The Most Important Problem of the Islamic World
Selected Statements by Ayatollah Khamenei About Palestine
Palestine remains a burning issue for the Muslims of the world and from the beginning of the Islamic Revolution in Iran to the present time, the leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran has emphasized the centrality of the Palestinian issue for the Muslim world. Even prior to the Islamic Revolution, Palestine and the great injustice that was committed against the Palestinian people was a central theme in the revolutionary movement led by Imam Khomeini (r.a.). This tradition continues with the current Supreme Leadership of Iran, Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei who over the course of more than two decades has clearly explained and analyzed the issue of Palestine for the Islamic Ummah.
This book is a brief collection of some of Ayatollah Khamenei’s statements about Palestine.
Dr. Mohammad Hassan Ghadiri Abyaneh
Note: Referring to preponderant figures, such as Prophets or Imams (12 Descendents of the Prophet Muhammad who are
Shi‘ia Imams), or sacred women like Saint Mary or Fatima the
daughter of Prophet Mohammed is written the initial (P) after
the name. ―(P)‖ means ―Peace be upon him (or her, or them)‖.
When referring to the Prophet Muhammad, ―(PBD)‖ appears after the name to indicate ―God‘s Peace and Blessings Upon him and his Descendents‖.
Les Chiites et les sciences islamiques
Les Chiites
les sciences islamiques
Le grand Marja‘ Ayatollah as-Sayyed Ḥassan aṣ-Ṣadr L'auteur de «Ta’sîs ach-chi‘a li ‘ulûm al-islâm» Traduit par
La Fondation Amkanahullah
Dhul Qa‘ada Naṣrullah Amkanahullah
As-Sayyed Moncef Hamdi
Centre Mondiale d'Ahl-ul-Bayt (a.s.)
Prophethood and the Prophet of Islam
This book discusses about general prophethood and particularly to the prophethood of The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S) and the description of his proclamation as well as a sketch of his character and life history.
La Derniere Mission Divine
Cet ouvrage, riche et dense, se penche non seulement sur le Prophète (S) , sa naissance, sa Mission, sur les difficultés au sein de sa communauté, sur la période hégirienne, mais aussi sur le Coran, son miracle, son défit, la science qu’il contient, et son infinité conceptuelle, entre autres ; L’auteur termine sur l’annonce de la venue de Muhammad (S) par Jésus (as) et sur l’idée du sceau de la Prophétie
Islamic Political Theory
Volume 1
The first of two volumes of the renowned and comprehensive text on Islamic political theory by Ayatullah Misbah Yazdi, dealing with the importance of recognizing Islam as the basis of any just political theory, methods of implementing such a theory by the government, and comparing and contrasting this Islamic system with the system predominant in most Western ans secular nations.
Imam-e-zaman is the twelveth imam for
-Muslims and he was in absence from his child
Hidden Truths in God's Word some: new derivations from Qur'anic concepts
Some New Derivations from Qur’anic ConceptsIn this book, the author has discussed in detail some of the terms and verses of the Qur'an which he feels need to be analyzed deeply. He takes an unorthodox approach to understanding these terms and explains the reasons for his conclusions.