ أَکْثَرَ النَّاسِ وَ خَیْرَ بَیْتٍ مَنْ یُسَاعِدُ النِّسَاءَ عَلَی فِسْقِهِنَّ
32. And you will see many people and the best houses are those who help women commit fisq (immorality)
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْمُؤْمِنَ مَحْزُوناً مُحْتَقَراً ذَلِیلًا
33. And you will see the believer depressed and scorned and humiliated
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْبِدَعَ وَ الزِّنَا قَدْ ظَهَرَ
34. And you will see bid`ah (innovation) and zina (adultery) become apparent
وَ رَأَیْتَ النَّاسَ یَعْتَدُّونَ بِشَاهِدِ الزُّورِ
35. And you will see people argue with false witnesses
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْحَرَامَ یُحَلَّلُ
36. And you will see haram turn into halal
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْحَلَالَ
p: 128
37. And you will see halal turn into haram
وَ رَأَیْتَ الدِّینِ بِالرَّأْیِ وَ عُطِّلَ الْکِتَابُ وَ أَحْکَامُهُ
38. And you will see the religion taken by ra’y (personal opinion) and the book and its laws become neglected
وَ رَأَیْتَ اللَّیْلَ لَا یُسْتَخْفَی بِهِ مِنَ الْجُرْأَةِ عَلَی اللَّهِ
39. And you will see (people) not hide in the night from their action against Allah
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْمُؤْمِنَ لَا یَسْتَطِیعُ أَنْ یُنْکِرَ إِلَّا بِقَلْبِهِ
40. And you will see a believer cannot deny except with his heart
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْعَظِیمَ مِنَ الْمَالِ یُنْفَقُ فِی سَخَطِ اللَّهِ عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ
41. And you will see great (amounts) of wealth being spend in what Allah (عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ) gets annoyed
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْوُلَاةَ یُقَرِّبُونَ أَهْلَ الْکُفْرِ وَ یُبَاعِدُونَ أَهْلَ الْخَیْرِ
42. And you will see rulers become closer to the people of kufr (disbelief) and separate from the people of khayr (good)
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْوُلَاةَ یَرْتَشُونَ فِی الْحُکْمِ
43. And you will see rulers being bribed for a judgment
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْوِلَایَةَ قَبَالَةً لِمَنْ زَادَ
44. And you will see governing being obliged to those who are more (wealthy, status)
وَ رَأَیْتَ ذَوَاتِ الْأَرْحَامِ یُنْکَحْنَ وَ یُکْتَفَی بِهِنَّ
45. And you will relatives having marriage (with each other) and becoming satisfied by it
وَ رَأَیْتَ الرَّجُلَ یُقْتَلُ عَلَی التُّهَمَةِ وَ عَلَی الظِّنَّةِ وَ یَتَغَایَرُ عَلَی الرَّجُلِ الذَّکَرِ فَیَبْذُلُ لَهُ نَفْسَهُ وَ مَالَهُ
46. And you will see men murder for an accusation and upon dhan (conjecture) and differences with another man who gives himself and his wealth
وَ رَأَیْتَ الرَّجُلَ یُعَیَّرُ عَلَی إِتْیَانِ النِّسَاءِ
47. And you will see a man… (? )
وَ رَأَیْتَ الرَّجُلَ
p: 129
یَأْکُلُ مِنْ کَسْبِ امْرَأَتِهِ مِنَ الْفُجُورِ یَعْلَمُ ذَلِکَ وَ یُقِیمُ عَلَیْهِ
48. And you will see a man eat from the earnings of his wife, (which she got) from immoral actions and him knowing it, and being okay with it.
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْمَرْأَةَ تَقْهَرُ زَوْجَهَا وَ تَعْمَلُ مَا لَا یَشْتَهِی وَ تُنْفِقُ عَلَی زَوْجِهَا
49. And you will see women overcome her husband and work for what he desires and she spends for husband
وَ رَأَیْتَ الرَّجُلَ یُکْرِی امْرَأَتَهُ وَ جَارِیَتَهُ وَ یَرْضَی بِالدَّنِیِّ مِنَ الطَّعَامِ وَ الشَّرَابِ
50. And you will see men hire his women and slave girl and accept with worthless things from food and drinks
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْأَیْمَانَ بِاللَّهِ عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ کَثِیرَةً عَلَی الزُّورِ
51. And you will see Iman (faith) in Allah (عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ) (be based) on many falsehoods
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْقِمَارَ قَدْ ظَهَرَ
52. And you will see gambling become apparent
وَ رَأَیْتَ الشَّرَابَ یُبَاعُ ظَاهِراً لَیْسَ لَهُ مَانِعٌ
53. And you will see wine vendors become apparent and no one prevents it
وَ رَأَیْتَ النِّسَاءَ یَبْذُلْنَ أَنْفُسَهُنَّ لِأَهْلِ الْکُفْرِ
54. And you will see the women give themselves to the people of kufr
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْمَلَاهِیَ قَدْ ظَهَرَتْ یُمَرُّ بِهَا لَا یَمْنَعُهَا أَحَدٌ أَحَداً وَ لَا یَجْتَرِئُ أَحَدٌ عَلَی مَنْعِهَا
55. And you will see amusements become apparent, and (people) pass by it and no one prevents it, and no one will dare to stop it
[1]: Albeit, it is for the time when these two words are mentioned together, but if they are mentioned separately then both of them, which means قسط and عدل, may have the same meaning.
