principles of Upbringing Children
Advice for parents, supported by the Hadith and Quran, on the upbringing and training of Children.
principles of Upbringing Children
Advice for parents, supported by the Hadith and Quran, on the upbringing and training of Children.
Kashf Al-Reeba An Ahkam Al-Gheeba, Removing Doubts From Gheeba Rulings
A text focusing completely on the topic of Gheebah (backbiting). Using the Qur'an and aHadeeth it describes the different types of Gheebah, makes distinction between the permissible and impermissible Gheebah, explains the consequences of engaging in it and describes methods of preventing ourselves from it.
Imamate (the vicegerency of the prophet)
Meaning of Imamate and Khilafah, as well as Shi'i and Sunni views on topics such as necessity of Imamate, infallibility, and Shura.
The shia rebuts
Under the supervision of Ayatullah Ja'far Subhani, Sayyid Rida Husayni Nasab introduces a text outlining the differences in different 'Ummahs' of Islam. He discusses what unites them, as well as those traditions and understandings that cause dispute amongst them.
The source of the rights
A philosophical discussion on the origin of rights amp; that it's source is the will of Allah.
The radiance of imam Husayn
The following is a translation of the text Lamaat Al Husayn, the Radiance of Husayn, quotes and sayings of the Eminent Lord of the Martyrs, Husayn ibn ‘Ali, peace be upon them.
The position of woman from the viewpoint of imam khomeini
This text comprehensively outlines the Position of Women from the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini (r. a. ). Starting with acknowledging the Great Women of the World, such as Hazrat Fatima Zahra, the compilation then covers the status and rights of women in Islam as well as the role of women in their families, and the Jihad of a woman, specifically giving examples from women during the time of the Islamic Revolution.
What Everyone Should Know about Islam
This book focuses on the principles of religion which are relevant to the thought and soul of human beings, reason and intellect follow it, and deeds and movement of human beings spring forth from its fountainhead accordingly.
The ahl ul-bayt ; ethical role-models
In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Peace and blessings be upon Mohammed and his pure immaculate family
Ethics is the discipline concerned with what is morally good and bad, right and wrong. It occupies a remarkable position among the other disciplines because of its significant subject and high principle. The noble traits are the only means that achieves the high senses of humanity and perfection. The bad manners, on the other hand, deform man and line him up with beasts.
Not only do moralities have influence on individuals, but also they creep into nations to reflect their modes of life and levels of development or retraction. Many historical events have proved that moral corruption has been the destructive axe that ruined civilizations.
As a proof of the significance of morality is that Prophet Mohammed (s) [1] considered morality as the aim of his Divine mission: He (a) said:
�I was appointed for prophethood so that I may accomplish moral perfection. �
This is the very purpose at which ethics aims through its regulations and standards that discipline the individuals� consciences, rectify their moralities, and guide to the reputable conduct and ideal behavior.
The most important problem of the Islamic world
Palestine remains a burning issue for the Muslims of the world and from the beginning of the Islamic Revolution in Iran to the present time, the leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran has emphasized the centrality of the Palestinian issue for the Muslim world.
Even prior to the Islamic Revolution, Palestine and the great injustice that was committed against the Palestinian people was a central theme in the revolutionary movement led by Imam Khomeini (r. a. ).
This tradition continues with the current Supreme Leadership of Iran, Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei who over the course of more than two decades has clearly explained and analyzed the issue of Palestine for the Islamic Ummah.
This book is a brief collection of some of Ayatollah Khamenei’s statements about Palestine.