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The status of Women in Islam


This book What is a series of three articles which, based on Quranic statements, claim that the question of the system of rights for women in the home as well as in society should once again be assessed. 

Miscellaneous information: nbsp;The Status of Women in Islam. Published by International Relations Department, Islamic Propagation Organization, Iran. 

by: Ayatullah Mohammed Taqi Misbah al-Yazdi, Muhammad Jawad Bahonar, Lois Lamya al-Faruqi 

Featured Category: Introducing Islam

Imam Husein's Revoltution

(analytical and review)


This booklet was originally published by the Muslim Youth Association in the United Kingdom. Since our first publication of 5,000 copies was received with great enthusiasm by the readers, the response has encouraged us to re-publish the same for wider circulation. We hope that wider circulation of this booklet would help the cause of Islam and help realise the goal set by this group. 

The basic concepts of Islam are the existence of God, prophethood and the Hereafter. They are the foundation of the Islamic culture. The comprehension of these fundamental concepts is the primary condition for achieving the Islamic culture in practice. The second condition is the belief in these concepts. The firm conviction which generates lively emotions and sentiments moulded in the Islamic shape. This type of belief which generates rich sentiments would define the way of thinking, like, dislike, and finally behaviour of people. When the Islamic basic concepts are understood and believed, then it is expected to have the culture and civilisation of Islam into real life. But when they are not perceived as the case with Muslims today, the Islamic. life should not be expected. We should simply try to facilitate the ways and means to study these thoughts, and see their logic and credibility. If Muslims cared to give this vital points some attention, then a tremendous change in the lives of Muslims might be witnessed within a short time. 

This booklet is a small attempt to simplify this task for our young Muslim brothers. The esteemed author has kindly devoted valuable time to write this booklet. We aspire that it will fill part of the cultural vacuum existing throughout the world. 

Lessons from the NAHJUL-BALAGHAH



On the eve of 5th victorious anniversary of the glorious Islamic Revolution of Iran, and having gone through five years of struggles and achievements, we are witnessing great triumphs over all the colonizing plots of both eastern and western Superpowers and their mercenary agents, and are celebrating the Ten Days Dawn in a most splendid manner. The revolutionary Moslem people of Iran have triumphantly smashed down all the obstacles and bore all the problems imposed upon them by the criminal big powers which wanted to weaken and break down the Islamic Revolution. The revolutionary Islamic nation continues to resist like a firm mountain inspite of suffering the loss of so many martyrs in various scenes of combat imposed by stubborn murderous enemies of the Revolution. The committed Iranian people steadfastly follow their reviving Islamic way-the way which has now become a model for all Moslems and oppressed nations and have created an Era of Spirituality that has severely terrified the arrogant world powers. This year, just as the preceding years, the Council for Ten Days Dawn Celebrations, on this auspicious occasion and for the purpose of presenting a lucid portrait of the Islamic Revolution and its Islamic and political lines, offers a number of books and pamphlets in various languages to the dear readers. The present book-pamphlet is one of the said works and is offered to all whom it may interest and concern. We convey best wishes for the final victory of Islamic and Moslems in all arenas and forecast an ultimate defeat of the sinister international powers, while we pray for liberation of all oppressed and dominated peoples. 

A code of ethics for Muslim men and women


A code of ethics for Muslim men and women



According to the Fatawa (Verdicts) of Eight Marja’ Taqlid of the Shi’a World 

Title and author: A code of ethics for Muslim men and women: according to the fatawa of eight Marja Taqlid of the Shia world/ compiled by Masud Masumi

New analysis of Wahhabi doctrines



A text that examines fundamental Wahhabi beliefs in comparison to those of the Ahlus Sunnah and the Shi`ah. Topics discussed within include a summarized account of the life of Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, one of the prominent figures of this movement, and some of the major ideological issues in which Wahhabis deviate from mainstream Muslims (like Tawassul, Ziyarah, Ta'wil of the Qur'an, etc. ).


Chapter 2






This text, authored by Ayatullah Makarim Shirazi sheds light on the nature of the universal government that will exist with the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (AFS) at the end of time. His method of government, awaiting his reappearance and the way victory will be achieved by this great peacemaker is discussed and presented.








My book is a modest piece of work. It is a story of a journey... a story of a new discovery, not a technical or natural discovery, but one in the field of religious and philosophical schools. Since any discovery is based primarily on a healthy mind and clear comprehension, which distinguishes human beings from all other creatures, I would like to dedicate this book to every healthy mind. 

A mind which puts truth to the test and knows it from the wreck of wrong. A mind which weighs all that has been said in the scale of justice, and always comes out in favor of reason. 

A mind which compares words and sayings, and has the ability to distinguish between the logical and the not so logical, and between the strong and the feeble. Allah, the Most High, said: 

"Those who listen to the saying and follow the best of it, those are guided by and they are the 

mindful. " 

To all of those I dedicate this book, hoping that Allah, Praise be to Him the Most High, opens our minds before our eyes, to guide us, to enlighten our hearts, to show us clearly the right way so we follow it, and to show us clearly the wrong way so we avoid it, and accepts us with His good servants, for He listens and He answers. Muhammad al Tijani al Samawi 

The priciple of ijtihad in islam




Brief biography of Ayatullah Mutahhari, definition, types, permissibility and history of Ijtihad, Akhbarism, and Taqlid.

The ideal islamic goverment


The Ideal Islamic Government as Expounded by the Leader of the Faithful Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a. s. ) This text presents the ideal Islamic government in the eyes of Imam 'Ali ibn Abi Talib (a. s. ) through his letter to Malik Al Ashtar.

What do you know about islamic economic


A short text about the nature of the Islamic economic system, its distinction from Capitalism and Marxism, and the primary obstacles encountered in its application to society today.

The Prophet Of Islam

The Prophet Of Islam


The Perfect Role Model: A Look At The Ethical Conduct Of The Prophet Of Islam (Peace And Blessings Be Upon Him And His Family) This book introduces the Noble Prophet of Islam (s) as the role model for all of mankind and the best example for Muslims of all ages.