وَ رَأَیْتَ الشَّرِیفَ یَسْتَذِلُّهُ الَّذِی یُخَافُ سُلْطَانُهُ
56. And you will see the Sharif (the dignified/reputable) become humbled because he fears his ruler
وَ رَأَیْتَ أَقْرَبَ النَّاسِ مِنَ الْوُلَاةِ مَنْ یَمْتَدِحُ بِشَتْمِنَا أَهْلَ
p: 130
57. And you will see the closest people to the rulers will be praised for cursing the Ahl Al-Bayt (علیه السلام)
وَ رَأَیْتَ مَنْ یُحِبُّنَا یُزَوَّرُ وَ لَا تُقْبَلُ شَهَادَتُهُ
58. And you will see whoever loves us are (called) liars and their testimonies are not accepted
وَ رَأَیْتَ الزُّورَ مِنَ الْقَوْلِ یُتَنَافَسُ فِیهِ
59. And you will see those who compete over false words
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْقُرْآنَ قَدْ ثَقُلَ عَلَی النَّاسِ اسْتِمَاعُهُ وَ خَفَّ عَلَی النَّاسِ اسْتِمَاعُ الْبَاطِلِ
60. And you will see the Qur’an will become heavy on the people to listen to, and it will be light upon the people to listen to falsehood
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْجَارَ یُکْرِمُ الْجَارَ خَوْفاً مِنْ لِسَانِهِ
61. And you will see a neighbor honor another neighbor because of fear of his tongue
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْحُدُودَ قَدْ عُطِّلَتْ وَ عُمِلَ فِیهَا بِالْأَهْوَاءِ
62. And you will see punishments become neglected and people will act according to their desires
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْمَسَاجِدَ قَدْ زُخْرِفَتْ
63. And you will see the masjid (pl. masjid) being adorned / beautified
وَ رَأَیْتَ أَصْدَقَ النَّاسِ عِنْدَ النَّاسِ الْمُفْتَرِیَ الْکَذِبَ
64. And you will see the truthful people from the people are the slanderers and liars
وَ رَأَیْتَ الشَّرَّ قَدْ ظَهَرَ وَ السَّعْیَ بِالنَّمِیمَةِ
65. And you will see evil and tale bearing become apparent
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْبَغْیَ قَدْ فَشَا
66. And you will see adulteresses become rampant
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْغِیبَةَ تُسْتَمْلَحُ وَ یُبَشِّرُ بِهَا النَّاسُ بَعْضُهُمْ بَعْضاً
67. And you will see gheebah (backbiting) become likeable and the people give it as good news to one another
وَ رَأَیْتَ طَلَبَ الْحَجِّ وَ الْجِهَادِ لِغَیْرِ اللَّهِ
68. And you will
p: 131
see seek for hajj and jihad for other than Allah
وَ رَأَیْتَ السُّلْطَانَ یُذِلُّ لِلْکَافِرِ الْمُؤْمِنَ
69. And you will see rulers humiliate the believers for the unbelievers
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْخَرَابَ قَدْ أُدِیلَ مِنَ الْعُمْرَانِ
70. And you will see destruction pass from ages
وَ رَأَیْتَ الرَّجُلَ مَعِیشَتُهُ مِنْ بَخْسِ الْمِکْیَالِ وَ الْمِیزَانِ
71. And you will see men earn a livelihood from cheating in measuring and scaling
وَ رَأَیْتَ سَفْکَ الدِّمَاءِ یُسْتَخَفُّ بِهَا
72. And you will see bloodshed being undervalued
وَ رَأَیْتَ الرَّجُلَ یَطْلُبُ الرِّئَاسَةَ لِعَرَضِ الدُّنْیَا وَ یَشْهَرُ نَفْسَهُ بِخُبْثِ اللِّسَانِ لِیُتَّقَی وَ تُسْنَدَ إِلَیْهِ الْأُمُورُ
73. And you will see a man seeking leadership for the sake of the world and to make himself famous through maligning with his tongue, and the affairs are supported by him
وَ رَأَیْتَ الصَّلَاةَ قَدِ اسْتُخِفَّ بِهَا
74. And you will see Salah being belittled / undervalued
وَ رَأَیْتَ الرَّجُلَ عِنْدَهُ الْمَالُ الْکَثِیرُ ثُمَّ لَمْ یُزَکِّهِ مُنْذُ مَلَکَهُ
75. And you will see men who have great wealth, and then he does not pay zakat for his country
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْمَیِّتَ یُنْبَشُ مِنْ قَبْرِهِ وَ یُؤْذَی وَ تُبَاعُ أَکْفَانُهُ
76. And you will see the dead exhumed from his grave and being harmed and selling his kafan (clothes for the dead)
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْهَرْجَ قَدْ کَثُرَ
77. And you will see commotion becoming many
وَ رَأَیْتَ الرَّجُلَ یُمْسِی نَشْوَانَ وَ یُصْبِحُ سَکْرَانَ لَا یَهْتَمُّ بِمَا النَّاسُ فِیهِ
78. And you will see men becoming drunk and turning into a drunkard and no one from the people cares about him
