islamic family-life ethics
Islamic family-life ethics chapter1
This book is a presentation of 24 illuminating talks given by Ayatullah Hussein Madhahiri to highlight the concept of the home and family in Islam; a concept that is based on faith and love.
Islamic Ethics
This is the English translation of the book: 'Akhlaq Islami' by Shaheed Ayatullah Sayyid 'Abd al-Hussayn Dastghayb, translated by Hamid Waqar. This book presents a discussion on the importance of Ethics in Islam covering areas like the intellect,
religious laws and purifying one's self, and covering such topics as anger, lust, envy,
.arrogance, etc
Martyrdom at the prayer Niche
In order to bring to light for our respected readers the incident and manner ofmartyrdom of Ali-ibn-Abi Talib (A.S.), the immediate successor of the Prophet and thefirst Imam of the Shias, we shall mention in brief the history and events prior to this.(.incident which in fact led to the martyrdom of Ali (A.S
Ramadhan With The Holy Qur’an, 30 Lessons in 30 days
Muhsin Qara'ati [3]
Thirty lessons for youth written as an easy but comprehensive guide throughout the Holy Month of Ramadhan in order to give them a gist of the great religion of Islam and its teachings produced from the words of the Holy Qur’an and exegesis as well as points from traditions and narrations from the Divine Purified Household.
Fascinating Discourses of the Fourteen Infallibles (a. s)
Including 560 Hadiths of the fourteen Infallibles, Forty Hadiths from each oneThis book contains 560 Hadiths which covers many dimensions of the human life & for those seeking solution to the today's world problems.
An overview of the Mahdi's (atfs) Government
The Shi‘ah is waiting for the Living Imam (‘atfs) for waiting for his advent is one of the highest forms of worship. From the Shi‘ah viewpoint of history, the world will certainly witness the government of justice of the Imam of the Time (‘atfs) and tyrannical systems will cease to exist. In An Overview of the Mahdi’s Government, the esteemed author deals with an issue that is rarely discussed in the study of Imam al-Mahdi (‘atfs). He delves into the manner of the Imam’s uprising, government system and method of rule.
Imam Ali in the Noble Qur’an
Imam Ali in the Noble Qur’an Compilation of Qur’anic verses in reference to Imam Ali (A.S.) based on the the tafseer of Agha Mahdi Pooya