Theocracy and themocracy
Theocracy and Democracy in Islam, includes discussion of Shura (Consensus)
Theocracy and themocracy
Theocracy and Democracy in Islam, includes discussion of Shura (Consensus)
The victory of truth the life of Zaynab bint ali
Biography of the daughter of Imam 'Ali (a) , her early life, and her important role in the events of Karbala, Kufa and Sham
What a muslim should know and believe
This text, although brief and simple, is a comprehensive and detailed exposition of the main articles of Faith and all the dos and don’ts of Islam. This booklet will serve as a guide to those parents whose children are reaching the age of maturity, as well as to those missionaries who bring someone into the fold of true Islam. It would show them the minimum that their wards should believe in and act upon the moment they become baligh or are converted.
Women in Islam Christianity Judaism Comparison
A comparision of the position of women in Islam, Christianity Judaism based on the Qur'an, Bible Talmud respectively.
by Mohammad Ali Shomali
The present work is a summarized version of Shi‘i Islam: Origins, Faith and Practices (2003, ICAS Press) by the same author. This shorter version aims to briefly address main issues related to Islam in general, and Shi‘i Islam in particular. These two works represent a modest attempt to fill some of the gaps that exist in the field of Islamic studies in general, and Shi‘i studies in particular. Though simply and clearly written, they are outcomes of more than twenty years of involvement in Islamic studies, and based to some extent on two series of lectures about Shi‘i Islam delivered to English-speaking audiences: a first set of some fifty lectures delivered at Jami‘at al-Zahra (a prominent Islamic seminary for women) in Qum, Iran in 1995 and 1996, and a second set of some thirty lectures delivered at the Manchester Islamic Institute and the Shi‘a Welfare Centre in Manchester, England in 1998 and 1999.