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْبَهَائِمَ تُنْکَحُ
79. And you will see bestiality (sex with animals)
p: 132
رَأَیْتَ الْبَهَائِمَ یَفْرِسُ بَعْضُهَا بَعْضاً
80. And you will see animals devour one another
وَ رَأَیْتَ الرَّجُلَ یَخْرُجُ إِلَی مُصَلَّاهُ وَ یَرْجِعُ وَ لَیْسَ عَلَیْهِ شَیْ ءٌ مِنْ ثِیَابِهِ
81. And you will see men come out from the prayer area and return, without anything from his clothes (on him)
وَ رَأَیْتَ قُلُوبَ النَّاسِ قَدْ قَسَتْ وَ جَمَدَتْ أَعْیُنُهُمْ وَ ثَقُلَ الذِّکْرُ عَلَیْهِمْ
82. And you will see the hearts of people become tough and their eyes become hard, and remembrance (of Allah) becomes heavy for them
وَ رَأَیْتَ السُّحْتَ قَدْ ظَهَرَ یُتَنَافَسُ فِیهِ
83. And you will see (people) competing in unlawful things becoming apparent
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْمُصَلِّیَ إِنَّمَا یُصَلِّی لِیَرَاهُ النَّاسُ
84. And you will see someone praying and he prays so the people can see
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْفَقِیهَ یَتَفَقَّهُ لِغَیْرِ الدِّینِ یَطْلُبُ الدُّنْیَا وَ الرِّئَاسَةَ
85. And you will see a faqih (Islamic scholar) learn for other than the religion and seek the world and leadership
وَ رَأَیْتَ النَّاسَ مَعَ مَنْ غَلَبَ
86. And you will see people with who overpower (others)
وَ رَأَیْتَ طَالِبَ الْحَلَالِ یُذَمُّ وَ یُعَیَّرُ وَ طَالِبَ الْحَرَامِ یُمْدَحُ وَ یُعَظَّمُ
87. And you will see a person seeking halal being defamed and humiliated, and the person seeking haram praised and dignified
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْحَرَمَیْنِ یُعْمَلُ فِیهِمَا بِمَا لَا یُحِبُّ اللَّهُ لَا یَمْنَعُهُمْ مَانِعٌ وَ لَا یَحُولُ بَیْنَهُمْ وَ بَیْنَ الْعَمَلِ الْقَبِیحِ أَحَدٌ
88. And you will see actions in haramayn (two mosques in Makkah and Medina) that Allah does not like and no one will prevent it and try to change anyone between them and between the ugly actions.
وَ رَأَیْتَ
p: 133
الْمَعَازِفَ ظَاهِرَةً فِی الْحَرَمَیْنِ
89. And you will see musical instruments being apparent in the haramayn
وَ رَأَیْتَ الرَّجُلَ یَتَکَلَّمُ بِشَیْ ءٍ مِنَ الْحَقِّ وَ یَأْمُرُ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَ یَنْهَی عَنِ الْمُنْکَرِ فَیَقُومُ إِلَیْهِ مَنْ یَنْصَحُهُ فِی نَفْسِهِ فَیَقُولُ هَذَا عَنْکَ مَوْضُوعٌ
90. And you will see a man who speaks something that is haqq (the truth) and commands the good and forbids the evil and (someone) will stand up and recommend him and say: ‘This is not your responsibility’
وَ رَأَیْتَ النَّاسَ یَنْظُرُ بَعْضُهُمْ إِلَی بَعْضٍ وَ یَقْتَدُونَ بِأَهْلِ الشُّرُورِ
91. And you will see people see one another and emulate the people of evil
وَ رَأَیْتَ مَسْلَکَ الْخَیْرِ وَ طَرِیقَهُ خَالِیاً لَا یَسْلُکُهُ أَحَدٌ
92. And you will see the path of good and its path being empty that no one wants to pursue
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْمَیِّتَ یُهْزَأُ بِهِ فَلَا یَفْزَعُ لَهُ أَحَدٌ
93. And you will see the death being ridiculed and no one being afraid of it
وَ رَأَیْتَ کُلَّ عَامٍ یَحْدُثُ فِیهِ مِنَ الشَّرِّ وَ الْبِدْعَةِ أَکْثَرُ مِمَّا کَانَ
94. And you will see that every year newly invented things from the evil and many bid`ah (innovation) will come
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْخَلْقَ وَ الْمَجَالِسَ لَا یُتَابِعُونَ إِلَّا الْأَغْنِیَاءَ
95. And you will see the creations and gatherings not following (anyone) except the wealthy
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْمُحْتَاجَ یُعْطَی عَلَی الضَّحِکِ بِهِ وَ یُرْحَمُ لِغَیْرِ وَجْهِ اللَّهِ
96. And you will see the poor receive (help) so that (people) can laugh at him, and have mercy on him for other than for the sake of Allah
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْآیَاتِ فِی السَّمَاءِ لَا یَفْزَعُ لَهَا أَحَدٌ
p: 134
And you will see signs in the earth and no one will fear
وَ رَأَیْتَ النَّاسَ یَتَسَافَدُونَ کَمَا یَتَسَافَدُ الْبَهَائِمُ لَا یُنْکِرُ أَحَدٌ مُنْکَراً تَخَوُّفاً مِنَ النَّاسِ
