Sexual Problems of the Youth
Towards Awakening the Society
Parents are in a deep state of sleep, while the youth seem indifferent towards issues which will play a key part in their future destiny. It seems that the people, due to a feeling of fear, prefer to forget the issues which face them, rather than dealing with them head on. Perhaps the thought is that by waiting a problem out, the specific problem will disappear by itself. In the meantime, many generations of innocent youth are sacrificed at the altar of negligence, heedlessness, and ignorance, and ultimately, this has caused the society to become entirely corrupt and dysfunctional.
Khadija tul kubra
(The wife of the holy prophet of the islam)
Khadija, the first wife of Muhammed Mustafa, the Messenger of Allah, (may Allah bless him and his Ahlel-Bayt), and the first Believer, evokes a most extraordinary personality. She played a stellar role in the history of nascent Islam. She was, with Abu Talib, one of the two greatest benefactors of Islam and the Muslims. At a time when Islam was under unremitting predation pressure; and was, for three years, in a state of unrelenting siege, she bailed it out, by her incredible sacrifices. Her constancy, her tenacity, her vision, and her indomitable faith in Allah, and in the mission of Muhammed Mustafa - His Last and the Greatest Messenger - were the sine qua non as the underpinnings of Islam during the first ten years of its existence.
.Khadija tul kubra
(The wife of the holy prophet of the islam)
Sahife Sajjadiyyeh
When he (imam sajad)(A. S) began to supplicate, he would begin with…
When he (A. S) began to supplicate, he would begin with Praise And Laudation of Allah (Mighty and Majestic is He). he would say: Praise belongs to Allah, the First, without a first before Him, the Last, without a last behind Him. Beholders' eyes fell short of seeing Him, describers' imaginations are not able to depict Him. He originated the creatures through His power with an origination, He devised them in accordance with His will with a devising. Then He made them walk on the path of His desire, He sent them out on the way of His love. They cannot keep back from that to which He has sent them forward, nor can they go forward to that from which He has kept them back. He assigned from His provision to each of their spirits a nourishment known and apportioned. No decreaser decreases those whom He increases, no increaser increases those of them whom He decreases. Then for each spirit He strikes a fixed term in life, for each He sets up a determined end; he walks toward it through the days of his span, he overtakes it through the years of his time...
the eighth imamali ibn musa ar-reza bidden:
به گونه ای برای دنیا تلاش کن که گویی برای همیشه زنده ای و به گونه ای برای آخرت خود تلاش کن که انگار فردا خواهی مرد .
Work for the world as if you would be alive forever , and work for the Hereafter as if you would die tomorrow
Aphorisms of twelf imam
Alghayba-occultation chapter 1
And We desired to bestow a favor upon those who were deemed weak in the land, and to make them the Imams, and to make them the heirs (5) And to grant them power in the land. [The Holy Quran: The Narratives (Al-Qasas) 28: 5-6]
Amir al-muminin,the first imam bidden to kumeil ibn ziad :
"O ' Kumay! Thos who compile wealth are dead even though they may be living, while the sages (who are endowed with knowledge) will remain as long as the world remains. Their bodies perish, but their depiction will exist in hearts."
The Attraction And Repulsion Of Ali (A.S)
Mortaza Motah-hari
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If God is introduced to thy soul constantly gaze at Ali
By God I knew Him only through Ali.
It is difficult to talk of Ali-bin-Abi Talib, the legendary hero of Islamic and human history and the ideal personified, in fact he is manifestation of the Truth. The magnanimous and multidimensional personality of Ali is too immense to be comprehensively assimilated by one individual. Ali as an individual is no more but as a school he perpetuates. The school of Ali is the school of wisdom and thought and also the school of movement and revolution. It is the school of charm and beauty and of inspiration and activation. His personality, which is the fountainhead of his school, has two faculties and its impact on men is either attractive or repulsive, hence he attracts some of them to, and repels others from himself. The basic thought of this book is an analytical description of this phenomenon, and of the rule, which enjoins to discern the fact from fallacy.