98. And you will see people have sex like animals have sex, and no one will deny this because of fear from the people
وَ رَأَیْتَ الرَّجُلَ یُنْفِقُ الْکَثِیرَ فِی غَیْرِ طَاعَةِ اللَّهِ وَ یَمْنَعُ الْیَسِیرَ فِی طَاعَةِ اللَّهِ
99. And you will see a man spend a lot in other than obedience to Allah and denies little in obedience of Allah
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْعُقُوقَ قَدْ ظَهَرَ وَ اسْتُخِفَّ بِالْوَالِدَیْنِ وَ کَانَا مِنْ أَسْوَإِ النَّاسِ حَالًا عِنْدَ الْوَلَدِ وَ یَفْرَحُ بِأَنْ یَفْتَرِیَ عَلَیْهِمَا
100. And you will see ungratefulness becoming apparent and belittling to the parents and they will be from the worst condition of people for the children and they will be happy defaming them (their parents)
وَ رَأَیْتَ النِّسَاءَ وَ قَدْ غَلَبْنَ عَلَی الْمُلْکِ وَ غَلَبْنَ عَلَی کُلِّ أَمْرٍ لَا یُؤْتَی إِلَّا مَا لَهُنَّ فِیهِ هَوًی
101. And you will see the women become powerful in the land, and have power over all the affairs and does not come except what she desires
وَ رَأَیْتَ ابْنَ الرَّجُلِ یَفْتَرِی عَلَی أَبِیهِ وَ یَدْعُو عَلَی وَالِدَیْهِ وَ یَفْرَحُ بِمَوْتِهِمَا
102. And you will see the son of man defame his father and curse his father, and become happy when he dies
وَ رَأَیْتَ الرَّجُلَ إِذَا مَرَّ بِهِ یَوْمٌ وَ لَمْ یَکْسِبْ فِیهِ الذَّنْبَ الْعَظِیمَ مِنْ فُجُورٍ أَوْ بَخْسِ مِکْیَالٍ أَوْ مِیزَانٍ أَوْ غِشْیَانِ حَرَامٍ أَوْ شُرْبِ مُسْکِرٍ کَئِیباً حَزِیناً یَحْسَبُ أَنَّ ذَلِکَ الْیَوْمَ
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عَلَیْهِ وَضِیعَةٌ مِنْ عُمُرِهِ
103. And you will see a man when a day passes and he has not earned a great sin in it from tyranny, or cheating in measuring, or scale, or committing an unlawful act, or drinking wine, he becomes sad and depressed and counts that day as a day lost in his life
وَ رَأَیْتَ السُّلْطَانَ یَحْتَکِرُ الطَّعَامَ
104. And you will see a ruler monopolize on the food
وَ رَأَیْتَ أَمْوَالَ ذَوِی الْقُرْبَی تُقْسَمُ فِی الزُّورِ وَ یُتَقَامَرُ بِهَا وَ تُشْرَبُ بِهَا الْخُمُورُ
105. And you will see the assets of relatives distributed in falsehood and gambled with to drink wine
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْخَمْرَ یُتَدَاوَی بِهَا وَ یُوصَفُ لِلْمَرِیضِ وَ یُسْتَشْفَی بِهَا
106. And you will alcohol being used as a cure and form to heal the sick
وَ رَأَیْتَ النَّاسَ قَدِ اسْتَوَوْا فِی تَرْکِ الْأَمْرِ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَ النَّهْیِ عَنِ الْمُنْکَرِ وَ تَرْکِ التَّدَیُّنِ بِهِ
107. And you will see the people equal in abandoning commanding the good and forbidding the evil and abandoning the religion
وَ رَأَیْتَ رِیَاحَ الْمُنَافِقِینَ وَ أَهْلِ النِّفَاقِ قَائِمَةً وَ رِیَاحَ أَهْلِ الْحَقِّ لَا تَحَرَّکُ
108. And you will see the munaafiqeen and people of hypocrisy on the rise and the people of haqq do not move
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْأَذَانَ بِالْأَجْرِ وَ الصَّلَاةَ بِالْأَجْرِ
109. And you will see money asked for doing the Adhan and Salah
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْمَسَاجِدَ مُحْتَشِیَةً مِمَّنْ لَا یَخَافُ اللَّهَ- مُجْتَمِعُونَ فِیهَا لِلْغِیبَةِ وَ أَکْلِ لُحُومِ أَهْلِ الْحَقِّ وَ یَتَوَاصَفُونَ فِیهَا شَرَابَ الْمُسْکِرِ
110. And you will see the masjid crowded with those who do no fear Allah, they father
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for gheebah and they eat flesh of the people of haqq and prescribed wine and intoxicants
وَ رَأَیْتَ السَّکْرَانَ یُصَلِّی بِالنَّاسِ وَ هُوَ لَا یَعْقِلُ وَ لَا یُشَانُ بِالسُّکْرِ وَ إِذَا سَکِرَ أُکْرِمَ وَ اتُّقِیَ وَ خِیفَ وَ تُرِکَ لَا یُعَاقَبُ وَ یُعْذَرُ بِسُکْرِهِ
111. And you will see the drunkards from the people lead Salah and he has no understanding and he is not ashamed of being drunk, and when being drunk is honored and feared, and abandoning him is feared, and no punishment for being drunk.
وَ رَأَیْتَ مَنْ أَکَلَ أَمْوَالَ الْیَتَامَی یُحْمَدُ بِصَلَاحِهِ
112. And you will see whoever eats the wealth of orphans will be praised as being good
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْقُضَاةَ یَقْضُونَ بِخِلَافِ مَا أَمَرَ اللَّهُ
113. And you will see judge will judge against what Allah has commanded
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْوُلَاةَ یَأْتَمِنُونَ الْخَوَنَةَ لِلطَّمَعِ
114. And you will see the rulers trust the treacherous one for greed
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْمِیرَاثَ قَدْ وَضَعَتْهُ الْوُلَاةُ لِأَهْلِ الْفُسُوقِ وَ الْجُرْأَةِ عَلَی اللَّهِ یَأْخُذُونَ مِنْهُمْ وَ یُخَلُّونَهُمْ وَ مَا یَشْتَهُونَ
115. And you will see inheritors become vilifies and rulers of the people of fisq and against the commandment of Allah who take form them and leave in them what they desire
وَ رَأَیْتَ الْمَنَابِرَ یُؤْمَرُ عَلَیْهَا بِالتَّقْوَی وَ لَا یَعْمَلُ الْقَائِلُ بِمَا یَأْمُرُ
116. And you will see the pulpits command those to act pious, but they do no act on what they command
وَ رَأَیْتَ الصَّلَاةَ قَدِ اسْتُخِفَّ بِأَوْقَاتِهَا
117. And you will see the timing of Salah belittled
وَ رَأَیْتَ الصَّدَقَةَ بِالشَّفَاعَةِ لَا یُرَادُ بِهَا وَجْهُ اللَّهِ وَ یُعْطَی لِطَلَبِ
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118. And you will see charity given through intercession and not for the sake of Allah and of the people demands and pleasures
وَ رَأَیْتَ النَّاسَ هَمُّهُمْ بُطُونُهُمْ وَ فُرُوجُهُمْ لَا یُبَالُونَ بِمَا أَکَلُوا وَ مَا نَکَحُوا
119. And you will see the people who take care of their stomachs and their sexual organs and do not pay attention to what they eat and who they have sex with
وَ رَأَیْتَ الدُّنْیَا مُقْبِلَةً عَلَیْهِمْ
120. And you will see the world following them
وَ رَأَیْتَ أَعْلَامَ الْحَقِّ قَدْ دَرَسَتْ
121. And you will see the flag of haqq has become old
فَکُنْ عَلَی حَذَرٍ وَ اطْلُبْ إِلَی اللَّهِ عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ النَّجَاةَ وَ اعْلَمْ أَنَّ النَّاسَ فِی سَخَطِ اللَّهِ عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ وَ إِنَّمَا یُمْهِلُهُمْ لِأَمْرٍ یُرَادُ بِهِمْ فَکُنْ مُتَرَقِّباً وَ اجْتَهِدْ لِیَرَاکَ اللَّهُ عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ فِی خِلَافِ مَا هُمْ عَلَیْهِ
So you must beware and request for Allah (عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ) salvation, and know that Allah (عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ) is angry with the people and He delays in command for (a matter) what he wants them. Strive and remain watchful so that Allah (عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ) will see you do the opposite of what they do…” [1]
As we have said before, what has been mentioned above is a part of a long hadith, which points on corruptions, which expand near the great revolution.
[1]: Al-Kulayni, Al-Kaafi, vol. 8, pg. 36 - 42, hadeeth 7, Mir'aat Al-`Uqool, vol. 25, pg. 82, Al-Majlisi, Bihar Al-Anwar, vol. 52, pg. 256 - 260, hadeeth 147
These various corruptions can be divided into three groups:
1) Corruptions related to legal issues and governments like expansion of oppression, dominance of adherents of untruth, nonexistence of freedom of speech and action, in the way
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that believer people can only express their hatred from oppression and oppressors in their hearts, also spending large assets in useless, harmful or destructive consumptions, advancement of bribery, auctioning the positions, inclination of weak people who don’t have constructive culture to any power which wins (anyone who it is) ; also spending the capitals in wars and destructive armament competitions and noticing to these issue more than construction (until the costs of war becomes more than the costs of constructions).
Also, each year new ways of corruption, oppression, exploitation are invented, and nobody feels responsible for social disharmonies except a few, and even they advise each other to disregard these issues.
2) Another part of these corruptions are related to moral issues, like: expansion of adulation, emulation, choosing trite jobs (like making money through prostitution of the wife! ) by men, also advancement of wine, gambling and different kinds of unhealthy entertainment, speeches without action, hypocrisy, affectation and influencing the authorities even in helping the poor, evaluation of people by their wealth and like them.
3) Another part of these corruptions are related to particularly religious aspects like imposing lust-soaked self desires to Qur’an and interpretation by opinion, and material and personal inclinations in religious matters, congestion of polluted and sinner persons in mosques, extraordinary notice to ornamentation of mosques and emptying their contents, reducing the value of prayer and ignoring that and like them.
If we carefully notice then we see that many of these corruptions have become practical in present complexes and the other
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ones are also expected; so what don’t we have for preparing the background of that great revolution?
The answer of this question is that we have also previously mentioned; we have few knowledge, and in other words, constructive and revolutionary reaction against these corruptions.
Anyway, appearance of these signs is not solely the condition of establishment of that great revolution, but it is a beginning for awakening the thoughts, lashes for awakening the sleeping souls, and it is a background for preparing social and psychological readiness.
The people of the world will have to analyze the sources of these disharmonies, and their results and effects anyway, and it founds a general self-awareness and accordingly, they become certain that continuing the current conditions are not possible, but should make a revolution.
A revolution in all aspects for finding a just, divine and popular system.
It is also necessary to remind that it is not necessary for these corruptions to appear all around the world and if some small environments are pure then this conditions is not fulfilled; but the criterion is the typical feature of the people of the world whether in the East or in the West; and in other words, this ruling is based on majority method like many other rulings.
Dajjal (the great deceiver)
When it is talked about “Dajjal”, usually, based on a general thought record, people think about a one-eyed man, who appears before that great revolution with his legendary body and more legendary ride, with his special programs.
But, as it is understood from the root
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of the word Dajjal [1] on the one hand and from hadith resources on the other hand, Dajjal is not exclusive to one person and it is a title for deceiver and cunning persons, who use any means for attracting people to themselves, and appear in the way of any constructive revolution which is performed in different dimensions.
We read in a famous hadith, which has been quoted from Sahih of “Tirmidhi” that Prophet (S) said:
انّه لم یکن نبیّ بعد نوح الّا انذر قومه الدّجال و انّی انذرکموه
Any prophet, after Noah, forewarned his nation from the conspiracy of Dajjal, I also forewarn you! [2]
Certainly, previous prophets didn’t have warned they people about the conspiracy of Dajjal who will appear in End of Days and is thousands of year latter.
Especially, because we read at the end of hadith that:
فوصفه لنا رسول الله فقال لعلّه سیدرکه بعض من رآنی او سمع کلامی
Then Prophet (S) explained his characteristics for us and said maybe some of those who have seen me or have heard my expression live in his time!
Maybe, hadith points to dangerous tyrants and deceivers like Umayyad caliphs and people like Muawiyah who deceived people and deviated them from the way of truth toward traditions of the age of ignorance and revived social classes and tyranny and autocracy, and brought back obsequious unrighteous persons and ruthless criminals to positions, and removed righteous, superior and competent men.
Also, we read in another hadith in the same book that:
Prophet (S) said about Dajjal:
ما من نبیّ الّا وقد انذر
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قومه و لکن ساقول فیه قولا لم یقله نبیّ لقومه تعلمون انّه اعور...
There was no prophet except that he forewarned his nation from the conspiracy of Dajjal, but I say a sentence about him that no prophet have said to his nation, I say that his one-eyed!
Maybe, mentioning the time of Noah in some of these ahadith is for pointing to the farthest time; or nonexistence of Dajjals in the times before Noah is because Noah brought the first religion, or because deceptions didn’t influenced past human societies.
Anyhow, explaining Dajjal as a one-eyed man has an interpretation that we will soon discuss about it.
It is interesting that it is mentioned in some of ahadith that 30 Dajjals will appear before the advent of Mahdi (as)! [1]
The appearance of Dajjal is even mentioned in the Testaments.
We read in the second epistle of John (chapter 1, sentence 6 & 7):
“As ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it.
For many deceivers are entered into the world”
This expression also confirms the multiplicity of Dajjals.
We read in another hadith:
قال رسول الله (ص) لا تقوم اسّاعة حتی یخرج نحو من ستّین کذّاباً کلّهم قولون انا نبی!
Prophet (S) said: resurrection won’t come except that sixty liars appear and claim for prophecy! [2]
Although the name of Dajjal is not mentioned in this narrative, but it is totally understood from hadith that false claimants and deceivers will not exclusively one or some persons in End of Days.
Anyway, the fact which is not possible to be ignored is
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that when the backgrounds are revolution are provided, in any society, deceiver people, who are in fact the guardians of corrupted systems, begin deceiving people for keeping the current conditions, and exploiting intellectual and social backgrounds of the people in benefit of their incorrect goals, and even they express revolutionary mottoes, and this is one of the greatest obstacles in the way of reform and real revolution.
These are Dajjals from whom all the prophets have forewarned their nations and have warned about their deceptive plans.
But, before the advent of Mahdi and that great and expanded and real revolution, as much as intellectual, mental and social backgrounds advance in the world, activities of these Dajjals, who come one after another, increase, in order to delay the advancement and improvement of revolutionary backgrounds and use thousands of deceptions and tools for deviation of the thoughts.
Albeit, there is no problem for a great Dajjal to be above them all, but, signs which have been expressed about him in some of narratives are like symbolic expressions, allegory and metaphors. For example, it is derived from the narrative, which has been quoted by Allame Majlesi in Bihar al-Anwar from Amir al-Mu’mineen Ali (as) that he has the following characteristics:
1) He has only one eye that shines at the middle of his forehead like the star of the dawn! But this eye is bloody, maybe it is mixed with blood!
2) He has a white clipper donkey (ride) which any of its steps is one mile and
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moves through the earth very fast!
3) He claims of being God and when he gathers his friends around him the whole world hears his voice!
4) He goes into the seas and the Sun moves with him, a mountain of smoke is in his front and a white mountain is behind him that people see it as food.
5) At the time of his appearance, people are in hunger and famine … [1]
Undoubtedly, we are not permitted to symbolize any religious concept which has been mentioned in Qur’an or hadith resources, because this act is interpretation by opinion which is strongly prohibited in Islam and wisdom and logic also deny that, but by the way, standing on the first meaning of the expressions, when rational or quoted evidences are available, is not correct either and caused the purpose and definition to be missed.
And incidentally, these metaphors about the events of End of Days have records; for instance we read that “Sun will rise from the west”. [2]
And this is one of the most complicated issues related to this part that it is apparently improper with today’ science; because rising of the Sun from the west means that earth moves in the opposite direction; if it suddenly happens then the water of the seas, all buildings and creatures living on earth will be thrown out and everything become disordered, and no sign of life will remain on. And if it happens gradually then the length of the day and night will increase in the way
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that it becomes more than one month or two months and again the order of the universe will be destroyed on earth!
But, there is an interesting interpretation beneath the above hadith, which is about the signs of Dajjal that shows this expression is a metaphor.
Because the narrator of hadith “Nazal ibn Sabra” asks “Sa’sa’a bin Sohan” what was the purpose of Amir al-Mu’mineen Ali (as) that he said:
“Don’t ask me about the events which happen after that…”?
Sa’sa’a answers:
انّ الّذی یصلّی خلفه عیسی بن مریم هو الثّانی عشر من العترة التّاسع من ولد الحسین بن علی، و هو الشّمس الطّالعة من مغربها7
The one behind whom Christ performs prayer is the twelfth person prom the dynasty of Prophet (S) and the ninth person from the sons of Hussein ibn Ali (as) , and he is the Sun which will rise from the place of sunset! [1]
Therefore, it is not interesting for Dajjal who has been explained with above characteristics to be also symbolic.
Surely, you ask that how is it possible to interpret that?
We answer this question that it is likely that Dajjal, with those characteristics, is pointing to deceivers and oppressor materialist leaders in mechanical world; because:
Firstly, they have only one eye and that is the eye of economy and material life. They look only to one (dimension) and that is the dimension of financial benefits of their own nation. And use thousands of deceptions and exploiting politics for reaching this goal. They are deceiver Dajjals who have lost the eye of spirituality and humanity.
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this only material eye is very dazzling and shining, and they have achieved glorious victories in industries and they have also passed the diameters of the earth.
Secondly, they have rides, which are extremely fast and circumambulate the earth in a short time even with ultrasonic speed!
Thirdly, they practically claim of being God and consider the destiny of the people of the world in their hands, and by all their weakness and incapability, consider landing on moon as conquering the space! And consider using some of the powers of the nature as the sign of conquering the nature, while a small earthquake, a weak storm, one cancerous cell, destroys their entire system; they claim of being God like Pharaoh while being weak.
Fourthly, they go under the seas by equipped submarines, their fast moving equipments moves with the Sun (and maybe pass that). There is a mountain of smoke in front of his great factories and behind him is a mountain of industrial products and food (that people think they are healthy foods, while they don’t have much nutritious value and mostly all unhealthy foods).
Fifthly, people are in hunger because of some reasons - like famine or exploitation and imperialism and different discriminations and huge capitalization for armaments and tremendous of wars, and destructions which are the results of war and all of them are the result of one-dimensional materialistic life - and especially a group of people die because of hunger, and Dajjal, who is the main cause of these disorders,
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abuses these conditions and tries to strengthen the bases of his imperialism under the title of helping hungry people and deprived societies.
It is also mentioned in some narratives that any hair of the ride of Dajjal has a new and special tone that it is possible to consider that with this much of unhealthy entertainments of one-dimensional mechanical world which are available in all homes and cities and deserts and coasts.
Anyway, it is important for revolutionary members who are truthful soldiers of the great peacemaker the promised Mahdi (as) not to be deceived by Dajjals like simple and fool people and don’t miss any opportunity for executing their revolutionary plan bases upon belief, truth and justice.
Albeit, what has been said above was a possible interpretation for Dajjal that different evidences prove that. But, acceptance or unacceptance of this interpretation doesn’t harm the main subject that the issue of Dajjal, with these characteristics, is a metaphor not to be a human with such ride and characteristics and advantages!
[1]: Dajjal, from the root Dajl, means deception and lying.
[2]: Sahih al-Tirmidhi, chapter of what have been quoted about Dajjal, page 42.
[1]: Sunan Abu Dawood.
[2]: Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, page 209.
[1]: Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, page 194.
[2]: Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, page 194.
[1]: Adaptation from the hadith of Sa’sa’a bin Sohan (Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, page 192).
Appearance of Sufyani
The appearance of “Sufyani” has been also mentioned in many resources of hadith of Shiites and Sunnis like the appearance of “Dajjal” as a sign of the advent of great universal peacemaker, or as one of the events of End of Days. [1]
Although, it is understood from some of narratives that “Sufyani” is a specific person from the dynasty of Abu Sufyan and his children, but it is also understood from other narratives that “Sufyani” is not exclusively a person and it is pointed to
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specific characteristics and plans which many persons have been their examples in history.
For instance, it is quoted in a narrative from Imam Ali ibn Hussein (as):
امر السّیانی حتم من الله ولایکون قائم الّا بسفیانی
The appearance of Sufyani is one of the certain matters; and there is one Sufyani against anyone who rises! [1]
It is cleared from this hadith that Sufyani has “descriptive” aspect not “individual” and his characteristics is his plans and conditions and it is also understood that one (or some) Sufyani will stand against any revolutionary man and truthful peacemaker.
We read in another hadith from Imam Sadiq (as):
انا و آل ابی سفیان اهل بیتین تعادینا فی الله؛ قلنا صدق الله و قالو کذب الله؛ قاتل ابوسفیان رسول الله (ص) و قاتل معاویة علی بن ابی طالب (ع) و قاتل یزید بن معاویه الحسین بی علی (ع) و السّفیانی یقاتل القائم
We and the dynasty of Abu Sufyan are two dynasties that don’t have agreement about divine programs; we have confirmed the expressions of God and they have denied. Abu Sufyan fought against the Prophet (S) ; and Muawiyah against Ali ibn Abi Talib (as) ; and Yazid against Hussein ibn Ali (as) ; and Sufyani will fight against the Imam who arises. [2]
In previous discussion, we understand the role of Dajjals against constructive revolutions, now we should know about evil plans of Sufyani; because it is highly necessary to know all the “adherents” and “oppositions” of universal reform plan for establishing the definition of real waiting.
Abu Sufyan, who was the head of the Sufyanids,
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had the following characteristics:
1) He was capitalist who had collected his fortune by plunder, violation of others’ rights, usury and like them.
2) He was a powerful man who had gained his power through evil ways and was the leader of ignorant parties in Mecca and it surrounding regions; and all his personality was summarized into these two.
He had a considerable leadership and government for himself before Islam; but after Islam, all the bases of his power became weak, because Islam was the strongest enemy of those who had the power of people like Abu Sufyan; and there is no surprise that he became the number one enemy of Islam.
3) He was considered as the symbol oppressive system of class society of Mecca and his devoted support of idols and idolatry was according to this matter; because idols were the best tool for “divide and rule” and “fooling and stupefying exploited people” and in result strengthening the bases of the government of people like Abu Sufyan. [1]
His strong opposition against Islam - as we said before - was because of the reason that Islam was destroying all bases upon which his evil personality was based; therefore, he didn’t stop trying to suffocate the revolution of Islam. But, finally his last fort of power destroyed during the conquest of Mecca and was removed forever and became isolated; although, he didn’t stop hidden motivations.
He transferred all these characteristics to his son, Muawiyah, and through him to his grandson Yazid - by teaching and through
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the genes - and both of them followed the plans of the father - but in another way - although they finally failed.
Abu Sufyan was a completely backward person who was genes afraid of revolutionary movement of Prophet (S) ; because Islam had a multidimensional plan for changing that backward society which was full of corruption; a plan in which there was no place for leeches like Abu Sufyan and his gang.
And we can understand here that why his children and successors tried to destroy Islam and return people to the rituals of ignorance, although they have been crashed under its wheels; but anyway, they have made strong strikes to the advancement of Islam and Muslims.
We return to the discussion; we read in previous ahadith that the appearance of Abu Sufyan in the way of Prophet (S) was not exclusive to Islamic revolution, there was also there is an Abu Sufyan with the characteristics of a plunderous, powerful and oppressor, backward and distributor of superstitions capitalist against anyone who arises and any peacemaker who tries to nullify the efforts of the al-Qa’im and peacemaker; makes troubles for him and at least, delays the time of his revolution.
There will be also “Sufyani” or Sufyanis against the rise of the great universal peacemaker “Mahdi”, who try to delay the real revolution of Mahdi by their hellish powers; return the time to the past or at least stop it; prevent the destruction of oppressive class systems in benefits of the exploiters.
Maybe the difference between
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“Dajjal” and “Sufyani” is that Dajjal established his evil plans through deception and tricks, but Sufyani performs this act by using his expanded destructive power; as it has been mentioned in news that he conquers some flourished regions of the earth1, that we have read similar cases in governments of Abu Sufyan, Muawiyah and Yazid.
There is no problem for Sufyani of End of Days who stands against the great universal peacemaker “Mahdi” to be one of the grandchildren of Abu Sufyan and his genealogy reaches him, as it is mentioned in news; but it is more important than genealogy that his characteristics and efforts are all similar to Abu Sufyan and has the same method.
This “Sufyani”, like all people like Abu Sufyan and all other Sufyani, will be defeated against the universal revolutionary movement of Mahdi (as) and his efforts and plans will all be destroyed.
The most important thing is that people should know “Dajjals” and “Sufyanis”. These Sufyanis have also another sign adding to what have been mentioned before that its example can be seen clearly in the history of Islam, and that is: They remove the righteous and competent ones from society and place unrighteous people in their positions.
Divide “Bayt al-Mal” among their adherents, as it was in the same way in the government of the dynasty of Abu Sufyan; they support different kinds of discriminations, Stupefactions and separations; and it is possible to recognize and show them by these characteristics.
“Dajjals” form mysterious antirevolutionary rows, and “Sufyanis” form
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apparent antirevolutionary rows, and in fact, both of them are in one side but in two different features, and there is no assurance for “development” and “existence” of revolution until their rows break apart.
[1]: Refer to the book Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 53, pages 182, 190, 192, 206, 208 & 209 and other books.
[1]: Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, page 182.
[2]: Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, page 190.
[1]: Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, page 26.
- 17/09/28